Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS


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4. Traditional methods: The number of women who say they know at least one of the followingmethods: periodic abstinence (rhythm, calendar method), withdrawal (coitus interruptus) <strong>and</strong>country-specific traditional methods of proven effectiveness.5. Folk methods: The number of women who say they know at least one locally describedmethod <strong>and</strong>/or spiritual method of unproven effectiveness, such as herbs, amulets, gris-gris,etc.6. In the latest version of the <strong>DHS</strong> tabulations, both traditional methods <strong>and</strong> folk methods havebeen grouped under the heading traditional methods.C. Ever Use Numerators (within each coverage category):1. Specific methods: The number of women who say they have used the specific method.(Women who do not know a method are not asked about its use <strong>and</strong> are assumed not to haveused it).2. Any method: The number of women who say they have used at least one of any specificmethod.3. Modern methods: The number of women who say they have used at least one of thefollowing methods: female sterilization (tubal ligation, laparectomy, voluntary surgicalcontraception for women), male sterilization (vasectomy, voluntary surgical contraception formen), the contraceptive pill (oral contraceptives), interuterine contraceptive device (IUD),injectables (Depo-Provera), implants (Norplant), female condom, male condom(prophylactic, rubber), diaphragm, contraceptive foam <strong>and</strong> contraceptive jelly, lactationalamenorrhea method (LAM), emergency contraception (double dose of contraceptive pilltwice in 24 hours for two days <strong>and</strong> specific dosage “emergency pills”, does NOT includeabortion, menstrual regulation), country-specific modern methods <strong>and</strong> respondent mentionedother modern contraceptive methods (including cervical cap, contraceptive sponge, <strong>and</strong>others).4. Traditional methods: The number of women who say they have used at least one of thefollowing methods: periodic abstinence (rhythm, calendar method), withdrawal (coitusinterruptus) <strong>and</strong> country-specific traditional methods of proven effectiveness.5. Folk methods: The number of women who say they have used at least one locally describedmethod <strong>and</strong> spiritual methods of unproven effectiveness, such as herbs, amulets, gris-gris, etc.6. In the latest version of the <strong>DHS</strong> tabulations, both traditional methods <strong>and</strong> folk methods havebeen grouped under the heading traditional methods.D. Denominator: The denominators are the numbers of women in the coverage categories.CalculationWithin each coverage category, the numerator divided by the denominator, expressed as a percentage.Guide to <strong>DHS</strong> Statistics 42 Updated September 2006

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