Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL

Program EDDYBL


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400 APPENDIX D. PROGRAM <strong>EDDYBL</strong>D .5 .2Units SelectionThis case can be done in either English or SI units . Examine the mainmenu to determine which units are in effect . If you wish to change units,type a U followed by pressing ENTER . The menu will reflect the changein units immediately. If you change your mind and wish to go back to theoriginal units, repeat the U, ENTER sequence . In the following sections,values are quoted in English units followed by corresponding SI values inparentheses .D.5 .3 Main ParametersAt this point, you will be presented with the main menu on which tenoptions are listed . Begin by entering the Main Parameters sub-menu .To enter this sub-menu, type an Mfollowed by pressing the ENTER key.Yet another sub-menu will now appear that gives you the choice of enteringinput data for either Freestream Conditions or Body Parameters .There is a third option that allows you to eXit . The latter option permitsyou to return to the previous menu . You will eventually do so, but firstyou will do some actual data preparation .Freestream Parameters . Type an F followed by pressing the EN-TER key to descend to the Freestream Conditions menu . You willnow see a display that includes seven of the primary quantities that specify freestream flow conditions, including freestream total pressure, totaltemperature, Mach number, shock-wave angle, and some turbulence parameters. The bottom row provides instructions on how to proceed . Pressthe ENTER key several times, for example, and you will see the arrowmove from one input variable name to the next . When you reach the lastvariable, pressing the ENTER key again will cause the arrow to move tothe uppermost variable . You may make as many passes through the list ofvariables as you wish .This particular menu includes a Help option to further explain the meaningof the more obscure input quantities . To display the Help menu, typean H followed by pressing the ENTER key. After reading this Help menu,pressing the ENTER key returns you to the Freestream Conditions dataentrymenu .Having returned from the Help menu, you will now exercise the Changeoption . First, position the arrow in front of Mach number . You accomplishthis by pressing ENTER twice . Now, type the letter C (for Change followed by pressing ENTER . The bottom line of the menu will now change .You are told to specify the new value, and that the FORMAT must be

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