Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS


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) Include women who are less than six months postpartum amenorrheic who say that the lastbirth was wanted later.2. Failure to limit.a) Include women who are pregnant who say that they did not want another child before theybecame pregnant.b) Include women who are less than six months postpartum amenorrheic who say that they didnot want another child before they became pregnant.3. For total failure.Include women classified in the numerator of failure to space or failure to limit (sum of thetwo numerators).Total Dem<strong>and</strong> for Family PlanningIn “A” core questionnaire surveys, sum of numerators for unmet need, met need, <strong>and</strong>contraceptive failure. In “B” core questionnaire surveys, sum of numerators for unmet need<strong>and</strong> met need (failure not measured <strong>and</strong> assumed zero).B. Denominators: Number of women who are not currently married <strong>and</strong> number of women of allmarital statuses. Women are included in both denominators regardless of whether or not they hadsexual intercourse in the 30 days or 4 weeks preceding the survey.C. Divide all numerators by denominators <strong>and</strong> multiply by 100 to get percentages.D. Percentage of dem<strong>and</strong> satisfied: Divide percentage for total unmet need by percentage totaldem<strong>and</strong> for family planning <strong>and</strong> multiply by 100.H<strong>and</strong>ling of Missing ValuesSeveral variables make up the construction of the st<strong>and</strong>ard recode variable for need for family planning.Only if a respondent cannot be classified in any category due to missing information required for acategory, then the recode variable takes on a missing value for that respondent. Respondents with missingvalues on the need recode variable are excluded from both numerators <strong>and</strong> denominator. Not currentlymarried respondents with missing values on date of the last sexual intercourse are considered not to havehad sexual intercourse in last 30 days.Notes <strong>and</strong> ConsiderationsThe classification of need for family planning is included as a st<strong>and</strong>ard variable (V626) in the <strong>DHS</strong>st<strong>and</strong>ard recode data sets. The information on calculation given above is for reference <strong>and</strong> does not needto be recalculated to produce tables.In ever-married surveys, need for family planning for women who are not currently married is assumed tobe zero <strong>and</strong> cannot be properly calculated since time since last sexual intercourse is not calculated. Forthis same reason, need for family planning for women of all marital statuses is unenlightening.Guide to <strong>DHS</strong> Statistics 85 Updated September 2006

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