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BIS=Business Improvement SpecialtiesBISD=Business and Information Systems DirectorateBISDN=Broadband Integrated Services Digital NetworkBiSn=Bismuth Tin Crystal GrowthBiSON=Birmingham Solar Oscillations NetworkBIST=Built In Self Test ,also Built in Self Test,BISYNC=binarny programowany dzielnik częstotliwościBIT=Binary DigitBIT=Built in Test ,also Built In Test; also Built in Test,BIT=test wbudowanyBIT/BITE=Built In Test,EquipmentBITE=Built In Test Equipment ,also Built In Test Equipment; also Built in TestBITE=urządzenie prosteBITnet=Because It's Time NetworkBITNET=sieć BITNETBITNET BITNET=sieć BITNETBITR=Biologically Inspired Technology ResearchBITS=dwójkowy system przekazywania informacjiBIU=Bridge Interface UnitBIU=Buffer,Bus Interface UnitBIU=Built In UnitBIU=Bus Interface UnitBIUS=Bus Interface Unit SystemBIV=Bulkhead Isolation ValueBIVP=Bilateral Integration and Verification PlanBJT=bipolarny tranzystor złączowyBJT=tranzystor złączowy bipolarnyBK=BackBK=BrakeBKHD=BulkheadBKNO3=Boron Potassium NitrateBL=Bond LineBL=światło nadfioletoweBL=światło ultrafioletoweBLADE GT=Blade Life Analysis and Design Evaluation for Gas TurbinesBLADES=BMD LWIR Advanced Exoatmosphere SensorBLAT=Blast, Dust ThermalBLC=Boundary Layer ControlBLC=Boundary Layer CoolantBLD=przyrząd do testowania kabli telekomunikacyjnychBLD=znacznikBLDG=BuildingBLDN=BlowdownBLH=Baldwin Lima Hamilton Corp.BLIM=Berthing Latch Interface MechanismBLIMP=Boundary Layer Integral Matrix ProcedureBLING=Bladed ringBLIP=Background Limited IR PhotoconductorBLISK=Bladed Disk ,also Bladed disk,BLK=BlockBLL=Ball Corp.BLL=poniżej granicy dolnejBLM=Bureau of Land ManagementBLO=sygnał blokującyBLOB=duży obiekt binarnyBLOS=Beyond Line of SightBLOW=Booster Lift Off WeightBLR=BoilerBLR=Broad Line RegionBLS=Bottom Left SideBLS=Bureau of Labor StatisticsBLSS=Base Level Self Sufficiency SparesBLSS=Buddy Life Support SystemBLT=Baseline Threat

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