National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL

National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL

National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL


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58The <strong>National</strong> <strong>Early</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Reconstruction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Gaza</strong> <strong>2014</strong>SECTION 4: RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION INTERVENTIONS4.4 Governance SectorThe consolidation of the public administration in <strong>Gaza</strong> is both a means <strong>and</strong> an end. In the short-term, the implementation of therecovery <strong>and</strong> reconstruction plan can only be achieved by restoring <strong>and</strong> maintaining the existing operational capacity of central<strong>and</strong> local government institutions, under the authority of the Government. These operational capacities are absolutely vital tothe implementation of the recovery <strong>and</strong> reconstruction plan as a whole, <strong>and</strong> thus constitute an overall recovery foundation.Within an overall climate of a fragile security situation, stability can be undermined easily. <strong>Early</strong> recovery <strong>and</strong> reconstructionwill quickly lose traction if a security vacuum is allowed to take hold in <strong>Gaza</strong>. Preventing a security vacuum will require themaintenance of law <strong>and</strong> order under the authority of the Government by reintroducing civil police under a unified comm<strong>and</strong>.Maintaining <strong>and</strong> exp<strong>and</strong>ing the operational capacity of the Government will need to go h<strong>and</strong> in h<strong>and</strong> with the reconstructionof destroyed <strong>and</strong> damaged infrastructure <strong>for</strong> Government institutions.4.4.1 Operational Capacity of Central Government InstitutionsRelief <strong>Early</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>Reconstruction</strong> Total- $113m - $113mTo boost existing operational capacities of government institutions in <strong>Gaza</strong> <strong>for</strong> recovery <strong>and</strong> reconstruction, theGovernment aims at reintegrating existing civil servants, hired be<strong>for</strong>e June 2007 into Government institutions,streamlining the civil service, <strong>and</strong> fully harmonizing these institutions with national institutions.The <strong>National</strong> Consensus Government has established a Legal <strong>and</strong> Administrative Committee to explore options <strong>and</strong>scenarios <strong>for</strong> consolidating the civil service <strong>and</strong> determining the status of the civil personnel engaged by the previousde facto authority in <strong>Gaza</strong>. This committee was established in early June <strong>and</strong> originally m<strong>and</strong>ated <strong>for</strong> four months. Dueto the political <strong>and</strong> security situation in <strong>Gaza</strong>, the work of the committee has been stalled since early July. A HigherSecurity Committee will be established by the President that will discuss the options <strong>for</strong> the security apparatus.

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