Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS


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CURRENT USE OF CONTRACEPTIVE METHODSStatistics: Percentages Who Currently Use Any Method, Any Modern Method, AnyTraditional Method <strong>and</strong> Specific MethodsThe percentage of currently married women who currently use any method of contraception is called thecontraceptive prevalence rate (CPR).DefinitionA. Coverage: Population base—There are several bases used:1. All women (all interviewed women between ages 15 <strong>and</strong> 49 years).a) Currently married women (married women <strong>and</strong> women living in a consensual union).b) Unmarried sexually active women—includes women who are not currently married or ina consensual union (single, divorced, widowed <strong>and</strong> separated) <strong>and</strong> who had sexualintercourse within the last 30 days.c) The following two groups are not included in the current use of contraception table:i. Unmarried sexually inactive women—includes women who are not currently marriedor in a consensual union (single, divorced, widowed <strong>and</strong> separated) <strong>and</strong> who hadsexual intercourse at least once in their lives but not within the last 30 days.ii. Unmarried women who never had sexual intercourse—includes women who are notcurrently married or in a consensual union (single, divorced, widowed <strong>and</strong> separated)<strong>and</strong> who never had sexual intercourse.B. Time period: Current use is defined by the respondent.1. Numerators (within each coverage category):a) Specific methods: The number of women who say they currently use the specific method,after being asked whether they are doing something or using something to delay or avoidbecoming pregnant. Women who declared that they ever used female sterilization aredirectly coded as currently using female sterilization. Women who say they are pregnantare coded as not currently using any method.b) Any method: The number of women who say they use any specific method, includingever-users of female sterilization.c) Modern methods: The number of women who say they use one of the following methods:female sterilization (tubal ligation, laparectomy, voluntary surgical contraception forwomen), male sterilization (vasectomy, voluntary surgical contraception for men), thecontraceptive pill (oral contraceptives), interuterine contraceptive device (IUD),injectables (Depo-Provera), implants (Norplant), female condom, male condom(prophylactic, rubber), diaphragm, contraceptive foam <strong>and</strong> contraceptive jelly, lactationalamenorrhea method (LAM), country-specific modern methods <strong>and</strong> respondent mentionedother modern contraceptive methods (including cervical cap, contraceptive sponge, <strong>and</strong>others), does NOT include abortions <strong>and</strong> menstrual regulation.Guide to <strong>DHS</strong> Statistics 44 Updated September 2006

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