Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS

Demographic and Health Surveys Methodology - Measure DHS


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INFANT FEEDINGStatistics:A. Mean number of times specific foods were consumed in the last 24 hours by breastfeedingchildren.B. Mean number of times specific foods were consumed in the last 24 hours by non-breastfeedingchildren.DefinitionA. Coverage:1. Population base: Last living child born in the three years preceding the survey who is livingwith the mother.2. Time period: Breastfeeding <strong>and</strong> food consumption in the 24 hours preceding the interview3. Specific foods:B. Numerators:a) Infant formulab) Other milk/cheese/yogurtc) Other liquids (does not include plain water)d) Food made from grainse) Fruits/vegetables (include fruits <strong>and</strong> vegetables rich in vitamin A)f) Food made from roots/tubersg) Food made from legumesh) Meat/fish/shellfish/poultry/eggsi) Food made with oil/fat/butterj) Fruits <strong>and</strong> vegetables rich in vitamin A (includes pumpkin, red or yellow yams or squash,carrots, red sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables, mangos, papayas, <strong>and</strong> other locallygrown fruits <strong>and</strong> vegetables that are rich in vitamin A)k) Any solid or semisolid food.1. Number of times breastfeeding last children consumed specific foods.2. Numbers of times non-breastfeeding last children consumed specific foods.Guide to <strong>DHS</strong> Statistics 129 Updated September 2006

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