Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS


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ADULT MORTALITY (INDIRECT METHOD)Statistics: Total Maternal Mortality Rate; Maternal Mortality Ratio (Indirect Method)DefinitionJ. Coverage: Women age 15-49 years.K. Numerator:1. Number of female siblings of respondents who died during pregnancy, delivery or within twomonths of delivery by five-year age group of respondent.L. Denominator:1. Number of years of sister-units of exposure of female siblings of respondents by five-yearage group of respondent.M. Calculation of Maternal Mortality Rates:g. Numerator: Deaths that occurred during pregnancy, delivery or within two months ofdelivery are tabulated.h. Denominator:i. For respondents age 30 to 49 the numbers of sisters who attained fifteen or moreyears of age are tabulated by the five-year age-group of the respondents. Forrespondents 15 to 29 the numbers of sisters for age groups 15-19, 20-24 <strong>and</strong> 25-29 are calculated by multiplying the number of respondents in each five-year agegroup by the average number of sisters who attained age 15 or more for the totalof respondents age 30 to 49 years.ii. Sister-units of exposure are calculated by applying an adjustment factor to thenumber of sisters who attained fifteen or more years of age tabulated by five-yearage groups of respondents. The adjustment factors are 0.107, 0.206, 0.343, 0.503,0.664, 0.882, <strong>and</strong> 0.900 for the five year age groups from 15-19 to 45-49.Once the numerators <strong>and</strong> denominators are properly established, the life-time risks of maternal mortalityby five-year age group are obtained by the division of the numerators by the corresponding denominators.The total life-time risk of maternal mortality (for age 15-49) is obtained by the quotient of the sums of theage-group specific numerators <strong>and</strong> denominators.N. Calculation of the Maternal Mortality Ratio:The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is calculated by taking the root (equal to the total fertilityrate--TFR for the period 10-14 years prior to the survey) of (one minus the total life-time risk ofmaternal mortality) <strong>and</strong> subtracting the result from one. This calculation gives the average perbirth risk of maternal mortality. Multiplying by 100,000 gives the maternal mortality ratio. Theformula is expressed as:MMR= 100,000 x (1- [1- total lifetime risk] (1/TFR) )Guide to <strong>DHS</strong> Statistics 158 Updated September 2006

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