Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer


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<strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Developer</strong> Preferences1.10.3 Code EditorThe Code Editor pane contains general options that affect the appearance andbehavior of <strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Developer</strong> when you edit functions, procedures, and packages.Code Editor: BookmarksThe Bookmarks pane contains options that determine the persistence and searchbehavior for bookmarks that you create when using the code editor.Code Editor: Caret BehaviorThe Caret Behavior pane contains options that determine the shape, color, andblinking characteristics of the caret (cursor) in the code editorCode Editor: Code InsightThe Code Insight pane contains options for the logical completion (autocompleteoptions) of keywords and names while you are coding.Code Editor: Code Insight: CompletionThe Code Insight: Completion pane contains options for refining the behavior whenmatching items are found.Code Editor: DisplayThe Display pane contains general options for the appearance and behavior of thecode editor.Text Anti-Aliasing allows smooth-edged characters where possible.Code Folding Margin allows program blocks in procedures and functions to beexpanded and collapsed in the display.Visible Right Margin renders a right margin that you can set to control the length oflines of code.Automatic Brace Matching controls the highlighting of opening parentheses andbrackets and of blocks when a closing parenthesis or bracket is typed.Code Editor: Find OptionsThe Find Options pane determines which options are used by default at <strong>SQL</strong><strong>Developer</strong> startup for find or find and replace operations. You can choose whether touse the options in effect from the last <strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Developer</strong> session or to use specifiedoptions.Code Editor: FontsThe Fonts pane specifies text font options for the code editor.Display Only Fixed-Width Fonts: If this option is checked, the display of availablefont names is restricted to fonts where all characters have the same width.(Fixed-width fonts are contrasted with proportional-width fonts.)Code Editor: Line GutterThe Line Gutter pane specifies options for the line gutter (left margin of the codeeditor).Show Line Numbers: If this option is checked, lines are numbered.1-30 <strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Developer</strong> Online Help

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