Academic Plan 2011-2015 (PDF 524kB) - SUNY Empire State College

Academic Plan 2011-2015 (PDF 524kB) - SUNY Empire State College

Academic Plan 2011-2015 (PDF 524kB) - SUNY Empire State College


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<strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Empire</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>: <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2011</strong> - <strong>2015</strong> 19media and the arts, and how changes in media and the arts create new forms of communicationprocesses between individuals, groups and societies. Students who pursue this theme might, by wayof example, study such problems as the ways in which globalization has had an impact on ethnic andcultural minorities; how the media communicates the challenges posed by globalization; and what theinfluence of cultural products from the first world is on the third world. Development of this themewould allow students to strengthen their employment potential by providing them with learningopportunities and skill acquisition experiences which support professional development in fields such asmedia production, journalism, public relations and advertising, broadcast media, digital media, graphicdesign and digital performance.Business in the 21st CenturyBusiness in the 21st Century reaffirms the college’s commitment to prepare students for professionalcapacities of leadership, management and relevant support roles in a wide assortment of industriesand organizations in an increasingly global environment. Business continues to be a vital academicarea at the college, and a broad array of concentrations is represented in undergraduate and graduateofferings. As such, students have the opportunity to learn and strengthen competencies for theirdevelopment across an expansive landscape of business professions. These include, but are not limitedto, accounting, business administration, business policy, economics, health care management, humanresources management, employee relations, international business, labor studies, management,nonprofit administration, operations management, marketing, social policy, supply chain managementand telecommunications. The breadth of concentrations, coupled with the varied degree options forstudents interested in studying business, attest to the college’s capacity for preparing students to enteror advance in diverse areas in the world of business.Initiatives in Health CareInitiatives in Health Care refers to the collection of the college’s programs, courses and othereducational services – both current and proposed – designed to prepare students for careers and/orprofessional development in various segments of the health care industry. Multiple career tracks arerepresented by the college’s programs which span clinical, administrative/management, health science,policy development and public health directions. Given the comprehensiveness of the college’s healthcare education initiatives, students at <strong>Empire</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> are prepared to contribute to this vast andexpanding industry in diverse and important ways.Technology, Information and SocietyA critical area of study in today’s ever-growing world, Technology, Information and Society supportsthe college’s obligation to be innovative and on the cutting edge of technological change. Thisacademic theme encompasses the technological, as well as social, cultural, historic and economiccontexts of computing and information. Concentrations include computer science, informationsystems, information technology, informatics and information science, but also can include moreindividualized and creative concentrations such as human-computer interaction and the informationsociety. This theme also would address relationships between relevant technological change andsociety, such as those associated with the explosive Internet-driven availability of information intoday’s world.

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