Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer


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Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)Foreign Keys tabSpecifies one or more foreign keys for the table. A foreign key specifies a column("local column"), each of whose data values must match a value in the primary key orunique constraint of another table.Foreign Keys: Lists the foreign keys currently defined on the table. To add a foreignkey, click the Add button; to delete a foreign key, select it and click the Remove button.Note: After you add a foreign key, to add another foreign key, clickthe Add button.Name: Name of the foreign key definition. Must be unique within the database.Enabled: If this option is checked, the foreign key is enforced.Referenced Schema: Name of the schema containing the table with the primary key orunique constraint to which this foreign key refers.Referenced Table: Name of the table with the primary key or unique constraint towhich this foreign key refers.Referenced Constraint: Name of the primary key or unique constraint to which thisforeign key refers.Associations: Local Column: Lists the column in the currently selected (local) tablethat is included in the foreign key definition. For each local column in the foreign keydefinition, select the name of a column in the local table.Associations: Referenced Column on [table]: For each local column, identifies thecolumn in the other (foreign) table that must have a value matching the value in thelocal column.Check Constraints tabSpecifies one or more check constraints for the table. A check constraint specifies acondition that must be met when a row is inserted into the table or when an existingrow is modified.Check Constraints: Lists the check constraints currently defined on the table. To add acheck constraint, click the Add button; to delete a check constraint, select it and clickthe Remove button.Note: After you add a check constraint, to add another checkconstraint, click the Add button.Name: Name of the check constraint definition. Must be unique within the database.Enabled: If this option is checked, the check constraint is enforced.Condition: Condition that must be met for a row. Can be any valid WHERE clause(without the WHERE keyword) for a SELECT statement. For example, to indicate thatthe value in a numeric column named RATING must be from 1 to 10, you can specify:rating >=1 and rating

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