Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL


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D .5 .RUNNING A GENERAL CASEthe standard FORTRAN floating-point format E13 .6 . The default valueassigned to the Mach number is .096, corresponding to essentially incompressibleflow conditions . Change the Mach number to one by typing l .(the exponent E+00 is unnecessary but the decimal point is mandatory -this is normal FORTRAN 1/O) . As with all commands to SETEBL, nothingwill happen until you press the ENTER key. Before you do however,watch the line near the bottom of your display entitled Static Conditions .Keeping your eyes on the static conditions line, press the ENTER key. Ifyou have done this step correctly, the new static conditions should appearin place of the old . Also, if you look at the value assigned to the Machnumber you will find it has been changed to one .At this point, you can change any of the seven input quantities . Inaddition to Mach number, you must change total pressure and temperature .Press the ENTER key five times in order to position the arrow in frontof PT1, the total pressure . Using the change procedure, i .e ., type a Cfollowed by ENTER, insert the desired total pressure of 482 .7 lb/ft2 (23112 .N/m2 ) . You may enter 4.827e+02 (2 .3112e+04) or 4.827E2 (2 .3112E4),etc . if you wish . Note that your keyboard's normal destructive backspacekey can be used to correct typing errors . When your desired new totalpressure is correctly entered, press ENTER and the change will be made .Verify that the new value for PT1 shown on the display is 4.827000E+02(2.311200E+04) . If you made any mistakes, repeat the change operationuntil you get it right .Now press ENTER to position the arrow in front of TTl, the totaltemperature . Using the change procedure, change the value of TT1 to 468 .(260 .) . Don't forget the decimal point or else your total temperature will be.000468 ( .000260) . Verify that the new value for TTl shown on the displayis 4.680000E+02 (2.600000E+02) .If you have changed Mach number, total pressure and total temperaturecorrectly, the value listed below for static pressure will be very close to255 lb/ft 2 (12209 N/m 2 ) and the unit Reynolds number should be approximately 1.24 - 10 6 ft-1 (4 .07 - 10 6 rn-1 ) . Verify that your static conditionsmatch these two values . If they do not, find and correct any errors youhave made .Jot the values of static pressure and freestream unit Reynolds numberon a slip of paper for reference later . In general, knowing these values oftenhelps expedite preparation of your input data . Later on, we will see anexample of using both parameters .You have now finished this sub-menu . In order to exit, simply type anX followed by pressing the ENTER key. Note that, with the exception ofHelp menus for which only ENTER is needed, you return to the previousmenu by the X, ENTER sequence . Also, if you are ever in doubt about

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