Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer


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Utilizing the Main Features of PL/<strong>SQL</strong>inside a subprogram. Any update to the value of the parameter inside the subprogramis not accessible outside the subprogram.Example 7–21Declaring a Function With IN ParametersDECLARE -- declare variables and subprogramsfname VARCHAR2(20) := 'randall';lname VARCHAR2(25) := 'dexter';FUNCTION upper_name ( v1 IN VARCHAR2, v2 IN VARCHAR2)RETURN VARCHAR2 ASv3 VARCHAR2(45); -- this variable is local to the functionBEGIN-- build a string that will be returned as the function valuev3 := v1 || ' + ' || v2 || ' = ' || UPPER(v1) || ' ' || UPPER(v2);RETURN v3; -- return the value of v3END;BEGIN-- call the function and display resultsDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(upper_name (fname, lname));END;/In Example 7–22, both a variable and a numeric literal are passed as a parameter to amore complex procedure.Example 7–22 Declaring a Complex Procedure in a PL/<strong>SQL</strong> BlockDECLARE -- declare variables and subprogramsempid NUMBER;PROCEDURE avg_min_max_sal (empid IN NUMBER) ISjobid VARCHAR2(10);avg_sal NUMBER;min_sal NUMBER;max_sal NUMBER;BEGIN-- determine the job Id for the employeeSELECT job_id INTO jobid FROM employees WHERE employee_id = empid;-- calculate the average, minimum, and maximum salaries for that job IdSELECT AVG(salary), MIN(salary), MAX(salary) INTO avg_sal, min_sal, max_salFROM employees WHERE job_id = jobid;-- display dataDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee Id: ' || empid || ' Job Id: ' || jobid);DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('The average salary for job Id: ' || jobid|| ' is ' || TO_CHAR(avg_sal));DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('The minimum salary for job Id: ' || jobid|| ' is ' || TO_CHAR(min_sal));DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('The maximum salary for job Id: ' || jobid|| ' is ' || TO_CHAR(max_sal));END avg_min_max_sal;BEGIN-- call the procedure with several employee Idsempid := 125;avg_min_max_sal(empid);avg_min_max_sal(112);END;/Subprograms can also be declared in packages. You can create subprograms that arestored in the database. These subprograms can be called from other subprograms,packages, and <strong>SQL</strong> statements. See Subprograms and Packages: Usage Information.7-16 <strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Developer</strong> Online Help

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