Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL


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404 APPENDIX D . PROGRAM <strong>EDDYBL</strong>Having exited the Mass Transfer sub-menu, you are now back at theEdge/Wall Conditions sub-menu . Proceed to the Body Geometrysub-menu . No, you didn't make a typing error . This is the same menu youjust completed. It has been included for planned future enhancements toSETEBL . Exit back to the Edge/Wall Conditions sub-menu with anX, ENTER sequence .The final option is to eXit . Do so by typing another X, ENTER sequence.You are now back at the main menu . You cannot continue until youhave prepared input-data files presur.dat and heater .dat (bloerv.dat isnot needed because NFLAG is 0) . Hence, it is time to exit SETEBL andsave all the work you have done so far .D .5 .6Preparing Edge/Wall Condition Data FilesThe easiest way to prepare the data files presundat and heater.dat (andbloerv.dat as well) is to use an editor such as EDIT, EDT, vi, etc . tomodify existing files from a previous run . That is why you left the filesfrom the bench-mark run in your directory. You can delete bloerv .datnow if you wish as it won't be needed .If you have followed all of the instructions correctly, you have the staticpressure of 255 lb/ft2 (12209 N/m2) and the adiabatic-wall temperatureof 459.4°R (255 .2 K) jotted down somewhere . Using your favorite editor,change presundat to the following :English Units :SI Units :0 .000000E 00 2 .550000E 021 .000000E 01 2 .550000E 020 .000000E 00 0 .000000E 000 .000000E 00 1 .220900E 041 .000000E 01 1 .220900E 040 .000000E 00 0 .000000E 00As explained in the Pressure Distribution sub-menu, the first twolines of this file are arc-length/pressure pairs presented in format (2E14.6) .The final line is the pressure gradient at the beginning and end of theinterval and the data are given in the (2E14.6) format also . You havespecified pressure at a plate length of zero and ten feet (meters) . Thisinterval must at least cover the planned integration range . The value of thepressure is the static pressure you jotted down earlier .

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