Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS


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CONTRACEPTIONKNOWLEDGE OF CONTRACEPTIVE METHODSEVER USE OF CONTRACEPTIVE METHODSStatistics: Percentages Who Know of Any Method, Any Modern Method, Any TraditionalMethod <strong>and</strong> Specific MethodsDefinitionPercentages Who Ever Used Any Method, Any Modern Method, Any Traditional Method<strong>and</strong> Specific MethodsA. Coverage:1. Population base: There are several bases used—a) All women (all interviewed women between ages 15 <strong>and</strong> 49 years).b) Currently married women (married women <strong>and</strong> women living in a consensual union).c) Unmarried sexually active women: Includes women who are not currently married or in aconsensual union (single, divorced, widowed, <strong>and</strong> separated) <strong>and</strong> who had sexualintercourse within the last 30 days.d) Unmarried sexually inactive women: Includes women who are not currently married or ina consensual union (single, divorced, widowed, <strong>and</strong> separated) <strong>and</strong> who had sexualintercourse at least once in their lives but not within the last 30 days.e) Unmarried women who never had sexual intercourse: Includes women who are notcurrently married or in a consensual union (single, divorced, widowed, <strong>and</strong> separated)<strong>and</strong> who never had sexual intercourse.2. Time period: Lifetime of woman interviewed.B. Knowledge Numerators (within each coverage category):1. Specific methods: The number of women who say they know (or have heard) of the specificmethod, whether through a spontaneous response or after describing the method.2. Any method: The number of women who say they know of at least one specific method,including self-reported other ways.3. Modern methods: The number of women who say they know at least one of the followingmethods: female sterilization (tubal ligation, laparectomy, voluntary surgical contraceptionfor women), male sterilization (vasectomy, voluntary surgical contraception for men), thecontraceptive pill (oral contraceptives), interuterine contraceptive device (IUD), injectables(Depo-Provera), implants (Norplant), female condom, male condom (prophylactic, rubber),diaphragm, contraceptive foam <strong>and</strong> contraceptive jelly, lactational amenorrhea method(LAM), emergency contraception (double dose of contraceptive pill twice in 24 hours for twodays <strong>and</strong> specific dosage “emergency pills,” does NOT include abortion, menstrualregulation), country-specific modern methods <strong>and</strong> other modern contraceptive methodsrespondent mentioned (including cervical cap, contraceptive sponge, <strong>and</strong> others).Guide to <strong>DHS</strong> Statistics 41 Updated September 2006

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