Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS


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c) Are postpartum amenorrheic within six months of the birth <strong>and</strong> say that they did not wantthe birth.3. Number of women currently using a method of contraception.4. Number of women not using contraception who are currently pregnant or postpartumamenorrheic (within six months of birth) due to a failure of contraception who did not want tobecome pregnant at the time of conception.5. Total dem<strong>and</strong> for family planning: sum of numbers of women with an unmet need forcontraception, using contraception, or an unwanted pregnancy or postpartum amenorrhea dueto a contraceptive failure.C. Denominators: Number of women who are not currently married <strong>and</strong> number of all women.CalculationFor not currently married women, first select only women who are not currently married for numerators<strong>and</strong> denominator. For all women, do not select.A. Numerators:Unmet Need1. Select women who are not currently using a contraceptive method.2. Select women who have had sexual intercourse in the 30 days (or four weeks) preceding thesurvey (depending on whether response is in days or weeks).3. For surveys following the “A” core questionnaire, exclude women who are pregnant orpostpartum amenorrheic for less than six months <strong>and</strong> whose pregnancy or last birth was the resultof a failure of contraception (given as a reason for discontinuing contraception in the reproductivecalendar). For surveys following the “B” core questionnaire, there is no way to determinecontraceptive failure.4. Exclude women who are infecund. A woman is infecund ifa) She declares that she had a hysterectomy or is menopausic in responses to the questions onwhy she does not intend to use contraception in the future or when her last period occurred.b) She is neither pregnant nor postpartum amenorrheic <strong>and</strong> has not had a menstruation for atleast six months, never menstruated questionnaire, or her last menstruation occurred beforeher last birth.c) In surveys following the “A” core questionnaire, she has not had a birth in the preceding fiveyears, has not used contraception, during that time, <strong>and</strong> has been continuously married duringthat time (derived from the reproductive calendar).d) In surveys following the “B” core questionnaire, she has not had a birth in the preceding fiveyears, has never used contraception, <strong>and</strong> was first married more than five years preceding thesurvey.Guide to <strong>DHS</strong> Statistics 83 Updated September 2006

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