Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL


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402 APPENDIX D . PROGRAM <strong>EDDYBL</strong>what to do, look at the last line of the display for instructions .Body Parameters, Etc . Now you are back to the Main Parameterssub-menu that provides the options of altering freestream conditions, bodyparameters, etc . Descend to the Body Parameters sub-menu by typingthe letter B followed by pressing ENTER . You will be presented witha menu similar to the Freestream Conditions sub-menu . As before,press ENTER several times to move the arrow . Scan the input variabledefinitions and default values . Examine the Help menu . In other words,begin discovering that you already know most of what is needed in orderto operate SETEBL!There are only two input quantities you need to change, viz ., ISHORTand SSTOP . Because you are looking for the point where momentum thicknessReynolds number is 6000, you have no need for the long printout thatgives far more detail than you are interested in . Consequently, you shouldposition the arrow next to ISHORT and change its value to 0 . This is doneby typing C and a carriage return ; no value need be entered . As an experiment,you might want to try repeating this sequence . If you do, the valueof ISHORT will change back to 1 . Be sure you have changed ISHORT to 0after you finish experimenting .Turning now to SSTOP, use the ENTER key to position the arrow nextto SSTOP . This is the maximum value of plate length to which you willpermit computation to proceed . You are certain that momentum thicknessReynolds number will reach 6000 at a plate-length Reynolds number somewherebetween three and five million . Hence, you might want to terminateyour run when Reynolds number reaches five million . Referring to the unitReynolds number of 1 .24 . 10 6 ft-1 (4 .07 . 106 m-1 ) that you jotted downearlier, a quick computation shows that a plate-length Reynolds numberof five million occurs when plate length is 4.03 ft (1 .23 m) . Thus, changeSSTOP to 4 .03 (1 .23) .There are no further changes you need to make at this time on this menu,so you should now exit by typing X followed by pressing the ENTER key .At this point, you are done with the Main Parameters sub-menu . Inorder to return to the main menu, type another X followed by pressing theENTER key. Remember, nothing happens in SETEBL until you press theENTER key .D .5 .4Taking a Lunch BreakBefore continuing setting up a new run, you are going to simulate a lunchbreak . Imagine that it's time to break for lunch and the systems peopleupstairs are notorious for causing your VAX 8600 to crash during the lunch

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