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KuTE=Ku Band Terminal EquipmentKV=Kill VehiclekV=Kilovolt skV=kilovolt s ,also Kilovolt; also Kilovolt s ,kV=kilowoltKV=Kinetic VehicleKV=wykres czasowykVA=kilovolt ampereKVA=Kilovolt Ampere skVA=Kilovoltampere skVA=kilowoltoamperkVac=kilowolt prądu przemiennegokVAhm=miernik kilowoltoamperogodzinkVdc=kilowolt prądu stałegokVP=kilowolt w szczyciekW=kilowatkW=Kilowatt sKWAJ=KwajaleinKWAJG=Kwajalein Ground AntennaKWAJM=Kwajalein Monitor StationkWe=KilowattKWF=Keyword File of EventskWh=kilowatogodzinakwh=Kilowatt HourkWh=Kilowatt Hour s ,also Kilowatt Hour s ,kWh=Kilowatt HoursKWIC=indeks kwocKWIC index=indeks kwocKWIC index=indeks słów kluczowych poza kontekstemKWOC index=indeks skrośnyKY=KantuckyKY=Kapustin YarKY=KentuckyKYA=Keel Yoke AssemblyKYBD=KeyboardL=days beforeL=indukcyjnośćL=LaunchL=Launch MinusL=Launch or Landing TimeL=LauncherL=LeftL=LengthL=LevelL=LIMAL=LinkL=Liquid OxygenL=LiterL=LongL=LowL=LumenL 2=Launch Minus 2 DaysL Band=frequency bandL band=frequencz bandL L=Line to Line ,also Line to Line,L P=Low PressureL Sat=Large SatelliteL&C=Laboratory and CheckoutL&D=Landing and DecelerationL&D=Launch and DefendL&E=Leave & EarningL&ES=Laser and Electronic SystemL&I=Launch and ImpactL&L=Launch and Landing

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