Annual Report 2003 - 2004 - Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Annual Report 2003 - 2004 - Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Annual Report 2003 - 2004 - Urdd Gobaith Cymru

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40025_Adolygiad_Saesneg_<strong>2003</strong>_4 12/10/04 1:42 pm Page 4A message from our President,Andrea Parry“The <strong>Urdd</strong> has played an all-important part in my life fromthe very beginning and I wouldn’t be a teacher today were itnot for the confidence I gained through the <strong>Urdd</strong>’s activities.Wales’ youth are extremely fortunate to be a part of such afar-reaching movement, thanks of course to the staff and tothe many instructors and leaders that give their time andexpertise to ensure that the younger generation are raisedwith the same experiences. By now, as I begin my last yearformally as a member of the <strong>Urdd</strong>, I know somehow that thelink won’t be broken and that the <strong>Urdd</strong> will continue to playan integral part of my life. The experiences, opportunities,values, and of course friends that I made through mybelonging to the movement will remain forever.”Andrea ParryPresident, <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong> <strong>2004</strong>URDD STAFF STRUCTUREChief ExecutiveEfa Gruffudd JonesLlangrannog Glan- Llyn CardiffDirector Director DirectorSteffan Jenkins Aled Sion Alun OwensDirectors of the RegionsDafydd Carrington / Dyfrig MorganEisteddfod and the ArtsDirectorSiân EirianDirector of Business and Personnel and Deputy Chief Executive:Mai Parry RobertsDirector of Development:Eurfyl LewisDirector of Communications:Siân Eleri Davies<strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong>’sInteresting Statistics■ Wales’ Premier Youth Movement■ Membership of 51,191■ 30% of all Welsh speakers aged between8 –18 in Wales■ 25% of all children aged 10 in Wales■ A leading provider of sports in Wales – 250,000sports sessions a year■ 96,000 Welsh language magazines sold annually■ 180 staff and a financial turnover of £5 million■ 10,000 volunteers in 1,300 branches■ Over a quarter of a million hits on our website<strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong> Officers <strong>2004</strong>President: ............................................................... Andrea ParryVice-presidents: ..................................................... Carol DaviesGavin AshcroftHonorary Presidents: .......................................... Prys EdwardsWynne Melville JonesBob RobertsChairperson: ..................................................... Rhiannon LewisVice-Chairperson: ........................................ Tudur Dylan JonesTreasurer: ............................................................... Geraint ReesSecretary: ............................................................... Eirith EvansRegional Chairpersons: ............................ Gwyn Morris (North)Kevin Davies (Mid Wales)Sara Gwilym (South)2

40025_Adolygiad_Saesneg_<strong>2003</strong>_4 12/10/04 1:42 pm Page 5RESIDENTIAL CENTRESGlan-llynIt has been another successfulyear for the Centre withaccommodation provided forover 12,500 people, over 31,000guests/night.The official opening of the newReception Centre was held. Thedevelopment includes a lecturetheatre, sleeping accommodationand new offices for Glan-llyn,along with offices for theEisteddfod, Finance andMeirionnydd Regionaldepartments. This new buildingand new resources havereceived a warm welcome fromboth customers and staff.We received good news aboutfuture developments regardingthe high ropes course in thewoodland and substantialimprovements to the lakesideslipway. All of this will becompleted during 2005.Landscaping around the areathat surrounds the Centre’s carpark and playing field has beencompleted.A bird watching hut has beenbuilt by the lake and a specialfootpath leading to it has beencreated for the less able.There was an increase onceagain in the numbers attendingthe Summer Courses.Lobbying has begun on thecreation of a foot and cycle pathbetween Glan-llyn andLlanuwchllyn in order to ensurethat youngsters are able to walkand cycle safely.To date, the Centre employsover 40 staff.LlangrannogThis year saw the completion of the extensivebuilding programme and the Centre now has anew image.The Centre has been transformed with the farmbuildings refurbished to create a HeritageCentre, which creates a great first impressionas visitors arrive.A new car park has been created which meansthat the Centre is a car free zone and a muchsafer environment for the children, creating afeeling of space and freedom.The new accommodation with 34 ‘en-suite’rooms with under floor heating has proved tobe a great success. This means that we cannow use our accommodation resources muchmore efficiently.The Leisure Centre and All Weather PlayingField have also proved to be a great success.It’s gratifying that we have such a high standardresource on offer, not only to the guests butalso to the local community. Alun Pugh AM,Minister for Culture, the Welsh Language andSport opened the sports facilities in July. ASports School was held during the summer –the first of many – with 170 children present.We look forward to working with the SportsCouncil and the National Assembly inencouraging more children to participate andget involved in sports, and we look forward tojoining the campaign to improve the standard ofhealth of the children and young people ofWales.I would like to thank everyone who has workedon this scheme.Amidst the hustle and bustle of preparing thenew buildings, we had another successful year,the best ever in terms of visitors, 18660residents (49890 residents a night).A number of new activities have beenintroduced during the year – go-karts, lacrosse,improvements to the orienteering course and ofcourse the leisure centre and all the sportsfacilities that come with it.We take great pride in the fact that the Centreprovides work for nearly 90 people, and with arecent investment of approximately £5.5 million,it proves that the <strong>Urdd</strong>’s roots are buried deepin rural Wales.Once again, thanks to everyone who supportsthe Centre all year.CaerdyddThe <strong>Urdd</strong> will open a new residential centre forthe first time in over fifty years on November 26th,<strong>2004</strong>. Gwersyll yr <strong>Urdd</strong> Caerdydd, <strong>Urdd</strong> CitySleepover forms a part of the exciting WalesMillennium Centre and will offer uniqueexperiences within the arts and give members ofthe <strong>Urdd</strong> an opportunity to visit all the attractionsof Wales’ capital.The Centre can accommodate 153 people to stayovernight in ‘en-suite’ rooms, and there will alsobe a hall/theatre a lounge, a refectory andclassrooms. The Centre was created with thesafety of children and young people as a priority.Specialist courses in the arts will be held in theCentre, but we will also be organizing visits to allkinds of attractions in Cardiff and the surroundingarea. There will be opportunities to visit theMillennium Stadium, the National Assembly,Techniquest, The Museum of Welsh Life at StFagan’s, The National Museum, the Big Pit,Castell Coch, Cardiff Castle and much more. Youcan also see a show, a football match, a cricket,rugby or ice hockey game and there will bespecial prices for those staying at the Centre whowish to see the latest films, go ten pin bowlingand use all the facilities at the Atlantic WharfLeisure Village.We can organize language or geography coursesin addition to cross-curricular experiences, andthe majority of the attractions in the area provideteaching resources that accompany the NationalCurriculum.Unlike the other <strong>Urdd</strong> Centres which offer greatrural and out door experiences to Wales’ youth,Gwersyll yr <strong>Urdd</strong> Caerdydd can provide urban andartistic experiences, adding to the exceptionalchoice that the <strong>Urdd</strong> has already on offer.ContactGlan-llyn CentreAled SiônDirectorTel: 01678 541 000E mail: glanllyn@urdd.orgLlangrannog CentreSteffan JenkinsDirectorTel: 01239 654473E mail: Llangrannog@urdd.orgCaerdydd <strong>Urdd</strong> CentreWales Millennium CentreAlun OwensDirectorTel: 029 20635678E mail: alun@urdd.orgWebsite: www.urdd.org3

40025_Adolygiad_Saesneg_<strong>2003</strong>_4 12/10/04 1:43 pm Page 6T H EN A T I O N A LTHE NATIONAL ACTIVITIES NETWORKT H E N A T I O N A L A C T I V I T I E S N E T W O R KLeisure, Educational and Arts ActivitiesIt was an exceptionally successful year for the Maes Department with continuationand development of our activities. During the year, the department wassubject to an independent inspection, commissioned by the Welsh LanguageBoard. Below is just a brief summary of the year that has gone by.■ Our membership increased by 400 to 51,191.■ 60 of the <strong>Urdd</strong>aholics members took part in the Millennium Volunteers scheme.■ Many of our older members had an opportunity to work on projects in India,Africa, China and Poland.■ Visits to Wales were arranged for young people from Poland and India and moreinformation can be found in the Global Citizenship Activities <strong>Report</strong>.■ Our Aelwydydd’s united choir was a sound foundation for the Bryn Terfel and the<strong>Urdd</strong> Concert at St. David’s Hall.■ We saw development and expansion in the community based soprts activitiesprovided by our sports officers. In addition to the full programme providedRegionally, the work of the Sports Officers has extended our provision substantiallyas can be seen in the Sports <strong>Report</strong>.■ Over twenty of Pembrokeshire’s Adrannau took advantage of a three-year plan tosupport and promote the <strong>Urdd</strong>’s activities with deprived young people. Thescheme was financed through the New Opportunities Fund.■ As in Cardiff the previous year, the Eisteddfod in Môn had been a motivation toform a new Aelwyd, Aelwyd yr Ynys.■ Through funding from Children in Need, an innovative scheme for the movementwas started in Gwynedd and Môn, working with small groups of young peoplewho are in danger of being excluded from school. This intensive work hasensured development for these young people and approved certificates wereawarded to them in the areas of Environmental Work and Sports.■ Educational visits were arranged for over 30,000 children and young people.■ The department arranged courses in our residential centres for 13,000 of ourmembers.■ 870 of our members attended residential opportunities courses abroad.Once again this year the movement collaboratedwith partners on the following projects.■ The Welsh Language Board’s S4C Pop Tour■ Miri Myrddin■ Parti Ponty■ Ffiesta Fflint■ Wales’ National Eisteddfod■ Sports Council for WalesThe InspectionDuring October and November the department’swork was inspected by five inspectors under GariLewis’ leadership. In March the results of theinspection were presented and approved by theWelsh Language Board. Our provision wasanalysed as being substantial and successful,giving value for money and making a key contributionto the lives of Wales’ children and young people,and promoting the use of Welsh amongst them.A number of recommendations are put forward inthe report and many of these have beenincorporated in our 2005-2008 Corporate Plan.A full copy of the inspection report can be seenon www.bwrdd-yr-iaith.org.ukContactDafydd CarringtonRegional DirectorTel: 01686 626521E mail: dafydd@urdd.orgDyfrig MorganRegional DirectorTel: 02920 635680E mail: dyfrig@urdd.orgWebsite: www.urdd.org4

40025_Adolygiad_Saesneg_<strong>2003</strong>_4 12/10/04 1:43 pm Page 7SPORTSS P O R T SGLOBAL CITIZENSHIPACTIVITIESC I T I Z E N S H I PSecondary Rugby - 135 teams came to compete in theCroeso CalcuttaNational Rugby Festival at Llanelli.Primary Rugby – for the first time two teams from eachcounty came to compete in the finals at Llanelli.National Secondary Netball Festival – 121 teams came tocompete at Cardiff.The usual <strong>Urdd</strong> Sports Festivals were held at Aberystwyth.Once again the National Swimming Galas in the south and thenorth were accepted as part of the Welsh Amateur SwimmingAssociation calendar.600 <strong>Urdd</strong>aholics and volunteers attended sports trainingcourses.We received a grant of £5,000 towards a golf scheme in theLlanelli area.34 volunteers attended a residential training course atGwersyll yr <strong>Urdd</strong> Llangrannog.170 attended the residential Sports School during the summerat Llangrannog. This is the first course of its kind that thedepartment has organised and it was a great success.The <strong>Urdd</strong> has been accepted as a ‘Standard AccreditedCentre’ to run courses for Sports Leaders in the Community.Eight of Calcutta’s young people were welcomed to Walesduring May <strong>2004</strong>. They visited a number of schools andAdrannau throughout Wales, along with participating in the<strong>Urdd</strong> Eisteddfod in Anglesey. Over 3,000 children and youngpeople took part in workshops which shared Wales andCalcutta’s culture through dance, and also discussedcurrent issues such as HIV/Aids.The Message of Peace and Good WillThis year the message was prepared by members of Aelwydyr Ynys from Anglesey and was presented from the stage ofthe <strong>Urdd</strong> Eisteddfod. It was a timely message urging peopleto support Fair Trade.Lle Chwech GwellIn conjunction with Dolen <strong>Cymru</strong> Lesotho,seven <strong>Urdd</strong>aholics from Ysgol y PreseliCrymych visited the small village ofRamachini in Lesotho during July. The aim ofthe visit was to build public toilets in thevillage, facilities which will improve thestandard of living and health. A warmwelcome was received in Ramachini and itproved a great opportunity to share the cultures of Wales andLesotho.The Poland ProjectThis is the <strong>Urdd</strong>aholics’ third visit to Poland to workin children’s homes. Excellent work was carried outin two children’s homes, refurbishing bedroomsand creating a fitness room.The <strong>Urdd</strong>’s Sunday ServiceThe <strong>Urdd</strong>’s Sunday Service <strong>2003</strong>, written by theReverend Jeff Williams of Christian Aid is availableon the <strong>Urdd</strong>’s website www.urdd.org5

40025_Adolygiad_Saesneg_<strong>2003</strong>_4 12/10/04 1:43 pm Page 8E I S T E D D F O DTHE EISTEDDFODA R TANDSTHE ARTSContactSiân EirianDirector of the Eisteddfod and the ArtsTel: 01970 613110E mail: Eisteddfod@urdd.orgWebsite: www.urdd.org6Tawe Nedd and Afan Eisteddfod <strong>2003</strong>The financial results of the Eisteddfod are contained in the body ofthis report. Our sincere thanks go to those volunteers whoworked tirelessly to ensure the Eisteddfod’s success.Ynys Môn Eisteddfod <strong>2004</strong>At the conclusion of this excellent festival, we can be proud thatthis Eisteddfod broke new ground in a number of ways. 107,000attended the festival and many more enjoyed the coverage onlive radio, live television, the internet as well as in the press. The“Eisteddfod experience” was transformed this year in a jointexperiment with Opus and S4C when a giant video wallcomprising 80 screens provided a backcloth in the pavilion. Thewall showed different images to complement the differing themesof each competition whilst enhancing the visual enjoyment for theaudiences in the pavilion and those watching at home.Another successful experiment was the introduction of thetepees. Here, story telling sessions, writing workshops,scriptwriting workshops, acoustic sessions and debates wereheld. This area was also the focus of the <strong>Urdd</strong>aholics activitiesthroughout the week. An entire area was put aside for numerousactivities involving young people. These included hairdressingdemonstrations, a skateboarding ramp sponsored by S4C,sporting activities of all kinds, a climbing wall and the “RockTent” jointly sponsored by the BBC and the Welsh LanguageBoard. These new ventures demonstrated a way forward inproviding a wide ranging, contemporary, cultural experienceproving attractive to Eistedddfod competitors and visitors alike.The excellent site on the island had glorious views of the majesticmountains of Eryri. The Eisteddfod was able to benefit from thefact that the Agricultural Society had adapted their multi-purposebuilding and it was here that the Pavilion was located. Specialstructures were erected to host all the preliminary competitionsand these provided the exhilarating experience of music, danceand recitation coming from all corners of the site throughout the week.A web-broadcast of the festival was available to all parts of the world.Isle of Anglesey/Ynys Môn County Council provided financialsupport and the friendly assistance of their Education, Leisureand Culture Department throughout.Gwyn Hughes Jones and Iwan Llywelyn Jones, two of the island’sclassical musical stars, provided masterclasses during thefestival. This was a unique opportunity for Welsh youngsters tolearn from those who have reached the top and to experienceworking with the best in the music profession.A total of £173,000 was raised in sponsorship.We can be proud of an economic benefit to the Eisteddfod area ofover six and a half million pounds.Teamwork makes the Eisteddfod possible and the co-operation ofa host of volunteers and agencies help create the yearly marvel ofour festival.2005 Eisteddfod -Wales Millennium CentreIn place of the traditional proclamation week, a most memorablecelebration concert was held in St David’s Hall, Cardiff in thecompany of Bryn Terfel and Aelwydydd yr <strong>Urdd</strong>. Past competitionwinners were invited to represent all those competitors who haveenriched the Eisteddfod over the years. It was an experience alsoto see the coming together of the Aelwyd choirs in a celebrationof their talent. The monies raised on the night will be used tosecure the future of the Bryn Terfel <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong>Scholarship. It is well known that the standards reached on theEisteddfod stage over the years has been as high as any achievedby any other nation in the world. In the 2005 Eisteddfod thelocation and the venue will also achieve this standard. In theMillennium Centre, we in Wales now have a building comparablewith the best in the world. This is what our young people deserveand this is what they have been given. Just as the <strong>Urdd</strong> sees it asa privilege to be a partner in the Millennium Centre, we see it as aprivilege also to welcome the very best of our youth to the Centre.It is certain that professional artists from all parts of the worldwill flock to this stage over the coming years. None however, willbe more important than those who will appear on the stageduring the 2005 <strong>Urdd</strong> Eisteddfod.During the concert the President of the <strong>Urdd</strong> was presented withthe 2005 syllabus.A special presentation of welcome was performed by members ofAelwyd CF1 and a welcoming verse was presented by Ceri WynJones, the Children’s Laureate, on stage at the YnysMôn/Anglesey Eisteddfod. This has provided a taste of theexcitement and enthusiasm which awaits us all in 2005.The Eisteddfod will be held in the Wales Millennium Centre andthe streets around the centre will be closed to traffic. Most of thepreliminary competitions will be held in the UCI cinemas.The 2005 <strong>Urdd</strong> Eisteddfod: 30 May - 4 June 2005The Bryn Terfel <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong>ScholarshipOnce again we had a veryspecial evening with thecompetitors for the Bryn Terfel<strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong>Scholarship at Theatr GwyneddBangor. This scholarship is nowwell established and we thankBryn Terfel for his support andconstant interest in the scholarship.The Eisteddfod Itinerary2006 – Denbighshire2007 – Carmarthenshire

40025_Adolygiad_Saesneg_<strong>2003</strong>_4 12/10/04 1:43 pm Page 9COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENTCommunicationsWe are happy to report that the <strong>Urdd</strong> membership has risen againthis year with 51,191 members compared to 50,781 last year.There was an increase of 28% in the membership of the<strong>Urdd</strong>aholics compared to last year with, for the first time since1999-2000, over three thousand members joining .The second in the series of Mistar <strong>Urdd</strong> badges was given tojunior members who joined before Christmas this year. Secondaryschool age members were presented wih a keyring and<strong>Urdd</strong>aholics received a special bonus pack.For the first time in the <strong>Urdd</strong>’s history, families with three ormore children were offered membership at a reduced rate. Thescheme was a great success with nearly 500 families and 1500children taking advantage of it. We will be developing this schemefurther this year to offer membership for £12 tofamilies with three or more children.The Leaders’ Booklet was revised and distributed tothe Adrannau, and is now available on our web site.The Welcome Pavilion at the <strong>Urdd</strong> NationalEisteddfod in Anglesey was packed all week, withbands, line dancing sessions, circus skills, facepainting and appearances from Mistar <strong>Urdd</strong> allreceiving a warm welcome.Once again this year the <strong>Urdd</strong> had a presence onthe Royal Welsh showground at Llanelwedd, withthe climbing wall at the Sports Council for Walessite, and the publicity caravan at the S4C site.The <strong>Urdd</strong> stall at the National Eisteddfod inNewport was busy throughout the week, withthe Prif.f@r - the non-alcoholic bar – proving tobe extremely successful. £500 was raisedtowards the <strong>Urdd</strong>aholics’ visit to a children’s home in Poland.The new website has been popular – this is definitely the place tosurf for the latest news from the regions and the <strong>Urdd</strong> in general.It now attracts over 250,000 visits a year.A number of press releases were issued during the year, raisingthe <strong>Urdd</strong>’s profile in the national press, and material wasprepared for the pressconferences during the <strong>Urdd</strong>National Eisteddfod inAnglesey.Magazines10 issues each of Bore Da, Cip and iaw! were published during theyear.Cip - gossip, articles, posters, competitions,puzzles and more for Welsh speakers under 12.Bore Da – a simple and lively magazine for Welshlearners in primary schools, suitable for Key Stage 1and 2 of the Second Language Curriculum.iaw! – a contemporary magazine for Welsh learnersof secondary school age which accompanies the multimediapack iaw! and is suitable for Key Stage 3 and 4 ofthe Second Language Curriculum.Teachers leaflets are prepared to accompany Bore Daand iaw! to promote their use in the classroom. TheBore Da leaflets are bilingual.Circulation of the primarymagazines increased during theyear. There was a slight reduction inthe circulation of iaw! – partly due to cut backsin the counties’ training budget.A series of articles were published in iaw! thataccompanied the new GCSE specifications, andthese articles received a warm welcome from thesecond language teachers.The Welsh Books Council funds Cip and we aregrateful to them for the small increase in that grantthis year. The Welsh Language Board funds thesecond language magazines, and the <strong>Urdd</strong>appreciates their support also, along with all theother companies that support the publications.We are very indebted to the Athrawon Bro teamsthroughout Wales and to the Welsh LanguageAdvisors in a number of counties for their ready support at all times.During the year we continued to visit schools and courses in theresidential centres and held writing squads to promote themagazines. The new marketing leaflet for Cip and Bore Da waswarmly received in the schools – it facilitates organizing thepupils’ orders and is welcomed by the teachers.Cip’s Letter Writing Competition was organized successfullyonce again, thanks to generous support from the Royal Mail andPlaned Plant.Wales’ Children’s Poet Laureate scheme had another successfulyear, and in addition to holding electronic workshops atLlangrannog, the <strong>Urdd</strong> contributed a weekend at Pentre Ifanwith Ceri Wyn Jones as a prize for a competition in 'Sbondonics'.The children from Ysgol Tyle’r Ynn had a memorable time there.Tudur Dylan Jones’ name was announced as Wales’ Children’sPoet Laureate <strong>2004</strong>-2005 from the stage of the National <strong>Urdd</strong>Eisteddfod at Anglesey in May.It was the magazines’ department that prepared the map for theNational <strong>Urdd</strong> Eisteddfod at Anglesey this year and it also helped withthe provision for the media during the festival.ContactSiân Eleri DaviesDirector of CommunicationsTel: 01970 613118E mail: sianeleri@urdd.orgWebsite: www.urdd.org7

40025_Adolygiad_Saesneg_<strong>2003</strong>_4 12/10/04 1:43 pm Page 10SPONSORSHIPThe <strong>Urdd</strong> proactively seeks financial support from avariety of sources to support its work. Without thissupport we would be unable to offer the range ofexperiences described in this review.The Welsh Language BoardFunding SourcesThe following grants were offered:........£520,000Wales Youth Agencyfor <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong> ......................................................£60,000Welsh Books Council .........................................£22,500for <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong>Sports Council for Wales: ................................£26,696to support the sports strategyWales Council for Voluntary Action: ..................£10,113for a volunteer training schemeCommunity Fund .................................................£27,190Objective 1 - ERDF (Eisteddfod)..........................£10,773Welsh Arts Council (Eisteddfod <strong>2003</strong>) ............... £48,000Llangrannog and Glan-llyn GrantsNational Welsh Assembly(through Welsh Language Board).................... £233,000Sports Council for Wales (Sportlot)................. £638,556Welsh Development Agency..............................£326,717Objective 1 - ERDF ..............................................£74,722Objective 1 – EAGGF......................................... £134,841Wales Tourist Board..........................................£317,268Ceredigion County Council - LRF.....................£185,563National Welsh Assembly - LRF........................£200,000SponsorsWe are grateful to the sponsors who contibuted £173,000 towards the<strong>Urdd</strong> National Eisteddfod in <strong>2004</strong>The Royal Mail sponsored the Letter Writing Competition in theMagazine Cip this year..Isle of Anglesey County CouncilTowards the costs of the <strong>2004</strong> Eisteddfod ............................£200,000In addition to substantial ‘in kind’ supportTrustsBBC Children in Need.......................................£78,813 (over 3 years)Lloyds TSB Trust ........................................................................£6,000Arts and Buisness ......................................................................£3,500The James Pantyfedwen Trust ..................................................£2,500Mary Homfray .............................................................................£2,000Dragons Rugby Trust .................................................................£1,500Golf Foundation .............................................................................£532Newport City Council, Welsh Church Fund .................................£500Michael Sorbell .............................................................................£500Wales Consumer Credit Association............................................£200Mr and Mrs JT Morgan Association ............................................£200Main BequestsSarah Winfred Williams, Y Rhondda..........................................£1,500Sir Goronwy Hopcyn Daniel, Llandaf.........................................£1,000Mary Jones Holland, Llanfairpwll ............................................ £1,000We are constantly looking for new sponsors who are able to supportus either in practical or financial terms. The benefits we are able tooffer include publicity at the <strong>Urdd</strong> National Eisteddfod and thebranding of a range of materials.Local AuthoritiesPowys................................................ £7,147Ceredigion....................................... £10,000Carmarthenshire............................ £16,500Pembrokeshire................................. £8,000Merthyr ............................................. £2,200Penybont ........................................... £1,000Rhondda Cynon Taf .......................... £5,000Mynwy ............................................... £5,000Torfaen.............................................. £5,500Caerphilly........................................ £10,000Môn ................................................. £16,420Gwynedd.......................................... £31,252Conwy.............................................. £16,074Wrexham........................................... £4,000Flintshire........................................... £3,000Various - Eisteddfod......................... £7,890Total: ..........................................£148,983Practical support is given by the LocalAuthorities of Denbighshire, Powys,Pembrokeshire and Cardiff through the provisionof offices for staff.ContactEurfyl LewisDirector of DevelopmentTel: 01267 676652E mail: eurfyl@urdd.orgWebsite: www.urdd.org8

40025_Adolygiad_Saesneg_<strong>2003</strong>_4 12/10/04 1:43 pm Page 11AUDITORS’ STATEMENT ON THE FINANCIAL SUMMARYAuditors’ Statement tothe <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong>DirectorateWe have examined the financialsummary on this page.Appropriate Responsibilities fordirectors and auditorsYou, the directors, are responsiblefor preparing the financial summary.We have agreed to express to you ouropinion on the consistency of thefinancial summary with the fullstatutory accounts, which weresigned on 11 October <strong>2004</strong>.The Basis of our OpinionWe have done the work which weconsider appropriate to establishwhether the financial summary isconsistent with the financialstatements when these wereprepared from them.Our OpinionIn our opinion the financial summaryis consistent with the full financialstatements for the year endingMarch 31 <strong>2004</strong>.Patterson, Jones & EvansRegistered Auditors, LampeterDirectors’ <strong>Report</strong>The acounts above are a summary of information abstractedfrom the full financial statements.The full financial statements were approved by the Board ofDirectors on 11 October <strong>2004</strong> and they have been sent toCompanies House and the Charities Commission. Theaccounts were audited by Patterson, Jones & Evans and weregiven an unconditional report.It is possible that the financial summary does not providesufficient information to give a full understanding of thecharity’s financial affairs. For futher information, therefore thefull statutory accounts, the Auditors’ report on those accountsand the Trustees <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> need to be consulted. Copiesof these can be obtained from the company.Signed on Behalf of the Board of DirectorsThe Treasurer’s <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2003</strong>/04On becoming an <strong>Urdd</strong> volunteer, one quickly appreciates thetotally dynamic nature of the movement. Of course, this is howit should be. The idea of a youth movement fossilizing is totallyunacceptable. There is no danger of this happening with the<strong>Urdd</strong>. As the provision grows, the financial side becomesincreasingly complex and innovative. This year, we saw years ofplanning towards expanding Llangrannog and Glan-llyn bearingfruit. Here are two developments offering key modernisation toboth centres, ensuring that we can offer a service that is worthyof the age we live in.By now, our sources of income are very diverse and substantial.We receive money through membership payments, grants fromthe Welsh Language Board, charity funds, Local Authorities, TheEuropean Community’s structure, corporate sponsorship andother sources. These various sources are familiar to organisationslike the <strong>Urdd</strong>, but one thing that makes the <strong>Urdd</strong> different is theamount of money being generated by the <strong>Urdd</strong>’s ownmechanism. We are on the verge of running three residentialcentres of considerable size - Llangrannog, Glan-llyn andimminently, Cardiff. We also hold Europe’s largest arts festivalfor young people – which creates a situation of substantialfinancial risk annually. However, with the support of Wales’schools and teachers, many volunteers, and the movement’sdedicated staff, these elements have succeeded to contributesubstantially to the movement’s work in recent years. Quite afew years have passed since we faced a deficit in an Eisteddfod,and in recent years, Llangrannog and Glan-llyn have contributedtowards improvements across the organisation – not to mentionthe improvements to the two centres.The <strong>2003</strong>/04 accounts show a deficit of £176,671 on ordinarytrading activities. This deficit was more than what we had hopedfor. Factors beyond our control are partly responsible for this –e.g. the government increased the level of National Insuranceand our corporate insurance premium increased considerablyas we saw a national increase in legal cases against voluntaryand statutory organisations. Secondly, we faced one-off costsrelating to preparing for the opening of the new look Glan-llynand Llangrannog. However, on a more positive note, we mustcongratulate those who have been working diligently inpreparing for the Tawe, Nedd and Afan National Eisteddfod.As this was the second Eisteddfod within 35 miles within a year,there was real concern about our ability to hold this Eisteddfod.With volunteers working together locally and the whole staff’swonderful contribution, the worries about making a loss wereturned into celebrating a respectable contribution to theorganisation’s core costs.Whatever our situation will be within twelve months, there is onething that we can be sure of. The movement will still worktowards financing creative and very diverse work with youngpeople in every part of Wales. Onwards!Geraint ReesTreasurerSeptember <strong>2004</strong>9

40025_Adolygiad_Saesneg_<strong>2003</strong>_4 12/10/04 1:43 pm Page 12<strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong> Company LimitedBalance Sheet 31 March <strong>2004</strong><strong>2004</strong> <strong>2003</strong>£ £FIXED ASSETS:Tangible Assets 8,701,850 4,820,089Investments 1,090,322 916,0409,792,172 5,736,129CURRENT ASSETS:Stock 49,848 23,180Debtors 866,327 636,402Cash at bankand in hand 663,649 347,0881,579,824 1,006,670CREDITORS:Amounts falling duewithin a year (2,176,139) (957,274)Net current liabilities (596,315) 49,396Total assets less currentliabilities 9,195,857 5,785,525CREDITORS:Amounts falling dueafter a year (1,532,769) (256,487)7,663,088 5,529,038RESERVES:Restricted Funds 4,569,115 2,484,008Income and expenditure 2,631,617 2,819,194Investment revaluationreserve 309,955 94,213Endowment funds 152,401 131,623TOTAL FUNDS 7,663,088 5,529,038ContactMai Parry Roberts:Director of Business and PersonnelTel: 01678 541010E mail: mai@urdd.orgWebsite: www.urdd.orgIncome:£1) Llangrannog and Pentre Ifan .............................................1,460,4002) Glan-llyn.................................................................................830,4283) Investments income ................................................................33,8934) Tawe, Nedd and Afan Eisteddfod <strong>2003</strong>(including relevant grants/sponsorship) ...........................1,229,3175) Magazines (including grants)............................................... 117,1606) Membership .......................................................................... 248,1697) Gifts and bequests.................................................................. 94,0578) Other...................................................................................... 199,5879) Sponsorship (excluding Eisteddfod sponsorship) ................. 17,52810) Other grants (including the Welsh Language Board) ......... 725,84311) Grants towards capital expenditure...................................2,120,968Total income for <strong>2003</strong>/<strong>2004</strong>: ............................................... 7,077,350Expenditure:£1) Llangrannog and Pentre Ifan .............................................. 1,205,8662) Glan-llyn.................................................................................. 796,8173) Regional Activity Network Development ........................... 1,054,6944) Isle of Angelsey Eisteddfod <strong>2004</strong>......................................... 1,196,1515) Magazines ............................................................................... 128,6526) Administration and management .......................................... 191,3157) Support costs and others ....................................................... 434,0998) Fund-raising and publicity costs.............................................. 33,7299) Depreciation.............................................................................. 96,290Total expenditure for <strong>2003</strong>/<strong>2004</strong>: ....................................... 5,137,613<strong>2004</strong> <strong>2003</strong>£ £In/ (out) net flow of resources for the year .................................................1,939,737 1,816,000Loss on sale of investments ............................................................................(30,705) (504)1,909,032 1,815,496Reduction/increase on revaluation of investments - unrealised................. 225,018 (258,504)Increase net in reserves .........................................................................2,134,050 1,556,992Reserves on 1 April <strong>2003</strong>..............................................................................5,529,038 3,972,046Reserves on 31 March <strong>2004</strong>....................................................................7,663,088 5,529,038Outcome for the year - <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong>The total income includes £4,725,273 of unrestricted funds, £2,345,187 of restricted funds and £6,890 of endowment funds. The net increase for the year after transfers betweenreserves is £23,057 including deficit of £145,100 on unrestricted funds, net increase of £2,085,107 on restricted funds and a net deficit of £270 on endowment reserves.411109 8 76 55 6 7 8 9311432210

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