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OSVU=Orbiter Space Vision UnitOSWER=Office of Solid Waste and Emergency ResponseOT=Operating TimeOT=Operational Instrumentation MDM TankOT=Operational TestOT=Operational TirosOT=Operational TrajectoryOT=Operational TurnoverOT=Optical TrackerOT=Out TemperatureOT=OvertimeOT&E=Operational Test and EvaluationOT&E=Operational Test ing and EvaluationOTA=Office of Technology AssessmentOTA=Operational Test AgencyOTA=Optical Telescope AssemblyOTA=Other Transaction for PrototypeOTA=Over the AirOTAM=Over the Air Management of Automated HF Network NodesOTAR=Over the Air RekeyOTAR=Over the Air RekeyingOTASS=Optical Telescope Analysis Support SystemOTB=Orbiting Tanker BaseOTBD=OutboardOTBV=Oxidizer Turbine Bypace ValveOTC=Orbiter Test ConductorOTC=Over The CounterOTCIXS=Officer in Tactical Command Information Exchange SubsystemOTCM=ORU,Tool Changeout MechanismOTD=Operational Technical DocumentationOTD=Optical Transient DetectorOTD=Orbital Re<strong>pl</strong>acement Unit Transfer DeviceOTD=Orbital Test DirectiveOTD=Orbiter Test DirectorOTD=ORU Transfer DeviceOTDA=Office of Tracking and Data AcquisitionOTDR=Optical Time Domain ReflectometerOTDR=Optical Time Domain ReflectometryOTE=Operations Test EquipmentOTEA=Operational Test and Evaluation AgencyOTEMP=OvertemperatureOTF=Ocean Test FixtureOTF=Orbital Test FlightOTFE=Oscillatory Thermocapillary Flow ExperimentOTG=Object Tracking GroupOTG=Objective Transmission GratingOTH=Over the Horizon ,also Over the Horizon; also Over The Horizon,OTH B=Over the Horizon BackscatterOTH B=Over the Horizon Radar BackscatterOTHR=Over the Horizon RadarOTHT=Over the Horizon TargetingOTK=Oxidizer TankOTL=Ordnance Test LaboratoryOTL=wyjście beztransformatoroweOTLC=Orbiter Timeline ConstraintsOTLZ=układ DTLOTLZ=układ logiczny diodowo-tranzystorowyOTM=Orbit Trim ManeuverOTM=Output Transformation MatrixOTO=One Time OnlyOTOS=Orbit to Orbit Stage ,also Orbit to Orbit Stage,OTP=Object Tracking ProcessorOTP=Office of Telecommunications PolicyOTP=Operational Targeting Program

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