Academic Plan 2011-2015 (PDF 524kB) - SUNY Empire State College

Academic Plan 2011-2015 (PDF 524kB) - SUNY Empire State College

Academic Plan 2011-2015 (PDF 524kB) - SUNY Empire State College


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<strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Empire</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>: <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2011</strong> - <strong>2015</strong> 49• attracting students from diverse geographical settings and, therefore, helping to reducecultural barriers and build a climate of understanding and cooperation• educating students in areas of relevance to <strong>SUNY</strong> initiatives, such as how to achieveorganizational efficiencies• preparing students to think and act innovatively to improve their organizations andtheir communities and to undertake entrepreneurial initiatives• assisting the college in achieving its goal of becoming an “open university” by enablingstudents of diverse backgrounds and locations to participate and by offering multipledegree and study optionsPrograms and InitiativesA range of initiatives are in various stages of proposal and development. These reflect emphases acrossa continuum of global/international business to domestic/local, as wellas a growing range of degree options.• Assessment of the major in BME is in progress.• The MBA program is scheduled for an accreditation review by the International Assembly forCollegiate Business Education (IACBE).• An MBA in Global Leadership is in advanced approval stages at the college.• Advanced graduate certificates in health care management, project management, humanresources management, and nonprofit management were implemented in the Fall 2010semester. Additional certificates are in various stages of conceptual and programmaticdevelopment: leadership and crisis management, financial management and analysis,information technology management, global brand marketing, information system security,and technology transfer.• The concept for a doctorate in management (DM), a joint program with <strong>SUNY</strong>IT, hasbeen developed.• The reactivation of the M.A. in Business Policy Studies is under review.• An MBA in Health care Leadership is in proposal development.• Additional initiatives with longer-term concept development and program implementationtimeframes, e.g., an MBA for J.D.s, point to a continued effort to maintain the robustnature of business offerings at the college.The growth of the business curriculum at the college represents an exciting and opportune trend forthe college. Discussion among faculty and administration is vibrant, with respect to considering ways ofengaging in partnerships to develop programs that support a comprehensive range of business activity,from entrepreneurial and small business development to multinational organization leadership andmanagement. Partnerships with chambers of commerce and organizations such as the Small BusinessAdministration create opportunities to support students interested in advancing entrepreneurialinterests and small business development. To serve the needs of students who face the challengesassociated with an increasingly complex and global business environment, the college is exploring andevaluating partnerships with other degree-granting institutions – both domestic and international –which offer complementary educational opportunities, as well as dual diploma and exchange programswith offshore universities.

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