Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL


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396 APPENDIX D . PROGRAM <strong>EDDYBL</strong>Table D .1 :Computing time for the bench-mark caseComputer CPU (MHz) FPU (MHz) CPU Time(sec)Cray 2 - - 1GA-486L 80486 (25 .0) mW4167 (25 .0) 4Notebook 486DX 80486 (33 .0) 80487 (33 .0) 5GA-486L 80486 (25 .0) 80487 (25 .0) 6M-317B 80386 (33 .0) mW3167 (33 .0) 7VAX 8600 - - 10SPARC 7C601 (20 .0) 8847 (20 .0) 12Tandy 4000 80386 (16 .0) mW1167 (16 .0) 17DSI-785+ 68020 (25 .0) 68882 (25 .0) 19DSI-785+ 68020 (20 .0) 68882 (20 .0) 24DSI-020 68020 (16 .7) 68882 (16 .7) 29VAX 11/785 - - 36DSI-020 68020 (16 .7) 68881 (16 .7) 39VAX 11/750 - - 46DSI-020 68020 (12 .5) 68881 (12 .5) 52Tandy 4000 80386 (16 .0) 80287 ( 8 .0) 120Toshiba T1200 8086 (10 .0) 8087 (10 .0) 143Turbo 286 80286 (12 .0) 80287 ( 8 .0) 154M-317B 80386 (33 .0) None 232Tandy 4000 80386 (16 .0) None 624Turbo 286 80286 (12 .0) None 698TRS-80 Mod 16 68000 ( 6 .0) None 890SPECIAL NOTEAll input to <strong>Program</strong> SETEBL is case insensitive, i.e .,all commands and input can be entered in either upperor lower case .

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