Academic Plan 2011-2015 (PDF 524kB) - SUNY Empire State College

Academic Plan 2011-2015 (PDF 524kB) - SUNY Empire State College

Academic Plan 2011-2015 (PDF 524kB) - SUNY Empire State College


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18 <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Empire</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>: <strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2011</strong> - <strong>2015</strong>Initiatives in Human ServicesInitiatives in Human Services continues the college’s dedication to promote and sustain safe andhealthy environments, enhance and support the physical, social and emotional well-being ofindividuals and families, promote an understanding and appreciation for diversity, and advanceissues of social justice and equality. Initiatives in Human Services prepares students for a wide rangeof careers at the professional and paraprofessional levels within private and public sectors, includingfields of practice such as community service, criminal justice, mental health, addictions, emergencyand disaster management, health, disabilities and educational services. These fields impact everyage and developmental stage, from pre-natal to the elderly. Depending on particular interests andgoals, students are prepared to engage in professional roles, including direct practice, administration/management, program/organizational development, community development, social action, advocacyand/or policy development.GlobalizationA leading commitment of the college is to foster critical reflective inquiry that encourages activeengagement in the local and the global community. The Globalization refers to academic endeavorswhich encourage the participation in and contributions of students and faculty to a global civilsociety and to a global economy, to impact positive social change. This thematic thread movesthroughout the college, from increasing global awareness in individual studies, through concentrationand programmatic directions, and through specialized residencies, international travel, specializedinternational programs and international faculty collaboration. Globalization could have several keydimensions: globalization and faculty/professional interests; globalization and our academic programs;globalization and our student population; and globalization and a connected community. Globalizationinvolves a collegewide commitment to treat global issues with balance and sensitivity.Environmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Sustainability is the study of one or a combination of the many factors contributingto environmental deterioration or to environmental improvement. This theme fits with the college’smission, whether as a focus for a student-designed concentration or as a topic of study whichstrengthens such a concentration. Environmental Sustainability includes a vast range of critical issues,from energy policy to food consumption, recycling to transportation, individual choices to the globaleconomy, and, as such, possibilities for academic studies are myriad. For example, degree programs inscience, mathematics and technology might include a study of global climate change, demonstratingthe broader context in which science and technology operate. Additionally, related policy studies canplay a significant role in political science, public policy, science and business programs. Environmentalsustainability is already an important component of many degree programs in business and laborstudies, and is recognized increasingly as a necessary component of strategic planning, economicanalysis and product development. Also, environmental justice is one of several avenues through whichhuman services programs examine this theme.Communication, Media and The ArtsCommunication, Media and The Arts draws largely on the liberal arts, fine arts and humanitiestraditions of the college. It explores the role of the arts and media in helping human beings understandand communicate their life experiences. Encompassing other areas as well – including the human andnatural sciences and business – this theme allows students to explore how human beings experience

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