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SFL=Solid Film LubricantSFL=układ scalony wielopłytkowySFM=Service Facility ManipulatorSFMD=Storable Fluids Management DemonstrationSFMDM=Smart FMDMSFME=Storable Fluid Management ExperimentSFO=San Francisco International AirportSFO=San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco, CASFO=Space Flight OperationsSFOC=Space Flight Operations CenterSFOC=Space Flight Operations ContractSFOF=Space Flight Operations FacilitySFOG=Solid Fuel Oxygen GeneratorSFOM=Shuttle Flight Operations ManualSFOP=Safety Operating ProcedureSFOP=Space Flight Operations PlanSFOS=Space Flight Operations ScheduleSFOV=Sensor Field of ViewSFP=Single Failure PointSFP=Space Flight ProjectSFP=Summary Flight PlanSFP=Sustainer Fuel PressureSFPA=Single Failure Point AnalysisSFPPL=Short Form Provision Parts ListSFPPL=Short Form Provisioning Parts ListSFPS=Single Failure Point SummarySFR=System Failure RateSFS=Shuttle Flight StatusSFS=Space Flight SystemsSFS=SSRA Flight segmentSFSS=Satellite Field Service StationSFSS=SPARTAN Flight Support StructureSFT=ShaftSFT=Simulated Flight TestSFT=Standard Formatted TapeSFT=Static Firing TestSFTA=Software Fault Tolerance AnalysisSFTA=Structural Fatigue Test ArticleSFTC=Single Face to the CustomerSFTF=Static Firing Test FacilitySFTS=Secure Flight Termination SystemSFTS=wzorcowy sygnał częstotliwosci i czasuSFTWE=SoftwareSFU=Space Flyer UnitSFU=Squib Firing UnitSFU=Standard Firing UnitSFU R=Space Flyer Unit RetrievalSFU RET=Space Flyer Unit RetrievalSFW=SoftwareSFWE=Static Feed Water ElectrolysisSFWE M)=Static Feed Water ElectrolysisSFWEM=Static Feed Water Electrolysis ModuleSG=generator sygnałów piłokształtnychSG=Science GyroscopeSG=Signal GeneratorSG LS=Space Ground Link StationSGA=Systems Global AreaSGAC=Space to Ground Antenna Controller ,also Space to Ground AntennaController,SGANT=Space to Ground Antenna ,also Space to Ground Antenna,SGAPO=Space Geodesy and Altimetry Projects OfficeSGBSP=Space To Ground Baseband Signal Processor ,also Space to Ground BasebandSGC=Stabilized Ground CloudSGCA=Spacecraft Ground Controlled Approach

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