Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL


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D .5 . RUNNING A GENERAL CASE 409direct the contents of eddybl .prt to a line printer . Verify that the valuefor the parameter IUPLOT is some value other than 0 . If it is 0, changeits value to 10 (or any other convenient value excluding unit 15 and anypreviously assigned unit number) .Disk file wall.dat is written as an unformatted file, each record of whichcan be read by another FORTRAN program according to the followingprogram fragment .i=110 read(iunit) s(i),res(i),cfe(i),rethet(i),h(i),che(i),anue(i),pe(i),tv(i)if(s(i) .ne .-999 .) theni=i+1go to 10endifThe various quantities saved in disk file wall.dat are :Quantity Description Dimensionss s, arc length along surface ft (m)res Re Reynolds number based on s Nonecfe cf e = 2r, /pe ue, skin friction Nonerethet Ree, Reynolds number based on 0 Noneh H, shape factor Nonethe h/pe u,Cp , Stanton number Noneanue PTLSh/U,Cp, Nusselt number Nonepe Pe , edge pressure lb/ft2 (N /M2)tw T wall temperature °R (K)The first line of the file profil.dat generated by <strong>Program</strong> <strong>EDDYBL</strong>contains the streamwise step number, M, and the number of mesh pointsnormal to the surface, IEDGE . The format for this line is (216) . Theremainder of the file consists of IEDGE lines of data, format (12E11 .4),containing the following boundary-layer profile data, with quantities writtenon each line in the order listed . Note that for the k-c model, the specificdissipation rate, w, is defined byAlso, the tensor Tip is specific to the multiscale model and is given by (seeSubsection D.11 .2) :2_ 2PTij = ri7 + -okb ij - 3 P(k - e)bi7 (D .2)

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