Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer


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Entering and Modifying Data<strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Developer</strong> Concepts and Usage1.4 Entering and Modifying DataYou can use <strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Developer</strong> to enter data into tables and to edit and delete existingtable data. To do any of these operations, select the table in the Connections navigator,then click the Data tab in the table detail display. The following figure shows the Datapane for a table named BOOKS, with a filter applied to show only books whose ratingis 10.Icons and other controls under the Data tab provide the following options:■■■■■■■Freeze View (the pin) keeps that object’s tab and information in the window whenyou click another object in the Connections navigator; a separate tab and displayare created for that other object. If you click the pin again, the object’s display isavailable for reuse.Insert Row adds an empty row after the selected row, for you to enter new data.Delete Selected Row(s) marks the selected rows for deletion. The actual deletiondoes not occur until you commit changes.Commit Changes ends the current transaction and makes permanent all changesperformed in the transaction.Rollback Changes undoes any work done in the current transaction.Sort displays a dialog box for selecting columns to sort by. For each column, youcan specify ascending or descending order, and you can specify that null values bedisplayed first.Filter enables you to enter a <strong>SQL</strong> predicate (WHERE clause text without theWHERE keyword) for limiting the display of data. For example, to show onlyrows where the RATING column value is equal to 10, specify: rating = 10■ Refresh (to the right of the icons shown in the preceding figure) queries thedatabase to update the data display. If a filter is specified, the refresh operationuses the filter.In the Data pane for a table or view, you can split the display vertically or horizontallyto see two (or more) parts independently by using the split box (thin blue rectangle),located to the right of the bottom scroll bar and above the right scroll bar.In the Data pane, the acceptable format or formats for entering dates may be differentfrom the date format required by <strong>SQL</strong>*Plus.Related Topics<strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Developer</strong> User Interface<strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Developer</strong> Concepts and Usage<strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Developer</strong> Concepts and Usage 1-13

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