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THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESEurope & OverseasPublic AuctionAsta Pubblica24 October 2012 in Lugano and on24 ottobre 2012, a Lugano e inSale LocationVenditaThe auctions will be held at the:L’asta avrà luogo presso:HOTEL LUGANO DANTEPiazza Cioccaro,Lugano (Switzerland)Your team for this saleIl vostro team per quest’AstaFOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THE SALE LOTSPER DOMANDE SUI LOTTIFernando Martínezfmartínez@spink.comFOR YOUR BIDSPER LE VOSTRE OFFERTEMaría Martínezmmartínez@spink.comFOR YOUR INTERNET BIDDINGPER LE VOSTRE OFFERTE IN INTERNETAttila Gyanyiagyanyi@spink.comAuction ProgramCalendario d’Asta- Wednesday/mercoledì 24 October 2012 15:00 Lots 1000-1581Viewing of LotsVisione lotti- Tuesday/martedì 23 October 2012 09:00 - 19:00- Wednesday/mercoledì 24 October 2012 09:00 - 15:00The viewing of lots will be held at the Hotel Lugano Dante, PiazzaCioccaro, Lugano.Viewing in our offices is possible by appointment only, from16th to 22nd of October.La visione dei lotti avrà luogo presso l’Hotel Lugano Dante, PiazzaCioccaro, Lugano.La visione presso i nostri uffici è possibile unicamente previoappuntamento dal 16 al 22 ottobre.<strong>Spink</strong> is pleased to continue to offer <strong>Spink</strong> Live, the internet biddingservice which has revolutionized the way in which our clients bid atauction. To get started, feel free to contact us today for personal assistance.Attila Gyanyi is available by:e-mail: agyanyi@spink.com or tel: +44 (0)20 7563 4090<strong>Spink</strong> è lieta di continuare ad offrire <strong>Spink</strong> Live, il servizio di offertaattraverso internet che ha rivoluzionato il modo in cui i nostri clientipartecipano all’asta. Non esitate a contattarci oggi per essere assistitipersonalmente. Attila Gyanyi è disponibile via:e-mail: agyanyi@spink.com o al telef:+44 (0) 20 7563 4090FOR YOUR PHONE BIDDINGPER IL PHONE BIDDINGCristina Dugonicdugoni@spink.comFOR YOUR PAYMENTPER I VOSTRI PAGAMENTIGiacomo Canzigcanzi@spink.comFOR YOUR VAT ENQUIRIESPER INFORMAZIONI SULL’IVAMarco Fiorimfiori@spink.comTo purchase a catalogue:email: switzerland@spink.comtel: +41 (0)91 911 62 00 fax: +41 (0)91 922 2052For more information about <strong>Spink</strong> services, forthcomingsales and sales results visit the <strong>Spink</strong> websitewww. spink.comPer acquistare i nostri cataloghi si prega di contattarcivia:e-mail a : switzerland@spink.comtelef.: +41 (0) 91 911 62 00 fax: +41 (0)91 922 2052Per ulteriori informazioni sui nostri servizi <strong>Spink</strong>,prossime aste e sui risultati di vendita visitate il nostrosito www.spink.com

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GENERAL INFORMATION – INFORMAZIONI GENERALINotes Concerning Descriptions - Nota concernente le descrizioniCOVERS: should be expected to have minor nicks and tears usually from opening. Folded letters or covers normally have one or twofile folds. These are not described unless of an exceptional nature and are not grounds for return.LETTERE: alcune lettere possono presentare leggere intaccature e strappi dovuti all’apertura delle medesime da parte del destinatariodell’epoca. Lettere piegate o buste presentano normalmente una o più pieghe d’archivio che normalmente non sono descritte se non dicarattere eccezionale. La presenza di questi difetti non dà diritto al ritorno dei lotti.Symbols - Legenda()r*(*)Never hinged/Nuovo senza linguella (gomma integra))Mint/Nuovo con linguellaUnused without gum/Nuovo senza gommaUsed/UsatoOn piece/FrammentoCover/LetteraCover front/FrontespizioNotice: the price indicated beside each lot is the Starting price expressed in €. Any offer below this price will not be considered.Avvertenze: il prezzo indicato a lato di ciascun lotto è il Prezzo Base espresso in €. Non vengono accettate offerte al di sottodi questo prezzo.Invoicing and shipping: please refer to the notes at the end of the catalogue.Fatturazione e spedizione: consultare le avvertenze pubblicate in fondo al catalogo.Unsold lots: any unsold lots can be purchased at the starting price plus 20% (exclusive of buyers commission which will also be added).Lotti invenduti: gli eventuali lotti invenduti potranno essere acquistati al prezzo base maggiorato del 20% (oltre commissioni).Buyers are reminded that payment must be made within seven days from the date of sale (condition 5.3.1),and interest penalty will be added for overdue accounts (condition Please note charges for credit card payments (condition5.3.3(iii)).Si ricorda che il pagamento della fattura va effettuato entro sette giorni dalla data dell’asta ( art. 5.3.1) e che interessi e penalità sarannoaddebitati in caso di ritardo (art. E’ previsto l’addebito di una commissione in caso di pagamenti con carta di credito(art. 5.3.3 (iii)).Your team in SwitzerlandStamps Specialists - FilateliciGuido CraveriFernando Martínez - fmartinez@spink.comAdministration - AmministrazioneMarco Fiori - mfiori@spink.comGiacomo Canzi - gcanzi@spink.comCristina Dugoni - cdugoni@spink.comGraphic design and Advertising - Grafica e PubblicitàMaría Martínez - mmartinez@spink.comMaurizio Schenini - mschenini@spink.com3

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Please be aware that we usually requirebuyers to undergo a credit check.Some lots may be designated, prior to the auction, as “Premium Lots”,which means a deposit may be required before placing a bid on the item forsale. Information will be posted on our website in such an event.4.3 Bidding as PrincipalWhen making a bid (whether such bids are made in person or by way oftelephone bids operated by <strong>Spink</strong>, commission or online or email bids),you will be deemed to be acting as principal and will be accepting personalliability, unless it has been agreed in writing, at the time of registration, thatyou are acting as agent on behalf of a third party buyer acceptable to us.4.4 Commission BidsIf you give us instructions to bid on your behalf, by using the form providedin our catalogues or via our website, we shall use reasonable endeavoursto do so, provided these instructions are received not later than 24hours before the auction. 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The currency converteris not always reliable, and errors may occur beyond our control either inthe accuracy of the Lot number displayed on the converter, or the foreigncurrency equivalent of bids made in the official currency of the auction. Weshall not be liable to you for any loss suffered as a result of you followingthe currency converter.4.8 Video imagesAt some auctions there will be a video screen. Mistakes may occur in itsoperation, and we cannot be liable to you regarding either the correspondenceof the image to the Lot being sold or the quality of the image as areproduction of the original.4.9 Bidding IncrementsBidding opens at the starting price, in absence of higher commission bids,and advances in the following order although the auctioneer may vary thebidding increments during the course of the auction. The normal biddingincrements are:50 to 100 by 10100 to 500 by 20500 to 1,000 by 501,000 to 2,000 by 1002,000 to 5,000 by 2005,000 to 10,000 by 50010,000 to 20,000 by 1,00020,000 to 50,000 by 2,00050,000 to 100,000 by 5,000100,000 to 200,000 by 10,000200,000 to 500,000 by 20,0004.10 Bidding by <strong>Spink</strong>.4.10.1 The <strong>Spink</strong> Group reserves the right to bid on and purchase Lotsas principal.4.11 The Auctioneer’s DiscretionThe auctioneer has the right at his absolute discretion to refuse any bid,to advance the bidding in such manner as he may decide, to withdraw ordivide any Lot, to combine any two or more Lots and, in the case of erroror dispute, to put an item up for bidding again.4.12 Successful BidSubject to the auctioneer’s discretion, the striking of his hammer marksthe acceptance of the highest bid, and the conclusion of a contract for salebetween you and the Seller.4.13 After Sale ArrangementsIf you enter into any private sale agreements for any Lot with the Sellerwithin 60 days of the auction, we, as exclusive agents of the Seller reservethe right to charge you the applicable Buyer’s Premium in accordance withthese Terms and Conditions, and the Seller a commission in accordancewith the terms of the Seller’s agreement4.14 Return of LotIn the event that you have received a Lot and wish to return the Lot youmust notify us in writing within 7 days of receipt of the Lot, stating thereason for the return. 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CONDIZIONI GENERALI DI VENDITALe presenti condizioni di vendita stabiliscono i termini che regolano i rapporti tra noi (<strong>Spink</strong> Switzerland SA, Via Motta 44, 6900 Lugano-Svizzera) eVoi (l’Acquirente), sia che agiamo per conto del Venditore o, in proprio, in quanto noi stessi Venditori. Vi preghiamo di leggere attentamente le presenticondizioni di vendita.1 DEFINIZIONILe seguenti definizioni sono richiamate nelle presenti condizioni di vendita.Commissione di acquisto:Certificato di autenticità:Comitato di esperti:Falso:Prezzo di aggiudicazione:Lotto:Venditore:Gruppo <strong>Spink</strong>:IVA:3.4.6 Va considerato che ogni francobollo accompagnato da un Certificatodi Autenticità è venduto sulla base solamente di detto certificato enon sulla base di qualsiasi altra descrizione o garanzia relativa all’autentièla commissione da Voi dovuta in percentuale del prezzo di aggiudicazione nella misura stabilita al successivo articolo 5.1;è il certificato emesso da un comitato di esperti che conferma l’autenticità di un lotto;è il comitato di esperti a cui un Lotto puo’ essere inviato a seguito di una richiesta di “extension” secondo quanto previstoall’articolo 3.4.3;è un Lotto rappresentato da un’imitazione originariamente concepita ed eseguita nel complesso con l’intento fraudolento diingannare in relazione all’autore, origine, età, periodo cultura o sorgente, la cui corretta descrizione in relazione a cio’ nonè rappresentata dalla descrizione del catalogo e che alla data dell’asta aveva un valore sostanzialmente inferiore a quello cheavrebbe dovuto avere secondo la descrizione riportata nel catalogo. Di conseguenza nessun Lotto puo’ essere consideratoun Falso in conseguenza di qualsiasi danno e/o restauro di ogni tipo;è l’importo corrispondente all’offerta piu’ alta accettata dal banditore in relazione ad un Lotto;è qualsiasi pezzo da noi posto in vendita in asta e, in particolare, il pezzo o l’insieme di pezzi descritti nel catalogo a cui fariferimento un numero di lotto nel catalogo medesimo;è il proprietario del Lotto da noi posto in vendita;è costituito da <strong>Spink</strong> and Son Limited, dalle nostre filiali e società consociate;è l’Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto.2 RUOLO DI SPINK COME AGENTE2.1 In tutte le vendite da noi condotte sia attraverso asta che a trattativaprivata, noi agiamo come agenti per conto del Venditore o, a volte, comeconferenti in proprio se siamo proprietari del Lotto. Sia che agiamo comeagenti per conto del Venditore che come conferenti in proprio, possiamoavere un interesse finanziario nel Lotto.2.2 Il contratto relativo alla vendita del Lotto sarà tra Voi ed il Venditore.3 PRIMA DELL’ASTA3.1 Esame dei beniVi preghiamo di esaminare personalmente tutti i beni a cui è interessato,prima che l’asta abbia luogo. Reports sullo stato del pezzo sono generalmentedisponibili su richiesta. Noi non forniamo alcuna garanzia se non inrelazione a Falsi cosi’ come stabilito all’articolo 5.10 di queste Condizionigenerali di vendita.3.2 Descrizioni del catalogo3.2.1 Le affermazioni da noi riportate nel catalogo o nei nostri reports,o fatte verbalmente o per iscritto in altri contesti, riguardanti l’autore,l’origine, la data, l’età, dimensione, materiale, attribuzione, genuinità,provenienza, condizione o prezzo di vendita stimato di ogni Lotto, sonomeramente affermazioni di opinione sulle quali non deve essere fatto affidamentocome affermazioni derivanti da fatti certi e definitivi. Le illustrazionidel catalogo fungono solo da guida e su di esse non si dovrebbe fareaffidamento per determinare la tonalità od il colore di ogni Lotto o perrilevare imperfezioni. Con riferimento alla stima del prezzo di vendita, nonsi dovrebbe fare affidamento su di essa in quanto affermazione che questoprezzo sarà quello a cui il Lotto sarà venduto o che questo sia il suo effettivovalore per ogni altro scopo.3.2.2 Molti pezzi sono di un’età o natura tali da pregiudicare che possanoessere in perfette condizioni e alcune descrizioni nel catalogo o forniteattraverso i nostri reports, indicano la presenza di danni e/o restauri. Noiforniamo queste informazioni solo come indicazione e la loro assenza nonimplica che un pezzo sia esente da difetti o restauri, né l’indicazione diparticolari difetti implica l’assenza di taluni altri.3.2.3 A parte quanto previsto all’articolo 5.10, ed in assenza di frode,né il Venditore, né noi, né alcuno dei nostri impiegati od agenti sonoresponsabili della correttezza di qualsiasi dichiarazione relativa all’autore,origine, data, età, attribuzione, genuinità o provenienza di ogni Lotto, néper qualsiasi altro errore di descrizione o per qualsiasi errore o difetto presentein qualsiasi Lotto.3.3 Vostra responsabilitàE’ vostra responsabilità ritenervi soddisfatti in merito alle condizioni deibeni ed agli argomenti di cui alle descrizioni nel catalogo.3.4 Extensions3.4.1 Se desiderate ottenere un parere peritale od un Certificato diAutenticità di qualsiasi lotto (a parte Lotti misti o Lotti contenenti francobollinon descritti), dovete richiederlo per iscritto non piu’ tardi di quarantottoore prima dell’orario fissato per l’inizio della prima sessione d’asta.Se dai noi accettata, tale richiesta avrà lo stesso effetto di formale notificadell’intenzione di mettere in discussione la genuinità o la descrizione delLotto per gli scopi previsti dall’articolo 5.10 (Rimborso in caso di Falso)delle presenti Condizioni generali di vendita e di conseguenza le previsionidell’articolo 5.10 troveranno applicazione.3.4.2 La notifica di richiesta di un parere peritale o di un Certificatodi Autenticità deve contenere il motivo di tale richiesta e specificare l’indicazionedel perito da Voi proposto che sarà soggetto al nostro accordo. Ciriserviamo il diritto, a nostra discrezione, di rifiutare la richiesta di parereperitale o di Certificato di Autenticità, incluso (senza limitazione) il caso incui l’esperto proposto non sia da noi conosciuto.3.4.3 Se accettiamo la richiesta di parere peritale o di Certificato diAutenticità, sottoporremo il Lotto al Comitato di esperti. Voi riconosceteed accettate che il tempo necessario al Comitato di esperti per emettere unparere, varierà in dipendenza delle specifiche corcostanze ed in ogni casosarà fuori dal nostro controllo.3.4.4 Normalmente non accettiamo richieste di extension sulle condizionidel Lotto. Ogni Lotto descritto nel catalogo come avente errori odifetti, non puo’ essere ritornato anche se un parere peritale od un Certificatodi Autenticità indichi la presenza di altri errori o difetti non inclusinella descrizione del catalogo, a parte il caso di Falso.3.4.5 Se <strong>Spink</strong> dovesse accettare la richiesta di extension sulla basedelle precedenti previsioni di questo paragrafo, questo fatto potrà esseredichiarato dal Banditore durante l’asta prima della vendita del Lotto.WWW.SPINK.COM

cità. Non saranno accettate richieste di extension su tale francobollo ed ilreso del medesimo non sarà accettato.3.4.7 Se il parere peritale o del Certificato di Autenticità dovesserodimostrare la fondatezza della richiesta di extension, tutte le spese per ottenerei medesimi saranno a nostro carico. In caso contrario, saranno totalmentea carico vostro.4 IN ASTA4.1 Rifiuto di ammissioneLe nostre vendite si svolgono di solito in nostri locali o locali sui qualiabbbiamo il controllo in relazione alla vendita e quindi abbiamo il diritto,esercitabile a nostra completa discrezione, di rifiutare l’ammissione ai localio la partecipazione ad un’asta.4.2 RegistrazioneVoi dovete compilare e firmare un modulo di registrazione e consentirela vostra identificazione prima di fare offerte in asta. Vi informiamo cheusualmente richiediamo agli acquirenti di accettare una verifica del loromerito creditizio.Alcuni lotti possono essere designati prima dell’asta come “PremiumLots”, che significa che un deposito puo’ essere richiesto prima di accettareun’offerta per quei lotti. Informazioni in merito saranno annunciate sulnostro sito.4.3 Offerte in proprioNel momento in cui fate offerte (sia che tali offerte siano fatte di persona,attraverso collegamento telefonico gestito da <strong>Spink</strong>, online o attraversoinvio postale o via email), Voi sarete considerati come se steste agendo inproprio e accetterete quindi di essere personalmente responsabili, a menoche sia stato accordato per iscritto al momento della registrazione che stateagendo per conto di terzi acquirenti che siano da noi accettati.4.4 Offerte su commissioneSe Voi ci date istruzioni di offrire per vostro conto, attraverso la compilazionedel modulo contenuto nei nostri cataloghi o attraverso il nostro sitoweb, noi faremo tutto quanto ragionevolmente possibile per ottemperarealle vostre istruzioni, posto che esse ci pervengano non piu’ tardi di 24ore prima dell’asta. Se riceviamo offerte su commissione su un particolareLotto per ammontari identici ed in asta tali offerte sono le piu’ alte perquel Lotto, il medesimo sarà aggiudicato alla persona la cui offerta è stataricevuta per prima. Le offerte su commissione sono da noi prese in caricounitamente agli altri impegni che dobbiamo svolgere durante la vendita,e la conduzione dell’asta puo’ essere tale da non consentirci di fare le offertecome richiesto. Poiché questo è un servizio che noi offriamo gratis apotenziali acquirenti secondo le clausole stabilite, non possiamo accettarealcuna responsabilità per mancanze nella esecuzione di una offerta su commissione.Dovreste pertanto sempre partecipare personalmente all’asta sedesiderate avere certezza delle offerte fatte.4.5 Offerte via internetUna ulteriore comodità che offriamo ai nostri clienti è quella di poter fareofferte attraverso internet. Noi non saremo responsabili per errori o mancanzenella esecuzione di offerte fatte attraverso internet, incluso, senzalimitazioni, errori o mancanze causate da (i) interruzioni della connessioneinternet da qualsivoglia delle parti per qualsivoglia ragione; (ii) un malfunzionamentoo problemi del software per fare le offerte online e/o (iii)malfunzionamento o problemi della vostra connessione internet, computero sistema operativo L’esecuzione di offerte attraverso internet è un servizioche noi offriamo gratis e che prendiamo in carico unitamente agli altriimpegni da noi svolti durante la vendita e non accettiamo alcuna responsabilitàper la mancata esecuzione delle offerte online o per errori o omissioniconnesse a questa attività.4.6 Offerte telefonicheSe Voi prenderete accordi con noi non piu’ tardi di 24 ore prima dell’asta,faremo tutto quanto ragionevolmente possibile per contattarvi al fine diconsentirvi di partecipare all’asta in collegamento telefonico, ma in nessunacircostanza saremo responsabili nei vostri confronti o del Venditore nel casonon si riesca per qualsiasi ragione a consentirvi di offrire via telefono.4.7 Convertitore di valutaIn alcune aste sarà operativo un convertitore di valute basato sui tassi dicambio a noi quotati da BSI Sa o su qualsiasi altro appropriato tasso da noideterminato all’apertura della giornata di svolgimento dell’asta. Le offerteavverrano nella valuta da noi stabilita. Il convertitore di valuta puo’ nonessere sempre affidabile ed errori possono accadere fuori dal nostro controllosia con riguardo alla correttezza del numero di Lotto che appare sulconvertitore che della valuta estera equivalente alla valuta in cui l’asta vienebattuta. Noi non saremo responsabili nei vostri confronti per perdite subiteper aver seguito il convertitore di valuta.4.8 Immagini videoIn alcune aste sarà presente uno schermo video. Errori possono accaderein connessione a cio’ e noi non saremo responsabili nei vostri confronti siacon riferimento alla corrispondenza dell’immagine del Lotto in corso diagggiudicazione durante l’asta che per la qualità dell’immagine in quantoriproduzione dell’originale.4.9 Incrementi delle offerteIl banditore apre l’asta per ogni Lotto al prezzo base, in assenza di offertesu commissione, ed avanza generalmente secondo la seguente scaletta purpotendo variare gli incrementti durante lo svolgimento dell’asta. I normaliincrementi delle offerte sono i seguenti:da 50 a 100 10da 100 a 500 20da 500 a 1,000 50da 1,000 a 2,000 100da 2,000 a 5,000 200da 5,000 a 10,000 500da 10,000 a 20,000 1,000da 20,000 a 50,000 2,000da 50,000 a 100,000 5,000da 100,000 a 200,000 10,000da 200,000 a 500,000 20,0004.10 Offerte da parte di <strong>Spink</strong>4.10.1 Il gruppo <strong>Spink</strong> si riserva il diritto di fare offerte ed acquistareLotti in proprio.4.11 Discrezione del banditoreIl banditore ha il diritto a sua assoluta discrezione di rifiutare qualsiasi offerta,di far avanzare le offerte nel modo che ritiene opportuno, di ritirare odividere qualsiasi Lotto, di raggruppare due o piu’ Lotti e, in caso di erroreo controversia, di rimettere nuovamente qualsiasi Lotto in offerta..4.12 Offerte aggiudicateSoggetto alla discrezione del banditore, il colpo del suo martelletto segnal’accettazione dell’offerta piu’ alta, e la conclusione di un contratto di venditatra Voi ed il Venditore.4.13 Accordi post venditaSe Voi raggiungete accordi privati per la vendita di qualsiasi Lotto con ilVenditore entro 60 giorni dalla data dell’asta, noi, come agenti esclusivi delVenditore, ci riserviamo il diritto di addebitarvi la relativa Commissionedi acquisto in accordo con le presenti Condizioni generali di vendita e diaddebitare al Venditore una commissione secondo i termini dell’accordocon il Venditore medesimo.4.14 Reso di un lottoNel caso in cui abbiate ricevuto un Lotto e desideriate ritornarlo, Voi dovetenotificarcelo per iscritto entro sette giorni dal ricevimento, dichiarandoil motivo del reso. Il lotto deve essere ritornato a noi entro 14 giornidal ricevimento da parte vostra, nelle stesse condizioni esistenti alla datadell’asta. Qualsiasi richiesta di questo tipo è soggetta alla nostra esclusivadiscrezione.5 DOPO L’ASTA9

5.1 Commissione di acquistoIn aggiunta al prezzo di aggiudicazione, Voi dovrete pagarci la Commissionedi acquisto stabilita nella misura del 20% del prezzo di aggiudicazionedi ogni lotto.5.2 Imposta sul valore aggiunto (IVA)In caso di vendita con merce consegnata in Svizzera e non esportata verràaddebitata in fattura l’IVA pari all’8% (ottopercento) del prezzo di vendita,intendendosi con esso il prezzo di aggiudicazione maggiorato dellacommissione di cui al punto 5.1 e di eventuali spese di assicurazionee trasporto da addebitare in caso di spedizione del materiale acquistato.Nel caso l’acquirente intenda ritirare la merce e provvedere in proprio allapratica doganale di esportazione, l’Iva sarà addebitata e successivamenterimborsata all’acquirente dietro presentazione della documentazione legaledi avvenuta esportazione.5.3 Pagamento5.3.1 Voi dovete fornirci nome e domicilio e, se richiesto, i dettaglidella banca da cui proverranno i pagamenti in nostro favore. Voi dovete pagarel’intero ammontare dovuto (comprensivo del Prezzo di aggiudicazione,della Commissione di acquisto, dei costi di assicurazione e spedizionee, ove applicabile, dell’Iva) entro sette giorni dalla data dell’asta.5.3.2 Voi non acquisirete alcun diritto sul Lotto fino a che tutte lesomme a noi dovute non ci saranno state integralmente pagate, anche nelcaso in cui noi vi avessimo già consegnato il Lotto.5.3.3 Il pagamento deve essere fatto nella valuta della vendita (a menodi accordi particolari) attraverso uno dei seguenti metodi:(i) Bonifico bancario sul nostro conto indicato in fattura. Vi preghiamo diassicurarvi che tutte le spese bancarie siano a vostro carico e che il vostronumero di cliente sia indicato nella causale del bonifico.(ii) Assegno bancario o circolare intestato a <strong>Spink</strong> Switzerland Sa da inviareal nostro indirizzo di Via Motta 44, 6900 Lugano Switzerland. Vi preghiamodi assicurarvi che le spese di emissione e di incasso dell’assegno bancarioo circolare siano a vostro carico e che il tagliando presente in fondo allafattura sia inserito insieme al pagamento.(iii) Carta di credito Visa, Mastercard o American Express. Un addebito del3.25% sarà applicato per pagamenti con Visa e Mastercard e del 3.95% perpagamenti con American Express.5.4 Ritiro degli acquisti5.4.1 A meno che non ci siamo specificamente accordati diversamente,terremo i pezzi venduti fino a che gli ammontari a noi dovuti, o dovutial gruppo <strong>Spink</strong>, siano stati integralmente pagati.5.4.2 In assenza di nostra diversa comunicazione, i pezzi da noi tenutisaranno assicurati in accordo con la nostra polizza, che è disponibileper visione presso i nostri uffici, per un periodo di sette giorni dalla datadell’asta o fino al momento del ritiro se fosse precedente. Dopo sette giornio dal momento del ritiro, se precedente, il Lotto sarà interamente a vostrorischio.5.4.3 La nostra polizza non assicurerà e non siamo in grado di accettarealcuna responsabilità per danni causati da tarli, cambiamenti atmosfericio atti di terrorismo.5.5 ComunicazioniNon siamo in grado di comunicare l’avvenuta aggiudicazione agli aggiudicataridei Lotti. Le fatture saranno inviate via email dopo l’asta e nonaccettiamo responsabilità per comunicazioni inerenti alle vostre offerte. Vipreghiamo di contattarci telefonicamente o di persona appena dopo l’astaper conoscere il risultato delle vostre offerte al fine di evitare addebiti perpagamenti in ritardo.5.6 Imballo e movimentazione5.6.1 Faremo tutto quanto ragionevolmente possibile per avere curadel Lotto acquistato nel momento dell’imballo e della movimentazionema ricordate che dopo sette giorni dall’asta o, dalla data del ritiro se precedente,il Lotto è interamente a vostro rischio. In caso di spedizione, inostri addebiti per le spese postali ed assicurative sono indicati alla fine delcatalogo.5.6.2 E’ responsabilità dell’acquirente conoscere qualsiasi dazio/tassaall’importazione che potrebbero essere richiesti al momento dell’importazionenel paese di destinazione. <strong>Spink</strong> non accetterà il reso di qualsiasi colloper evitare il pagamento di tale dazio/tassa. E’ inoltre onere dell’acquirenteconoscere qualsiasi restrizione doganale all’importazione che proibiscal’importazione di certi articoli da collezione. <strong>Spink</strong> non accetterà il resodi Lotti per questo motivo. <strong>Spink</strong> non accetterà alcuna responsabilità perLotti sequestrati o distrutti dalla Dogana.5.7 Confezionatori e spedizionieri raccomandatiSe richiesto, il nostro ufficio spedizioni puo’ organizzare la spedizione comesuo agente. Sebbene noi siamo in grado di suggerire spedizionieri, sespecificamente richiesto, i nostri suggerimenti sono forniti sulla base dellanostra esperienza generale con essi nel passato e non siamo responsabili neiconfronti di alcuno al quale abbiamo fatto una raccomandazione per atti odomissioni delle controparti in questione.5.8 Rimedi per mancato pagamento o mancato ritiro5.8.1 Se Voi venite meno al pagamento entro sette gioni dalla data dipagamento indicata in fattura, noi saremo autorizzati ad esercitare uno opiu’ dei seguenti diritti o rimedi: addebitare interessi al tasso composto dell’1% al mese, calcolatisu base giornaliera dalla data in cui il pagamento è dovuto, in aggiunta aduna penale del 5% del prezzo di vendita; rivalersi su qualsiasi somma di cui il gruppo <strong>Spink</strong> puo’ esserecreditore nei vostri confronti per qualsiasi altra operazione, fino a concorrenzadell’ammontare da Voi non pagato; trattenere tutti o alcuni Lotti di vostra proprietà o altri beni inpossesso del gruppo <strong>Spink</strong> fino al pagamento da parte vostra di tutte lesomme dovute a noi o al gruppo <strong>Spink</strong>, anche se la somma non pagata nonriguarda quei lotti o quei beni. Trascorsi quattordici giorni dalla nostracomunicazione di esistenza di una somma non pagata, il gruppo <strong>Spink</strong> avràil diritto di organizzare la vendita di tali Lotti o beni. Noi compenseremo iricavi rivenienti da detta vendita fino a concorrenza della somma dovuta algruppo <strong>Spink</strong> e vi pagheremo l’eventuale saldo; nel caso in cui piu’ somme siano da voi dovute al gruppo <strong>Spink</strong>con riferimento ad operazioni diverse, compensare qualsiasi ammontarepagato con qualsiasi ammontare da voi dovuto sia o meno riferito direttamentead una specifica operazione; rifiutare in qualsiasi asta futura qualsiasi offerta fatta da Voi o pervostro conto, od ottenere un deposito da parte vostra prima di accettarequalsiasi offerta.5.8.2 Se Voi venite meno al pagamento entro trentacinque giorni dalladata di pagamento indicata in fattura, noi saremo inoltre autorizzati a: cancellare la vendita del Lotto o di qualsiasi altro articolo a Voivenduto nella stessa od in qualsiasi altra asta; organizzare una rivendita del Lotto, in asta o a trattativa privata,e se il prezzo realizzato fosse inferiore a quello a suo tempo ottenuto,richiedere il pagamento del saldo da parte vostra unitamente a tutti i ragionevolicosti compreso una commissione del Venditore del 20%, spesevarie , rimborso danni, spese legali, commissioni e premi di qualsiasi naturaconnessi con entrambe le vendite o altrimenti occorsi in conseguenza delmancato pagamento; o5.8.2.3 intraprendere ogni altra appropriata azione che riterremo adatta.5.9 Mancato ritiroNel caso in cui gli acquisti non siano ritirati entro sette giorni dalla datadella vendita, sia che sia stato effettuato o meno il pagamento, Voi saretetenuti al pagamento di un costo di magazzinaggio giornaliero pari a Chf2.- per articolo oltre a qualsiasi altro costo di movimentazione ove applicabile.Non sarete autorizzati a ritirare il Lotto fino a che tutti gli addebiti insospeso siano stati onorati unitamente al pagamento di tutte le altre sommea noi dovute.WWW.SPINK.COM

5.10 Rimborso in caso di Falso5.10.1 Una vendita sarà cancellata e la somma pagata vi verrà rimborsatase un Lotto (a parte i Lotti misti non descritti nel catalogo), da noi vendutovenga provato essere un Falso. Tuttavia non saremo obbligati a rimborsarealcuna somma se (a) la descrizione del catalogo o la comunicazione fatta insala nel giorno dell’asta corrispondeva all’opinione generalmente accettatada studiosi o esperti in quel momento o correttamente indicava che c’eraun conflitto di opinioni, o (b) puo’ essere dimostrato che il Lotto è unFalso solo attraverso, sia un procedimento scientifico non generalmenteaccettato per l’uso fino a dopo la pubblicazione del catalogo, sia attraversoun procedimento che alla data dell’asta fosse irragionevolmente costoso oimpraticabile o che potesse causare danno al Lotto. Inoltre dovreste tenerein considerazione che il rimborso puo’ essere ottenuto solo se sono rispettatele seguenti condizioni: Voi dovete comunicarci per iscritto entro sette giorni dal ricevimentodel Lotto/i che secondo Voi il Lotto in questione è un falso; Voi dovete dunque ritornarci l’articolo entro quattordici giornidal ricevimento del Lotto/I nelle stesse condizioni esistenti alla datadell’asta; e5.10.1.3 non appena ritornato il Lotto, Voi dovete produrci una provasoddisfacente che il Lotto è un Falso e che Voi siete in grado di trasferirci ilpieno diritto sul lotto stesso, libero da qualsiasi pretesa di terze parti.5.10.2 In nessuna circostanza saremo richiesti di pagare in vostro favorepiu’ di quanto da Voi pagato per il Lotto in questione e non potrete esercitarealcuna pretesa di pagamento di interessi.5.10.3 Il beneficio di questa garanzia non puo’ essere trasferito ed è diesclusiva pertinenza della persona a cui la fattura originale è stata emessarelativamente al Lotto venduto e che, dal momento della vendita, è rimastoil proprietario del Lotto senza essersi liberato di alcun interesse in esso infavore di terze parti.5.10.4 Noi saremo autorizzati a fare affidamento su qualsiasi procedimentoscientifico o meno per stabilire che il Lotto non è un Falso, sia chetale processo fosse o meno in uso alla data dell’asta.6 RESPONSABILITA’Nulla in queste Condizioni generali di vendita limita o esclude la nostraresponsabilità per:6.1 morte o lesione personale dovuta a negligenza; o6.2 qualsiasi danno o responsabilità da Voi sopportata come risultato di unanostra frode o fraudolenta falsa dichiarazione.7 COPYRIGHT7.1 Noi abbiamo il diritto (su base non esclusiva) di fotografare, videoriprendere,o produrre in altro modo una immagine del Lotto. Tutti i dirittirelativi a tale immagine appartengono a noi e abbiamo il diritto di usarla inqualunque modo riteniamo adatto.7.2 Il diritto d’autore su tutte le immagini, illustrazioni e materiale scrittoriguardante un Lotto è e rimarrà sempre di nostra proprietà e avremo ildiritto di utilizzarlo in qualunque modo riteniamo adatto. Voi non potreteusare o permettere a chiunque altro di usare immagini, illustrazioni o materialescritto senza il nostro preventivo consenso scritto.8 COMUNICAZIONITutte le comunicazioni previste nelle presenti Condizioni generali di venditapossono essere notificate personalmente, inviate per lettera raccomandatao inviate via fax all’indirizzo comunicato al mittente dall’altra parte.Qualsiasi comunicazione inviata via posta sarà considerata ricevuta nel secondogiorno lavorativo dopo la data di spedizione o, se il destinatario èestero, nel quinto giorno successivo alla spedizione. Qualsiasi comunicazioneinviata via fax o notificata personalmente sarà considerata consegnatanel primo giorno lavorativo seguente all’esecuzione.9 DISPOSIZIONI SUPPLEMENTARILe disposizioni che seguono del presente articolo 9 si applicheranno solo seVoi agite per scopi legati al vostro business:9.1 Limitazione della responsabilitàSecondo quanto previsto all’articolo 6, noi non saremo responsabili, se intorto (inclusa negligenza o violazione di obblighi di legge o di contratto,falsa testimonianza o diversi) per qualsiasi:9.1.1 perdita di profitto, perdita di business, diminuzione dell’avviamentoo perdite similari, perdita di risparmi previsti, perdita di beni, perditadi contratti, perdita di mancato utilizzo, perdita per alterazione di dati oinformazioni; o9.1.2 qualsiasi particolare, indiretta, conseguenziale o pura perditaeconomica, costi, danni, addebiti o spese.9.2 SeparabilitàSe qualsiasi parte di queste Condizioni generali di vendita venisse trovatada qualsivoglia tribunale non valida, illegale o inapplicabile, tale parte puo’essere non tenuta in conto ed il resto delle condizioni continuare ad esserevalide ed applicabili nella misura massima consentita dalla legge.9.3 Forza maggioreNoi non avremo alcuna responsabilità nei vostri confronti se ci viene impeditoo subiamo ritardi nell’eseguire i nostri adempimenti in base alle presentiCondizioni generali di vendita o nel portare avanti il nostro businessa causa di atti, eventi, omissioni, o incidenti fuori dal nostro ragionevolecontrollo, includendo (senza limitazioni) scioperi, serrate o altre vertenzeaziendali (sia che coinvolgano nostro personale o personale di terzi),mancanza di servizi di pubblica utilità o di rete di trasporto, eventi straordinari,imprevedibili ed inevitabili, dovuti a cause naturali, guerra, rivolta,sommosse civili, danno volontario, rispetto di qualsiasi legge od ordinegovernativo, norma, regolamento o direttiva, incidente, guasti di impiantio macchinari, incendio, inondazioni, tempeste o omissioni di fornitori osubfornitori;9.4 Rinuncia9.4.1 La rinuncia di qualsiasi diritto previsto dalle presenti Condizionigenerali di vendita è efficace solo se fatto per iscritto e si applica solo allecircostanze per cui è concessa. Nessuna mancanza o ritardo da ciascunaparte nell’esercizio di qualsiasi diritto o rimedio previsto dalle presentiCondizioni generali di vendita o stabilito dalla legge, costituirà una rinunciadi quel (o di qualsiasi altro) diritto o rimedio, né preclude o limiterà ilsuo successivo esercizio. Nessun singolo o parziale esercizio di tale dirittoo rimedio precluderà o limiterà il successivo esercizio di quel (o di qualsiasialtro) diritto o rimedio.9.4.2 A meno che non sia specificamente diversamente previsto, i dirittirisultanti dalle presenti Condizioni generali di vendita sono cumulativie non escludono i diritti previsti dalla legge.9.5 Legge e giurisdizioneLa vendita cosi’ come i rapporti giuridici che ne derivano, sono soggetti allalegge svizzera. Se controversie o azioni legali dovessero nascere in relazionealla vendita od ai rapporti giuridici da essa derivanti, esse saranno rimessealla competenza esclusiva del Foro di Lugano. <strong>Spink</strong> Switzerland Sa si riservail diritto di procedere contro il debitore al domicilio di quest’ultimo:in tal caso è sempre applicabile il diritto svizzero.9.6 Importazione ed esportazione di francobolliLe importazioni ed esportazioni di francobolli soggiacciono alle normativevigenti negli Stati contraenti della Convenzione Unesco del 1970 (www.admin.ch/ch/i/rs/i4/0.444.1.it.pdf), che per la Svizzera ha trovato applicazionenella legge federale sul trasferimento internazionale dei beniculturali LTBC (www.admin.ch/ch/i/rs/4/444.1.it.pdf) e nella relativaordinanza OTBC (www.admin.ch/ch/i/rs/4/444.11.it.pdf). <strong>Spink</strong> SwitzerlandSA rimane a disposizione per eventuali ulteriori informazioni.9.7 Versione delle Condizioni generali di venditaLa versione in italiano delle presenti Condizioni generali di vendita è statatradotta dalla versione inglese che rimane la versione legale in caso di controversiao differenza di interpretazione.11

INDEX – INDICETHE COLLECTOR’S SERIESEurope & OverseasPagePaginaALBANIA.........................................................................................................................................15AUSTRIA.........................................................................................................................................15AUSTRIAN LEVANT........................................................................................................................17EGYPTAustrian Post Office........................................................................................................................18French Post Offices........................................................................................................................18Italian Post Offices.........................................................................................................................18ETHIOPIA ......................................................................................................................................21FRANCE ..........................................................................................................................................21ITALIAN REGION / AREA ITALIANAAntichi Stati Lombardo Veneto......................................................................................................27Modena........................................................................................................................................ 30Napoli............................................................................................................................................31Stato Pontificio..............................................................................................................................33Sardegna....................................................................................................................................... 39Sicilia............................................................................................................................................ 39Toscana......................................................................................................................................... 45Regno d’Italia............................................................................................................................... 45Italian Post Office in Tunisia / Uffici Postali all’Estero - Tunisia.................................................. 47Vaticano ....................................................................................................................................... 47Lotti e Collezioni dell’Area Italiana .............................................................................................. 49LUXEMBOURG ............................................................................................................................. 49MAURITIUS .................................................................................................................................. 49OTTOMAN EMPIRE .......................................................................................................................51RUSSIA ...........................................................................................................................................51Russian Levant ..............................................................................................................................59Allied Intervention in Russia (1917-1920) .................................................................................... 63German Occupation “Landesbotenpost der 10. Armee” ................................................................67Civill War Issues ............................................................................................................................67British Occupation of Batum .........................................................................................................67R.S.F.S.R. .....................................................................................................................................67SCHWEIZ ....................................................................................................................................... 69SERBIA ............................................................................................................................................73UKRAINE ........................................................................................................................................73BRITISH OCCUPATION OF FORMER ITALIAN COLONIESDODECANSE ISLANDS ................................................................................................................. 75Military Mail ............................................................................................................................... 75Carpathos (Karpathos) ................................................................................................................. 75Calymnos (Kalymnos) .................................................................................................................. 77Castellorizzo (Kastelorizo) ........................................................................................................... 79Cos (Kos) ..................................................................................................................................... 79Leros ............................................................................................................................................81Lindos ......................................................................................................................................... 83Nisyros ........................................................................................................................................ 83Rhodes ........................................................................................................................................ 83Symi ............................................................................................................................................ 89Tilos (Piskopí) ...............................................................................................................................91The Dodecanese Islands Collection ...............................................................................................91CYRENAICA ...................................................................................................................................91ERITREAM.E.F. Usages in 1942 .................................................................................................................93Later M.E.F Usages ..................................................................................................................... 95.1948-1951 B.M.A and B.A. Issues ............................................................................................... 99LotsLotti1000/100910101011/101610171018/10191020/102810291030/10621063/10731074/10801081/10851086/111511161117/11261127/11281129/11321133/113911401141/1145114611471148/11491150/12021203/12191220/123912401241/12421243/12441245/12501251/12661267/12681269/127012711272/12751276/12851286/12921293/12941295/13001301/13061307/13081309/13101311/13281329/13321333/133413351336/13461347/13561357/13691370/1374WWW.SPINK.COM

PagePaginaLotsLottiETHIOPIA ....................................................................................................................................101SOMALIAM.E.F. Usages in 1942 ...............................................................................................................1031943-1948 E.A.F. Issues .............................................................................................................1051948-1950 B.A. and B.M.A. Issues .............................................................................................105TRIPOLITANIAMilitary and Official Mail ...........................................................................................................107M.E.F. Issues ..............................................................................................................................1071948-1951 B.M.A. and B.A. Issues .............................................................................................115FRENCH OCCUPATION OF FEZZAN ......................................................................................... 123GREEK MILITARY ADMINISTRATION OF THE DODECANESE ISLANDSCalymnos (Kalymnos) ................................................................................................................ 129Carpathos (Karpathos) ............................................................................................................... 129Castellorizzo (Kastelorizo) ......................................................................................................... 129Cos (Kos) ................................................................................................................................... 129Leros ..........................................................................................................................................131Nisyros .......................................................................................................................................131Patmos ........................................................................................................................................131Rhodes .......................................................................................................................................131Symi ...........................................................................................................................................134Tilos (Piskopí)..............................................................................................................................135The Greek Dodecanese Collection ..............................................................................................135TRUST TERRITORY OF SOMALIA UNDER ITALIAN ADMINISTRATION ................................137SELF-GOVERNMENT OF CYRENAICA .......................................................................................137KINGDOM OF LIBYA1951 Issue for Cyrenaica .............................................................................................................1391951 Issue for Fezzan ..................................................................................................................1411951 Issue for Tripolitania ..........................................................................................................141LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ..........................................................................................................1441375/13801381/13841385/13871388/13911392/13951396/14341435/14651466/14891490/14931494/14971498/14991500/15051506/1508150915101511/15281529/15321533153415351536/15401541/15521553/155815591560/1581IMPORTANT: All the starting prices in this catalogue are given in €; the auction will usethe same currency.Please insert your bids in the correct currency.IMPORTANTE: Tutti i prezzi di questo catalogo sono espressi in €; l’asta si svolgerà nellastessa valuta.Si prega di compilare le preofferte nella valuta corretta.13

10011003101210041007 front-reverseWWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANOPlease note that the Buyer’s premium is 20% of the final hammer price of each Lot.WEDNESDAY 24 OCTOBER 2012Commencing at 15:00.THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESEurope & OverseasALBANIA1000 r 1913, 2pa. olive, horizontal pair, the first adhesive showing handstamp sideways, tied to piece byVlone datestamp. Fine and rare. Cert. Graf. Mi 3, 3 (var). (Photo on page 22)1001 * 1913, Sept 14. Registered cover from Vlone to Vienna. franked by 20pa. rose on oily paper and 1pi.blue, each tied by cds on departure. Rare. Cert. Mikulski. Mi. 6y, 7.1002 ´ 1913, 2pi. blue-black, handstamp inverted, large part original gum. Fine and scarce. Cert. Enzo Diena,signed Sorani. Mi. 8 (var). (Photo on page 22)1003 * 1913, 2pi. blue-black, tied by Shkoder datestamp on envelope, showing “Postat e Qeverriës së Pëkphëshme/të Shqipëniës” handstamp alongside. Creases not affecting the franking. Rare. Cert. Sorani. Mi 8.1004 * 1913, 2pi. blue-black, handstamp inverted in violet, tied to envelope to Vlöne by Elbasan cds dated 26July 1913, with Peqin backstamp. A rare variety on cover. Cert. Sorani, signed Prendushi. Mi 8 (var).1005 ´ 1913, 10pa. bluish green, “Béhié” overprint, handstamp inverted in blue, part original gum, off centreand some rough perforations, still fine and scarce. Cert. Holcombe. Mi 12 (var). (Photo on page 22)1006 r 1913, 2pa. olive, 5pa. ochre-yellow, 10pa. blue-green, 20pa. rose, 1pi. ultramarine, 2pi. bluish black,21/2pi. brown, 5pi. slate purple, 1pi. bright blue with “Béhié” overprint and 10pa. on 20pa. rose,each tied to piece and with certificate. A fine and scarce group. Mi 3-10, 14, 16 = € 7’000+. (Photoon page 22)1007 * 1913, 20pa. rose, 1pi. ultramarine, 2pi. bluish black (creased), 2 1/2pi. brown, 5pi. slate purple, 1pi.ultramarine with “Béhié” overprint and 10pa. on 20pa. rose on front of unaddressed envelope, with,on reverse, exhibiting 2pa. olive, 5pa. yellow-buff and 10pa. blue-green (2, one with handstamp inverted),tied by Elbasan cds’s. Rare. Mi. 3-10, 5 (var), 14, 16.1008 * 1913, 20pa. salmon postal stationery card, additionally franked with 1913 imperforate 1g., registeredto Munich, with Vlöne cancellations in violet. Fine. Signed A. Diena. Mi P2.1009 * 1914, Arrival of Prince William 10q. + 10q. reply paid card, the outward portion used from Peqin toElbasan. Rare, with only 100 examples overprinted. Cert. Graf. Mi P10.3005001503003001506001’000100100AUSTRIA(See also lot 1560)1010 8 1863, (1,05 kr.) grey brown, horizontal block of 14 from the base of the sheet, three large marginsto enormous at base, the latter including part of marginal rule, cancelled by “Zeitungs-Exped: Wien”cds’s. Few small thin spots just impinging on two stamps, not detracting from the appearance of thisrare multiple. Cert. Ferchenbauer. Mi 29Xb. (Photo on page 22)50015

1008 1009 102410131015101610181019 1020WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANOAUSTRIAN LEVANT(See also lot 1017)1011 * Antivari (Bar, Albania). 1870, Dec 5. Entire letter from Scutari (Shkoder, Albania) to Venice, frankedoriginally with Turkey 1868-76 1pi. tied by Scutari double ring (C & W type 3), then forwarded viaAntivari where 1867 coarse impression 5s. strip of five was applied for onward transmission to Venice,tied by Antivari cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 467). A rare and fine combination cover. Mi 3/I.1012 * Candia (Heraklion, Crete). 1868, Feb 17. Entire to Syros (Greece), franked by 1864 10s. blue, tiedby brownish “Candia/17-2” cds (Tchilinghirian/Stephen fig. 542), being charged for internal postageon arrival with Greece 20l. with margins all round, cancelled at Syros. Slightly toned perforations,not detracting. A scarce combination franking. Mi. V22.1013 * Jerusalem (Palestine). 1870 ca. Envelope addressed to the Patriarch of Jerusalem in Constantinoplewith 1867 10s. blue, tied by “Gerusalem/13-7” datestamp (Tchilinghirian/Tranmer fig. D). Mi. 4 II.1’5003002001014 * Larnaca (Cyprus). 1865, Sept 2. Disinfected entire letter to Athens, bearing 1864 10s. blue pair,sharing a single brown “Larnaca di Cipro/2-9” cds (Tchilinghirian/Tranmer fig. 2). On arrival thecover was taxed for the inland postage with Greece 20l., touched at left. Light filing fold crossing thepair, otherwise fine and very scarce mail originating from this Austrian P.O. Mi V 22.1’50017

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price €1015 * Metelino (Greece). 1865, March 2. Entire letter to Syros bearing 1864 10s. blue with “Meteline/2-3”datestamp (Tchilinghirian/Stephen fig. 566), paying the Greek inland postage with Greece 20l. blue(tocuhed at base) which was applied over the original franking. The 20l. has been lifted for examinationand hinged into place. Fine and scarce. Signed Vlastos. Mi. V 22.1016 * Scio-Cesme (Chios, Greece). 1866, March 26. Entire letter to Syros bearing 1864 10s. blue, tied by“Scio-Cesme/23-4” cds (Tchilinghirian/Stephen fig. 560), in combination with Greece 20l., largemargined example, paying the inland rate on arrival. Light filing fold clear of the adhesives. SignedEnzo Diena. Mi v 22.200200EGYPTAustrian Post Office1017 * 1867, June 5. Envelope (tiny flaw at top) from Cairo via Trieste to Wr. Neustadt (Austria), initially frankedwith 1866 2pi. yellow tied by blue “Poste Vice Reali Egiziane/Cairo” cds, paying the double inland rateto Alexandria, where it entered the Austrian P.O. for onward transmission to Austria, with application of1864 5s. rose and 10s. blue (2, one with slight perforation flaws at base), tied by “Alexandrien 7/6” cds’s,backstamped on arrival. The 25s. rate may not be explained; consequently, it led to suppose that one 5s.is missing. A very rare combination franking. Cert. Ferchenbauer. Ferchenbauer € 17,000++.1’500French Post Offices1018 (*) 1870, Jan 31. Cover front to Paris “par Moulins” bearing 1862 40c. orange, two pairs, one defective, paying80c. for postage plus further 80c. for Boule de Moulins), each tied by Grand Chiffres “5119” withcorresponding “Le Caire/Bau Français” cds and framed “PD” alongside, and French Alexandria transiton reverse. Covers during the siege from a foreign country to Paris are exceptional. Cert. Calves.1019 (*) 1871 , July 18. Cover front from Alexandria to Paris, bearing 1870-71 imperforate Bordeaux 10c. pair, 20c.and 40c., mostly with margins all around, each tied by Grand Chiffres “5080”, with matching “Alexandrie/Egypte” cds and framed “PD” h.s. alongside. Part of reverse glued. Fine and attractive. Cert. Scheller.1’000200Italian Post Offices1020 * 1863, Dec 3. Envelope to Florence franked by 1863-65 London printing 10c. horizontal pair and40c., tied by framed “Piroscafi/Postali/Italiani” with “Alessandria D’Egitto/Poste Italiane” cds atleft, transits and arrival on back. Illustrated by Zanaria-Serra-Del Negro on page 196 of their handbookdedicated to the Italian P.O.’s Abroad. The earliest recorded use of the De La Rue printingin Alexandria. Cert. Colla, signed Enzo Diena. Sa. L17, L20.1’000WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1021 * 1864, Sept 12. Cover to Livorno bearing 1863-65 London printing 10c. (2) and 60c., tied by framed“Piroscafi/Postali/Francesi” cancellations which repeated alongside, together with “AlessandriaD’Egitto/Poste Italiane” cds at left, with backstamps including Messina and Livorno. Illustrated onpage 229 of the Italian P.O.’s Abroad handbook by Zanaria-Serra-Del Negro. Very slight wrinkle attop. Fine and rare. Cert. Sorani. Sa. L17, L21.3001022 * 1865, Feb 18. Entire letter to Venice bearing 1863-65 London Printing 2l. pale scarlet, tied by boxed“Piroscafi/Postali/Italiani” handstamp with “Alessandria D’Egitto/Poste Italiane” cds alongside.One of only four recorded double rate entires bearing the 2l. single franking, this being a highand very desirable denomination. Cert. Colla, Sorani and Raybaudi.1023 * 1865, March 16. Cover to Livorno franked by 1863-65 London printing 60c. (separated by scissorsand with some trimmed perforations on three sides), mistakely not cancelled at departure with “AlessandriaD’Egitto/Poste Italiane” datestamp and “Pirocafi/Postali/Italiani” adjacent, with the stampbeing cancelled in transit after landing in Italy by the Papal grill of Ancona. Arrival on reverse. Illustratedon page 238 by by Zanaria-Serra-Del Negro in their handbook dedicated to the Italian P.O.’sAbroad. A unique cover originating from Alexandria with the “Griglia Pontificia” cancellation.Cert. Colla, signed Holcombe. Sa. L21.1024 * 1865, July 20. Cover to Genoa bearing 1863-65 London printing 10c. (2) and 40c., tied by framed“Piroscafi/Postali/Italiani” handstamps with “Alessandria D’Egitto/Poste Italiane” cds at top right.Some stains and faults caused by the disinfection slits. A scarce disinfected cover. Cert Sorani. Sa. L17,L20.1025 * 1867, Aug 5. Envelope (partly refolded) to Florence bearing 1863-65 London printing 60c. pair tiedby “234” dotted lozenge with matching “Alessandria D’Egitto/Poste Italiane” cds and “Piroscafi/Postali/Francesi” alongside. Cert. Enzo Diena. Sa. L21.1026 * 1869, May 14. Entire letter to Genoa bearing Egypt 1867-71 1pi. tied by “Regie Poste Egiziane/Cairo”cds, together with 1863-65 London printing 40c. tied by “234” dotted lozenge with matching “AlessandriaD’Egitto/Poste Italiane” cds and framed “Piroscafi/Postali/Italiani” adjacent, showing “RegiePoste Egiziane/Cairo” cds on front and “Regie Poste Egiziane/Alessandria” on reverse. The “RegiePoste Egiziane” type cds’s were into force during few months before the “Regie” word being eliminated.A very rare usage combining these scarce Egyptian cancellations. Cert. Colla, signed A. Diena. Sa. L20.1027 (*) 1871, Aug 12. Cover front to Milan bearing Egypt 1867-71 1pi. two pairs, each tied by “V.R. PosteEgiziane/Cairo”cds’s, carried at fourth rate to Alexandria where it was franked by 1863-65 Londonprinting 40c. vertical strip of three, required to pay the triple weight, tied by “234” dotted lozengeswith matching “Alessandria D’Egitto/Poste Italiane” cds at right. Vertical fold not affecting the franking.Illustrated on page 268 by Zanaria-Serra-Del Negro in their handbook dedicated to the ItalianP.O.’s Abroad. A very rare franking paying unusual high rates. Cert. Colla. Sa. L20.2’0001’0001001001’00085019

10211023102710261029 ex1025 1074 1075WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1028 * 1873, Oct 6. Cover from Beirut to Florence, franked on dispatch with Great Britain 1858 2d., pl. 14,tied by “G06” barred oval from the British P.O., covering the portion of its journey to Alexandria(Egypt), where franked with Italy DLR 40c. (repaired at top right), paying the subsequent rate to beforwarded to destination, tied by “734” dotted numeral with matching “Alessandria D’Egitto/PosteItaliane” cds dated 11 October. Illustrated in the Zanaria-Serra-Dal Negro handbook on page 274.Italian and French P.O.’s at Alexandria operated as intermediaries on correspondence from the BritishP.O. at Beirut addressed to Continental Europe. An extremely rare combination franking, this beingthe earliest known (uses recorded between 1873 and 1875). The combination with nonoverprintedItalian adhesives is even much scarcer and considerably more valuable, taking intoconsideration that only four covers bearing such combination, of the 18 Great Britain-Italymixed frankings known, are recorded. Cert. Colla and Bottacchi.4’000ETHIOPIA1029 * 1905-75, a wonderful collection comprising of hundreds of covers housed in 8 albums, not includingthe Italian expansion period, with better usages bearing earlier overprinted issues, several unusualdestinations, scarce frankings, airmails, the Italian-Ethiopian War period with interesting items includingthe Dutch ambulance, censorships, scarce covers including the second issue -during the invasionwhichwas into force during a very restricted period of time; continuing with voluminous part of theperiod of independence from 1942 with scarce early items, Ethiopia used in Eritrea in 1952 (after the15.9.1952 Federation), etc. A very interesting and most unusual collection. Highly recommended forthe specialist.7’500FRANCE(See also lots 259, 261, 262, 268, 270, 274, 276, 277, 347, 407, 1018 and 1019)1030 ´ 1850, 10c. bister-yellow, large balanced margins all around, fresh and fine colour, original gum withminor hinge rest. A splendid example. Signed B. Behr, Brun and Miro. Dallay 1 = € 2’300.1031 ´´/´ 1849, 20c. black on white and 20c. black on yellow, two very fine examples with large even margins,except for one at top which is well clear, original gum, one example with hardly noticeable hinge rest.Dallay 3, 3a.40020021

1002 100510301037 10381000104310311006 ex10441047101010481049 105010351059105310361052105410561057WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1032 ´ 1849, 40c. orange, exhibiting large balanced margins on all four sides, radiant deep colour, possessingfull original gum with hardly visible trace of hinge at base, of superb appearance. Exceptional and rare.Cert. B. Behr, signed G. and A. Bolaffi. Dallay 5 = € 4’750.1’5001033 ´´ 1849-50, 20c. blue on yellowish paper, never issued, an impressive example of this difficult stamp, withextraordinary large balanced margins all around, of great freshness with full original gum. Extremelyfine and rare. Cert. B. Behr. Dallay 8.1’5001034 ´ 1852, 25c. blue, an extraordinary example from the left of the sheet, showing marginal frame-line, ofremarkable freshness, largely and fairly margined, original gum with minute hinge rest. Superb andmost desirable. Cert. B. Behr, signed Brun and Calves. Dallay 10e = € 6’250.1035 (´) 1853-60, 1c. deep bronze-green on bluish, double impression with one inverted, unused proof blockof four. fine.1036 ´´ 1853-60, 1c. bronze on greenish paper, a sensational pair exhibiting an outstandingly clear impression,large to huge margins, possessing full original gum. In an extraordinary and most desirable state ofpreservation. Dallay 11c.1037 ´ 1853-60, 5c. green-yellow on light green, a very fresh example with margins varying from ample tovery large and original gum. Very fine. Dallay 12C = € 1’000.1038 ´ 1853-60, 10c. bister, type II, four outstandingly large margins, remarkably fresh with original gum.Very fine. Dallay 13IIa = € 700.1’5001001501501001039 ´´ 1853, 25c. blue, excellent margins on all four sides being very large and even, graced by a detailedimpression and vivid colour, still preserving its full original gum. Of exceptional and luxurious beauty.Cert. B. Behr, signed Brun.1’00023

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price €1040 ´ 1853-60, 40c. orange, large to huge margins, outstandingly bright colour and original gum. Very fineand choice. Dallay 16 = € 3’150.6001041 ´ 1853-60, 80c. lake, a choice example with four large margins, extremely fresh with original gum. Superb.Dallay 17 = € 4’500.7501042 ´ 1853-60, 1Fr. carmine, showing a rich strong colour and uncommonly large margins which are evenall around, with original gum. A hardly noticeable trace of crease at base which is not visible on frontand has not been described in the certificate. A difficult stamp of magnificent appearance. Cert. B.Behr, signed Brun. Dallay 18 = € 10’000.1043 ´ 1862, 80c. rose, a very fine example of outstanding fresness, showing the outer frame line complete,with original gum. Dallay 24.1044 ´´ 1863-70, 40c. orange, vivid colour, preserving its full original gum. Very fine. Cert. B. Behr, signedBrun. Dallay 31.7503002501045 ´´ 1863-70, 3Fr. grey-blue, particularly well centred, of extreme freshness and rich colour, preserving its,never hinged, original gum. A superb example of this desirable stamp. Cert. B. Behr, signed Calves.Dallay 33a.2’000WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1046 ´´ 1871-72, 10c. on 10c. bister, a very fresh example being well centred with the perforations clear of the design,original gum, further enhanced by being never hinged. Very fine and rare. Signed Brun. Dallay 34.1047 ´ 1871-72, 5c. pale green on blue, uncharacteristically nicely centred, large portion without gum (“gommediminuée”). Fine and scarce. Cert. B. Behr. Dallay 35.1048 ´ 1870, 20c. blue, Type II, Die 3, a choice example displaying large even margins all around, featuringcolourless flaw near the chin, very lightly hinged with original gum. Very fine. Dallay 45 III.1049 ´ 1870, 20c. blue, Type III, Die I, a largely margined example, extraordinarily fresh in an attractivedelicate shade, very lightly hinged with original gum. Dallay 46 I = € 1’500.1050 ´ 1870, 80c. vivid rose, second state, an outstanding example graced by a neat impression and large tohuge margins, original gum. Dallay 49 IIc = € 1’100.1051 ´´/´ 1853-75, a magnificent choice assembly comprising of 42 unused stamps, being mint or possessingthe added significance of being never hinged, with some examples showing sheet margins, including1853-60 10c., 1862 10c. never hinged and 40c., 1863-70 30c. & 80c., 1870 10c. & 40c., BordeauxIssue 10c. Die 2, 30c. & 40c., 1871-75 30c. & 80c., etc. Some examples are signed by French experts,also with one B. Behr certificate. A very fine group of great desirability in a good state of preservation,of remarkable catalogue value. Viewing highly recommended.1052 ´´ 1876, 5c. green on greenish blue, type IA, a desirable marginal example from the left of the sheet,centred with the perforations clearing the design, original gum. Very fine. Cert. B. Behr. Dallay 64Ia.1053 ´´ 1876-78, 15c. grey on pale grey, very well centred for this stamp, graced by full original gum. SignedB. Behr. Extremely fine. Dallay 66 = € 2’250.1054 ´´ 1876-78, 20c. brown-lilac on straw, Type IA, a very fresh example with full original gum, outstandinglywell centred showing even margins. Superb. Signed Brun. Dallay 67 IA = € 1’450.5003003003002002’5002004003001055 ´´/´ 1876, 1Fr. bronze green on straw, a magnificent block of four possessing wonderful centring withinuncharacteristically large margins, thus deserving an additional degree of valuation, with original gum.Superb. Signed B. Behr. Dallay 72IB.1’00025

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO1056 ´ 1876-78, 75c. rose on pale rose, an outstanding example with sheet margin at top, well centred withoriginal gum. Very fine. Cert. B. Behr. Dallay 81.1057 ´ 1877-80, 25c. black on red, quite well centred for this value, very fresh with original gum. Cert. B.Behr, signed Calves. Dallay 91 = € 1’000.1058 ´´/´ 1876-80, “Sage” Issue. A delightful assembly comprising of 45 mint stamps with several examplesbeing never hinged, including 1876-78 type I with marginal 10c. n.h., marginal 30c., 40c., 1Fr., typeII with 10c., 15c. (very slight crease),1877-81 25c. n.h., marginal 35c. n.h., etc., also with multiplesincluding interpanneau pairs. A very fine and choice group.1059 ´´/´ 1870, Occupation Stamps, 10c. bister-brown, block of four, nicely centred with the perforations clearingthe design, with original gum. Three separated perforations at top, only mentioned for accuracy.Fine and scarce. Dallay 5.1060 ´´ 1870, Occupation Stamps, 25c. brown-black, a magnificent block of four from the right of the sheet,very fresh with strong colour, nicely centred with the perforations clearing the design, with full o.g.Very fine and scarce. Dallay 7 = € 1’450+.1061 ´´/´ 1870, Occupation Stamps, 1c. to 20c., six examples including the 20c. with sheet-margin at right andthe 10c. with inverted “burelage”, predominantly well centred and possessing o.g., with the 4c., 10c.and 20c. values being never hinged. A very fine group. Signed B. Behr. Dallay 1-4, 5b, 6 = € 1’285.1062 ´´/´ 1900-75. A very interesting collection of hundreds of unsued stamps, very well represented with thebetter and desirable semi-modern values including 1900 “Merson” 2fr. with interpanneau margin,“Orphelins” set, 1929 Havre Philatelic Exhibition, etc., souvenir sheets with 1925 Paris & 1927 StrasbourgPhilatelic Exhibitions, as well as airmail stamps with the two 1936 50fr. values, etc. In mainlyvery fine and better condition, with substantial catalogue value. Viewing recommended.3002001’2501502502002’500ITALIAN REGION(See also the “Britisih Occupation of Former Italian Colonies” collection included in this catalogue)AREA ITALIANA(Vedere anche in questo catalogo la sezione contenente la collezione “British Occupation of Former Italian Colonies”)Antichi StatiLombardo Veneto1063 ´ 1850, 15 c. rosso vermiglio, tipo II (4), con gran parte di gomma originale. Un esemplare molto raroallo stato di nuovo, in splendido stato di conservazione. Indubbiamente uno dei più belli esistenti.Cert. Colla. Cat. € 32’000.2’50027

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price €1064 ´ 1855, 45 c. azzurro, tipo II (12), impressione nitida e fresca, margini grandi e bilanciati, con gomma originale.Splendido e molto raro in questa qualità. Cert. Colla, firmato Em. ed A. Diena. Cat. € 28’000.2’5001065 * 1858, lettera da Verona del 22 marzo 1858 per Mori, affrancata con un 5 s. rosso, primo tipo (25), accompagnatoda due “Croci di S. Andrea” staccate dal francobollo. Leggera piega verticale a sinistra senza togliereimportanza a questa pregevole rarità. Affrancatura molto rara e di grande effetto visuale. Cert. Colla.1066 ´ 1858, 10 s. bruno, primo tipo (26), centratura usuale. molto fresco, con gomma originale. FirmatoColla. Cat. € 2’000. (Foto a pag. 24)5’0002001067 ´ 1858, 15 s. azzurro, primo tipo (27), assai fresco e ben centrato, con piena gomma originale. Fantasticoesemplare. Cert. Colla. Cat. € 16’000.1’500WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1068 * 1858, lettera da Venezia del PRIMO NOVEMBRE 1858 per Brescia, affrancata con 15 s. azzurro,primo tipo (27), con annullo a data “Venezia/1-11”. Una delle sole tre lettere note recanti il 15soldi usato nel primo giorno d’emissione. Una grande rarità della seconda emissione. Cert. R. Diena.Cat. senza prezzo.1069 ´ 1859, 2 s. giallo, secondo tipo (28), nuovo con gomma originale. Freschissimo. Firmato Colla. Cat.€ 3’000. (Foto a pag. 24)30’0003001070 107210731070 ´ 1861, 5 s. rosso (33), molto fresco, con buon rilievo, nuovo con gomma piena originale. Molto bello.Cert. Colla, firmato A. Diena. Cat. € 10’000.1071 ´ Giornali. 1851, 3 c. azzurro vivo (8a), fresco, con rilievo marcato e gomma originale. Esemplare moltobello recante questo attraente colore. Cert. Colla, firmato A. Diena. Cat. € 4’000. (Foto a pag. 24)1072 ´ Giornali. 1859, (1,05 s.) lilla brunastro (9c), molto fresco, nuovo con gomma parziale. Di grandeeffetto. Firmato Colla ed Oliva. Cat. € 9’000.1073 ´ Giornali. 1861, (1,05 s.) grigio rosa (10d), grandi margini bilanciati e rilievo prominente, nuovo con gommaoriginale. Un esemplare eccellente di questa rara gradazione di colore. Cert. Colla. Cat. € 16’000.1’0003007501’500PLEASE NOTE THAT THE STARTING PRICES IN THIS CATALOGUE ARE IN €29

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price €Modena1074 * 1852, lettera da Reggio del 30 gennaio 1855 per Firenze, affrancata con 5 c. verde (1) e due esemplaridel 10 c. rosa chiaro (2), annullati con bollo a sei sbarre in azzurro. Leggera piega, poco visibile, cheinteressa uno dei valori di 10 c. Combinazione d’affrancatura non catalogata nel Sassone. Firmato A.Diena. (Foto a pag. 20)1075 * 1852, lettera da Reggio del 12 marzo 1853 per Piacenza, recante 10 c. rosa chiaro (2) e 15 c. giallo(3), annullati con bollo a sei sbarre. Firmato A. Diena ed A. Bolaffi. Cat. € 1’200. (Foto a pag. 20)2002001076 1852, lettera da Reggio del 12 luglio 1859 per Torino, recante una coppia orizzontale del 15 c. giallo(3), annullata con il cerchio risorgimentale con stemma sabaudo “Posta Lettere Reggio” (B3). Rarissima,una delle due lettere note. Firmato Vaccari ed A. Diena. Cat. € 30’000++.1077 * 1852, lettera da Modena del 28 settembre 1857 per Vienna, affrancata secondo il porto semplice per laterza distanza austriaca con 15 c. giallo (3) con bordo d’interspazio di gruppo in alto e 25 c. camosciochiaro (4), ognuno annullato con bollo a rombi. Firmato A. Diena.1078 * 1852, lettera da Modena del 8 luglio 1853 per Milano, recante un 40 c. azzurro scuro (6), eccezionalmentemarginato con gran parte d’interspazio di gruppo in alto, leggermente cancellato con bolloa sei sbarre. Cat. € 875+.1079 * 1852, lettera da Reggio del 25 dicembre 1853 per Glarona (Glarus, Svizzera), affrancata con 25 c.camoscio chiaro (4) e 40 c. azzurro scuro (6), entrambi annullati con bollo a sei sbarre, trasportata peril porto semplice ad una destinazione svizzera lontana dal confine austriaco, con timbro “Franca” inrosso applicato al confine. Da esaminare. Firmato Vaccari.1080 * 1852-54, lettera da Reggio del 26 agosto 1858 per Turnon-sur-Rhône (Francia), affrancata con 10 c.rosa chiaro, senza punto dopo le cifre (2), e coppia del 40 c. azzurro scuro, con punto dopo le cifre(10), con a lato timbro di entrata in Francia in rosso. Tariffa di primo porto di lettera semplice direttain Francia. Rara. Cert. Bottacchi.2’5002001002501’000WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANONapoli1081 * 1858, busta da Castellamare del 8 maggio 1861 per Torino, affrancata con 5 gr. tav. I carminio vivo(5b), con annullo inedito a “svolazzo” e cerchio in verde. Grande rarità, per amatore. Unica. FirmatoCert. Colla, firmato Raybaudi.1082 * 1859-61, lettera da Napoli del 12 novembre 1860 per Messina, recante due francobolli falsi per frodarela posta con 2 gr. carminio lillaceo, tipo II (F2a), e 20 gr. carminio, tipo VI (F13), entrambi annullaticon timbro in cartella, con arrivo al verso. Interessantissima e rara combinazione in buon stato diconservazione. Cert. Colla ed En. Diena, firmato G. Bolaffi.5’0002’0001083 * 1858-1861, lettera da Napoli del 18 febbraio 1861 per Il Pireo (Grecia), affrancato con 1 gr. carminio,tav. II (4a), e 10 gr. carminio scuro, tav. II (9b), due esemplari, in affrancatura mista con ProvinceNapoletane 2 gr. azzurro (20b), due esemplari, e 5 gr. vermiglio, due esemplari, tutti obliterati con iltimbro in cartella “Annullato”. Eccezionale affrancatura quadricolore mista, oltremodo risalentealla prima settimana d’uso dei nuovi francobolli recante l’effigie di Vittorio Emanuele II. Granderarità di grande effetto e fascino. Cert. Bottacchi, firmato A. ed Enzo Diena.10’00031

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO1084 * 1861, lettera da Auletta del 14 luglio 1862 per Campagna, affrancata con 1 gr. nero delle ProvinceNapoletane (19), coppia orizzontale, blocco di quattro e blocco verticale di sei, annullati con bollo adun cerchio. Assolutamente eccezionale, la più grande affrancatura recante questo valore, di grandeeffetto visivo. Da esaminare. Cert. R. Diena.1085 * 1861, lettera da Salerno del 29 agosto 1862, affrancata con 5 gr. (21) delle Province Napoletane.L’interessante missiva diretta a Casal Monferrato fu rispedita a Recoaro per gli ‘Stati Veneti’, ove vennetassata ed apposto il bollo di scambio ‘S.2A’. Rara.5’000400Stato Pontificio1086 r 1852, piccolo frammento del luglio 1854 affrancato con 1 baj (2), annullato con lo stampatello dirittodi Fiastra (p.13). (No foto)1087 * 1852, freschissima lettera da Acquaviva dell’8 settembre per Montalto, con bellissimo timbro in cartellaal verso (p.13), a lato affrancata con 1 baj (2) annullato in transito ad Ascoli. Splendida e nitidissimaimpronta di questo non comune ufficio. Cert. Bottacchi, firmato Vaccari.1088 * 1852, lettera da Fara per Rieti, affrancata con 1 baj (2), con lo SD a lato (p.12) per Rieti. Da esaminare.Firmato Raybaudi.1089 * 1852, lettera da Roma del 25 giugno 1856 per Sutri, affrancata con una striscia di quattro del 1 baj (2),annullata con il cerchio a data “Roma/Circondario” in rosso. Firmato Raybaudi. Catalogo R2.1090 * 1852, assicurata da Roma dell’ottobre 1857 per Corneto, affrancata con 1 baj (2) ed un 8 baj (9), annullatia penna con inchiostro rosso, ed a lato Sd “Assicurata” del II tipo di 41 mm. Firmato A. Dienae Raybaudi. Catalogo R2.503001001’2001’00033


24 October 2012 - LUGANO1091 * 1852, assicurata da Roma dell’11 giugno 1857 per Civitavecchia, affrancata con coppia del 2 baj (3) edun 5 baj (6), annullati col timbro d.c. della “Direzione di Roma” in rosso, con a lato bollo stampatellodiritto “Assicurata” in rosso di 44 mm. Firmato Raybaudi. Catalogo R2.1092 * 1852, assicurata da Roma del 3 maggio 1855 per Narni, affrancata con coppia del 2 baj (4) ed unesemplare sciolto, annullati col timbro d.c. della “Direzione di Roma” in rosso, con a lato stampatellodiritto “Assicurata” di 44 mm., in rosso. Firmato Raybaudi. Catalogo R2.1093 * 1852, due lettere da Roma per Civitavecchia, una affrancata con coppia ed un esemplare sciolto del 3baj (4), l’altra con coppia del 2 baj (3) più un esemplare del 5 baj (6), entrambi annullati a penna, unacon il timbro “Assicurata” di 45 mm. a lato, l’altra con il medesimo timbro che annulla anche l’affrancatura.Duo molto bello. Firmato Raybaudi1094 * 1852, assicurata da Roma del 19 giugno 1858, affrancata con 3 baj (4) e 6 baj (7), annullati col timbroa griglia in nero, con a lato Sd “Assicurata” del III tipo di 44 mm. e d.c. “Direzione di Roma”,entrambi in rosso. Firmato Raybaudi. Catalogo R2.1095 * 1852, lettera da Perugia del 1° giugno 1853 per Schoenennerd (Svizzera), affrancata con un 5 baj(6), ed annullata con la griglietta di Perugia, “Via di Sarzana” e T.S.2 oltre a segni di tassa a penna.Interessante e freschissimo insieme per amatore. Firmato Raybaudi.1096 * 1852, lettera da Roma del 16 gennaio 1858 per Perugia, affrancata con 5 baj (6), annullato col timbrod.c. “Direzione di Roma” in rosso. A lato bollo a stampatello diritto “Assicurata” in rosso di 44 mm.Certificato Bottacchi, signed Raybaudi. Catalogo R2.1097 * 1852, assicurata da Roma per Parma, affrancata con due esemplari del 5 baj (6), annullati all’arrivo contratti di penna incrociati, ed a lato timbro rosso Sd “Assicurata del I tipo di 35 mm. Firmato Raybaudi.Catalogo R1.1098 * 1852, assicurata da Roma del primo aprile per Münster (Prussia), affrancata con coppia del 5 baj (6),annullata con doppio timbro Sd “Assicurata” del I tipo di 35 mm. in rosso, recante timbri di tassazionee “Recommandirt” a lato. Uso molto raro di questo annullamento su corrispondenza per l’estero.Firmato Raybaudi. Catalogo R2.1099 * 1852, lettera da Roma del 20 gennaio per Bologna, affrancata con striscia di tre del 6 baj (7), annullatacol timbro Sd su due righe “Roma/Affrancata” in rosso. A lato Sd “Assicurata” del I tipo di mm. 35,con arrivo al verso. Firmato A. Diena e Raybaudi. Catalogo R2.1100 * 1852, assicurata da Roma dell’8 gennaio 1858, affrancata con 3 baj (4) e 6 baj (7), annullati col timbrod.c. “Direzione di Roma” in rosso, con a lato stampatello diritto “Assicurata” in rosso di 44 mm.Firmato Em. Diena e Raybaudi. Catalogo R2.1’5002’0001’0007501007507501’5002’5001’0001101 r 1852, frammento affrancato con 5 baj (6), 6 baj (7) e 7 baj (8), annullati col timbro Sd su due righe“Roma/Affrancata” in rosso, con a lato manoscritto “per consegna” e bollo Sd in rosso “Assicurata”del I tipo di 35 mm. Firmato Raybaudi. Catalogo R2.75035

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO1102 * 1852, lettera da Roma del 22 gennaio per Viterbo, affrancata con 4 baj (5), annullato col timbro Sd“Assicurata” del I tipo di 35 mm., e coppia del 7 baj. (8) annullata col timbro Sd su due righe “Roma/Affrancata”in rosso. Combinazione molto rara di timbri che annullano l’affrancatura. Cert. EnzoDiena. Catalogo R2.5’0001103 * 1852, lettera da Roma di aprile per Firenze, affrancata con 6 baj (7) e due striscie di tre del 7 baj (8),annullati col timbro Sd su due righe “Roma/Affrancata” in rosso. A lato Sd “Assicurata” del I tipo dimm. 35. Spettacolare ed eccezionale combinazione. Firmato Raybaudi. Catalogo R2.5’00037

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price €1104 * 1852, due assicurate da Roma, per Venezia e Reggio (Modena), ognuna recante un’affrancatura singoladel 8 baj (9), annullata col d.c. “Direzione di Roma” in nero, e a lato timbro “Assicurata” di 41mm. Firmato Raybaudi.1105 r 1852, frammento recante affrancatura originaria di Austria, probabilmente riaffrancata per rispedizione,con 4 baj (5) e coppia del 8 baj (9) applicati sull’affrancatura austriaca, annullati col timbro “Assicurata”di 41 mm. e con “Direzione di Roma”, entrambi in nero. Combinazione rarissima. (Foto a pag. 26)1106 * 1852, lettera da Roma per Napoli, affrancata con coppia ed un esemplare dell’8 baj (9), più un 2 baj(3), annullati con griglia a linee e dal timbro “Assicurata” di 41 mm., entrambi in nero, con a lato“Direzione di Roma” del 6 gennaio 1863. Firmato Raybaudi.1107 * 1852, assicurata da Roma del 21 febbraio 1854 per Ferrara, affrancata con un 3 baj (4) e striscia di tredell’8 baj (9), annullati col d.c. di Roma in nero. A lato Sd “Assicurata” del I tipo di 35 mm. in rosso.Firmato A. Diena e Raybaudi. Catalogo R1.1108 * 1852, assicurata da Roma del 23 giugno 1855 per Genova, affrancata con striscia di tre ed un esemplaredell’8 baj (9), ed uno del 4 baj (5), annullati a penna in nero, recante al verso un 5 baj non annullato.Timbro “Assicurata” di 41 mm. sulla soprascritta. Molto fresca e rara. Firmato A. Diena e Raybaudi.Catalogo R1.1109 * 1852, assicurata da Roma del 18 aprile 1857 per Napoli, affrancata con 2 baj (3), coppia e tre esemplaridell’8 baj (9), annullati col timbro d.c. “Direzione di Roma” in rosso, e parzialmente dal bollo Sd“Assicurata” del III tipo di 44 mm., come pure lo Sd su due righe “Roma/Franca”, entrambi in rosso.Combinazione di annullamenti molto rara. Firmato A. Diena e Raybaudi. Catalogo R3.7507505005001’2002’5001110 * 1852, assicurata da Roma dell’aprile 1858 per Gesualdo, affrancata con due coppie ed un esemplaredell’8 baj (9), ed un 2 baj (3), annullati con la griglia in rosso. Sulla soprascritta bollo Sd “Assicurata”del III tipo di 44 mm. e lo Sd su due righe “Roma/Franca”, entrambi in rosso. Parte della letteramancante al verso. Uso rarissimo della griglia in rosso, trattasi di una di meno di cinque lettereconosciute. Firmato Raybaudi. Catalogo R3.1111 * 1867, lettera da Roma del 17 febbraio 1868 per Parigi, affrancata, per il primo porto per la Francia,con un 10 c. (17) ed un 40 c. (19), annullati con la griglia pontificia, con a lato timbro blu di entrata inFrancia. Trattasi dell’ultima data d’uso nota della griglia pontificia su corrispondenza ordinaria.Rarità. Firmato A. Diena e Raybaudi.4’000750WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1112 ´ 1868, 5 c. azzurro scuro (25d), blocco di quattro recante dentellatura in ottime condizioni, con gommapiena originale. Splendido e molto raro. Cert. Sorani. Cat. € 16’670.1113 * 1867-68, straordinaria lettera da Montefiascone dell’11 maggio 1868 per Roma, affrancata per 20 centesimicon una coppia del 5 c. (16), ed un 10 c. (26) di grande formato dovuto allo spostamento delladentellatura (assai raro così accentuato), con i francobolli annullati con la griglia e a lato lo SD di Montefiascone(p.13) sulla III emissione. Insieme eccezionalmente fresco e ben conservato. Cert. Bottacchi.1114 (*) 1868, frontespizio di lettera da Roma del 26 maggio 1870 per Santiago del Cile, viaggiata via Southamptone Panama ed affrancata conforme alla tariffa di 1 lira e 35 c. per corrispondenza indirizzata inAmerica del Sud, via di Panama, con 5 c. (25), 10 c. (26), 40 c. (29) e 80 c. (30), annullati con grigliaa tratti. Timbri di transito di Marsiglia e Londra e bollo “15” in cerchio apposto in transito a Panama.Affrancatura quadricolore molto rara su lettera per una destinazione eccezionale. Cert. Enzo Diena,firmato Raybaudi.1115 * 1868, lettera da Ancona del 26 settembre 1869 per Roma, affrancata con un 20 c. di Regno d’Italia(26), annullato col numerale a punti “7”. All’arrivo a Roma il 27 settembre, la busta fu riaffrancatacon 20 c. (28), annullato con griglia a tratti, e rispedita a Casale Monferrato. Affrancatura mista rara.Da esaminare. Firmato Raybaudi.1’2004001’000500Sardegna1116 ´ 1851, 1851, 40 c. rosa carminio (3b), con due grandi margini, gomma originale e colore vivo. Freschissimoe bellissimo esemplare di questo raro francobollo. Da esaminare. Cert. Enzo Diena, firmatoEm. Diena per esteso e Vaccari. Cat. € 32’000.3’500Sicilia1117 8 1859, 1/2 gr. arancio scuro, prima tavola (1e), grandi margini, freschissimo e pulitamente annullato con“ferro a cavallo”. Molto bello. Firmato A. Diena, Fiecchi e G. Bolaffi. Cat. € 5’500. (Foto a pag. 46)40039

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO111811221118 r 1859, 1/2 gr. arancio carico rossastro, prima tavola (1f), ben marginato, annullato da ferro di cavallo suframmento, con a lato cerchio rosso di Trapani. Probabilmente si tratta dell’esemplare più bello noto inquesta rarissima tonalità di colore. Cert. Enzo Diena, firmato Em. Diena ed Avanzo. Cat. € 55’000.5’0001119 * 1859, lettera da Palermo del 6 gennaio 1859 per Girgenti, affrancata con 1/2 gr. giallo chiaro, primatavola (1aa), coppia orizzontale, posizioni 95-96, e 2gr. cobalto, prima tavola (6b), posizione 20,ognuno annullato con “ferro a cavallo”. Piccolo strappo a sinistra del valore di 2 gr., di pochissima importanza.Affrancatura rara per coprire il primo porto interno, nei primissimi giorni d’emissione. Cert.Enzo Diena e Bottacchi, firmato A. Diena, Avanzo, Asinelli, e Raybaudi per esteso.1120 8 1859, 1 gr. bruno olivastro, prima tavola, secondo stato (3d), striscia di tre splendidamente marginatae annullata con “ferri a cavallo”. Piccolo foro di spillo riparato a sinistra, di cui non vi è cenno nelcertificato. Di splendido aspetto. Cert. Enzo Diena, firmaro Em. Diena e G. Bolaffi per esteso. Cat. €10’800. (Foto a pag. 46)1121 8 1859, 2 gr. azzurro oltremare, seconda tavola (7d), striscia di tre, posizioni 32-33-34, recante grandie bilanciati margini, annullata, pulitamente, con “ferri a cavallo”. Traccia di inchiostro dell’epoca nelfrancobollo sinistro in basso a destra. Molto bella. Cert. Enzo Diena, firmato Avanzo, Em. ed A. Diena.Cat. € 11’200. (Foto a pag. 46)1122 ´ 1859, 5 gr. rosso sangue, prima tavola (9c), blocco di quattro con piena gomma originale, posizioni58-59 / 68-69. Questa rara tonalità di colore in bloccho di quattro è una grande rarità, di cui se neconoscono quattro esemplari che rappresentano i secondi multipli conosciuti dopo un blocco di sei(rif. Enzo Diena). Splendido. Cert. Enzo Diena.3’5005005002’00041

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price €1123 ´/´´ 1859, 10 gr. indaco nero (12a), splendido blocco di nove, posizioni 76-78 / 86-88 / 96-98, nuovocon gomma originale. Unico, il più grande multiplo noto nella più rara tinta del valore di 10 gr.,una importante rarità di Sicilia. Cert. Enzo Diena e Raybaudi, firmato Em. Diena e Mondolfo. Cat.€ 67’500 (solo per singoli francobolli).7’5001124 * 1859, lettera da Messina del 17 gennaio 1859 per Genova, affrancata per il porto semplice con i piroscafipostali francesi (timbro corrispondente a destra) con 2 gr. azzurro smorto, seconda tavola (7e), ecoppia del 10 gr. azzurro cupo (12). Affrancatura rara su lettera nel primo mese d’uso, di eccezionalefreschezza e bellezza. Cert. Colla.2’000WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1125 * 1859, lettera da Palermo del 19 gennaio 1859 per Roma, recante un 50 gr. lacca bruno (14), con a latotransito di Civitavecchia e segno di tassa “80”. Dalla lettera venne ritagliato un piccolo frammento conapplicato il 50 gr., che in seguito fu riattaccato al foglio ricongiungendo in modo magistrale la carta.Di eccezionale significato, rappresentante dell’unico esempio noto su lettera di quest’affrancaturasingola con il più alto valore di questa emissione. Un pezzo di importanza fondamentale perla grande collezione della Sicilia. Cert. A. Diena, Fiecchi, Raybaudi e L. Gazzi, firmato Em. Diena eMondolfo. Cat. € 170’000.35’000Phone BiddingPlease call our offices to arrange for telephone bidding prior to the sale+41 91 911 62 0043

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price €1126 * 1859, lettera da Messina del 31 ottobre 1859 per Livorno, affrancata per nove porti rappresentati da171 grana con 1 gr. verde oliva (5a), 20 gr. grigio ardesia (13) e 50 gr. lacca bruno, stampa oleosa,(14), coppia ed esemplare singolo. Straordinaria ed unica affrancatura: trattasi della seconda affrancaturaper numero di esemplari del 50 gr. su lettera, dopo la altrettanto celebre affrancaturacon la striscia di tre più singolo. Si tratta non solo di una delle più rare ed affascinanti lettereesistenti di Sicilia, ma uno dei documenti più sensazionali della filatelia classica nell’ambito degliAntichi Stati Italiani. Cert. Enzo Diena e Colla.75’000Auction LiveYou can participate in our auctionsby live bidding on the internetwww.spink.comWWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANOToscana1127 ´ 1851-52, 2s. scarlatto su azzurro (3), recante la pregevole caratteristica di mostrare quattro marginibianchi, con un colore intenso e piena gomma originale. Eccezionale esemplare per freschezza e straordinariostato di conservazione. Sicuramente uno dei più bei esemplari tra i pochissimi esistentidi questa grande rarità. Cert. Colla. Cat. € 75’000.1128 * 1860, lettera da Livorno del 21 gennaio 1860 per Civitavecchia, affrancata con 10 c. bruno (19) e20 c. azzurro (20) del Governo Provvisorio, annullati con cerchio a data con a lato “P.D.”, entrambiapposti in rosso. La lettera fu viaggiata per via marittima con “Civitavecchia/Dalla/Via Di Mare” edi conseguenza il timbro “P.D.” fu cancellato in arrivo con timbro a cinque sbarre ed “Insufficiente”.Interessante e rara. (Foto a pag. 40)15’000500Regno d'Italia1129 * 1863, busta raccomandata da Carpi del 9 giugno per la Transilvania, affrancata per 95 centesimi condue esemplari del 40 c. di Sardegna (16E) ed un 15 c. litografico (12). Affrancatura mista in ottimaqualità in un insieme di grande effetto. Firmato Giulio Bolaffi e P. Vaccari. (Foto a pag. 40)1130 ´´ 1933, Crociera Nord Atlantica, la serie (S. 1509-S. 1509T) in due fogli completi, un foglio con ilquarto superiore destro aperto e solo due esemplari linguellati. Da esaminare.7501’0001131 * Crociera Nord Atlantica Balbo. 1933, lettera da Roma del 14 giugno per Washington, affrancata conil trittico “Servizio di Stato” (1), buona centratura, annullato a Roma con l’annullo speciale dellaCrociera in basso a sinistra. Il trittico servì per l’affrancatura di 210 lettere ufficiali. Cert. Bolaffi 100%,firmato G. Bolaffi per esteso. Cat. € 30’000.5’00045

1117 1120 11211130 ex11391142 ex 1145 exWWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1132 * 1934, insieme di quattro aerogrammi, ognuno recante affrancatura singola del francobollo soprastampato“Servizio di Stato”, 25 l.+ 2 l., rispettivamente di Cirenaica, Eritrea, Somalia e Tripolitania,dirette a Mogadiscio (con provenienza da Massaua, Tobruk o Tripoli) o a Roma (con provenienza daMogadiscio), con francobollo annullato, per le prime tre, con i bolli del volo speciale Roma-Mogadiscio.Insieme raro. Cert. Enzo Diena ed A. Bolaffi (qualità 100%).3’000Italian Post Offices - TunisiaUffici Postali all'Estero - Tunisia(See also lots from 1020 to 1028)(Vedere anche lotti dal 1020 al 1028)1133 * 1869, March 10. Entire letter to Livorno bearing London printing 20c. and 30c. pair, tied by “235”dotted lozenges, with “Tunisi/Poste Italiane cds alongside, transit and arrival on reverse. Illustratedon page 122 of the handbook dedicated to the Italian P.O.’s Abroad by Zanaria-Serra-Del Negro.Slight stains not detracting from this rare franking. Cert. Colla. Sa. L19, L26.1134 * 1871, March 4. Cover to Patti franked by Turin printing 5c. (2), 10c. and 20c., tied by “235” dottedlozenges, showing “Tunisi/Poste Italiane” datestamp at base, transit and arrival on back. Illustrated onpage 125 of the handbook dedicated to the Italian P.O.’s Abroad by Zanaria-Serra-Del Negro. A veryrare and appealing three-colour franking. Cert. Colla. Sa. T16, T17, T26b. (Photo on page 40)1135 * 1873, Nov 26. Entire letter to Livorno bearing Turin printing 5c. (2) and 10c. strip of three, cleanlytied by “235” dotted lozenges with matching cds and Italic “coi Postali Italiani” at base. Pressed verticalfiling fold just passing through one 10c. adhesive, being hardly visible on front. Illustrated on page125 of the handbook dedicated to the Italian P.O.’s Abroad by Zanaria-Serra-Del Negro. One of onlytwo letters recorded with this franking. Cert. Colla. Sa. T16, T17. (Photo on page 40)1136 * 1871, Oct 15. Entire letter from Suza to Marseilles, franked by Turin printing 60c. (3), tied by “235”dotted lozenges, with “Tunisi/Poste Italiane” datestamp at top and red French entry of Marseillesalongside. Filing fold well clear of the adhesives. A fine and unique franking. Cert. Colla. Sa. T21a.1137 * 1886, March 19. Envelope (reduced on three sides) to Siena, franked by 5c., 10c. and 25c., tied by“235” barred ovals with matching “Tunisi/Poste Italiane” datestamp adjacent, showing transit andarrival on reverse. Illustrated by Zanaria-Serra-Del Negro on page 110 of their handbook dedicated tothe Italian P.O.’s Abroad. A fine and very rare three-colour franking including the very unusual 25c.denomination. Cert. Colla. Sa. 12, 13, 15. (Photo on page 50)1138 (*) 1888, March 26. Registered cover front to Genoa bearing Umberto 5c. (3), 10c. and 25c., tied by“235” barred ovals with matching “Tunisi/Poste Italiane” cds alongside, backstamped on upper backflap on arrival. Very slight filing fold through one 5c. A very rare three-colour franking including thedifficult 25c. Cert. Colla and Raybaudi. Sa. 12, 13, 15. (No photo)1139 ´ Costantinopoli. 1908, 4 pi. su 1 li. bruno e verde (6), centratura usuale, nuovo con gomma originale.Solo 99 esemplari furono soprastampati. Firmato Sorani. Catalogo € 18’000.300400500600150100500Vaticano1140 8 1934, “Provvisoria”, 1,30 l. su 1,25 l. azzurro (36A), annullato e ben centrato. Molto bello e raro.Cert. A. Diena e Sorani. Cat. € 20’000.2’00047

1132 ex113311361146 1149 exWWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1141 ´/´´/8/rLotti e Collezioni dell'Area ItalianaStato Pontificio. 1867-68, molto interessante insieme di 51 francobolli in centesimi, dentellati e nondentellati, di cui 23 nuovi. Da esaminare. (No foto)4001142 ´/8 Antichi Stati. Interessante insieme di 25 esemplari, compresi poco comuni valori di Toscana ed 11Sperati del 50 baj. ed 1 scudo di Pontificio. Da esaminare.1143 ´/´´ Regno d’Italia. 1867-1901, insieme di sei esemplari (T26, 35, 40, 74, 76, segnatasse 18), tutti nuovie corredati da certificati. Da esaminare. (No foto)1144 ´´/´ Regno d’Italia. 1933, trittico “Servizio di Stato” con leggerissima traccia di linguella (firmato Champion),più 32 trittici della Crociera Nord Atlantica, la maggior parte con gomma integra, compresianche blocchi di cinque. Da esaminare. (Foto a pag. 68)1145 ´´/´ Area Italiana. 1879-1933, interessante lotto composto da più di 300 francobolli del Regno d’Italia,Uffici Postali all’Estero e Colonie, compresi diversi buoni valori come il “Servizio di Stato” di Cirenaicaed Eritrea. Da esaminare.5002007501’000LUXEMBOURG1146 * 1852-58, 10 c. black grey, a well margined strip of four applied overlapping the left edge of lettersheetfrom Luxembourg to London and resulting in a tear affecting the left-hand adhesive, tied by nine barovals, with 18 Sept. 1855 cds on dispatch at right, as well as red French t.p.o. cds and “Paid” cds appliedon arrival. Cover carried via France at single rate up to 7 1/2 gr. An unusual cover. Prifix 1f. Ex Seligson.400MAURITIUS1147 * 1859, 1d. red, latest impression, vertical strip of four showing good to large margins all around, cancelledby concentric rings handstamp and also tied by blurred strike of French datestamp of Réunion,paying the up to 1/4 oz maritime rate on 31 March 1859 cover to St. Denis (Réunion) with, on back,the corresponding crowned “Mauritius/GPO” datestamp. On reverse it exhibits a fair strike of theframed “M & I” handstamp, denoting the ‘décime de mer’ (1d. to the ship’s master) as well as mailoriginating from Mauritius and India -with only two examples of this postmark being recorded inthe celebrated Kanai collection-, accompanied by St. Denis cds. Acidic ink erosions in address’ panel,pressed out horizontal crease at top and couple of natural wrinkles impinging on the multiple, barelydetracting from this very rare and desirable multiple on cover. Cert. RPS. S.G. 23.2’50049

11371150 ex115111521153 ex115411551158 1159 ex11561161 front-reverse115711601162 front-reverseWWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANOOTTOMAN EMPIRE1148 (*) 1859, “Porto Piastre” label with “2” manuscript rate on cover front from London to Constantinople,applied as being redirected to Broussa through this steamship company, accompanied by framed “P.P.” handstamp illustrated with anchor, franked on dispatch with Great Britain 6d. (defective). One ofonly four known combination covers, all being cover fronts, exhibiting a combination of Ottomanmaritime issues and a foreign postal administration issue. A rarity of Turkish postal history.Cert. B.P.A.1149 (*) 1859, “Porto Piastre” label, group of five cover fronts to Broussa featuring different rates including“2”, “2 1/2”, “3”, “3 1/4” and “4”, each showing “P. P.” handstamp illustrated with anchor andwith Guy de Vachet cert. Rare.1’000750RUSSIA(See also lots 1269 and 1270)(Please consider also Latvia in lots 1153 and 1163, as well as Estonia in lots 1156, 1158, 1159 and 1160)1150 * 1763-1868, group of 22 stampless covers, all except the earliest one bearing postmarks and mainlyaddressed to foreign destinations. Viewing suggested.1151 * 1781, Dec 19. Entire letter from St. Petersbourg to Hodimont (Belgium), endorsed “fco. (franco)Wesel”, showing superb “St. Petersbovrg” (Dobin 0.01a), with Russian prepaid charges including 27k. for the St. Petersbourg-Memel and 44 k. for the Memel-Wesel sections of its journey. “7” manuscriptrate on front for domestic postage on arrival. This handstamp represents the first type to beintroduced in this city. A rare and interesting entire to an outgoing destination.1152 * 1785, Aug 14. Entire letter from Moscow to Lyon with superb “Moscov” and “Maseyck” transit(Dutch border), with “fw” (franco Wessel) and “32” décimes French due. Somewhat age stained. Veryscarce. Ex Adler.1153 * 1788-93. Two entire letters from Riga to Pernau (Estonia), showing different types of “Riga” straightlines(Dobin fig. 0.05a & 0.03B). Signed Mikulski.1154 * 1791, July 21. Entire letter from Moscow to Pernau (Estonia), showing fine “Moscov” straight-line(Dobin 0.03a). Scarce. Signed Mikulski.1155 * 1792, Sept. 20. Entire letter from Moscow to Hodimont, showing “Mockba” straight-line handstampin Cyrillic (Dobin 0.02g). Manuscript rate “44” on reverse which represents the charge paid by Russiafor conveyance through Prussia, with “7” sols on front paying the Belgian section of the journey. Veryfine and rare.30025015015010015051

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO1156 * 1797. April 10. Entire letter from Dorpat (Estonia) to Pernau, with framed “Dorpat” postmark (Dobinfig. 0.01). Scarce. Signed Mikulski.1157 * 1797, May 18. Cover from Kazan to the Counselor of State in Reval, with on reverse clear strike of cyrillic“Kazan” (Dobin fig. 0.02), and red wax seal. Some staining clear away of the postmark. Very scarce.1158 * 1798, April 23. Cover from Arensburg (Kuressaare, Estonia) to Pernau, bearing bold strike of straightline“Arensburg”. Very rare. Signed Mikulski.1159 * 1798 ca.-1800. Two covers from Hapsal to Reval, one (lower flap missing) showing italic “Hapsal”,the other with “Hapsal” (second type) straight-line, the latter being used two years before than recordedby Dobin. (Dobin fig. 0.01 & 1.01). Signed Mikulski.1160 * 1799, May 24. Cover endorsed “per Riga/oder Fellin” to Pernau (Pärnu), showing very fine “Fellin.”straight-line (Dobin fig. 0.01). Scarce. Signed Mikulski.1161 * 1800 ca. Cover from St. Petersburg to Princess Radizwill in Lowitz (Poland), endorsed “par Riga/Königsberg”, showing “4 1/2” & “2 3/4” manuscript rates. Toasted for disinfection, this characteristicbeing more visible on reverse. A very scarce disinfected mail.1162 * 1804, Jan. Envelope addressed to the “Conseiller d’Etat de Sa majesté l’Empereur de toutes les Russies”in England, redirected inland on arrival, bearing “St. Petersbourg” straight-line handstamp andtwo faint red strikes of two further handstamps on front, alongside with numerous rate notations. FineTsar’s red wax seal, British entry and datestamp on reverse. A very scarce destination in this period.1163 * 1806-12. Entire letter and cover to Hodimont and Amsterdam, one showing small “Mitau” straightline,the other with framed “Mitau” (Dobin fig. 2.01 & 2.02).1164 * 1818. Two entire letters from St. Petersburg to San Sebastián (Spain), one forwarded via Prussia withMemel transit, the other being travelled via England by Frederik Thieleke forwarding agent. A veryinteresting duo including two different routes to an unusual destination.1165 * 1827, July 8. Entire letter from Moscow to Paris, showing very fine “Moscov” straight-line in red(Dobin fig. 0.03a), “Memel/29 Juli” transit, red “PP”, as well as Paris cds and “P/Banlieu” on reverse.Scarce and very fine.1166 * 1837, June 11. Entire letter from Kronstadt to Boston, with neat cds on dispatch on reverse and veryfine “Ship/6” due marking in red on front paying the American maritime carriage. A rare transoceanicmail to United States.1167 * St. Petersburg City Post. 1845, 5 (+1) k. imprint at upper right, postal stationery envelope, unused.Very fine and scarce.1168 * St. Petersburg City Post. 1848-68, 5 (+1) k. postal stationery envelopes, 137x86 & 114x76, as well as1864-68 5 (+1) k. two postal stationery envelopes, one with imprint at upper left, 113x73, the otherbeing 137x85, also exhibiting a blanko imprint. All are unused and in very fine condition.1169 * 1880, Feb 5. Registered envelope from Bar to Kamenets Podolsk, bearing 5k. pair and single and 20k., tiedby cds’s at departure, with arrival on reverse. A scarce cover paying four times the single rate. SC 19, 32.1170 * 1866, 5k. black and greyish blue, together with 30k., both printed on horizontally laid paper used onlarge registered envelope to Arkhangelsk, both cancelled by neat Emetskoe pre-adhesive handstampwhich dated 19 february 1872, being repeated on reverse and accompanied by Arkhangelsk cds. A rareand very fine usage. SC 19a, 22. Ex Bianchi.15025030030020020025015025020020015025010025053

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO1171 * 1873, March 19. Entire letter from Odessa to Cyprus, franked by 1866 3 k. pair and two singles, and10 k., tied by Odessa cds’s, showing “Oplacheno” in circle alongside, red crayon “25” kr. credited toAustria, with Triest and Vienna cds’s on reverse. Vertical filing fold affecting one 3 k. value, in no waydetracting from this highly desirable cover to an extremely rare destination. SC 18, 20.1172 * 1869, Aug 30. Mourning envelope from Taganrog to Athens, bearing 1866 horizontally laid paper10k. blue and red-brown (3), showing Odessa transit alongside and charged on delivery with “45”red ink paid by Large Hermes Head 5L. and 40L. Some imperfections affecting the Russian franking,nevertheless a colurful and rare combination. SC 20.5’0005001173 * 1874, Oct 28. Envelope from Rostov to Adelaide (South Australia) via England, franked by 1866 1k.in combination with vertically laid paper 3k. in pair and 30 k., tied by Rostov cds’s, showing rate notations,“London/Paid” and Adelaide cds’s alongside. Postal wagon n. 7-8 datestamp corresponding tothe Orel-Dvinsk line, on reverse. Cover edge imperfections and stamps with faults, except for one 3 k.adhesive, of no importance for this important showpiece representing one of only two franked coversrecorded addressed to Australia prior to its entry into the U.P.U. SC 17, 24, 28.1174 * 1866, 1k. and 30k., in combination with 1875 8k., all printed on horizontally laid paper, neatly tiedby Novgorod cds’s on registered envelope carried at triple rate to St. Petersburg, with arrival on back.Very fine. SC 17, 22, 30. Ex Mehrtens.7’50030055

1183118811891192 1193 ex118711911190WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1175 * 1866, 5k., 10k. and 30k. vertical pair on large envelope carried at six-times the single rate to St. Petersburg,each tied by “Driza.” cds dated 27 January 1875. A rare and high franking. SC 19, 20, 22.1176 * 1885, Feb 21. Registered envelope locally used in Akhtyrka, bearing 3k. black and green, single andpair, and 1k. orange, tied by datestamp cancel. 10k. paid for the single local registered rate (except forSt. Petersbourg and Moscow). Fine and scarce. SC 24, 34.1177 * 1884, Sept 19. Registered 7k. postal stationery envelope to London, additionally franked with 2k. and5k., tied by St. Petersbourg cds’s, with London transit alongside. SC 29, 37.1178 * 1883-85. Two registered covers carried at 14 kopeks rate to Florence and Rome, one, originatingfrom St. Petersbourg, bearing 1879 7k. pair, the other, from Minsk, franked by two 1884 7k. SC 33,38. (No photo)1179 * 1889-91. 7k. and 10k. postal stationery envelopes from Odessa and St. Petersbourg to Germany andAustria, uprated to the 30k. rate, one with 10k. pair, the other bearing 1k., 4k. (3) and 10k., both withtelegraph P.O. cancels on dispatch. SC 52, 53, 57.1180 * 1896, Feb 21. 5k. postal stationery envelope (opened for display) to Rüttenscheid (Germany), upratedwith 1k. marginal pair and single and 4k. pair and marginal single, all applied on reverse, tied by St.Petersbourg cds’s. SC 52, 57, MK57E.1181 * 1903, March 25. Cover from Khabarovsk (Siberia) via Japan to San Francisco, bearing 3k. (2) and4k., tied by cds’s on dispatch, with backstamps including Nagasaki, Yokohama and San Francisco datestamps.SC 52, 68.1182 * 1894, Nov 16. 10k. postal stationery card to Chicago, uprated with 10k., tied by telegraph cancellationof St. Petersbourg, backstamped on arrival. SC 53, PC71183 * 1899, Dec 30. Registered envelope from St. Petersbourg to London, bearing City Telegraph P.O.registration label unusually tied by rose registration handstamp, franked by 20k. tied by datestamp,with arrival alongside. Some stains and imperfections to envelope at top. A rare temporary registrationlabel, further enhanced by the late use. SC 54.1184 * 1894, April 18. Registered envelope from Borjom to London, franked on reverse with 10k. pair andsingle, tied by Borjom datestamps in violet. Interesting contents on behalf of his Imperial Highness theGrand Duke Alexis Mihailovich asking to send him during the whole winter the “London Philatelist”,with his red wax seal affixed to envelope on back. Small rust spots on front. SC 54.1185 * 1897, Sept 17. Large registered envelope to Milan, franked by 50k. (2), tied by St. Petersbourg datestamps,with Udine transit and arrival on reverse. Wrinkles along two edges. Scarce. SC 55.1186 * 1901, July 26. Large registered envelope to Rome, bearing 1r. tied by violet datestamp of St. Petersbourg.Wrinkles along cover edges to be expected in such a large envelope, and two horizontal creasesat top, one very slightly impinging on the adhesive, nevertheless, a scarce single franking to a foreigndestination. SC 56. (No photo)1187 * 1895, April 10. Large registered envelope to Rouen (France), franked by 20k. pair and 1r. pair, tied bySt. Petersbourg datestamps, with red Paris cds adjacent and arrival on back. Two vertical creases wellclear of the franking. A very scarce franking. SC 54, 56.1188 * 1890, Jan 23. 1k. postal stationery wrapper to Uhlenhorst (Germany), uprated with 1k. (vertical creaseand one perforation missing at left), with Riga-Vitebsk travelling P.O. cancellations. Rare printed matterrate. SC 57.1189 * 1890, April 9. Registered opened-up envelope from Moscow to Rotterdam, franked by 1k. (16, ofwhich 14 applied on reverse) and 7k. (2), tied by cds’s on disptach, with Moscow telegraph datestampin blue alongside and arrival on back. A rare franking to an infrequent destination. SC 57, 61.1190 * 1896, Jan 3. Registered envelope (opened for display) from St. Petersbourg to Stockport (Great Britain),paying the double registered rate with 5k. and 1k. block of 25, the latter being applied on reverse,with each adhesive tied by St. Petersbourg datestamp, with London transit on front and arrivalon reverse. Some stains and vertical crease between adhesives, not detracting. A spectacular and mostunusual multiple on cover. SC 57, 60.3001501001501501001001001501501501003008030040057

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO1191 * 1902, Nov 18. Registered envelope from St. Petersbourg to London, franked on reverse with 5k. and 36stamps of 1k., each tied by cds at departure. A rare make-up of the 40 kopeks UPU rate. SC 57, 60.1192 * 1901, Nov 22. Cover from Khabarovsk (Siberia) to San Francisco via Japan, franked by 1k., 5k. and 14k.,tied by cds’s on dispatch, with Vladivostok and Nagasaki transits and arrival on reverse. SC 57, 60, 62.1193 * 1890-91. Two covers carried at 10k. rate to Paris. one being a 7k. postal stationery envelope originatingfrom Batum with scarce “Batum-Odessa” maritime cancellation, the other from Novoradomskwith 7k. adhesive, both uprated with 1k. strip of three. SC 57, 61, MK41.1194 * 1899, Jan 18. Registered cover used in St. Petersburg, paying the 5k. local rate plus 7k. registrationfee with 2k., 3k, and 7k, tied by cds’s on dispatch, with 12th City Telegraph P.O. registration labelalongside. Two filing folds well clear of the franking. A rare usage of this provisional registration label(the first official Russian registration labels did not appear until 1899). SC 58, 59, 61.1195 * 1899, Aug 26. Registered envelope from Novocherkassy to Germany, carried at triple rate with 2k.,3k., 7k. and 14k. pair, tied by datestamp at departure, with scarce temporary registration-label at rightand arrival on back. Very fine and attractive four-colour franking. SC 58, 59, 61, 62.1196 * 1899, Aug 23. Large registered envelope to St. Petersbourg, paying six times the single rate with7k. single and block of six, tied by Vitebsk datestamps, showing scarce provisional registration labelalongside. SC 61.1197 * 1904, Oct 22. Insured letter to Kharkov, opened for display with small portion of cover front missing,franked on reverse with 3k., 10l., 50k. and 1r. (2), each tied by Kalac cds, showing red wax seals alongsideas stipulated for insured mail, with registration label on front. A rare franking. SC 53, 55, 56, 68.1198 * 1904, Oct 25. Insured envelope to Kharkov, bearing 5k., 20k. and 1r. (2), each tied by neat AlexanderNevsky datestamp, with registration label at top right. Five red wax seals and arrival on reverse. Rare.SC 69, 77, 80.1199 * 1907, Aug 31. Insured cover from Uman, addressed to Princess Galitzine in Bern (Switzerland),franked by 70k. (2) and 1r. (2), each tied by Uman datestamp. Fine nine red wax seals on reverse asstipulated for insured mail, together with Bern cds. A scarce franking with the highest denominationof this issue. SC 79, 80.1200 * 1914-15. Seven covers exhibiting WWI mute cancels, originating from Warsaw, Talnom, Polotz, Kovienskyand Minsk. Scarce.1201 * 1848-1945. Postal stationery envelopes & cards assembly comprising of 68 items used and unused,including 1848 first issue (wide tail) 20 (+1) k. & 30 (+1) k. unused, 1858 narrow tail 20 (+1) k. & 30(+1) k. unused, 10 (+1) k. used (3), also with some few usages in Poland and China, railroad cancellations,etc. Some items originate from the Maklakoff collection. Viewing essential.1202 * 1870-1907. Russian railroad markings, 19 covers/cards with a wide range of usages, also includinginteresting incoming cover originating from Italy franked by DLR 10c. & 40c.300150150150150150250200250200750200Russian Levant1203 * Constantinople. 1881, Nov 27. Cover from Tiflis to Constantinople, franked on reverse with 7k. tiedon dispatch, showing blue “Konstantin.” cds on arrival (Tchilinghirian fig. 11).1204 * 1883-91, two covers bearing three different ROPIT postmarks used at Constantinople (2) and Khios(light strike), Tchilinghirian figs. 715, 716 & 778.1205 * 1905, Dec 1st. Registered envelope from Constantinople to Wilmersdorf (Germany), bearing 1900-04 complete set tied by cds on dispatch, and Galata (Branch P.O.) cds adjacent (Tchilinghirian figs. 17& 22). Very fine. Mi. 20-29.1206 * 1906, Oct. Registered envelope to Chicago, bearing 1900-04 20pa. on 4k. pair, 5pi. on 50k. and 7pi.on 70k., tied by “Konstantinopol/R.O.P.iT./Pochtovaya Kontora” cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 22). Severalimperfections to cover, and closed tear with tape on reverse. An interesting overseas destination.Mi. 22y, 25y, 26y.5010010010059

1199 12101200 ex12031204 ex12051206 12071208 1209 1211WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1207 * 1911, Feb 26. Mourning envelope to Strasbourg (Germany), bearing “Constantinople” overprinted1pi. on 10k. tied by “Konstantinopol” cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 22). A scarce issue on cover. Mi. 42II.1208 * 1913, Jan 21. Registered envelope from the Russian Consulate at Constantinople, with correspondingcachet on front, to Monastir, bearing, on reverse, 1pi. on 10k. (2), tied by “R.O.P.iT./Konstantinopol”(Tchilinghirian fig. 18), which exceptionally applied in violet, “Dlya Paketov” red wax sealof the Russian Consulate, “R.O.P.iT./Saloniki” (Tchilinghirian fig. 179) transit in violet and GreekThessalonika cds, without arrival (due to the Balkan War). A rare cover. Mi. 52.1209 * 1913, Feb 26. Registered cover to Nuremberg (Germany), bearing Romanov 7pi. on 70k., tied by “Konstantinopol”cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 22). A scarce single franking on commercial correspondence. Mi 71.1210 * 1913, March 22. Envelope with printed Odessa endorsement, but dispatched and used locally at Constantinople,franked on reverse with Russia 1909 1k. and Romanov 2k. and 7k., tied by “R.O.P.iT./Konstantinopol” cds’s (Tchilinghirian fig. 17), with private “Deutsche Orientbank” entry cachet withdate on front. Imperial Russia issues on cover are very scarce and desirable. Mi. 63, 83, 86.1211 * 1914, March 10. Insured envelope headed “Flotte Volontaire Russe/Agence de Constantinople” to Odessa,showing, on reverse, five “Pochta/R.O.P.iT.” red wax seals and 1912 2pi. on 20k. and Romanov 1pi.on 10k., tied by “R.O.P.iT./Konstantinopol” cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 17), and arrival. Rare. Mi. 58, 65.1212 * 1914, April 18. Registered envelope from Constantinople to the “Cie. Russe de Navigation à Vapeuret du Commerce” at Odessa, bearing 1910 10pa. on 2k. and Romanov 10pa. on 2k. (3), 1pi. on 10k.and 1 1/2pi. on 15k., tied by “Konstantinopol/R.O.P.iT./Pochtovaya Kontora” cds (Tchilinghirianfig. 22). Three creases not impinging on the franking. Mi. 50, 62, 65, 66,1213 * 1898-1913. Five covers, including usage of Tchilinghirian fig. 16 on arrival, registered envelope withRomanov 5pa. to 2 1/2pi., two covers to Budapest via River Danube with one bearing 1903 1pi. on10k., the other with 1900-04 10pa. 20pa. 1pi. and 2pi., and registered envelope to Moscow withRomanov 2 1/2pi. block of four.1214 * Dardanelles. Registered envelope to Ulm (Germany), bearing 1913 5pa. on 1k., 10pa. on 2k., 15pa.on 3k, 20pa. on 4k and 1 1/2pi. on 15k, tied by “R.O.P.iT./Dardanelly” cds’s, with Constantinopletransit and arrival on reverse. Mi. 61-64, 66.1002501002502001002001501215 * Ineboli. 1907, Aug 29. Envelope to Washington, carried via Constantinople with transit cds (31.8),franked on reverse with 10pa. on 2k. block of four, tied by two strikes of “ROPIT/INEBOLI” cds(Tchilinghirian fig. 134), with arrival at base. Cover front with some surface rubbing. As fas as we cansay, one of just two examples recorded of this cancellation on cover. Mi 21y. Ex Liphschutz.2’50061

12161222121712121213 ex12141218 1219 1220WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1216 * Mount-Athos. 1900, Nov 24. Envelope from Kupiansk to Mount Athos, franked on reverse with 7k.tied on dispatch, with alongside travelling P.O. datestamp, Odessa transit (9.6.1901, six months later),charged on arrival with 1900 4pa. on 1k. and 10pa. on 2k., tied by “R.O.P.iT./APHON” cds (24.6,Tchilinghirian fig. 181). A scarce combination cover. Mi. 20xb, 21x..1217 * Smyrna. 1913, Oct 14. Opened-out envelope registered from Smyrna to Cairo, bearing 1913 1pi. on10k. on front, as well as 1910 10pa. on 2k. (2) and 20pa. on 2k. on reverse, all tied by “”R.O.P.iT./Smirna” cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 161), together with Italian P.O.’s 30pa. on 15c. tied by “Smirne/UfficioPostale Italiano” cds. Small portion missing. A very scarce and desirable combination franking.Mi. 50, 51, 65.1218 * Stambul (Constantinople). 1913, March 28. Registered envelope from Constantinople to Vienna,bearing Romanov 10pa. on 2k. pair and single, the latter on reverse, 15pa. on 3k. and 1pi. on 10k.,each tied by “R.O.P.iT./Pocht. Otd. v Stambulye” cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 21). An unusual cancellationon cover. Mi. 62, 63, 65.1219 * 1914, June 11. Registered envelope to Bohemia, franked on reverse with Romanov 10pa. on 2k. blockof four and 15pa. on 3k. block of four and single, ried “R.O.P.iT./Pocht. Otd. v Stambulye” cds (Tchilinghirianfig. 21). Mi. 62, 63.250250150150Allied Intervention in Russia (1917-1920)1220 * 1917 ca. Mourning cover sent through diplomatic pouch from St. Petersbourg to Paris (Médard correspondence)by a member of the French Military Mission in Russia, with very fine “Controle P. etT. Militaire Interallié/Petrograd.” (inter-allied postal and telegraphic military control) double circlemarking. An extremely rare handstamp which has been only recorded in very few covers sent by thismember of the French Mission, the official Médard.1221 * 1918, Sept ca. Envelope endorsed “War Department/Headquarters American Expeditionary Forces/Siberia” (type OC-2), showing the Siberian A.E.F. censor marking used in place of a cancellation, duringthe first days of presence of the American troops in Siberia, when the datestamps were not availableyet. A very scarce forerunner cover with few items recorded. Ex Polon.1222 * 1918, Oct 2. YMCA envelope showing “U.S. POSTAL AGENCY/SHANGHAI (CHINA)-1” duplexwhich provisionally was used by the American troops in Siberia, with censoship at bottom left. A mostinteresting usage of this temporary postmark which always appears with a blurred strike and it is barely legiblein most cases, with very few usages which have been recorded from 25.9 to 17.10.1918. Closed tearat top and top back flap missing, not detracting. A significant rarity and a must for collectors of this field.1223 * 1918, Oct 4. Cover to Mount Vernon (United States), bearing “U.S.S. Olympia/Foreign Service”datestamp, with framed “Passed by Censor/1918” handstamp with manuscript day, month and signature.The USS “Olympia” was stationed in Murmansk until late October 1918. Envelope roughlyopened at top, of very little significance for this very significant item. Naval covers of the “PolarBear” Operation are among the great rarities of this field. Very desirable.1224 * 1918-19. Two covers to Ottawa (Canada) with “Field Post Office/Canadian/Siberian Exp. Force”,one bearing rare framed censorship (affected by tear along envelope in upper left corner). Mail fromthe Canadian Forces in Siberia is very scarce and most items show blurred strikes of this datestamp.1225 * French Forces in Siberia. 1918-20. Two postcards to France, one sent en route to Siberia from Clinton(United States) with “Mission Militaire Française en Siberie/Service Postal” marking, the other(stamp missing) showing very rare “Mission Militaire Française/Base Française à Vladivostok” handstamp,the latter being a very rare correspondence sent in a late period (March 1920). Mail from theFrench Mission in Siberia is much scarcer than the American, British and even Canadian Forces.1226 * 1919, Jan 1. POW postal card used by a member of the Japanese contingent in Siberia, with red frankpostmark (“Gun-Ji-Yu-Bin”) denoting free franking for military mail and censorship adjacent, as wellas field post cds. The sender mentions to be stationed in Siberia.2002002502502001508063

1223 12291221 12241225 ex122812261233 ex1234 ex 12351238 exWWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1227 * 1919, Feb 5. Envelope to Fresno (United States) sent by a member of the Russian Railway ServiceCorps in Russia (RRSC), placed on the civil mail as confirmed by the Vladivostok cds and the Japanesecensor’s cachet in purple, with British-Russian censorship in Siberia.The RRSC was a unit of Americanexperienced railroad men formed to improve operations along the Trans-Siberian Railroad, having beensent to Siberia at the request of Kerensky’s Provisional Government; although they were organised as a militaryunit, they did not enjoy the free franking privilege as they were considered as civilian employees of theU.S. State Department (not until 1973 would an act of Congress qualify them for military benefits). As notbeing considered military mail, the cover was taxed with “T” marking on arrival and franked with 3c.,thus being very rare. The lot includes the contents which reveal the precarious conditions in which theyhad to serve: “Nearly all men are blue, sick and disgusted and its got me so bad that at times I feel as Iwould go crazy”. A fascinating usage from this little known and significant unit in Siberia.1228 * 1919, April 5. “American Army Landing at Vladivostock” illustrated bilingual postcard made in Japan,used by a member of the American Forces in Siberia, with “U.S. Postal Agency/Siberia-1” datestampand censor’s cachet (type C-2). A very rare illustrated postcard from the period.1229 * 1919, May 1. Cover endorsed “USS Brooklyn” in manuscript, addressed to the A.E.F. in Vladivostok,bearing three 1c. adhesives tied by “U.S. Postal Agency/Shanghai-1” duplex (this being an extremelyrare usage for contingents in Siberia). Naval mail of the A.E.F. in Siberia is one of the great raritiesof this field, this item being further enhanced by being a very sarce incoming mail.1230 * 1919, June 13. Envelope featuring corner card illustration including the British flag and the Canadianleaf “Canada/C.A.H.” also with “Canadian Siberian Expedition” endorsement which has beencrossed out (the Canadian forces had been evacuated on 3 June), sent by an American nurse with“Nurses Mail” in manuscript at top right, with American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia duplex (1)and censorship, the latter with the signature of Katherine C. Hannan (chief nurse in Siberia). A veryrare illustrated envelope, very probably unique used by the A.E.F. in Siberia, representing, in one item,the combination of forces of three countries.1231 * 1919. Two envelopes marked “On Active Service” to London and Manchester, bearing “British MilitaryMission/Post Office” cachet of the British Military Mission in Siberia. A very rare marking fromthis small contingent in Siberia. Ex Faulstich.1232 * 1919, July & Aug. Two envelopes to Manchester and Kent, each bearing fine/very fine “British MissionPost Office/Vladivostock” cds, which was in use just from June to August 1919. One item withusual cover edge imperfections. A very desirable duo from this reduced contingent in Siberia, exhibitinga very rare postmark. Ex Faulstich and Polon.1233 * 1919, Nov 24. “Knights of Columbus/War Activities” envelope with contents, bearing “U.S. Postal Agency/Siberia-1”duplex and unusual “A.E.F. Siberia/Censored/Sig...” censor’s cachet (type C-5). Rare.1234 * 1919, Dec 16. “The American Red Cross/Commission to Siberia/Vladivostock” envelope (only fivereported), unusually franked by 2c. tied by “U.S. Postal Agency/Siberia-1” duplex datestamp, withcensor’s cachet at base (type C-11), including part of the typewritten contents stating that “we had alittle revolution a couple of weeks ago and the elements that they should join in”. Some usual slightwrinkles at top. Interesting and rare.1235 * 1919, Dec. Envelope to Lyon (France) with superb strike of “COMMISSION INTERALLIÉE desRÉGIONS BALTIQUES/Le Général Président” cachet in red, this cover probably originating fromRiga (as is most of the correspondence that we have seen with this cachet). A very scarce and interestingusage for collectors of the Baltic States.1236 * 1919-20, Czech Legion in Siberia. Four covers including one stampless YMCA envelope with “PolniPosta/Ceskoslovenské Vojsko Na Rusi/Poste Militaire” handstamp, two covers with 1919 1r. red &blue tied by “Posta/Cescolovenské Armády Sibirské”, and envelope bearing five different values of theLegion showing three different postmarks. (No photo)1237 * American Intervention in North Russia. 1918-19, seven covers including usages of the British F.P.O.datestamps with ‘Polar Bear’ numbers: 2 (Arkhangelsk) 44 (Bakaritza) & 55 (Berezniki), American(“Examined By/L”) and British censorships with scarce early mail when the British P.O.’s were notoperating yet, rare 22.8.1918 cover with “Bulls Water/Woking” cds applied on mail addressed fromEngland when the troops were en route to the Artic Sea, etc. Mail of this contingent in North Russiais scarcer than correspondence originating from the contingent in Siberia, and is considered as one ofthe scarcest and most sought-after war correspondences of the A.E.F.25015030020035030015020015015050065

12301231 ex12271232 ex1237 ex12401239 ex1241WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1238 * American Intervention in Siberia, 1918-1920. Selection of 12 covers, all except two with ‘U.S. PostalAgency/Siberia-1” duplex, with one showing the scarce large rubber handstamp. The lot includes early(November 1918) and late (1920) usages, two different YMCA envelopes and “War Department/Official Business” corner card type OC-1, four different censor’s cachets. It deserves to be mentionedthat one cover with unusual censorship type C-8 shows an exceptional case of postage due applicationon arrival which was later crossed out. Also YMCA envelope censored by a member of the AEF inSiberia and later placed on the Japanese mails with 10s. adhesive tied at Otasu. An interesting group ofmaterial which is rarely offered on the market.1239 * British Intervention in Russia. 1918-20, seven covers, including rare and desirable envelope from theRoyal Navy with “Received From H.M. Ship/No Charge to be Raised” London datestamp (earlyenvelope before the A.P.O. were established and mail was handled by the British Navy), ‘Polar Bear’military cancellations including: 14 (Yakoslevskoe), 33 (rare, used in Pechenga), 55 (Beresniky), 66(Oberzerskaya) and 88 (scarce, used in Medveya Gora). A rare assembly.500300German Occupation “Landesbotenpost der 10. Armee”1240 * 1918, Oct 2. Postcard locally used at Rogatschew, franked by local revenue “Landes-Gebührenmarke”30pf. together with German Reich 10pf. Mi 1 = € 850.100Civill War Issues1241 * Kuban. Insured cover from Jekaterinodar to Rostov, bearing 25r. on 3k. and 25r. on 25k., both tied ondispatch, backstamped on arrival. Registration label on reverse and five traces of red wax seals which aremissing. A very rare cover including the highest denomination of this issue on very scarce correspondencenot being philatelically inspired. Mi 8A, 11A.1242 * Group of four covers with Chita 20k. pair on registered envelope, Judenitsch Northwest Army completesecond issue on registered envelope to Tallin (ex Maklakoff), unissued Western Army 10k., 15k.and 30k. on envelope from Kursenai to Berlin (sold as is), as well as Wrangel Army two values (onewith “trident” overprint”) on cover from Constantinople to Pera. (Photo on page 72)200300British Occupation of Batum1243 * 1919. Military mail including two covers with F.P.O. “SX 22” (type A) and “80”, both located in Batum,with censorship numbers 125 (No.1 Convalescent Depot) and 356 (XVI Corps Cyclist Battalion); alsopostcard with scarce “S.X. 8” used during one month in July at Chanak, sent by a member of the “RoyalScots Fusilier Draft/G.B.D. Camp/British Army of the Black Sea”. A scarce trio. (Photo on page 72)1244 * 1919-20. Registered cover front bearing the first issue and 2nd Issue 10r. on 1k. & 10r. on 3k.; registeredenvelope franked by 1919 “British Occupation” overprint issue and 1919 (27 Nov.)-20 10r. on3k.; as well as not travelled Russian postal stationery card bearing first issue 1k. & 50k. and “BritishOccupation” overprint 2k., 3k., 5k., 7k., 10k. & 25k. with missive on reverse headed “H.M.S. CenturionBatoum Russia” - “Finally I had the chance to go on shore,...”. Scarce. (Photo on page 72)150250R.S.F.S.R.1245 ´´/´ 1921, First Definitives, a magnificent group of 16 unused stamps exhibiting varieties, including 2r.offset; 20r. offset on gum; 100r. on pelure paper with double impression including single and blockof four, partial impression; 250r. pre-printing paper fold and double impression (pair); 300r. offseton gum; 500r. offset on gum: 1,000r. offset on gum, triple impression and offsets on back; and 19227,500r. offset on gum as well as double impression. A very rare and most desirable group featuringpopular varieties.1246 * 1922, Philately’s Contribution to Labour, complete set attractively cancelled on registered envelope(upper flap missing) locally sent in Moscow, tied by Moscow cds’s the first day of issue (May 1st) witharrival on reverse the 2nd of May. Very scarce. Mi. 212b, 213a, 214a. (Photo on page 72)50015067

1245 ex1144 ex1254 ex12491258 1263 exgeriffelte-Gummierung1265 exWWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1247 * 1919-22, 9 items including parcel card to Latvia (then occupied by Soviet forces) bearing scarce both“Chainbreakers” denominations, 7 commercial covers mainly addressed to USA bearing inflationaryfrankings, also with Imperial adhesives, as well as overprinted imperial 14k. postal stationery envelope(upper right corner defective) bearing 1922 “Philately for the Children” 2k. lower left corner-sheetstrip of three, 3k. & 5k. An interesting and unusual group. (Photo on page 72)1248 * 1931, Dirigible balloon in flight, 10k. featuring double impression variety, on cover from Tashkent(Uzbekistan) uprated with 5k. Rare. (Photo on page 72)1249 ´ 1938, 20th Anniversary of the Red Army and Navy, 50k. imperforate at right, this variety being unlistedin unused condition in the SC catalogue. SC 494Pd.1250 * 1913-40. Assembly comprising of 60 covers/cards, including military mail, airmails, censorships andinteresting frankings with Soviet commemorative issues including Zeppelin. (No photo)300100200200SCHWEIZ1251 * 1849, Waadt 4 Cent, 96. Marke des Bogens mit roter Anlagelinie links unten, sehr farbenfrisch, allseitigideale breite Ränder mit Trennlinien links und oben, entwertet mit roter Genfer Rosette aufvolständigem Faltbrief, mit nebenstehendem Aufgabestempel “Geneve/10 Jan 50/8 1/2 S”. AttestEichele, signiert Fulpius und Hunziker. SBK 9.7’5001252 ´/´´ 1922, Völkerbund in Genf, Serie von fünfzehn Werten ungestempelt, tadellos mit sauberen Falz (dieWerten von 5 Rp., 10 Rp., 35 Rp. und 40 Rp. sind postfrisch erhalten). Eine seltene Serie. Attest BPB.SBK 1-15 = CHF 5’270.1’00069

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price EUR1253 ´´ 1932, Völkerbund in Genf, 30 Rp. blau, geriffelte Gummierung, postfrisch ohne Falz, in sehr guterErhaltung. Sehr selten. Attest Renggli. SBK 20z = CHF 7’250.1254 ´´ 1930-31, Völkerbund in Genf, Serie von drei Werten, tadellos und postfrisch ohne Falz. Attest Renggli.SBK 33-35 = CHF 2’200.1’0003501255 ´ 1932, Völkerbund in Genf, Abrüstungskonferenz, Serie von 6 Werten, ungebraucht und in einwandfreierErhaltung. Selten. Attest Von der Weid. SBK 36-41 = CHF 3’900.7501256 ´/´´ 1934-35, Völkerbund in Genf, Landschaftsbilder in Buchdruck, der komplette Satz, tadellos und ungebraucht,dabei 5 Rp. ist postfrisch erhalten. Selten. Attest BPB. SBK 42-46 = CHF 3’775.7001257 ´ 1932, Völkerbund in Genf, Serie von 10 Werten, geriffelte Gummierung, ungebraucht und in guterErhaltung. Eine seltene Serie. Befund BPB. SBK 47z-55z = CHF 6’200.1258 ´´ 1932, Völkerbund in Genf, 3 Fr. braun, tadellos postfrisch ohne Falz. Attest Renggli. SBK 56 = CHF2’200.1’000350WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1259 ´´ 1938, Völkerbund in Genf, Völkerbunds- und Arbeitsamtgebäude, der komplette Satz postfrisch ohneFalz, dabei 30 Rp. mit Bogenrand sowie 60 Rp. und 1 Fr. mit Bogenecke, in fehlerfreier Erhaltung.Sehr selten. Attest Renggli. SBK 57-60 = CHF 4’400+.7501260 ´´ 1938, Völkerbund in Genf, Völerbunds- und Arbeitsamtgebäude mit kreisförmigem Aufdruck, derkomplette Satz postfrisch ohne Falz, tadellos. Sehr selten. Attest Renggli. SBK 61-64 = CHF 4’400.7501261 ´´ 1946, Völkerbund in Genf, Landschaftsbilder in Stichtiefdruck, der komplette Satz von 4 Werten , geriffeltegummierung, postfrisch ohne Falz in fehlerfreier Erhaltung. Nur ein Bogen zu 50 Marken fürjeden Wert wurde herausgegeben, davon 30 ungebrauchte Serien sind erhalten (die zwei obersteBogenreihe von je 10 Marken wurden gestempelt). Signiert Zumstein. SBK 74z-79z = CHF 18’000.3’5001262 ´ 1932, Arbeitsamt in Genf, Abrüstungskonferenz, Serie von 6 Werten, ungebraucht und einwandfrei.Sehr selten. Attest BPB. SBK 32-37 = CHF 3’000.1263 ´ 1938, Arbeitsamt in Genf, Völkerbunds- und Arbeitsamtgebäude, der komplette Satz von 4 Werten,ungebraucht in fehlerfreier Erhaltung. Eine sehr seltene Serie. Befund BPB. SBK 49-52 = CHF 2’500.50040071

1242 ex 1243 ex12461244 ex1247 ex1269 1270 ex12481267 1268WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1264 ´´ 1938, Arbeitsamt in Genf, Völkerbunds- und Arbeitsamtgebäude, kreisförmiger Aufdruck, der kompletteSatz von 4 Werten, tadellos in postfrischer Erhaltung. Echtheits-Garantie Weggler. SBK 53-56= CHF 4’600.1265 ´´/´ 1918-2000. Sehr interessante Zusammenstellung in vorwiegend ungebrauchter/postfrischer Erhaltung,mehrheitlich Dienstmarken, dabei mit seltenen Werten und Serien, mit auch Porto-, Portofreiheits- undTelegrafenmarken, sowie einigen Kehrdrucken. 9 Befunde und 1 Attest BPB, 2 weitere Atteste vonRenggli und Berra-Gautschy, sowie signierte Stücke liegen bei den Dienstmarken. Gute bis vorwiegendsehr guter Qualität, mit hohem Katalogwert bei den Dienstmarken. Ein empfohlenes Los.7503’5001266 ´´/´/81843-2000. Interessante Sammlung gestempelt und ungestempelt/postfrisch, mit Dubletten auchbei guten Marken, beginnend mit Kantonalmarken (dabei auch Fälschungen), es folgen 20 Rayon-Marken, dazu Strubeli, Sitzende Helvetia, spätere Ausgaben mit guten Werten, Blocks mit Naba auchauf Brief, Luftpostmarken mit einigen Briefen, Juventute, Patria, Dienst-, Porto- und Telegraphenmarken.Die Qualität ist teils unterschiedlich, aber vorwiegend gut bis sehr gut. Ein interessantes Losmit hohem Katalogwert. (Kein Photo)3’000SERBIA1267 ´´/´ 866, 2pa. light chocolate on lavender, thin paper, complete sheet of twelve, showing frame line brokenbetween positions 7 & 11, which is characteristic of the later printings. Small tear at base as a result ofvertical crease between adhesives, with another small tear in right margin. Fewer than five completesheets are recorded in this shade. Cert. Brun, signed Emilio Diena and Oliva. Mi 2y = € 3,600+.1268 ´´/´ 1866, 2pa. copper-brown on lilac blue thin paper, complete sheet of twelve, showing frame line brokenbetween positions 7 & 11 which is characteristic of the later printings, hinge marks in margins withoriginal gum residue on front at left. Vertical crease through centre between stamps and other minorimperfections in margins of no importance. Rare. Mi 2y.500400UKRAINE1269 * 1800 ca. Envelope from Kharkov to Reval (Estonia), bearing fine “XAPKOBb” straight-line handstamp(Dobin fig. 0.01), with red wax seal on reverse. Very scarce.1270 * 1918. Registered cover from Enakievo bearing Katerynoslav type 1 overprint on unusual gutter blockof four; also used “Kerensky” postal stationery card with pronounced misplaced “10 kop.” tridentoverprint in black. Ex Polon.150100Auction LiveYou can participate in our auctionsby live bidding on the internetwww.spink.com73

127112731274 127512761272127912781282WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANOSECOND SESSIONCommencing at 17:00.BRITISH OCCUPATIONSOF FORMER ITALIAN COLONIESTHE MOST COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTION IN EXISTENCEAlso featuring French Fezzan, Greek Military Administration of theDodecanese and Later Usages in Libya with 1951 Issues for Cyrenaica,Fezzan and TripolitaniaDODECANESE ISLANDS1271 * 1944, May 5. POW card giving various information regarding an Italian prisoner from the “Cuneo”Div. which was captured in Samos on 5.10.1944 (released on 2.9.1946). An important documentdemonstrating that part of the Dodecanese was already occupied by the British before the end of theWar on 8.5.1945.70Military Mail1272 * 1945, Aug 5. Censored air letter to England, redirected inland, bearing superb “F.P.O./R. 8” cds.Indian military mail from the Dodecanese is of exceptional rarity. Cert. Sirotti.1273 * 1945, Sept 3. Re-used O.H.M.S. envelope carried free of charge in Rhodes and sent by a British diplomat,showing on front faint “British Military Affair/O.A.S./Rhodes/Dodecanese” postmark, thisbeing an extremely rare usage. “Rodi/(Egeo)” cds on reverse. Signed Sorani.1274 * 1946, Jan 3. Stampless cover from Tripoli bearing F.P.O. 246 cds, addressed to the United NationsRelief and Rehabilitation Administration Department in the British Military Administration of theDodecanese at Rhodes, with Italian cds denoting arrival on back. Scarce.1275 * 1946, April 18. On active service envelope to Kent, showing “Field Post Office/375” cds, used atRhodes in this period. Rare military mail from the Dodecanese. Cert. Sirotti.750200100250Carpathos (Karpathos)1276 * 1946, April 12. Waybill for mail carried from the Civil P.O. at Carpathos to the Civil Affairs Office at Rhodes,weighing 900 Gms., showing rare Italian “Scarpanto/(Egeo)” cds. A most unusual postal document.1277 * 1946, April 12. Waybill for mail carried from the Civil P.O. at Carpathos to the Civil Affairs Office atRhodes, weighing 11 Kgs., with British “Carpathos/Dodecanese” cds on its first recorded date of usage.A very scarce postal document.1278 * 1946, Oct 11. Telegram from the British Military Administration at Rhodes to the Civil Affairs Officerat Karpathos, with very fine British “Carpathos/Dodecanese” cds. A very scarce postal document.Cert. Sirotti.25020015075

1280128112771284 front-reverse1285 1286128312871288 12951289WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1279 * 1946, Oct 12. Telegram from the British Military Administration at Rhodes to the civil Affairs Officerat Carpathos, showing neat “Carpathos/Dodecanese” cds. Some imperfections at left. Very scarce.1280 * 1946, April 2. Italian statistical document (slightly reduced at left) from Karpathos to Cava De’ Tirreni(Italy), franked by 1d. (faint imperfection at base) which applied over Italian fiscal adhesive (parts oftwo further examples were torn off on reverse), tied by Italian “Scarpanto/(Egeo)” cds. A rare coverpaying the printed matter rate to Italy, also exhibiting a rare cancellation. Sa. 6.1281 * 1946, Dec 21. Cover from Karpathos to Rhodes, bearing 1d. single and pair, all tied by British “Carpathos/Dodecanese” cds, denoting arrival on reverse. A most unusual franking to pay the inter-islands rate. Sa. 61282 * 1948, Aug 23. Large envelope from Karpathos to Rhodes, paying the inter-islands rate with 2 1/2d.tied by Italian “Scarpanto/(Egeo)” cds. A rare cancellation. Sa. 8.1283 * 1947, Jan 3. Cover from Karpathos to Athens, franked by 1d. and 2 1/2d. pair, covering the airmailrate to Greece up to 5 gr. and tied by “Carpathos/Dodecanese” cds’s. with backstamps includingRhodes and Athens. A very rare franking. Sa. 6, 8.1284 * 1947, March 10. Registered cover from Karpathos to Athens, properly franked paying the 6d. airmailfee to Greece and 5d. registration fee with 5d. pair and 1d., the latter applied on reverse, tied by “Carpathos/Dodecanese”cds. A scarce and desirable registered correspondence. Sa. 6, 10.1285 * 1947, March 27. Airmail envelope from Karpathos to South Rhodesia, bearing 3d. and 6d. pair, tiedby “Carpathos/Dodecanese” cds’s. This mail was retained in Rhodes during a week as a consequenceof the cession of the Dodecanese to Greece on 1st April 1947; this cover consequently showing onreverse superb Greek “Rodos” cds applied by the new administration, dated 4.4. An extraordinary usage,further enhanced by the very rare destination. Sa. 9, 11.100150150150250200300Calymnos (Kalymnos)1286 * 1947, March 28. Envelope to Athens carried at 6d. up to 5 gr. airmail rate to Greece, with 3d. pair,tied by British “Calymnos/Dodecanese” cds, showing “By Air Mail/Par Avion” & “By North AtlanticAir Service Via U.K.” types, the latter being overstruck by “By Air Throughout” handstamp as thatairmail service was not required for this route (thus, exhibiting the three airmail postmarks, being withall probability unique). Reverse showing Athens datestamp (10.4) and Greek “Rodos” cds (31.5) ofthe new administration of the Dodecanese, denoting that the cover was sent back. A very scarce andfascinating combination cover. Sa. 9.1287 * 1945, Sept 18. Envelope from Calymnos to London, bearing 5d. tied by Italian “Calino/Egeo”, withunusual “Passed Censor/1/Dodecanese” cachet of Rhodes at base. Very slight horizontal crease. Avery scarce cancellation. Sa. 10.1288 * 1946, April 29. Cover from Calymnos to Paris, franked at 6d. rate which would have paid the specialairmail rate to Greece, with 6d. tied by “Calino/Egeo” cds with airmail handstamp adjacent, withRhodes transit on reverse. A very scarce cancellation on mail to an unusual destination. Sa. 11.1289 * 1946, Dec 27. Cover from Calymnos to Göteborg (Sweden), franked by 9d. tied by British cds ondispatch, with “By Air Throughout” & “By Air Mail/Par Avion” handstamps at left, backstamped intransit at rhodes. A very rare destination. Sa. 12.1290 * 1947, Jan 28. Cover from Calymnos to Buffalo (United States), franked by 1s. tied by British cds ondispatch, showing “By Air Mail/Par Avion” and “By North Atlantic Services Via U.K.” handstampsalongside, with Rhodes transit on back. Sa. 13.300200200200150PLEASE NOTE THAT THE STARTING PRICES IN THIS CATALOGUE ARE IN €77

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price EUR1291 * 1946, May 28. Large envelope endorsed “By North Atlantic Air Service via UK” from Calymnos to De Land(United States), bearing 5d. pair, 1s. and 2/6d. pair, tied by British “Calymnos/Dodecanese” cds with backstampsincluding Rhodes and arrival. Some imperfections to envelope. An astonishing franking of greatrarity on non-philatelic correspondence, exhibiting two 2/6d. denominations, with its desirabilitybeing augmented by the earliest usage recorded of this British cancellation. Sa. 10, 13, 14 = € 55,250.2’000detail of reverse1292 * 1947, March 31. Registered airmail envelope from Calymnos to London, bearing 1d., 2 1/2d. (slightimperfections) and 5d. (5), tied by British “Calymnos/Dodecanese” cds’s, twice repeated on reversewhere accompanied by the recently introduced Greek “Rodos” cds, thus demonstrating on postaldocument the transfer of the Dodecanese Islands to the Greek administration (1.4.1947). A spectacularand very rare exhibition item for both its franking and cancellation, further enhanced by itsmost important feature: the usage on 31.3.1947, the last day of the British Administration ofthe Dodecanese. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 6, 8, 10.1’000WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANOCastellorizzo (Kastelorizo)1293 * 1946, Dec 31. Envelope from Kastelorizo to Athens, bearing 1d. and 5d. used to cover the airmail rateto Greece not exceeding 5 gr., tied by “Poste /Castellorizzo (Isola)” Italian cds with “Italiane” erased,Rodi transit and arrival on reverse. This office only operated from 22.8.46 to 31.3.47, and only fivegenuine covers are recorded originating from this Island. This is one of the most desirable usagesof just the territories covered by the “M.E.F.” issues. Sa. 6, 10.1294 * 1947, Jan 13. Kastelorizo local Registered cover, bearing the denominations from 1d. to 2/6d. ofthe”M.E.F.” overprinted adhesives used in this Island, tied by the extremely rare Italian “Poste /Castellorizzo (Isola)” cds, which applied twice also on reverse. A philatelic usage, nevertheless beingvery desirable as one of just five covers recorded from Kastelorizo. Sa. 6-14.1’500300Cos (Kos)1295 * 1947, March 19. Inmigration report of an Italian citizen sent to Cava De’ Tirreni (Italy), bearing1d. tied by “Cos/Dodecanese” cds, with Rodi and arrival cds’s on reverse. A very rare printed matterrate, also being one of the latest usages recorded from Kos, twelve days before the end of the Britishadministration. Sa. 6.1296 * 1945, Oct 13. Cover from Kos to Marseilles without involvement of airmail carriage, properly frankedby 2d. and 3d., tied by neat “Coo/Egeo” cds, backstamped in transit at Rhodes. A very rare destinationfor this Island, showing the unusual Italian cds. Sa. 7, 9.1297 * 1947, Jan 11. Registered cover from Kos to Athens, paying the 6d. airmail rate to Greece and 5d.for registration fee with 5d. and 6d., cleanly tied by “Cos/Dodecanese” cds, with unusual Italian“Assegno=Remboursement” label. Very fine and rare. Sa. 10, 11.1298 * 1946, Jan 12. Cover from Kos to Westchester (United States), endorsed “By N. Atlantic Air ServicesVia UK”, franked by 1s. tied by superb Italian “Coo/Egeo” cds. Very fine and scarce bearing the Italiantype. Sa. 13.1299 * 1946, Jan 16. Envelope to Cliffside Park (United States) carried through the North Atlantic Air Services,bearing 1s. tied by “Coo/Egeo” cds. A scarce usage as exhibiting the Italian cancellation. Sa. 13.30025020020015079

12961297129012981301129913021303 13041294 1310WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1300 * 1947, Jan 16. Large registered envelope from Kos to Rome, via airmail, bearing 5d., 6d., 1s. single and twopairs and 2/6d. two examples, tied by British “Cos/Dodecanese” cds’s. An impressive exhibition item featuringan incredible franking including two high denominations commercially used, further enhanced byoriginating from an island other than Rhodes. One of the gems of the “M.E.F.” issues. Sa. = € 62’250.3’500Leros1301 * 1947, Feb 21. Registered envelope from Leros to Athens, carried at maritime rate with 5d. (2), both tiedby British “Leros/Dodecanese” cds, showing Rhodes and Athens cds’s on back. An unusual rate. Sa. 5.1302 * 1947, March 26. Registered cover from Leros to Athens, franked by 5d. and 6d. tied by “Leros/Dodecanse”cds, backstamped on arrival. Very fine and scarce, probably being the latest usage recorded inthis Island, five days before the Dodecanese Islands were returned to Greece. Sa. 5, 6.1303 * 1946, May 3. Registered cover from Leros to Limassol (Cyprus), bearing 6d. (2) tied by Italian “UfficioPostale Telegrafico/Lero” cds, with backstamps including Rhodes, Alexandria and Limassol. Adesirable and scarce cancellation on cover to an unusual destination in this period. Sa. 11.1304 * 1945, July 4. Envelope from Leros to Florence, franked by 5d. tied by Italian “Ufficio Postale Telegrafico/Lero”cds. One additional stamp was erroneously applied and consequently lifted before beingdispatched. Rare Egyptian censorship, a feature which only occurred in the early period of the Britishoccupation, when mail was forwarded via Egypt. Despite some imperfections, a very rare cover whichrepresents one of the earliest usages from this Island (this office was opened on 14.6.1945). Sa. 10.1305 * 1946, April 13. Registered cover from Leros to Montagano (Italy), franked by 5d. (2), both tied byunusual “Ufficio Postale Telegrafico/Lero” cds. Transits and arrival on reverse. Sa. 10.1306 * 1946, Sept 23. Registered cover from Leros to Cairo, bearing unusual franking made up of 2d. and 9d.(2, each with faint crease before use), tied by British type cd’s. Rare. Sa. 7, 12.20020025015020010081

1308 front-reverse1309 front-reverse1311 1314WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANOLindosdetail of reverse1307 * 1947, March 16. Envelope from Lindos (Rhodes) to Rhodes, paying the local rate with 1d., tied byItalian “Lindos/Isola di Rodi” cds, backstamped at Rhodes two days later. This office, belonging toa small municipality, was opened in March 1947 during the last month of the British administration,consequently being into service for less than one month. To our knowledge, this is a unique usageof this extremely desirable cancellation. One of the most significant rarities in the Dodecanese.Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 6. Ex Fiecchi.1308 * 1945, Aug 14. Envelope from Lindos (as denoted by the sender) to Rhodes, sent by sea Mail, frankedby 2 1/2d., tied by “Rodi/(Egeo)” cds, with “Municipio di Lindo/Rodi (Egeo)” cachet on reverse.A very rare correspondence originating from Lindos. Sa. 8.1’000400Nisyros1309 * 1945, July 21. Cover from Nisyros Island, as indicated by the sender on reverse, to Chicago, franked by5d. tied by “Rodi/(Egeo)” cds, with unusual Egyptian censorship which was only applied in the earlyperiod of the British occupation of the Dodecanese, with Rhodes transit on back. Some wrinkles toenvelope not affecting the franking. A very rare mail originating from Nisyros. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 10.1310 * 1946, Aug 2. Cover from Nisyros Island, as per sender’s address indicated on reverse, to New York,franked with 1s. (2) tied by “Rhodes/Dodecanese” cds, showing unusual “By North Atlantic AirServices via U.K.” straight-line handstamp adjacent. The correspondence from Nisyros is exceedinglyscarce. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 13.400300Rhodes1311 * 1946, June 24. Telegram sent by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration atRhodes to Carpathos, with scarce military “Army/JCNP/Signals” cds denoting an express service.Three filing holes in margin at left as usually encountered. Very rare.1312 * 1945, June 23. Cover from Rhodes to Rome, bearing 1d. strip of five, tied by Italian “Rodi/(Egeo)”cds’s and “3” censor’s cachet. British and Egyptian censorships, the latter denoting transmissionthrough Egypt when the direct route to Italy had not been retaken yet. A rare franking, also representinga very scarce correspondence dispatched in June, shortly after the Rhodes P.O. had been opened(11 June). Sa. 6.20015083

13051306 13121313 front-reverse1315 front-reverse13161317 1320WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1313 * 1946, Sept 21. Registered cover from Archangelos (Rhodes Island) to Athens, bearing 2d. and 9d. (2),paying 6d. for the airmail service to Greece and 6d. for registration fee, tied by Italian “RaccomandateAss. Rodi-Egeo (A)” cds’s, and arrival on back. Only two covers are recorded originating from thevillage of Archangelos; of even more importance, registered mail from small villages is a greatrarity. Sa. 7, 12.1314 * 1945, Aug 28. Single rate cover from Iannadi in Rhodes to New York, franked by 2 ½d. (2), tied byItalian “’Rodi/(Egeo)” cds, British censorship. Some wrinkles to cover. An extremely rare correspondenceoriginating from this small locality. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 8.1315 * 1947, Feb 27. Single rate cover from Massari Village (Rhodes Island) to Addis Ababa (Ethiopia),franked by 2 1/2d. (2), both tied by British “Rhodes/Dodecanese” cds, showing arrival alongside.Alexandria transit on reverse. A probably unique correspondence from Massari. Sa. 8.1316 * 1947, Feb 3. Italian postal stationery “Rodi/Isole Italiane dell’Egeo” showing “Italiane” crossed out,used during the British Occupation from Rhodes to Stockport (Great Britain), franked by 3d. tied byBritish “Rhodes/Dodecanese” cds. An unusual postcard rate. Sa. 9.1317 * 1946, Sept 16. Italian acknowledgement of receipt card from Rhodes to Rome, franked by 5d. tied byItalian “Raccomandate Ass. Rodi-Egeo (A)” cds, arrival on 5.10. A very rare postal document. Sa 10.5002502501002001318 * 1946, June 24. Parcel card headed “B.M.A. Dodecanese - Postal Services Dept.”, from Rhodes to Leros,paying the up to 5 kg parcel rate, franked by 1/6d., with 9d. (2), both tied by British “Rhodes/Dodecanese” cds, repeated at left, and British “Leros/Dodecanese” arrival at lower right. One ofthe most important items of the Dodecanese, being one only five parcel cards known bearing“M.E.F.” adhesives. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 12. Ex Fiecchi.2’50085


24 October 2012 - LUGANO1319 * 1946, April 16. Parcel card headed “B.M.A. Dodecanese - Postal Services Dept.” carried from Rhodesto Kos, bearing 2/6d. which paid the up to 10 kg. parcel rate (this weighing 9,5), tied by Italian“Rodi/(Egeo)” which repeated at left, as well as “Coo/(Egeo)” arrival at base. Very slight verticalcrease, only mentioned for accuracy. One of the most important items of the Dodecanese, featuring anextremely rare postal document, with only five items recorded, at the same time bearing a rare value.Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 14. Ex Fiecchi.1320 * 1947, Feb 26. Registered cover from Rhodes to London, bearing 2/6d. tied by Italian “RaccomandateAss. Rodi-Egeo (A)” cds. A rare single franking. Sa. 14.1321 * 1946, June 8. Registered airmail cover from Rhodes to Milan, franked by 5d. and 2/6d., each tied byItalian registration cds, backstamped on receipt. A rare franking including the 2/6d. denomination.Sa. 5, 14.1322 * 1946, Oct 2. Registered airmail envelope from Rhodes to Liberec (Czechoslovakia), franked by 1d.(2) and 2/6d., tied by British “Rhodes/Dodcanese” cds’s, backstamped on arrival. A very probablyunique franking, further enhanced by the very rare destination. Sa. 6, 14.1323 * 1946, Feb 18. Registered airmail cover from Rhodes to Imperia (Italy), showing rare Italian“Assegno=Remboursemment” orange registration label, franked by 2d. and 2/6d., tied by Italian“Raccomandate Ass. Rodi-Egeo (A)”. Roughly opened at top. A very rare franking. Sa. 7, 14.1324 * 1946. Aug 26. Registered airmail cover from Rhodes to Bergamo (Italy), franked by 5d. and 2/6d.,each tied by “Raccomandate Ass. Rodi-Egeo (A)” cds, with backstamps including Italian transits andarrival. A rare franking. Sa. 10, 14.1325 * 1946, Aug 30. Registered airmail envelope from Rhodes to Naples, bearing 2d., 9d. vertical pair and2/6d., tied by Italian registration cds on dispatch, with two Naples backstamps. An extremely rarethree-colour franking including the 2/6d. denomination. Sa. 7, 12, 14.3’00030040050030030040087

1326132913301331 ex 13321335WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1326 * 1945, Sept 14. Cover from Civitanova Marche to Rhodes, bearing Italy 2l. on 25c. (Sa. 525), tied bycds on dispatch and censorship cachet, underpaid and charged with 10 lire according to the 1d. = 1,66lire exchange rate, following application of postage dues 3d. pair tied by Italian “Rodi/Egeo” cds.Covers bearing postage dues used in the Dodecanese are remarkably significant rarities. Sa. 4.1327 * 1945, Aug 8. Cover from Rome to Rhodes, bearing Italy 2l. on 25c. (Sa. 525), being insufficientlyfranked and charged on arrival with postage dues 3d. pair tied by “Rodi/Egeo”, after application ofbilingual “To Pay”and “T” handstamps indicating 10 lire to be paid (1d. = 1,66 lire), with Italian censorshipat left. A very rare usage of postage dues in the Dodecanese. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 4.1’0001’0001328 * 1946, Nov 28. Airmail envelope from Melbourne to a member of the British Military Administrationof the Dodecanese at Rhodes, bearing 1946 1s. tied by “Collins Street/Melbourne” cds, insufficientlyfranked and consequently charged on arrival with postage due 1s., tied by British “Rhodes/Dodecanese”cds. To our knowledge, this is the only cover recorded in the Dodecanese exhibiting thehighest denomination of the postage due issue. Undoubtedly one of the most important items ofthe British occupations of Italian dominions. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 5.2’500Symi1329 * 1946, March 15. Small envelope from Symi to Sevenoaks (Great Britain), franked by 2 1/2d. tied bynegative Italian “Simi/(Egeo)” cds, which repeated at left (this being a usual practice at this office).An extremely rare and visually striking cancellation. Sa. 8. Ex Fiecchi.1330 * 1946, Dec 21. Cover from Symi to Rossbury (United States), franked by 5d. tied by British “Symi/Dodecanese” cds, also exhibited at base, showing Rhodes transit on back. Small tear at foot. Correspondencefrom this Island is scarce. Sa. 10.1331 * 1946. Three covers from Symi to Athens, each paying the airmail rate with 6d., tied by “Symi/Dodecanese”cds which repeated at left, with Rhodes transit and arrival on back. A scarce trio. Sa. 11.1332 * 1946, Dec 12. Registered cover from Symi to Athens, carried at single rate with 5d. and 6d., tied by “Symi/Dodecanese”,also tying the registration label, backstamped on receipt. Very fine and rare. Sa. 10, 11.30020040025089

1336 1337 133913341338134113401342WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANOTilos (Piskopí)1333 * 1947, Jan 1. Advice of delivery receipt for registered mail from Tilos Island to Rhodes, showing “Telos”in manuscript in the space reseved for the dispatch datestamp, franked by 2 1/2d. tied by Italian“Raccomandate Ass. Rodi-Egeo (A)” cds. A very rare postal document showing an extraordinarymanuscript usage in the Dodecanese, correspondence from a small Island from which is exceedinglyscarce; to our knowledge, unique. Sa. 8.1334 * 1946, Aug 14. Cover from Tilos Island to Athens, franked by 6d. and 9d., tied by “Rhodes/Dodecanese”cds, backstamped on receipt, clearly showing on front the island of origin of this mail. A veryfine and extremely rare cover. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 11, 12.750300The Dodecanese Islands Collection1335 * British Occupation of the Dodecanese. 1945-47, the magnificent collection comprising of 170 covers,being non-philatelic correspondence for the great majority, including registered mail, early mail inJune 1945, late usages including the last day of validity on 31.3.1947 -immediately before passing theadministration to Greece-, destinations including Czechoslovakia, France (scarce), Egypt, Ethiopia,Great Britain, Italy (including unusual mail through Egypt with corresponding censorship), USA, aswell as very rare Argentina, Belgium, South Africa, Eritrea, Norway and Spain, important postal documentswith rare telegrams and way bills, also a wide range of different frankings including 2/6d. single(non-philatelic) or as uprating franking, unusual printed matter rate, scarce official correspondence,very infrequent inter-islands mail, a remarkable array of scarce cancellation usages including infrequentItalian types, Rhodes in blue, negative of Symi, telegraphic type of Leros, exceedingly rare Castelorizo(just about five items known), “Dal Bordo” maritime cachet applied on an Italian ship, very rare mailfrom Iannadi village, Nisyros, Tilos, Lindos, etc., as well as several items representing each of otherIslands which usages are infrequent: Carpathos, Leros, Cos, Calymnos and Symi. It deserves to beseparately mentioned the inclusion of three parcel cards (all bearing the 2s. 6d. denomination),this item being, with all probability, the most remarkable rarity of the Dodecanese (only fiverecorded), with consequently most of the items known included in this lot. Several importantitems are certified by the expert Sirotti. An extraordinary holding of great rarity as including a considerablequantity of highlights from this unusual postal history-period in the Dodecanese, covering awide range of postal history-aspects. A wonderful opportunity to start an exciting area with a highlyadvanced assembly. Of enormous catalogue value. Viewing is a must and recommended.18’000CYRENAICA1336 * 1941, Nov 6. Censored cover to Ipswich franked by 10d. tied by F.P.O. 199, located in Tobruk in thisperiod. A desirable usage of this datestamp during the German blockade of Tobruk, when mail mightbe forwarded by a naval force only.1501337 * 1946, March 8. Air letter from Cirenaica to India, bearing F.P.O. 38 datestamp. Rare. 3001338 * 1947, Feb 4. Registered cover from Benghazi to Spanga (Sweden), bearing the Cairo “M.E.F.” printing incomplete set, tied on dispatch with Alexandria transit on reverse. This Cairo printing was just used occasionallyin Cirenaica; consequently items bearing these stamps are very rare. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 1-5 = € 10,000.50091

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price EUR1339 * 1945, Jan 22. Censored envelope from Benghazi to Alexandria (Egypt), franked by 2s.6d. tied by“Benghazi/Airmail” cds. A rare and desirable single franking. Sa. 14.1340 * 1947, March 13. Registered airmail envelope sent by the Barclays Bank at Benghazi to Springfield(Mass., United States), bearing 5d. (small crease of no importance for this item) and 2s.6d., both tiedon dispatch, with arrival on reverse. A rare high denomination on cover. Sa. 10, 14.1341 * 1947, April 12. Registered cover from Benghazi to Guastalla (Italy), franked by 5d. and 2s.6d., tied byairmail cds’s on dispatch, with transits and arrival on back. Another example of this rare and desirablefranking. Sa. 10, 14.1342 * 1947, Sept 30. Registered envelope (slightly reduced at left) from Benghazi to Guastalla (Italy), bearing5s. tied by airmail Benghazi cds, including transits and arrival on reverse. This denomination wasmainly used on parcels, with this example representing an exceptional and very rare usage on cover.Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 15 = € 15,000.2503003007501343 13441343 r 1948, Oct 11. 5s., together with 3d., 5d., 1s. and 5s. tied to parcel card piece by Beghazi cds’s. Agreat rarity belonging to the small group of only three parcel cards known used in Cirenaica.Sa. 9, 10, 13, 15.1344 r 1949, Sept 17. 10s. and 5s., together with 1d. and 1s. (2), on fragment of parcel card, tied by Benghazicds’s. Of the only three parcel cards known used in Cirenaica, this is unique as exhibitingthe highest 10 shillings denomination. Sa. 6, 13, 15, 16.1’0002’000WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1345 * 1949, Aug 11. Registered envelope from El Marj to Kampala (Uganda), bearing 9d., 2s.6d., 5s. and10s., tied by bilingual “El Marj(Barce)” cds’s, with “A.V.2” auxiliary marking alongside, as well asbackstamps including Egyptian transits, Beghazi and Kampala cds’s. An absolutely exceptional andunique franking including the three highest denominations of the issue, probably representingthe most important cover of the Cirenaica. The rare cancellation and the unusual destination confer anadditional degree of rarity to this extraordinary item. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 12, 14, 15, 16 = € 56,450.1346 * 1943-49. British Occupation of the Cirenaica. An interesting assembly comprising 70 covers representinga varied range of postal history features in this territory, including scarce destinations such asAustralia, San Marino, Kenya or Israel, rare cancellations with covers originating from Derna, SidiRafa, El Marj, Tobruk and Sharait including duplicates, a wide range of different frankings with onenon-philatelic item bearing a very rare high franking including the 2s.6d. denomination, also with registeredmail, very scarce printed matter correspondence, items carried on the first flight to Cairo, GermanPOW mail, etc. Viewing recommended for this unusual and difficult group. (Photo on page 108)3’0002’500ERITREAM.E.F. Usages in 1942Including remarkable and rare usages during this early and short period of the British occupation1347 * 1942, July 9. Cover from Asmara to Bombay, with 2 1/2d., Nairobi printing, type I, 3d. and 5d. pair,Cairo printing, each tied by Italian “Asmara/A. O.” cds. British censor tapes applied in Eritrea andIndia. A very rare external mail in 1942 to a scarce destination. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 3/I, 4, 5.1348 * 1942, July 13. Censored envelope from Asmara to Johannesburg (South Africa), franked by 2 1/2d.,Nairobi printing, type I, 3d. and 5d. (2), all tied by “Asmara/A. O.” datestamp. Very rare. Cert.Sirotti. Sa. 3/I, 4, 5.50040093


24 October 2012 - LUGANO1349 * 1942, Oct 16. Registered envelope from Asmara to Accra (Gold Coast), franked by 2 1/2d., Nairobiprinting, in combination with 3d. and 5d. (3), Cairo printing, tied by Italian cds’s on dispatch, withBritish censor handstamp. Khartoum transit and arrival on back. A very scarce mixed franking used in1942, further enhanced by the unusual destination. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 3/I, 4, 5.1350 * 1942, Aug 6. Envelope, with all probability, originating from Asmara with “written in Italian” endorsement,addressed to the Spears Mission in Beirut (Lebanon), redirected to Aleppo (Syria), bearing2 1/2d., Nairobi printing, type II, 3d. and 5d. (2), tied in transit in Egypt with “Egypt/PostagePrepaid” datestamp. British and Free French Forces censorships. A rare usage in 1942, addressed to aninteresting and most unusual destination. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 3/II, 4, 5.1351 * 1942, Nov 13. Censored cover from Asmara to Kampala (Uganda), franked by 2 1/2d., 3d. and 5d.pair, each tied by “Asmara Centro/Corrispondenze e Pacchi” datestamps. Very rare. Cert. Sirotti. Sa.3, 4, 5.1352 * 1942, Nov 26. Envelope from Massaua to Alexandria (Egypt), franked by 2 1/2d. and 3d. Nairobiprinting, types II, and 5d. (2), Cairo printing, tied by Italian “Massaua/Eritrea” cds’s, with Britishcensorships of Eritrea and Egypt. A scarce outgoing mail from Massaua in this early period, bearing arare mixed franking. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 3/II, 4/II, 5.1353 * 1942, Dec 11. Envelope from Asmara to cairo, franked by 2 1/2d., 3d. and 5d. (2), tied by “AsmaraCentro/Corrispondenze e Pacchi” datestamps. Eritrean and Egyptian censorships. A rare mail fromEritrea sent abroad in 1942. Cert. Sirotti, signed A. Diena. Sa. 3, 4, 5.1354 * 1942, March 24. Cover to New York, bearing 5d. with Italian “Asmara/A.O.” datestamp. Outgoingmail from Eritrea in 1942 is very rare and desirable. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 5.1355 * 1942, May 28. Censored cover from Asmara to Cairo, bearing 5d. tied by “Asmara/ A.O.” datestamp.Upper back flap missing. A very scarce mail to a foreign destination. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 5.1356 * 1942, May 2. Registered commercial envelope used at Asmara, franked by 1d. (3) and 2d., Nairobiprinting, type I, 2 1/2d. and 5d., Nairobi printing, type II, as well as 3d., Cairo printing, all tied by“Asmara Centro/Accet.Racc. A.” cds’s, with British censor handstamp. A very rare mixed franking.Certs. Sirotti and Raybaudi. Sa. 1/I, 2/I, 3/II, 4, 5/II.600400400400350350300500Later M.E.F Usages1357 * 1947, Sept 15. Registered commercial cover from Asmara to Rehovot (Palestine), bearing 2 1/2d.two pairs, one being marginal, and 5d., Cairo printing, in combination with 1d. and 2 1/2d., Londonprinting, tied by “Asmara Centro/Raccomandate” datestamps. An extremely rare mixed frankingbearing two same denominations originating from different printings. Backstamps including transitsand arrival. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 3, 5, 6, 8.1358 * 1945, Aug 27. Registered cover used locally at Asmara, franked with 2 1/2d. and 5d. tied on dispatch,being later charged with British fiscals issued for Eritrea including two overprinted values, of which onedefective as a result of portion of paper loss at left, representing three different denominations, tied byItalian h.s. from the business tax office at Asmara. An exceptional and appealing usage. Sa. 8, 10.1359 * 1944, Oct 21. Censored mourning envelope with contents from Olbia to Massaua bearing, on front,two Italian datestamps and framed “To Pay/Pagare/30 Cents” on arrival denoting charges on delivery,as unfranked on dispatch, with postage dues, applied on reverse, of 1/2d. single example, pairand strip of three tied by “Massaua/Eritrea” cds’s, as well as “Asmara/Ferrovia” datestamp adjacent.Rough opening at top. A very rare franking. Sa. 1.1360 * 1944, Jan 24. Censored envelope from Tempo Pausania (Italy), unfranked on dispatch and consequentlycharged on delivery at Asmara, with marginal irregular block of six of 1/2d. on reverse, tiedby “Massaua/Eritrea” cds’s, showing Cairo transit at top. Taxed letters are rare and sought after, withits desirability being augmented by this very rare multiple. Sa. 1.3004001’0001’50095


24 October 2012 - LUGANO1361 * 1945, Oct 28. Cover with contents from Naples to Asmara franked by Italy 1945 1,20l. on 20c., withNaples datestamp, with on reverse denoting tax payment on arrival with postage dues 1/2d. two pairsand block of eight, tied by “Asmara-Centro/Tassate” cds’s of Italian origin. An extraordinary multiplefranking, one of the most spectacular examples of the highly desirable postage dues usages. A remarkablerarity of Eritrea. Sa. 1.2’5001362 1947, June 27. Fragment of envelope with endorsement of the Italian postal administration, used bypostal clerks, as frequent practice by the Italian postal administration, to cover the message portion ofpostcards when taxed with adhesives, which was later removed by the addressee -although not in thiscase, as being returned to sender; this item was usually fixed to postcard with part of the franking overlapping-,bearing postage dues 1/2d. pair and 2d. block of three, tied by “Asmara-Centro/Tassate” datestamps,with framed “Non Reclamé/Not Claimed” & “Undelivered for reason Stated/Return to Sender”handstamps. A unique postal artefact exhibiting an extremely rare franking. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 1, 3.1’00097

13591363136013641365Phone BiddingPlease call our offices to arrange for telephone bidding prior to the sale+41 91 911 62 001366WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1363 * 1945, June 8. Cover from Tempio Pausania to Massaua, insufficiently franked on reverse with Italy 1930-32 1l. (4), tied by Tempio Pausania datestamps, showing “M.E.F.” postage dues 1d. pair applied at Massaua.Italian and American censorships from the country of origin of this letter, as well as British censorcachets. Cover edge imperfections. A very rare franking only including the 1d. denomination. Sa. 21364 * 1943, July 24. Cover sent by a member of the Italian “Duilio” ship to Asmara, with “Paquebot”double circle on front and South African censorship, charged on arrival with postage dues 2d. and 3d.Envelope with portion of paper loss at top left. The earliest cover so far recorded, from this Britishoccupation, bearing postage due adhesives. Sa. 3, 4.1365 * 1943, Sept. Cover from Bondeno to Asmara, being unfranked by the Italian postal administration andconsequently charged on delivery with postage dues 2d. and 3d., tied by “Asmara-Centro/Tassate”cds’s, showing “Ministero Africa Italiana/Posta per Italiani A.O.I.” red cachet alongside, with Britishcensor h.s. on front. Rare. Sa. 3, 4.1366 * 1943, Sept. Envelope from Adrara San martino (Italy), addressed to an Italian POW at Asmara, andconsequently showing red “Ministerio Africa Italiana/Posta per Italiani A.O.I.” ministerial cachet onfront, taxed on arrival with postage dues 2d. and 3d. tied by “Asmara-Centro/Tassate” cds’s. Rare.Signed Sorani. Sa. 3, 4.1367 * 1943, Oct. Envelope posted on board a ship to Asmara, unfranked on dispatch with “Paquebot” doublecircle, as well as Italian and South African censorships on front. Postage dues 2d. and 3d. appliedat Asmara, tied by corresponding cds. Rare. Signed Sorani and Vaccari. Sa. 3, 4.1368 * 1943, Oct. Censored cover addressed to Asmara by a member of the Italian Mission to East Africa onboard the “Dulio”, sent stampless with “Paquebot” double circle on front, taxed on arrival with postagedues 2d. and 3d. tied by “Asmara-Centro/Tassate” cds’s, showing two further Asmara type cds’salongside. Rare. Sa. 3, 4.5006004004004004001369 r 1944, Dec 30. Postage dues 1s. in stunning block of 18, tied by very rare “Asmara/Cassa P.T. Eritrea/Il Cassiere” datestamp, being an extraordinary franking of 18 shillings which was used to pay a cumulativetax at the Asmara post office. This is undoubtedly one of the most significant items of this field,representing the largest franking known exhibiting postage due adhesives -the 1s. denominationis the most difficult to find of the five values issued, with this feature further enhancing theimportance of this item-. Sa. 5.1’5001948-1951 B.M.A and B.A. Issues1370 * 1952. Assembly of 15 parcel forms from Asmara to Italy, each bearing 50c. on 6d. and 5s. on 5s.,charged on arrival with Italian parcel adhesives which are applied on reverse. One item with a few paperportions missing, otherwise fine to very fine. A very scarce assembly including the highest denominationof this issue. Very high catalogue value. Sa. 20, 26.99

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO1371 * 1951, Nov 20. Parcel form from Asmara to Mantua (Italy), bearing 1950 75c. on 9d. (3) and 1951 2s.50c. on 2s. 6d., tied by “Asmara-Centro/Pacchi” datestamps, with Italian parcel adhesives on reverserepresenting the 20l. and 50l. denominations. Only two parcel forms are recorded bearing this 2s.50c. value. Sa. 22, 31.1’0001372 * 1952, Feb 16. Parcel form from Asmara to Peve di Coriano (Italy), bearing 1950 1s. on 1s. pair incombination with 1951 2s. 50c. on 2s. 6d. pair, tied by “Asmara-Centro/Pacchi”, with Italian parcelstamps of 20l. and 50l. on reverse. Only two parcel forms are known bearing the valuable and high2s. 50c. “B.A. Eritrea” denomination, both offered in this sale, this being unique as exhibitingtwo examples of this value, representing one of the most significant items of the British occupationof Eritrea. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 23, 31.1373 * 1952. Assembly of 15 parcel forms from Asmara to Italy, each bearing 1950 50c. on 6d. in combinationwith 1951 5s. on 5s., charged on arrival with Italian parcel stamps on reverse. Fine to very fine. Avery scarce assembly including the highest denomination of the 1951 issue. Very high catalogue value.Sa. 20, 32.1374 * 1951. A magnificent assembly comprising of 30 telegrams including three different forms, franked byoverprinted “B. A./Eritrea” values, all except five bearing the highest denomination of this issue, alsoincluding some multiples. Scarce.ETHIOPIA2’0003’0002’000Including the rare and sought after mail during the remarkably short period of British occupation1375*1942, Jan 12. Censored cover to Buxton (Great Britain), bearing Great Britain 1d. (2) and 3d., tied by bilingualAddis Ababa datestamps. Exceedingly scarce mail in the period February-March 1942. S.G. 463, 467.The Anglo-Ethiopian Agreement signed on 31.1.1942 recognized Ethiopia as an independent state. Britishstamps were no more on sale and the Addis Abeba Ethiopian civilian post office started its activity. Thereforecovers of the period February-March 1942 franked with British stamps are extremely scarce.500101

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO1376 * 1942, Feb 2. Censored cover from Addis Ababa to an Italian civilian internee in Dire Daua, franked byGreat Britain 2 1/2d., tied by neat “Addis Ababa” bilingual cds. Extremely scarce. S.G. 466.1377 * 1942, March 10. Airmail letter card from Addis Ababa to Bulawayo (Southern Rodesia), franked byGreat Britain 3d., tied by “E.A./A.P.O. 55” which was located at Addis Ababa at that time, showing arrivaladjacent. Interesting contents stating that “...new Ethiopian stamps will be put on sale next week atthe civil post office. The provisional overprinted GB have not come to light”. An extremely rare militarymail bearing British stamps in the February-March 1942 period in Ethiopia. Cert. Sirotti. S.G. 467.1378 * 1942, March 17. Censored cover from Addis Ababa to Dire Daua, redirected to Aramaio, bearingGreat Britain 1/2d. and 2d., both tied by neat “Addis Ababa” bilingual datestamp. Very fine andextremely scarce. S.G. 462, 465.1379 * The British Occupation of Ethiopia, 1941-42. A comprehensive collection of 40 covers, representingthe significant postal history aspects of this scarce period, with red cross messages, POW mail, militarymail from South African, Indian and British forces, including rare F.P.O.’s usages, mail from publicbodies, very rare civil mail bearing Great Britain adhesives in the short-lived period of February-March1942, as well as later cover from the British Military Mission to Ethiopia. Nine items are certified bythe expert Sirotti. An excellent assembly. Viewing essential.1380 * 1948, April 6. Cover to London carried at the then current Forces airmail rate with 2 1/2d., tied intransit at Cairo with “Base Army Post Office/4” cds, showing very fine “Headquarters British Military/Missionto Ethiopia” cachet at bottom left. Under the military convention attached to the Anglo-Ethiopian agreement of 31.1.1942, the British Government agreed to provide at its own cost a militarymission to raise, organize and train an army. Very rare. S.G. 489.5005005007’500250SOMALIAM.E.F. Usages in 1942Including remarkable and rare usages during this early and short period of the British occupation1381 * 1942, Oct 10. Censored commercial envelope to Mombasa (Kenya), headed “Letter in guajarati”, frankedby 2 1/2d. (2), tied by neat blue “Mogadiscio” Italian type cds, which repeated alongside. A very fine andrare usage of overprinted “M.E.F.” values on Somali cover to a foreign destination. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 3.1’200103

1379 ex13821383WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1382 * 1942, May 3. Commercial cover from Mogadishu to Bombay (India), bearing 5d. tied by Italian“Mogadiscio/Somalia Italiana” in blue, British censorship at left, and arrival on reverse. Correspondencefrom Somalia sent abroad with these “M.E.F.” adhesives is very rare. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 5.1383 * 1942, June 2. Censored envelope from Mogadishu to New York, endorsed “scritto in italiano”, bearing5d. tied by blue Italian cds on dispatch, as well as octagonal framed censorship. Censor taperemoved and repaired opening tear at top left. A very rare usage of a “M.E.F.” overprinted value oncorrespondence originating from Somalia sent abroad. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 5.7507501384 * 1942, May 14. Cover from Mogadishu to Williamstown (Australia), tied by Italian cds on departure,with South African censorship. An exceptional cover to Australia originating from Somalia and bearing“M.E.F.” overprinted values. Sa. 3, 5.1’5001943-1948 E.A.F. Issues1385 * 1947, Aug 7. Large 3d. “E.A.F.” overprinted postal stationery envelope, registered from Mogadishuto Milan, uprated with 2 1/2d., 3d. (3) and 1s. (3), with “Mogadishu C/Somalia” cds’s and arrivalon reverse. Sa. 3, 4, 8.1386 * 1946, July 23. Large 3d. “E.A.F.” overprinted postal stationery envelope, registered to Genoa, additionalyfranked with 1d., 2 1/2d. and 2s. 6d., tied by “Mogadishu C/Somalia” cds’s. Sa. 1, 3, 9.1387 * 1947, Sept 19. 3d. “E.A.F.” overprinted postal stationery envelope, registered from Mogadishu toMilan, additionally franked with 1d., 2d., 9d. (2) and 2s. 6d., tied by Mogadishu C cds, showing arrivalon back. Sa. 1, 2, 7, 9.2503502501948-1950 B.A. and B.M.A. Issues1388 * 1949, March 23. 40c. “B.M.A./SOMALIA” postal stationery envelope, sent registered from Mogadishuto Arta (Italy), with additional franking made up of 5c. on 1/2d. (2), 15c. on 1 1/2d., 20c. on2d., 25c. on 2 1/2d. and 30c. on 3d., with backstamp cds’s including Rome and udine. The 40c.postal stationery envelope is exceedingly scarce. Sa. 10-14.750PLEASE NOTE THAT THE STARTING PRICES IN THIS CATALOGUE ARE IN €105

1385 13861387 1388139013911395WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1389 * 1950, March 4. 40c. “B. A./SOMALIA” postal stationery envelope, sent registered from Mogadishu toPescara (Italy), uprated with 50c. on 6d. (2) and 1s. on 1s., with “Mogadishu C/Somalia” cds’s, transitsand arrival on back. The usage of the 40c. postal stationery envelope is exceedingly scarce. Sa. 27, 29.1390 * 1950, Feb 13. Two registered covers from Mogadishu to Stockport (Great Britain), one bearing 2s.50c. on 2s. 6d., the other with 5s. on 5s., with “Mogadishu C/Somalia” cds. An interesting duo ofvery rare single frankings with the two highest denominations. Sa. 30, 31.1391 * 1950, May 24. Registered envelope to Birmingham, bearing 2s. 50c. on 2s. 6d. and 5s. on 5s., bothtied by “Mogadishu C/Somalia” cds. An extremely rare franking. Sa. 30, 31.1’2001’2001’500TRIPOLITANIAMilitary and Official Mail1392 * 1943, Aug 24. 3d. postal stationery envelope addressed to the East Africa Command in Nairobi (Kenya),uprated with South Africa 1s. (2), tied by South African A.P.O.-U-M.P.K. 14 military datestamplocated in Tripoli and E.A./A.P.O. 2 on arrival alongside. Reverse bearing United States 6c. (6) tied intransit by A.P.O.-U-M.P.K 29 in Egypt. An exceptional mixed franking. Cert. Sirotti.1393 * 1945, March 1st. Red cross message confined to 25 words from Tripoli to Italy, with “C.R.I. Messaggi”label of the Italian Red Cross, and three red cachets of the Red Cross in Tripoli, Cairo andGeneva, with British censorship. Very interesting and scarce.1394 * 1946, April 26. Registered O.H.M.S. envelope used locally at Tripoli, with corresponding cds and“Headquarters/Tripolitania Police/Date__/Office of Commmissioner” cachet and signature. Ascarce official correspondence.1395 1946, June 26. Telegram from Tripoli to Verona, with rare “Direz. Serv. PP.EE. Tripoli/(Ragioneria)”and British censorship. A rare postal document.500150100150M.E.F. Issues1396 * 1943, Dec 6. Envelope from Villaggio Crispi to Garian, bearing 3d. without “M.E.F.” overprint, tiedby rare “Crispi/Misurata” cds which is repeated alongside. As this issue was not sanctioned in thisterritory, the franking was invalidated by applying several strikes of a small mute circular handstampalong the text of the cds used to tie the franking; in spite of this, the cover was not taxed as it was sentto an Italian military man in the Red Cross collaborating with the British. Censorship and Tripoli cdson reverse. An extremely rare usage which may be considered as a postal fraud, although franking wasnot required, this fact may have been unknown to the sender.300107

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO1397 * 1944, Aug 10. Cover from Tripoli to Williamstown (Australia), underfranked with 1d. with “Tripoli/Corrisp. e Pacchi” cds’s, showing “T9d.” blue crayon and Australian postage dues 1d., 2d. 6d. on arrival.Egyptian and Australian censorships. A rare combination franking of visual appeal. Sa. 6.1398 * 1946, Nov 27. Newspaper wrapper from Tripoli to Garian, bearing 1d. with cds on disptach. A veryrare printed matter rate (up to 250 gr.). Sa. 6.1399 * 1947, Dec 9. Statistical document to Guaratana (Italy), franked by 1d. tied by “Michele Bianchi/Tripoli” datestamp, with several Italian cds’s on reverse. A rare printed matter rate, further enhancedby the scarce cancellation. Sa. 6.1400 * 1947, Oct 13. Commercial envelope to Rome, paying single postage with 1d. two strips of three onreverse, tied by “Zavia/Tripoli” cds’s, showing arrival alongside. A very rare cancellation on outgoingcorrespondence. Sa. 6.1401 * 1946, Jan 3. Registered envelope headed “Governo della Libia” from Giado to Garian, paying thedouble rate with 2d. marginal strip of five, tied by very fine “Giado/Tripoli” cds’s. An extremely rarecancellation on cover, this being a very fine example. Sa. 7.1402 * 1943, Nov 4. Censored envelope to Garian bearing 2 1/2d., showing two superb strikes of “Jefren/Tripoli” datestamp. Small portion missing at right. A rare cancellation. Sa. 8.1403 * 1943, Dec 21. Censored envelope to Garian, bearing 2 1/2d. with “Sliten/Misurata” datestamps,backstamped in transit at Tripoli. A very rare cancellation. Sa. 8.1404 * 1944, April 27. Acknowledgement of receipt for registered mail from Garian to Tripoli, franked by 21/2d. tied by Garian cds. Staple holes at top, only mentioned for accuracy. A rare postal documentwith its desirability being augmented by the infrequent cancellation. Signed Enzo Diena and Chiavarello.Sa. 8.1405 * 1944, Dec 19. Censored envelope to Rome, franked by 2 1/2d. pair with “Castel Benito/Tripoli”cds’s, with Tripoli transit on back. A rare origin. Sa. 8.1406 * 1947, Aug 12. Censored envelope with contents from Villaggio Oliveti to Rome, bearing 3d. marginalpair tied by “Oliveti/Tripoli” datestamp, backstamped on arrival. To our knowledge, a unique usageof this cancellation on non-philatelic mail. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 9.1407 * 1946, Feb 21. Registered envelope headed “Governo della Libia” to Garian, franked at double ratewith 2d., 2 1/2d. (2), 3d. tied by fine “Nalut/Tripoli” datestamps. A very fine and scarce cover. Sa.7, 8, 9.1408 * 1944, Oct 18. Cover to Williamstown (Australia), bearing 5d. tied by fine “Sirte/Misurata” datestamp.Egyptian and Australian censorships. A very scarce cancellation, further enhanced by being usedon correspondence sent to an infrequent destination. Sa. 10.1409 * 1945, May 14. Envelope with contents from Giordani to Rome, franked by 5d. tied by neat “Giordani/Tripoli”cds, which repeated alongside, with censorship label and Tripoli transit cds on reverse. Anextremely desirable example of this cancellation with fewer than five examples recorded. Sa. 10.1410 * 1947, Feb 17. Censored envelope with contents to Rome, bearing 5d. (3), tied by blue “Sabratha/Tripoli” cds’s and arrival on back. Very few genuine covers are believed to exist with this scarce cancellationin blue. Sa. 10.1411 * 1947, Oct 24. Censored envelope to Fiesole (Italy), bearing 1d. and 5d., both tied by “Miani/Tripoli”cds. A scarce datestamp. Sa. 6, 10.1412 * 1947, Aug 28. Censored envelope to Trapani (Italy), franked by 6d. tied by “Tagiura/Tripoli” cds,with arrival on reverse. A very scarce cancellation. Signed Sorani. Sa. 11.1413 * 1945, Feb 21. Registered censored envelope headed “Governo della Libia”, addressed to Collesrada(Italy), franked by 2 1/2d., 6d. and 9d. tied by “Tarhuna/Tripoli” cds’s. An extremely rare cancellation.Sa. 8, 11, 12.150100150150250150200200150250100200200150100150200111


24 October 2012 - LUGANO1414 * 1943, Nov 16. Registered envelope from Garian to Joliet (United States), franked by 1d., 2d., 5d. and1s., tied by “Garian/Tripoli” cds’s, showing scarce framed “Par Avion De /By Air Mail From/Tripolià-To__” airmail marking over the British censorship, with Tripoli, New York and arrival backstamps.Signed Chiavarello. Sa. 6, 7, 10, 13.1415 * 1945, Dec 6. Registered censored envelope from Tripoli to Italy, franked by 2s.6d. with origin datestamp,and Italian transits on reverse. Portion of upper back flap missing. A scarce single franking. Sa. 14.1416 * 1946, Sept 9. Commercial cover from Tripoli to Rome, bearing 2s.6d. tied on dispatch. Reverse showing“Lt.-Colonel, Deputy Controller, Finance and Accounts” cachet and signature. Some wrinklesclear of the franking. A scarce single franking. Sa. 14.1417 * 1946, Oct 3. Registered censored cover from Garian to Siderno Marina (Italy), bearing 5d. and 2s.6d., bothtied by origin cds with the lower denomination being also tied by framed airmail marking, with arrival onreverse. A rare usage of a the 2s.6d. value in this locality. Signed Enzo Diena and Chiavarello. Sa. 10, 14.1418 * 1947, May 7. Registered envelope from Tagiura to Trapani (Italy), bearing 5d. and 2s.6d., associatedto be tied by “Tagiura/Tripoli” datestamp. Censorship label at left. A very rare example of a highfranking originating from this scarce origin. Sa. 10, 14.1419 * 1946, March 15. Censored envelope from Tripoli to New York, franked on reverse with 1d., 5d. and2s.6d. tied by datestamps on dispatch. Tear to envelope caused on opening not affecting the franking.A rare transatlantic mail exhibiting this high 2s.6d. denomination. Sa. 6, 10, 14.1420 * 1945, Aug 7. Registered censored envelope from Tripoli to Teramo (Italy), bearing 5d., 6d., 9d. and2s.6d., tied by origin datestamps. A scarce four-colour franking. Sa. 10, 11, 12 14.1421 * 1943, Oct 25. Censored registered envelope to London, bearing 9d. (2), 1s. (2) and 2s.6d., with neatstrikes of “Zavia/Tripoli” datestamps, backstamped in transit at Tripoli. Postal history originating fromZavia is rare; this example possess the added significance of featuring a rare high franking. Sa. 12, 13, 14.1422 * 1943, Sept 29. Envelope from Bradford (Great Britain) to Tripoli, bearing 2 1/2d., charged on arrivalwith postage due 1/2d., tied by Tripoli cds. English and Egyptian censorship. The usage of postagedues in the territories occupied by the M.E.F. is very scarce and sought after. Sa. 1.1423 * 1948, Nov 8. Cover from Dudley to Tripoli, with 2 1/2d. franking meter and tax marking to be collectedand paid on arrival with postage dues 1/2d. (3). Some rust spots barely affecting the adhesives.An extremely rare multiple franking. Sa. 1.1501501502503002002003003505001424 * 1949, Feb 8. Envelope (slightly reduced at right) from Benghazi to Tripoli, bearing M.E.F. 1d., beinginsufficiently franked and taxed on arrival with postage dues 1m. on 1/2d. and 2m on 1d. Anextremely rare B.M.A. Tripolitania - M.E.F. franking including postage dues. Sa 1, 2.2’000113


24 October 2012 - LUGANO1425 * 1945, Dec 20. Cover from Manchester to Tripoli, bearing 6d. with tax markings including two differenttypes, following application of postage dues 1d. and 2d. (2) on arrival. A very rare franking. Sa. 2, 3.1426 * 1944, Aug 1. Envelope from Rome to Tripoli, censored in Egypt, taxed on arrival with postage due2d. tied by airmail cds. Sa. 3.1427 * 1947, Feb 3. Cover from Stafford via Cairo to Tripoli with 2 1/2d. meter franking, with “T/L” markingdenoting tax to be collected, with postage due 2d. tied by arrival cds. Scarce. Sa. 3.1428 * 1949, Feb 17. Cover from Nottingham to Tripoli, franked on dispatch with 2 1/2d. (upper left cornerdefective), with hexagonal tax marking following application of B.M.A. 4m. on 2d. postage due. Theusage of these B.M.A. adhesives is exceedingly scarce on cover. Sa. 3.1429 * 1947, Sept 12. Envelope from Glasgow to Tripoli, bearing 2 1/2d. (2), hexagonal “T” marking andconsequently taxed with postage dues 1/2d. and 3d. Very slightly soiled perforations, nevertheless arare and desirable franking. Sa. 1, 4.1430 * 1947, Oct 11. Envelope (slightly reduced at left) from Glasgow to Tripoli, insufficiently franked with2 1/2d. (2), following “£7” red crayon which collected with postage dues 1/2d. and 3d. tied by cdson receipt. A very fine and rare bi-colour franking. Sa. 1, 4.1431 * 1947, July 7. Envelope from Bombay via Beirut to Tripoli, franked by 1a. (2) and 1 1/2a., with thecover being addressed to a P.O. Box and consequently charged on arrival with postage dues 2d. and3d. Upper flap lacking and small tear at top, of no importance. A very rare combination franking includingIndian adhesives. Sa. 3, 4.1432 * 1946, Feb 16. Envelope from London to Tripoli with 6d. franking meter, taxed on receipt with 3d.pair. Rare. Sa. 4.1433 * “M.E.F.” Overprinted Issue Used in Tripolitania. An extraordinary assembly comprising of 76 covers,the great majority being commercial usages, featuring a wide range of postal history aspects of great interestfor the advanced collector, including scarce to exceedingly rare cancellations with duplicates forsome of them, such as Sabratha (blue), Nalut, Zavia, Michele Bianchi, Tarhuna, Jefren and Giordani,mail from public bodies, a wide range of different frankings, unusual destinations including Malta,Israel, South Africa and French Tunisia, rare acknowledgement of receipt cards for registered mail,high frankings including the 2s.6d. denomination in 15 covers, rare cloth envelope containing samplesof no value, most unusual cover bearing the Cairo printing (cert. Sirotti), etc. An impressive lot withmany items worthy of individual auction listing. Viewing recommended1434 * British Occupation of Tripolitania. 1943-51, a magnificent selection of 21 items, including one telegram,a first day of use in this territory, a remarkable group of eight taxed covers bearing MEF postagedues being six different frankings including the 1s., five covers bearing the unusual 2s. 6d. value,one item franked by very rare “B. A. Tripolitania” 40m. on 10s., infrequent cancellations with Garian,Giado and Giordani, as well as one most unusual handmade cloth sack (small) carried by military mailto Egypt. A selected group of advanced items making up a basis for a prestigious collection, includingseveral of the remarkable rarities in existence; in fact, all items are worthy of a division in single lots.8004003001’0003007505005003’5005’0001948-1951 B.M.A. and B.A. Issues1435 * 1949, Aug 12. “Corriere di Tripoli” newspaper carried at printed matter rate from Tripoli, franked by2m. on 1d. Addressee’s wrapper has been removed. A very rare usage. Sa. 2.1436 * 1949, March 28. Envelope to Cremona (Italy), bearing 1m. on 1/2d. (2) and 6m. on 3d. (2), tied byvery fine “Zuara Citta/Tripoli” datestamps, following arrival on reverse. Some wrinkles to cover. Theearliest usage so far recorded of this very rare cancellation. Sa. 1, 6.1437 * 1949, Dec 1. Cover to Trapani (Italy), franked by 10m. on 5d. tied by “Suani Ben Aden/Tripoli” cds,with transit and arrival on back. An exceedingly scarce cancellation. Sa. 7.1438 * 1949, Jan 12. Censored registered envelope from Tripoli to Asmara (Eritrea), bearing 10m. on 5d.and marginal 60m. on 2s.6d., each tied on dispatch. Reverse showing Egyptian transits and receipt cds.A rare franking. Cert. Sirotti. 7, 11.150100150250115

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO1439 * 1949, May 25. Registered envelope from Tripoli to Florence (Italy), franked by 10m. on 5d., 24m. on1s. and 60m. on 2s.6d., with backstamps of Rome and Florence. Some wrinkles and rough openingresulting in some tears not impinging on the franking. A very scarce franking on commercial correspondence.Sa. 7, 10, 11.1440 * 1951, March 13. Postcard to Canicattini Bagni (Italy), franked by 3m. on 1 1/2d. pair, tied by rare“Sabratha/Tripoli” datestamp in blue. Sa. 16.1441 * 1950, Sept 16. Postcard to Tripoli with 5m. on 2 1/2d. tied by “Sorman/Tripoli” cds, which is repeatedalongside, together with arrival adjacent. One of the rarest cancellations used in Tripolitania. Sa. 18.1442 * 1951, Feb 27. Registered cover to Udine (Italy), bearig 10m. on 5d., tied by “Suani Ben Aden/Tripoli” cds with matching handstamp tying the registration label. A very rare origin, of even moresignificance as registered mail. Sa. 20.1443 * 1950, Aug 4. Registered envelope from Tripoli to New York, franked by 60m. on 2s.6d. tied on dispatch,backstamped on receipt. A very rare single franking on commercial correspondence. Sa. 24.1444 * 1950, Oct 10. Envelope from Tripoli to Sweden, bearing 60m. on 2s.6d., marginal example, tied by“Tripoli/Posta Aerea” datestamp. A scarce single franking on cover to an unusual destination. Sa. 24.1445 * 1950, Feb 28. Registered envelope via airmail from Tripoli to Milan, bearing 2m. on 1d. and marginal120m. on 5s., each tied by “Tripoli No1” cds, with transits and arrival on reverse. A very rare franking.Sa. 15, 25 = € 15,100.1446 * 1950, May 17. Registered envelope from Tripoli to Glasgow (Great Britain), bearing 240m. on 10s.,corner example from the lower right of the sheet, tied by origin cds. A very rare single franking withthe highest denomination of this issue. Sa. 26 = € 15,000.1447 * 1951, May 21. Registered envelope from Tripoli to Udine (Italy), bearing 1948 12m. on 6d., 19506m. on 3d. amd 1951 2m. on 1d., all tied by “Tripoli/Posta Aerea” cds, with backstamps includingtransits and arrival. A very rare franking including the three Tripolitanian issues properly paying therequired postage. Sa. 8, 19, 28.1448 * 1951, July 21. Registered envelope from Misurata to Tripoli, franked by 1950 12m. on 6d. in mixedfranking with 1951 3m. on 1 1/2d., tied by Misurata cancel. A rare example of the usage of these two“B. A.” issues on cover. Sa. 21, 29.1449 * 1951, June 3. Cover from Tripoli to Beograd bearing 1950 3m. on 1 1/2d., 6m. on 3d., and 19511m. on 1/2d., 2m. on 1d. and 4m. on 2d., with “A.V.2” airmail marking alongside, and arrival onreverse. A very scarce mixed franking, to an unusual destination. Sa. 16, 19, 27, 28, 30.1450 * 1951, June 13. Cover headed “Government of Tripolitania” to Tripoli, franked by 5m. on 2 1/2d.tied by “Beni Ulid/Misurata” cds. A very rare cancellation. Sa. 31.1451 * 1951, Aug. 11. Envelope headed “Zliten Municipality” to Tripoli, bearing 5m. on 2 1/2d. tied by“Sliten/Misurata” cds. Very scarce. Sa. 31.1452 * 1951, Oct 2. Official envelope with “Municipio di Sabratha” cachet to Tripoli, bearing 5m. on 21/2d., tied by blue “Sabratha/Tripoli” cds, with receipt on back. Very scarce. Sa. 31.1453 * 1951, Nov 20. Envelope addressed to the British Administration in Tripoli, franked by 5m. on 2 1/2d.tied by “Azizia/Tripoli” cds. An extremely rare cancellation. Sa. 31.1454 * 1951, Sept 24. Registered envelope directed to the Administration Minister at Tripoli, bearing 5m.on 2 1/2d. strip of three, tied by “Tarhuna/Misurata” cds’s with matching cachet on the registrationlabel, backstamped on arrival. Very rare registered mail from this scarce origin. Sa. 31.1455 * 1951, Nov 21. Registered envelope from Garian to Rome, franked by 2m. on 1d. (3) and 5m. on 21/2d. (4), tied by “Garian/Tripoli” datestamps, showing transits and arrival on back. Signed Sorani.Sa. 28, 31.25070200150350400750750200200200150100100200100200119

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1471 147214741473 ex14761475 ex121

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price EUR1456 * 1951, May 17. Cover from Tipoli to Buenos Aires, franked by 1948 12m. on 6d. (2), in mixed frankingwith 1951 60m. on 2s.6d., tied by origin cds’s, showing “A.V.2” airmail marking alongside, withBuenos Aires datestamp on back. Traces of the brownish gum applied on the adhesives. An extremelyrare commercial franking including one of the three highest denominations of the 1951 Issue. SignedSorani. Sa. 8, 32 = € 20,000.1’0001457 * 1951, Aug 11. Large part of parcel card dispatched at Misurata, franked by 1950 12m. on 6d. (3),1951 2m on 1d. (2) and 60m. on 2s. 6d., two pairs (one with bottom adhesive defective in lower rightcorner), tied by “Garibaldi/Misurata” cds’s. Some perforations slightly toned, of no importance forthis significant rarity of Tripolitania. No complete parcel cards are so far recorded, this being oneof the very few examples of this postal document to have survived. Sa. 21, 28, 32.1458 * 1951, May 31. Registered envelope to Milan, bearing 4m. on 2d., 5m. on 2 1/2d., 60m. on 2s.6d.and 120m, on 5s., all being marginal and tied by “Tripoli Corrispondenze e Pacchi” datestamps, withRome and Milan cds’s on reverse. A stunning franking exhibiting one of the two scarcest values of thisissue, the 120m. denomination. Sa. 30, 31, 32, 33 = € 30,000.1459 * 1948-51. Assembly of 24 air letters to Italy, Great Britain, Israel, United States and Canada, featuringnine different frankings and rare cancellations including Tagura, Castel Benito (3) and Miani. Rare.1’0001’5001’000WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1460 * “B.M.A.” & “B. A.” Overprinted Issues Used in Tripolitania. An extraordinary assembly comprisingof 112 covers, mostly commercial usages including interesting mail from administrative bodiesincluding interesting item headed “United Nations/Commissioner in Libya”, scarce to exceedinglyrare cancellations with duplication including Sliten, Miani, Tarhuna, Società Tirrena, Castel Benito,Suani Ben Aden, Sabratha, Zavia, Jefren, Michele Bianchi, Zuara and Sirte, scarce acknowledgementof receipt cards for registered mail, FDC’s with complete sets, etc. A magnificent holding with severalitems worthy of individual auction listing. Viewing recommended. (Photo on page 118)1461 * 1951, Jan 22. Envelope from Paddington to Tripoli, bearing 2 1/2d., tax marking and B.A. postagedues including 1m. on 1/2d. and 2m. on 1d. tied by Tripoli cds. Tear in upper left corner which hasbeen closed with tape. A rare bi-colour franking. Sa. 6, 7.1462 * 1950, Aug 6. Envelope from Hendon to Tripoli, franked with 2 1/2d. pair, showing hexagonal “T/F.S”marking and B.A. 4m. on 2d. pair postage dues tied by “Tripoli/Posta Aerea” cds. Tripoli backstampsincluding rare Castel Benito. One stamp with tear at top right and some tone spots. Very scarce. Sa. 8.1463 * 1951, May 20. Envelope from Tunis to Tripoli, franked on dispatch with 5f. (2) and 15f., charged onarrival with B.A. 6m. on 3d. postage due. A very fine and most rare combination franking. Sa. 9.1464 * 1951, Jan 4. Envelope from Milan to Tripoli with 20l. franking meter, taxed at Tripoli with B.A. 2m. on1d. and 6m. on 3d. pair. A visually attractive cover bearing a very scarce bi-colour franking. Sa. 7, 9.1465 * 1950, Nov 24. Envelope (small portion missing at top) from Hendon with 2 1/2d., addressed toTripoli where taxed with B.A. 24m. on 1s., tied by “Tripoli/Posta Aerea”, with other arrival datestampson reverse including Castel Benito. A very scarce usage of this high denomination. Sa. 10.4’000750400300750800FRENCH OCCUPATION OF FEZZAN1466 * 1943, Nov 29. Newspaper wrapper from Algiers addressed to the French military mail 561, which waslocated at Ghadames, with dispatch cds on front and arrival on reverse. Very rare.1467 * 1944, April 20. Stampless cover from Ghadamès to Algiers, endorsed “F.M.” denoting the privilige for beingcarried free of charge, with “Poste Militaire/N 561” cds. A rare military correspondence. (P. on page 118)1468 * 1945, July 8. Registered 3c. postal stationery envelope to Alexandria, tied by “Field Post Office/601”which was used in Algeria and Fezzan, with matching registration label at left. A rare official military mail.100100250detail of reverse1469 * 1943, May 19. Registered envelope from Mourzouk to Ghadamès, bearing 1f. on 10c. strip of three,tied by “Mourzouk/R.F. Fezzan” datestamp on the fourth day of issue, exhibiting, on reverse, Sebha,rare Ghadamès and very rare Brach datestamps. Absolutely exceptional and desirable. Cert. G. Bolaffi,signed A. Bolaffi and Miro. Sa. 3.1’000123

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24 October 2012 - LUGANO1470 * 1943, Sept 19. Registered cover from Ghadamès to Douala (Cameroon), franked by 50c., 3f. on 20c.(one perforation lacking) and airmail 7,50f. on 50c. (overprint slightly shifted to the base), all tiedby 561 French military cancel, with “Premier Service Avion/Tunis-Ghadames” handstamp and twoFrench censorships. Sa. 1, 5; 2. (Photo on page 120)1471 * 1943, June 13. Registered censored envelope to Souma (Algeria), bearing 50c., 5f. on 50c. and airmail50c. and 7,50f. on 50c., tied by “R.F. Sebha/Fezzan” datestamp, with “Le Receveur des PTT” andsignature of the postal agent Patte alongside. Signed Marchese, Raybaudi as well as Fiecchi. Sa. 1, 7;1, 2. (Photo on page 121)1472 * 1943, June 18. A similar cover to the previous one, bearing the same values with the airmail adhesivesbeing marginal. Cert. Marchese. Sa. 1, 7; 1, 2. (Photo on page 121)1473 * 1944, Feb 20. Two envelopes headed “Territoire du Fezzan-Ghadamès/Le Gouverneur Militaire”,with corresponding cachet in violet and signature at base, addressed to Boufarik and El Biar, frankedby 5f. on 50c., tied by “Poste Militaire N 560”, both also showing “Premier Service Avion/Tunis-Sebha (Fezzan)”, and one with a further strike of “Mission Scientifique Française/Du Fezzan/18Fevrier 23 Avril 1944” cachet alongside. Sa. 7. (Photo on page 121)1474 * 1943, Sept 12. Registered cover to Alger, bearing 5f. on 50c., tied by 561 French military cds 561at Ghadamès, in mixed franking with Algeria 1fr. 50c., which was not cancelled on dispatch, showingtwo-lines “Premier Service Avion/Tunis Ghadames” handstamp at left. Some toning around perforations.Rare. Sa 7; 2. (Photo on page 121)1475 * 1943, May 7. Two registered envelopes to Brazzaville bearing 5f. on 50c. block of four tied by “R.F.Postes/Fezzan” handstamp with manuscript date by Patte, and arrival on reverse. A scarce multiple.One signed Calves, the other G. and A. Bolaffi. Sa. 7. (Photo on page 121)1476 * 1943, Sept 19. Envelope to Sebha, franked by 5f. on 50c. and airmail 7,50f. on 50c., both tied by 561French military cds located at Ghadamès, with two-lines “Premier Service Avion/Tunis Ghadames”handstamp. Some toning around perforations, nevertheless scarce. Sa 7; 2. (Photo on page 121)1477 * 1943, July 6. Registered envelope to Brazzaville (French Equatorial Africa), bearing 5f. on 50c. pair(few tone spots) and airmail 7,50f. on 50c., tied by Sebha datestamps with arrival on reverse. Sa. 7; 2.3503503504001504001502001478 ´ 1943, 20f. on 1f.75c. orange, with large part original gum. Only 81 examples were issued. Fine andrare. Signed Calves and Roumet. Sa. 9 = € 11,000.1479 * 1944, July 23. Envelope endorsed “Par avion spécial” to Ghadamès, signed by the pilot De Philippe,President Costa and delegate Bouzanquet, with administrative cachet “Subdivision de Mourzouk” andframed “Inauguration du Fort Colonna D’Ornano Mourzouk Fezzan 23 Juillet 1944” handstamp1’500400Auction LiveYou can participate in our auctionsby live bidding on the internetwww.spink.com125

14851486 14871488 ex 149014911489 ex1492149314941495 14961499WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1480 ´ 1943, 50c. sepia, block of four with the lower pair without overprint, in mint condition. A very scarcevariety. Cert. Calves. Sa. 1, 1 (var).1481 * 1943, May 19. Registered Italian “Partito Nazionale Fascista/Sezione di Sebha” envelope to Mourzouk,bearing airmail 50c. marginal block of six, tied by Sebha datestamps in the first week of issue,with arrival on reverse. As a result of the few remainders of Italian stamps at the French postal agent’sdisposal, even some defective examples were nevertheless used in the process of overprinting, which must beconsidered as rare varieties. Signed Brun and Calves. Sa. 1.1482 * 1943, June 3. Envelope from Sebha to Souma (Algeria), bearing 50c. and airmail 50c., tied by datestampon dispatch, taxed on arrival with postage dues 10c. and 30c. (3). A rare combination franking. Sa. 1; 1.1483 * 1943, July 12. Registered Italian military postcard bearing airmail 7,50f. on 50c. tied by Sebha datestamp,addressed to Algiers and redirected to Fort-Lamy (Chad) with arrival on back, being previouslytaxed with rare “R.F./P.T.T. Fezzan/Occupation/Française/1943/Taxe Perçue/Le Receveur” andsignature by the postal agent Patte indicating 1f. 50c. to be paid in manuscript. Vertical crease at left, notdetracting. An extremely rare usage of the postage due marking on postcard. Cert. Chiavarello. Sa. 2.1484 * 1943, May 16. Registered envelope to Brazzaville (French Equatorial Africa), franked by airmails 50c.and 7,50f. on 50c., each tied by “R.F. Postes/Fezzan” datestamps on the first day of issue, backstampedon receipt. Portion of envelope lacking on reverse, mentioned only for accuracy. A rare firstday cover. Signed A. Diena, G. Bolaffi and A. Bolaffi. Sa. 1, 2.1485 * 1944, April 16. Envelope to Tunis, redirected to Gabes, franked by Algeria 1,50f., tied by the 560French field post cds which was then located at Sebha, showing “Mission Scientifique Française/DuFezzan/18 Fevrier 23 Avril 1944” handstamp.1486 * 1944, July 23. Postcard from Mourzouk addressed to the “Bureau Central Militaire A”, franked by Algeria50c. tied by 560 French military cds, showing framed “Inauguration du Fort Colonna D’OrnanoMourzouk Fezzan 23 Juillet 1944” handstamp at left.1487 * 1946, April 23. Postcard to Algiers franked by Algeria 70c. tied by “Sebha/Sud-Tripolitain” heaxagonaldatestamp, with fine “Territorire du Fezzan Ghadames/Le Gouverneur Militaire” cachet.1488 * 1943-44. Assembly of six covers, of which two addressed to Tauris and Teheran, bearing airmail 50c.,one franked by single franking, the other with pair, with the other four items bearing Tunisia and Algeriafrankings, three with 560 & 561 military cds’s including “Premier Service Avion/Tunis-Sebha(Fezzan)”, “Premier Service Avion/Tunis Ghadames” and “Mission Scientifique Française/Du Fezzan/18Fevrier 23 Avril 1944”, as well as large part of censored postcard with 50c. and airmail 50c.1489 * Fezzan Military Territory. 1946-51, an outstanding collection containing 59 covers, featuring an interestingvariety of frankings, mainly on correspondence sent aborad. The postal history of this Territoryis very scarce and sought after. Viewing recommended. Sassone over € 200,000.1’0004004004002501501501005006’000127

149714981501 15041500150215031506 front-reverse1509WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANOGREEK MILITARY ADMINISTRATION OFTHE DODECANESE ISLANDS(April-December 1947)Calymnos (Kalymnos)1490 * 1947, June 3. Small envelope from Kalymnos to Kos, franked by 10d. on 2,000d. and 250d. on 3d.,each neatly tied on dispatch. Scarce. Sa. 1, 10.1491 * 1947, Oct 30. Cover from Kalymnos to Heraklion (Crete), franked by 250d. on 10l., together withGreece 1946-47 50d. on 1d. charity issue, both tied by “Kalymnos” cds on dispatch. A rare mixedfranking. Sa. 5.1492 * 1947, June 3. Newspaper wrapper from Kalymnos to Athens, franked by 50d. on 1d., tied by Greekcds on dispatch. An extremely rare and fine usage in this period. Sa. 9.1493 * 1947, April 26. Cover from Kalymnos to Rhodes, franked on reverse with 50d. on 1d. lower left-corner pair, tied by “Kalymnos” cds with “Rodos” cds alongside. A rare mail carried during the firstmonth of the Greek administration. Sa. 9.300400300300Carpathos (Karpathos)1494 * 1947, April 26. Cover to Rhodes, franked by 10d. on 2,000d. tied by “Karpatos” cds, showing arrivalon reverse. Mail in this period not originating from Rhodes is scarce. Sa. 1.1495 * 1947, May 3. Cover from Karpatos to Rhodes, franked by 50d. on 1d. vertical pair, tied by neat cdson disptach, with arrival on back. An unusual franking. Sa. 9.1496 * 1947, May 19. Cover from Karpatos via airmail to the Controller of Posts and Telegraphs at Asmara(Eritrea), bearing 250d. on 3d. pair, tied by “Karpatos” cds, with Rhodes and Asmara cds’s being exhibitedon back. A very scarce destination. Sa. 10.1497 * 1947, May 27. Large registered airmail envelope from Karpatos to Athens, franked on reverse with10d. on 2,000d. (2), 50d. on 1d. and 250d. on 3d. pair, tied by cds on dispatch, with Rhodes transitalongside. Crease through one 250d. on 3d. adhesive, hardly detracting from this very rare registeredmail. Sa. 1, 9 ,10.200300400600Castellorizzo (Kastelorizo)1498 * 1947, April 16. Cover from Kastelorizo to Rhodes, franked by 10d. on 2,000d., tied by “Kastelorizon-Megiste” cds. Two perforations missing at lower left corner, of no importance for this extremely rareusage from this small Island on non philatelic correspondence. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 1.1499 * 1947, July 12. Cover locally used in Kastelorizo, bearing 10d. on 2,000d., silver overpint, and GeorgeII 50d. on 1d. and 250d. on 3d., each tied by “Kastelorizon-Megiste” cds. A scarce mixed franking,with its desirability being augmented by orginating from this small island. Sa. 1, 9, 10.750400Cos (Kos)1500 * 1947, May 2. Cover from Kos to Rhodes, franked by 10d. on 2,000d. tied by neat cds on dispatch,backstamped on arrival. Very fine and scarce. Sa. 1.1501 * 1947, Oct 26. Registered cover from Kos to Heraklion, franked on reverse by 50d. on 2d. and 250d.on 10l. pair, together with Greece 1946-47 50d. on 1l. charity issue, tied by cds’s on dispatch, showingscarce “Rodos/Afixis Sistimeion” as well as Athens and Heraklion cds’s denoting registration mailalongside. Very rare and desirable. Sa. 4, 5.200600129

150515081507 front-reverse1510 151415111512 15131516WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1502 * 1947, June 1. Postcard from Kos to United States, franked by 250d. on 3d., tied by “Kos” cds. Postcardsdispatched in the Dodecanese in this period are very sacrce, even more if sent abroad. Sa. 9.1503 * 1947, Sept 7. Cover from Kos via airmail to Aversa (Italy), franked on reverse with 50d. on 1d. and 250d.on 3d., both tied by “Kos”cds, with “Rodos” and arrival cds’s alongside. Rare. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 9, 10.1504 * 1947, July 30. Airmail cover from Kos to Alexandria (Egypt), bearing 10d. on 2,000 pair, silver overprint,together with George II 50d. on 1d. and 250d. on 3d., tied by “Kos” cds’s, showing Rhodestransit and arrival on reverse. A rare mixed franking. Sa. 1, 9, 10.1505 * 1947, June 6. Cover from Kos via airmail to Alexandria (Egypt), franked on reverse with 10d. on 2,000d.(2), in combination with George II 50d. on 1d. and 250d. on 3d. strip of three, tied by “Kos” cds’s,showing arrival at base. Vertical crease just impinges on one corner of one adhesive, not detracting. Animpressive and rare franking, further enhanced by being mail not originating from Rhodes. Sa. 1, 9, 10.250300500750Leros1506*1947, Dec 8. Newspaper wrapper from Leros to Athens, franked by 30d. on 5d. and 1,000d. on200d., each tied by cds on dispatch. An extremely rare postal document, with just two examplesrecorded, each bearing different frankings. Sa. 3, 7.7501507 * 1947, June 6. Registered envelope from Leros to New York, franked by 250d. on 3d. strip of four,showing on reverse 10d. on 2,000d., silver overprint, and George II 50d. on 1d. pair, tied by Leroscds’s, accompanied by scarce Rhodes registration transit and New York cds’s on back. A spectacularand rare franking. Sa. 1, 9, 10.1508 * 1947, April 24. Cover via airmail from Leros to Athens, bearing 50d. on 1d. pair and strip of three,tied by “Leros” cds’s, with “Rodos” and arrival cds’s at base. A very rare franking, used during the firstmonth of the Greek administration. Sa. 9.1’000700Nisyros1509 * 1947, July 15. Cover from Nisyros to Rhodes, franked by 10d. on 2,000d., silver overprint, tied by“Nisyros” cds which repeated at top left, with “Rodos” on arrival on back. A very scarce correspondenceas originating from this small Island. Sa. 1.400Patmos1510 * 1947, April 3. Cover from Patmos to Rhodes, bearing 10d. on 2,000d., tied by cds on dispatch. Anextremely rare correspondence from Patmos, on the third day of the Greek administration. Sa. 1.400Rhodes1511 * 1947, Aug 12. Stampless airmail envelope carried free of charge from Rhodes to Athens, with violet“B.P. Aliakmon/B.N.” cachet illustrated with anchor. A very rare naval correspondence.1512 * 1947, April 2. Registered cover from Rhodes to Liberec (Czechoslovakia), bearing 10d. on 2,000d.strip of five, tied by “Rodos” cds’s, showing Prague transit on back. A very scarce destination, possessingthe remarkable significance of being dispatched on the second day of issue. Sa. 1.1513 * 1947, April 18. Cover from Rhodes addressed to the 211 Transit Camp of the Middle East Forces atIsmailia (Egypt), properly franked by 10d. on 2,000d. single example and block of four from the upperleft corner of the sheet, tied by “Rodos” cds’s, with British “Army Post office”, Cairo and Ismailiadatestamps on reverse. A spectacular franking in the first month of issue to a rare military destination,very desirable. Sa. 1.1514 * 1947, April 7. Registered envelope from Rhodes via airmail to Athens, franked on reverse with 10d.on 2,000d. two corner-sheet strips of five, tied by “Rodos” cds’s, showing arrival adjacent. A rare largefranking with this value, dispatched in the first week of issue. Sa. 1.100250200250131

151915221517 1518 152015211524152615271525 1528WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1515 * 1947, May 11 (?). Large envelope from Rhodes via airmail to Springfield (Mass., United States),franked by 10d. on 2,000d., silver overprint, block of 20 from the upper right corner of the sheet, tiedby “Rodos” cds’s, with Greece 1946-47 50d. on 1l. charity adhesive on back which was not cancelled.We can not assure with all confidence that this letter was dispatched in May, since the Roman “I” figurein the datestamp seems to have been misplaced to the left, thus resulting in “1I V” instead of “1 IV”which represent day and month; in this case, this mail would have been consigned to the post on thefirst day of the Greek administration. To our knowledge, this is the largest franking known bearing thisadhesive, undoubtedly being one of the most impressive frankings in this interesting and short periodin the History of the Dodecanese. Sa. 1.1516 * 1947, Sept 28. Registered cover from Rhodes to Milan (Italy), franked by 10d. on 2,000d. blocks offour (2), plus single copy on reverse, where accompanied by 50d. on 1d. and 250d. on 3d., each tiedby unusual “Rodos/Systimena” cds for registered mail, with arrival on back. Front showing the illustratedcachet with date “26-28.9.1947” announcing a nautical championship in Rhodes, which wasapplied by the post and is rare on non philatelic correspondence. Sa. 1, 9, 10.1517 * 1947, Nov 14. Cover from Rhodes to Alexandria (Egypt), franked by 400d. on 15d. (2), tied by unusual“Rodos/Apostoli” cds, backstamped on arrival. A difficult stamp on cover. Sa. 6.1518 * 1947, June 20. Cover from Rhodes to Athens showing cachet of the Greek military administration attop left, franked by 50d. on 1d. tied by “Rodos” cds, with arrival adjacendt. Slight wrinkles to cover atleft of not importance. Official correspondence is very scarce. Sa. 9.1519 * 1947, Sept 5. Large registered envelope used locally at Rhodes, bearing George II 50d. on 1d. marginalblock of four, pair and single, tied by “Rodos/Systimena” cds’s. An extremely rare franking onunusual local correspondence. Sa. 9.1520 * 1947, Nov 11. Postcard fom Rhodes to Athens, franked by 10d. on 2,000d. and George II 50d. on1d, both tied by “Rodos” cds, with Greek 50d. on 1d. charity adhesive at base, tied by the same cds.The usage of postcards, consequently paying different rates, is scarce. Sa. 1, 9.1521 * 1947, April 22. Cover from Rhodes via airmail to Marseilles, franked by 10d. on 2,000d., 400d. on15d. and George II 50d. on 1d. (2), tied by “Rodos” cds’s. A scarce destination; the appealing frankingincludes the difficult 400d. on 15d. value. Signed Sorani. Sa. 1, 6, 9.1’000300200200250150250133

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price €1522 * 1947, Oct 8. Cover from Rhodes to Athens, franked on reverse with 20d. on 500d. (5), 50d. on 2d. (3),George II 50d. on 1d. pair and strip of three, in combination with Greece 1946-47 50d. on 1d. charityissue, all tied by “Rodos” cds’s. A visually impressive franking exhibiting two different stamps representingthe same denomination, also including the rare 20d. on 500d. and 50d. on 2d. values. Sa. 2, 4, 9.1’0001523 * 1947, Oct 29. Large registered envelope from Rhodes via airmail to Athens, with cachet of the Greekadministration in violet, bearing 20d. on 500d. and 30d. on 5d., together with George II 50d. on1d. two single examples, pair and strip of three, with two further strips of three on reverse which areaccompanied, in mixed franking, by 50d. on 1d. Greek charity adhesive, tied by “Rodos/Systimena”cds’s, backstamped on arrival. A stunning and unique franking including the rare 20d. and 30d.denominations. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 2, 3, 9.1524 * 1947, Aug 6. Commercial envelope from Rhodes to Larnaca (Cyprus), bearing 250d. on 3d. two pairs,each tied by “Rodos” cds, with Nicosia and Larnaca backstamps. An unusual destination. Sa. 10.1525 * 1947, April 20. Postal document for an incoming parcel, issued by the Italian administration before1943 and used by the Greek post administration at Rhodes, denoting in manuscript the origin of theparcel to be Bari (Italy), and indicating 1,000d. which corresponded to the customs fee to be paid atthe post office with 250d. on 3d. strip of four which applied on reverse, tied by “Rodos/Systimena”cds, this being an unusual datestamp used on registered mail. An extremely rare postal document,probably unique. Sa. 10.1526 * 1947, Aug 8. Cover from Rhodes to Bergamo (Italy), bearing 50d. on 1d. and 250d. on 3d., both tiedby “Rodos” cds, with arrival on back. Sa. 9, 10.1527 * 1947, July 1st. Registered cover from Rhodes to Haifa (Palestine), franked by 50d. on 1d. (2, of whichone being a corner example), and 250d. on 3d. marginal block of three, tied by “Rodos/Systimena”cds’s, with Athens and Lydda transits, as well as arrival, on back. A very rare destination. Sa. 9, 10.1528 * 1947, June 25. Registered cover carried at the double rate from Rhodes to Triest (Venezia Giulia),franked by 20d. on 2,000d., two pairs, each exhibiting different Dodecanese overprints -red and silver-,together with George II 50d. on 1d. pair and 250d. on 3d. marginal pair, tied by “Rodos/Systimena”cds’s, with backstamps including Athens, Rome and Triest. A very rare franking by includingtwo same denominations with the different red and silver overprints. Sa. 1, 9, 10.750150500200250400Symi1529 * 1947, May 5. Cover to Rhodes, franked by 10d. on 2,000d., tied by “Symi” cds, which repeatedalongside as usual practice in this Island, backstamped on receipt. Scarce. Sa. 1.200WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1530 * 1947, Sept. 20. Cover headed “Municipality of Symi” to Rhodes, franked by 10d. on 2,000d. and50d. on 1d., in combination with greece 1946-47 50d. on 1l. charity adhesive, tied by “Symi” cds’s,with arrival on back. A very interesting and rare correspondence of the Greek administration, of evenmore significance as coming from this small Island, also exhibiting a rare mixed franking. Sa. 1, 9.1531 * 1947, May 27. Cover from Symi to Athens, franked by 250d. on 3d., tied by “Symi” cds which, asusual in this Island, is repeated alongside, with Rhodes transit and arrival on reverse. A very scarceexpress mail. Sa. 10.1532 * 1947, Oct 6. Cover from Symi to New York, bearing on front 250d. on 3d. strip of three and marginalstrip of three of 50d. on 1d. which applied on reverse, being also tied by “Rodos” cds in transit, bothmultiples tied by cds’s on dispatch. An unusual franking on very rare transatlantic correspondencefrom this Island. Sa. 9, 10.6003001’000Tilos (Piskopí)1533*1947, Sept 22. Cover from Tilos Island to New York, franked by 10d. on 2,000d., George II 50d.on 1d. and 250d. on 3d. strip of three, tied by “Tilos” cds’s, backstamped in transit at Rhodes. Correspondencesent abroad coming from this Island is extremely rare. Sa. 1, 9, 10.800The Greek Dodecanese Collection1534 * Greek Administration of the Dodecanese in 1947. An extraordinary assembly comprising of 95 covers/cards, of remarkable significance as the great manority are commercially used, with early usages in the firstdays of issue, mail from Rhodes and also scarce Calymnos, Cos, Leros, Carpatos, Symi, very rare Patmosand Castellorizzo, a remarkable quantity of registered mail, a very rare newspaper wrapper, mixed frankingswith Greek charity issue, rare mail with Greek non-overprinted adhesives, scarce official correspondence,foreign destinations including France, Italy, Greece, United States, Egypt, Great Britain, Czechoslovakia,as well as other more unusual as Switzerland, Israel and Eritrea, also rare and spectacular franking includingscarcer values on cover, franking featuring two same denominations with different overprints in redand silver, etc. A wonderful apportunity to acquire extensive rare material from this very difficult andsought after period of the Dodecanse, which just lasted some months. Viewing highly recommended.10’000135

15291531 15361530153315321537 1544 1545WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANOTRUST TERRITORY OF SOMALIAUNDER ITALIAN ADMINISTRATION1535 * 1950-60. An extraordinary postal history collection comprising hundreds of covers, mainly addressedto foreign destinations, housed in 10 albums, with a wide range of interesting/scarce and non-philatelicfrankings, unusual offical mail from Italian administrative bodies, better cancellations from very rarelocalities such as Bulo Burti, Bur Hacaba, Belet Uen, Alula, Galcaio, Baidoa, Beletuen, Lugh Ferrandi,Gardò, Hargeisa, Galcaio, also mixed franking with B.M.A. adhesive, etc. Two albums of this assemblyare also dedicated to the Republic of Somalia. Of enormous catalogue value. An important opportunityto acquire an advanced and most comprehensive collection for the student of this territory.7’500SELF-GOVERNMENT OF CYRENAICA1536 * 1950, Dec 4. Envelope from Benghazi to England, franked by 1m. and 12m. pair, tied by datestampon dispatch. A rare cover bearing a 12m. multiple. Sa. 1, 8.1537 * 1950, Jan 20. Commercial envelope from Benghazi to Alexandria (Egypt), bearing 4m. and 12m. pair,backstamped on arrival. Rare. Sa. 4, 8.2002001538 * 1950, April 20. Cover from Newcastle to the Post & Telecommunications Dept. Headquarters atBenghazi, bearing 2 1/2d., taxed on arrival with two framed due markings denoting 15m. to be paid,with application of 4m. postage due in combination with regular 1m., with a further 10m. adhesivemissing, resulting in a mixed franking which required as a consequence of the non existance of thepostage due 15m. denomination, each tied by concentric rings cancel. Portion of paper loss at bottomleft, of no significance for this very important rarity representing the only cover so far recorded bearinga postage due in combination with a regular stamp to pay the charge on delivery -the use ofpostage dues only is of extreme scarcity-. One of the most important and renowned rarities of thisterritory. Cert. Sirotti. Sa. 1, dues 2.1539 * 1950, Aug 28. Cover from La Valetta to Benghazi, bearing Malta 1947 2 1/2d., taxed on arrival withpostage due 8m. tied by Benghazi datestamp of August 31. A very rare usage of a postage due in thisterritory. Cert. Sirotti, signed Raybaudi. Sa. 3. (Photo on page 140)1’5001’000137

1535 ex1540 ex1546 1547 1548WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1540 * 1950-51. A magnificent collection comprising of 70 covers including British military mail with rare“Army/Signals” datestamp, commercial correspondence to unusual destinations, better cancellations,a wide range of different frankings including the high denominations, a very rare and valuable G.B.-Cyrenaica combination franking (Sassone at least € 10,000), early and late usages, correspondencefrom German Civilian internees, etc. A most unusual and comprehensive assembly featuring a highcatalogue value, generally very fine, with viewing recommended.5’000KINGDOM OF LIBYA1951 Issue for Cyrenaica1541 ´´ 1951, 1m. to 500m., the complete set, the 200m. with couple of slightly short perfs. at right, with Soranicert. for the high denominations from 50m., as well as varieties, all signed by Oliva, with 3m., 4m.,5m. & 12m. featuring inverted overprints, 3m. & 5m. with double overprint, and 5m. showing doubleoverprint with one being inverted (tiny thin). Sa. 1-13, 3a-5a, 8a, 3b, 5b, 5c = € 2,950. (No photo)1542 * 1852, Nov 6. Cover from Benghazi to White Pines (United States), franked by 4m. (2) and 8m. inblock of four, tied by airmail datestamp. A very rare franking including the 8m. in block of four onnon-philatelic correspondence. Sa. 4, 6.1543 * 1952, March 25. Cover from Derna to London, franked by 1m. and 12m. pair, tied by Derna datestamp,with Benghazi cds in transit on reverse. An exceedingly rare franking on commercial correspondenceincluding the difficult 12m. denomination. Sa. 1, 8 = € 20,000.1544 * 1952, April 4. Cover from Benghazi to Lucca (Italy), bearing 3m. pair with small portion in left-handstamp missing, and 20m., all tied by datestamp, with backstamp on receipt. Sa. 3, 9. (Photo on page 136)1545 * 1952, March 11. Airmail envelope from Benghazi to La Spezia (Italy), bearing 2m., 4m. and 20m.,backstamped on arrival. Sa. 2, 4, 9. (Photo on page 136)1546 * 1852, March 27. Airmail envelope from Benghazi to London, franked by 5m. and 20m., both tied bycds on dispatch. Rare. Sa. 5, 9 = € 5,000.1547 * 1952, Jan 12. Airmail envelope (upper back flap missing) to Bielefeld (Germany), bearing 10m. and20m., tied by Benghazi cds. Very fine and rare. Sa. 7, 9 = € 5,000.1548 * 1952, March 24. Registered envelope sent by a member of the German War Graves Commission inAfrica, from Benghazi to Tripoli, bearing pair of 20m., with arrival on reverse. Rare. Sa. 9.1549 * 1952, Jan 1st. Registered envelope from Benghazi to Ramleh (Egypt), bearing 50m. tied by “Benghazi/Registration”cds, with transit and arrival on back. Sa. 10 = € 5,000. (Photo on page 142)1550 * 1952, Feb 23. Registered envelope to Monaco, bearing 3m. pair and 50m., tied by Berenice cds’s,with Benghazi and Montecarlo datestamps on reverse. Rare. Sa. 3, 10 = € 7,000.1551 r 1951, 500m., overprint inverted, and 200m., tied to piece by Berenice cancellations. Signed Oliva. Sa.12, 13a = € 980. (No photo)1552 * 1951, Dec 24. Registered envelope from Benghazi to Tripoli, bearing the complete set with registrationcancellation, and arrival on reverse. Sa. 1-13 = € 10,000.1507501’000150200250250100250350100500Phone BiddingPlease call our offices to arrange for telephone bidding prior to the sale+41 91 911 62 00139


24 October 2012 - LUGANO1951 Issue for Fezzan1553 * 1952, March 27. Envelope from a credit company via airmail to an insurance company at Tunis,franked by 2f. on 2m., 4f. on 4m. and 10f. on 10m., tied by “Sebha/Fezzan” cds’s. An extremely rarecommercial usage. Sa. 14, 15, 17 = € 35,000.1554 * 1952, Feb 27. Envelope from Ghadames to Tripoli, bearing 4f. on 4m. (2) and 12f. on 12m. pair, tied bydatestamps on dispatch, with arrival on reverse. A very rare franking. Cert. Siritti. Sa. 15, 18 = € 30,000.1555 * 1952, April 3. Airmail envelope to Tripoli franked by marginal 8f. on 8m., 10f. on 10m. and 20f. on20m., tied by Ghadames datestamps, showing arrival on back. A very rare franking. Cert. Sirotti. Sa.16, 17, 19 = € 42,500.1556 * 1952, April 11. Envelope to Tripoli showing the complete set ot ten, first printing, tied by Ghadamèsdatestamps. Sa. 14-23.1557 * 1952, Feb 1. Illustrated FDC envelope to Tripoli bearing the set of ten denominations, including thefirst and second printings, tied by Sebha cds’s. Sa. 14-19, 20/I-23/I.1558 * 1952, Feb 1. Envelope to Tripoli with the complete set of ten comprising the first and second printings,with the three highest denominations being marginal, tied by Sebha cds’s. Sa. 14-19, 20/I-23/I.1’5001’0001’5004004004001951 Issue for Tripolitania1559 */´ A magnificent collection including 119 covers and some unused stamps, featuring a wide range ofdifferent aspects of this field with: wide range of different frankings including high denominations onalso non-philatelic correspondence which, in some cases, are combined with rare cancels, mixed frankingswith ‘’B. A. Tripolitania’’ overprinted values, interesting destinations such as Rhodesia, Sweden,Malta, Canada, etc., late usages including the last day of validity for these issues (15.4.1952) or evenan exceptional example in June (signed Sorani) when the use should have not been tolerated, interestingofficial correspondence, very scarce acknowledgement of receipt card, scarce to exceedingly rarecancellations including Azizia, Castel Benito, Giordani, Jefren, Nalut, Sabratha (blue), Sirte, Zliten,Tagiura, Zavia and Zuara. Viewing highly recommended for this attractive, comprehensive and mostinteresting collection of high catalogue value.7’500141

155515561557155815491564 ex1581 exWWW.SPINK.COM

1559 ex143

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1561 ´´/´/8Belgium and Belgian Congo. 1865-1950, a selected group of 108 stamps, predominantly unsued,including better early stamps with 1865 1fr. brown imperforate, 1869-78 1fr. mint (2) and 5fr. used(2), “Casqué” with the scarcer values being unmounted and including marginal examples and fewduplicates, the scarce semi-modern sets with 1929 overprinted Orval (2), 1929-32 Albert I 50fr. &100fr. -Paris Printing- in unmounted blocks of four (2), 1932 Cardinal Mercier with the five highestdenominations (n.h.), 1933 Orval (2, mint and n.h.), etc. Belgian Congo with few although remarkablevalues including desirable 1894-1900 10c. featuring inverted centre, 1887-94 5fr. violet and 10fr.(2), parcel post 1887 two values set, 1889-94 3fr. 50c. on 5fr. grey. Viewing highly recommended.2’0001562 ´´/´/(´)/8British Colonies. 1853-1950, an outstanding lot comprising hundreds of stamps used and unused,mainly including better/unusual sets and values, also featuring duplicates, with some items being worthyof individual auction listing, with a varied array of different territories being represented -bettersections such as North America and Bermuda, with the latter also including blocks of four of scarcesemi-modern values-, also featuring quite valuable individual examples with Fiji 1870 3d. on laidbâtonné paper (cert. Enzo Diena) mint, South Australia 1886-96 £10 mint, South Africa Company1892-93 £10 mint, Newfoundland 1857 1s. used, Togo 1914 overprinted 3d. mint (twice signed),etc, as well as other attractive specialities with some ‘Specimen’ overprinted items or 1920’s reprinteddie proofs of Ceylon. A valuable lot which requires a detailed inspection for full appreciation.3’500145

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price €1563 ´´/´ Cayman Islands. 1901-75, a virtually complete collection in unused condition, including 1907 EdwardVII complete set, 1907-08 surcharged stamps with 1/2d. on 5s. (2, one with RPS cert.), 1d. on5s. and 2 1/2d. on 4d. (signed Champion), 1932 “Assembly of Justices and Vestry” set, etc. Generallyvery fine. Viewing suggested.7501564 ´´/(´)French Colonies and Areas of Influence. 1937-56, assembly comprising 42 items represented by proofsand few imperforates, from mainly Algeria, Monaco and Grand Liban, with printer’s inspection die proofsalso including several artist signed examples and deluxe die proofs. An interesting and unusual group.2501565 ´´/´/8German Empire. 1871-1933, a selection of 18 stamps including early values and the “Chicagofahrt”set, also with one booklet as well as the desirable and scarce 1933 “Nothilfe”-Block n.h.1’0001566 ´/(´)/8German States. 1850-76, a remarkable assembly comprising 51 stamps used and unused, with severalscarce examples such as Baden 1862 30kr. used, Hamburg 1859 1/2s. and 1864 9s., both used, Hannover1863 3pf. used, Oldenburg 1859 1/3gr. used, Württemberg 1852 18kr. used, etc. A difficultgroup. Viewing suggested.1’000WWW.SPINK.COM

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price €1571 (´) Liberia. 1880-81, a very interesting assembly comprising 1880 1c.-24c. complete sets in black andcolours of 10 defaced die proofs, die sunk on tissue paper, including 1c. and 2c. with “D. FeldwickEngr 16 holborn E.C.’, and 6c. with “Dando, Todhunter & Smith/Engravers and Lithographers/22Gresham St. Bank./London” imprints, as well as four plate proofs on thin paper with marginal 6c. pairin green and 24c. in red; also 1881 3c. with two defaced die proofs, die sunk on tissue paper, both withFeldwick imprint. Very scarce and desirable.4001572 ´´/´/(´)Montserrat. 1876-1975, an interesting collection, virtually complete, in unused condition except forsome isolated exception, with 1880 2 1/2d., 1884-85 4d. blue used, following the better sets whichare complete. Generally fine to very fine.3001573 ´´/´/(´)/8New Zealand. 1875-1982, collection in mainly unused condition, quite complete from the postclassicperiod, with more strength in the classic issues with some few better items, also with airmails,life insurance department stamps and officials. Throughout examination is recommended.1’0001574 ´/(´)/8/rSan Marino. 1862-1931, insieme composto da 81 francobolli, compresa la prima emissione in quattroserie complete, saggi, usi sul Regno d’Italia, ecc. Da esaminare.400WWW.SPINK.COM

24 October 2012 - LUGANO1575 ´/(´)/8/rScandinavia. 1855-1924, lot comprising 159 stamps used and unused including duplicates with aninteresting range of shades and cancellations, with Finland comprising first issue 10k. small pearls andscarce 5k. large pearls used (lower right corner repaired, clear of the design), used 1866-70 roulettedissue with 5p. (2), 8p. (25), 20p. (16, including two pairs), 40p. (17), scarce 1m. with three examples,5p. on vertically laid paper (6), also unused examples of this issue are represented by 10k., 8p. (2), 40p.and 5p. on vertically laid paper (6), etc; Norway includes 1855 1s. with two pairs, 1856 2s. (2), 3s. and4s., all in mint condition, continuing with several scarce later values used; Sweden is graced by severalearly unused examples from the second issue with duplicates, as well as used 8s. (2) and 24s. examplesfrom the first issue, also 1872-85 1kr. unused and 1924 unused UPU complete set in absence of the1Kr., as well as officials with first issue 50ö. perf. 14 (n.h.), etc. Condition varies for this remarkable lotof high catalogue value, with viewing being suggested.1’5001576 ´´/´/(´)St. Kitts-Nevis. 1861-1975, a nearly complete collection in unused condition, including early bettervalues with four 1s. (of which two are litho), 1861 6d. (2), 1866 4d., litho 4d. & 6d., also 1879-802 1/2d., 1882-90 4d. blue & 1s., 1883 1/2d. on “Revenue” overprinted 1s., never hinged 1920-22and 1923 complete sets, also St. Christopher with the early values including 1879 4d., etc. In predominantlyfine to very fine condition. Viewing recommended.1’0001577 ´´/´/(´)St. Lucia. 1860-1975, a virtually complete collection in unused condition, including the better valuesfrom the first issues, following 1883 overprinted 1s., 1885 1s., 1904-10 Edward VII complete set, etc.,also with some blocks of four from 1891. Mainly in fine or very fine condition, with viewing suggested.750149

THE COLLECTOR’S SERIESStarting Price €1578 ´´/´/(´)/8Europe. 1850-1980, lot containing thousands of stamps used and unused, mainly Switzerland withbetter sets and values, souvenir sheets, stamps with face value valid for postage in complete sheets andsignificant duplication, FDC’s, also Italy with few better items from the Old States and modern stampswith complete sheets, as well as other European countries. Viewing essential. (No photo)5001579 ´´ Europe. 1920-60, a selection of few hundreds of unmounted stamps, with some scarce items such asBerlin 1949 “Für Berliner Währungsgeschädigte” souvenir sheet, or West Germany with the valuable1951 “Posthorn” set. Very fine.5001580 ´´/´/(´)All World. 1910-61, a small group of 34 unused stamps with Liechtenstein 1934 5fr., six semi-modernimperf. of Bulgaria, Poland 1919 issue of “Poczta Polska” overprinted Austrian adhesives including5h., 10h. and 25h., also Argentina with 1961 imperforates 1910 ‘Centenary’ essays on cardboard(12), including the very scarce 12c. with inverted centre, being the only denomination in these essayswhich features this desirable variety.2001581 * 1852-1960. Lot of 90 covers with airmails, some unusual destinations, military mail, including betteritems with France 1849 40c. single franking on cover to Switzerland and China - Hong Kong mixedfranking. (Photo on page 142)250END OF THIS SALEFINE DI QUEST’ASTAWWW.SPINK.COM

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DateWednesday 24 October 2012 at 15:00Sale No.SW1004PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY IN BLOCK LETTERS AND ENSURE THAT BIDS ARE IN US EUROSLot Number(in numerical order)Price Bid €(excluding buyer’s premium)Lot Number(in numerical order)Price Bid €(excluding buyer’s premium)Lot Number(in numerical order)Price Bid €(excluding buyer’s premium)BIDDING INCREMENTSBidding generally opens at the starting price and advances in the following order althoughthe auctioneer may vary the bidding increments during the course of the auction. The normalbidding increments are:NotesUp to 100 by 10100 to 500 by 20500 to 1,000 by 501,000 to 2,000 by 1002,000 to 5,000 by 2005,000 to 10,000 by 50010,000 to 20,000 by 1,00020,000 to 50,000 by 2,00050,000 to 100,000 by 5,000100,000 to 200,000 by 10,000200,000 to 500,000 by 20,000SignatureReferences required for clients not yet known to <strong>Spink</strong>TRADE REFERENCESBANK REFERENCES

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BY APPOINTMENT TOHER MAJESTY THE QUEENMEDALLISTS & PHLATELISTSSPINK & SON LTD.LONDONBY APPOINTMENT TOH.R.H. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGHMEDALLISTSSPINK & SON LTD . LONDONLONDON1666Sale Calendar 2012/2013Stamps11 October Great Britain Stamps specialised sale23 October Victoria Half Lengths - The John Barwis Collection23 October The “Fordwater” Collections of Falkland Islands, Gibraltar and Malta23 October Latin America, including the Tito collection part II24 October Queensland - The Alan Griffiths Collection24 October The Collector’s Series Sale27 October The Collector’s Series Sale7 November The Collector’s Series Sale8/9 November The Collector’s Series Sale13/14 November The Morgan Collection of Australian Commonwealth12 December The Chartwell Collection - GB Line-Engraved Essays, Proofs, Stamps and Covers - Part IV13 January The Mizuhara Collection of Korean Stamps13 January Fine Stamps and Covers of Hong Kong and ChinaCoins26 September Ancient, English & Foreign Coins and Commemorative Medals27 October The Collector’s Series Sale13/14 November The Collector’s Series Sale4 December Ancient, English & Foreign Coins and Commemorative Medals12 January Fine Coins of Hong Kong and China15/16 January The Collector’s Series SaleBanknotes26 September Charity Auction of Bank of England Notes2/3 October World Banknotes4 October The George Kanaan Collection of Banknotes of the Middle East9 October The David Kirch Collection of English Provincial Banknotes - Part I.10 October The David Kirch Collection of Bank of England Notes - Part I.27 October The Collector’s Series Sale13/14 November The Collector’s Series Sale6 December World Banknotes12 January Banknotes of Hong Kong and China15/16 January The Collector’s Series Sale9/10/11 April World BanknotesMedals22 November Orders, Decoration, Campaign Medals & Militaria25 April Orders, Decoration, Campaign Medals & Militaria25 July Orders, Decoration, Campaign Medals & Militaria21 November Orders, Decoration, Campaign Medals & MilitariaBonds & Shares27 October The Collector’s Series Sale13/14 November The Collector’s Series Sale28 November Bonds and Share Certificates of the World12 January Bonds and Share Certificates of Hong Kong and China15/16 January The Collector’s Series SaleAutogrphs13/14 November The Collector’s Series Sale15/16 January The Collector’s Series SaleWinesSeptemberNovemberAn Evening of Exceptional WinesAn Evening of Exceptional WinesLondon 12018London 12042London 12039LuganoSW1003London 12043LuganoSW1004Hong Kong 12048London 12020New YorkLondon 12046London 12021Hong Kong 13008Hong Kong 13009London 12026Hong Kong 12048New York 315London 12027Hong Kong 13007New York 316London 12037London 12023London 12047London 12035London 12034Hong Kong 12048New York 315London 12024Hong Kong 13005New York 316London 13004London 12004London 13001London 13002London 13003Hong Kong 12048New York 315London 12011Hong Kong 13006New York 316New York 315New York 316Hong KongHong KongThe above sale dates are subject to change.<strong>Spink</strong> offers the following services:Valuation for insurance and probate for individual items or whole collections.Sales on a commission basis either of individual pieces or whole collections.

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