ISO A4 format - Freelance Traveller

ISO A4 format - Freelance Traveller

ISO A4 format - Freelance Traveller


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Doing It My Way(Continued from page 14)When It’s Not YouIf you need to determine the identity of anotherperson related in some way to your PC, you canroll on the ―Other Involved People‖ table. For instance,if you roll an event that isn‘t appropriate foryour character, you might decide that it applies to aperson determined by a roll on this table.Closing CommentsIf you‘re a real fanatic, you might roll up someof the more important people in your character‘slife, and perhaps even roll up their life histories(though you might want to only roll fewer events).This can add whole new dimensions to your PC,discovering how the lives of lovers, enemies, siblings,or children intertwine with your character‘slife.Bear in mind that a good referee will find a lotof inspiration in all of this. Expect people fromyour past to unexpectedly pop up in the middle ofan adventure. That high school rival who ruinedyour first romance; that ex-wife you thought you‘dgotten away from forever; that twin brother who‘ssupposed to be long-lost... But of course this is oneof the best reasons for going to all the trouble. Itbrings the game to life and adds to the fun.Feel free to adapt and modify the system toyour liking, or adapt it to your game as necessary.Heretics who like icosahedrals or ten-sided dicemight want to convert it into a single D100 system(not a bad idea, really—even if it just ain‘t <strong>Traveller</strong>!).Transforming EventsRoll 1. Health 2. Career 3. Financial 4. Law andCrime5. Social Conflict 6. Major Event1 You are diagnosedwith a seriousdisease or disorder2 You are badlyinjured3 You have a mentalor emotionalbreakdown ordisorder4 You require anorgan transplant,or donate an organto someone whodoes5 You get a minorbody modification,such as a tattoo orpiercing6 You decide on amajor bodymodification (e.g.,prosthetic limb orartificial organ)You get a new job,or a newassignment in yourpresent jobYou lose yourpositionYou get a newsupervisor orpartnerYou are recognizedfor a majorsuccessYou are censuredfor a major failureYou feel your careeris stagnatingYou make a majorpurchase (e.g.,home, vehicle,land, etc.)You find yourselfdeeply in debtYou pay off adebt, or declareinsolvencyInvestments youhave made yieldsignificant profitto youInvestments youhave made resultin serious losses toyouYou go on publicassistance, or youreceive a grant15You becomeinvolved in acrime or conspiracyYou are the victimof a crime orconspiracyYou are involvedin a lawsuitYou get in troublewith the lawYou are publiclyaccused of a crimeYou are affectedby a new law or anenforcementcrackdownYou betray someonewho trustsyou, or are betrayedby someoneyou trustYou join acontroversial socialmovement, oroppose oneYou are caught upin a feud orfactional conflictYou encounterdiscrimination orintoleranceYou encounteroppression orexploitationYou make anenemy, or encounteran old one.You survive amajor disaster,natural orotherwiseYou are caught upin a war or armeduprisingYou experience afamine or othersevere shortageYou are caught upin civil disorder,rioting, or protestsYou experience akidnapping,hostage crisis, orterror attackYou are caught upin a politicalupheaval orrevolution

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