Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL


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D.5 . RUNNING A GENERAL CASE 405Turning now to surface temperature, note that 95% of the adiabaticwalltemperature is approximately 436°R (242 K), which is the value youshould use . Use your editor to modify heater .dat as required, noting thatthe values of arc length at which you specify wall conditions must matchthe values used for the pressure distribution . As explained on the HeatTransfer sub-menu, this file must consist of the following four lines :English Units :0 .000000E 00 4 .360000E 02 0 .000000E 001 .000000E 01 4 .360000E 02 0 .000000E 000 .000000E 00 0 .000000E 000 .000000E 00 0 .000000E 00SI Units :0 .000000E 00 2 .420000E 02 0 .000000E 001 .000000E 01 2 .420000E 02 0 .000000E 000 .000000E 00 0 .000000E 000 .000000E 00 0 .000000E 00The format of the first two lines is (3E14 .6), while the last two lineshave format (2E14.6) . The first column for the first two lines is arc length,the second is wall temperature, and the third is surface heat flux . Notethat since you have chosen to specify surface temperature rather than heatflux, any value can be entered for the heat flux ; it won't be used in thecomputation . Similarly, if you choose to specify surface heat flux, the valueassigned to surface temperature is arbitrary . The third line gives surfacetemperature slope at the beginning and end of the interval, while the lastline gives surface heat flux slope . Of course, you are not limited to constantproperties in the most general case . You may prescribe as many as 50different values for edge pressure, surface temperature, etc .At this point, you have prepared all of the freestream conditions, bodyparameters, and (from an external editor) the two data files presur .datand heater .dat . Before reentering SETEBL, examine your directory. Inaddition to eddybl.dat, you should find another file eddybl.bak . Theformer is your most recent version of eddybl.dat . The latter is the versionyou created just before taking your lunch break. SETEBL always savesyour previous work in a file named eddybl.bak to provide you with a littleextra protection . You no longer need eddybl.bak, so delete it if you wish .

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