Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS


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Missing, inconsistent, <strong>and</strong> “don’t know” codes must be excluded when calculating statistics such asmeans or medians; otherwise they will be treated as real values. For example, if they are not excluded tocalculate the mean age at first sex, eventually the mean will be inflated by ages 97, 98, <strong>and</strong> 99. MultipleResponse VariablesThere are two types of multiple response variables in <strong>DHS</strong> questionnaires. In the first type, all possibleresponses are read to the respondent; a code will be assigned to each one of them. Example, question 412goes as in the table below:During this pregnancy, were any of the following done at least once? Yes NoWere you weighed?Was your height measured?Was your blood pressure measured?Did you give a urine sample?Did you give a blood sample?1111122222At data entry time there are separate fields (variables) for each response. This question <strong>and</strong> all othervariables of this type get translated to the recode into separate variables:• M42A—Were you weighed?• M42B—Was your height measured?• M42C—Was your blood pressure measured?• M42D—Did you give a urine sample?• M42E—Did you give a blood sample?The translation is done on a one-to-one basis. Code 2 will be assigned; code 0 <strong>and</strong> codes 1 <strong>and</strong> missingare kept with no modifications. This type of recoding is basically done for all variables with responses 1–Yes <strong>and</strong> 2–No throughout the recode file.In the second type of multiple response variables, the question is asked <strong>and</strong> the respondent spontaneouslybegins providing answers. The answers are not read, but the interviewer has to classify the responseaccording to the options available for the question. The interviewer keeps probing for other responsesuntil the respondent says that she has no more answers. Question 407 of the core questionnaire is a typicalexample of this type of question:Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy?IF YES: Whom did you see? <strong>Health</strong> Professional:Anyone else?PROBE FOR THE TYPE OFPERSON AND RECORD ALLPEOPLE SEENDoctorNurse/MidwifeAuxiliary midwifeOTHER PERSONTraditional birth attendantOtherNo oneABCDXYGuide to <strong>DHS</strong> Statistics 11 September 2003

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