National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL

National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL

National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL


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33government <strong>and</strong> UNRWA systems: 26 schoolswere destroyed, 122 schools were damaged,<strong>and</strong> a further 113 schools were used as shelters<strong>for</strong> IDPs. In total, over 559,000 students havebeen affected by damage to <strong>Gaza</strong>’s schools <strong>and</strong>universities. Damage was greatest in the <strong>Gaza</strong>governorate, particularly in the east, where nineschools were destroyed <strong>and</strong> 39 damaged.Damage was also significant in pre-school,private, <strong>and</strong> higher education facilities,although detailed assessments are not yetcomplete. Half of all universities in <strong>Gaza</strong>are damaged, including Al Aqsa University,Palestine Technical College, the Technology<strong>and</strong> Science University, <strong>and</strong> Islamic University.The impact on students will be long-term <strong>and</strong> will result in further over-crowding <strong>and</strong> potentially irregular schedules <strong>for</strong>Government <strong>and</strong> UN students, who may have to travel further – <strong>and</strong> at greater cost – to alternate schools. Damaged facilitiesare likely to require three to ten months <strong>for</strong> reconstruction or rehabilitation. Over 56,000 IDPs remain sheltering in 41 UNRWAschools <strong>and</strong> two government schools.Educational resources, technologies, supplies, <strong>and</strong> hygiene facilities were damaged or destroyed on a large-scale, particularlyfollowing the destruction of the MOEHE warehouse: replacing them will be complicated by shortages of fuel <strong>and</strong> materials, leadingto sharp increase in educational costs. Families of students who have lost their houses would need support in order to ensure theavailability of school uni<strong>for</strong>ms <strong>and</strong> stationary <strong>for</strong> their children. Psychosocial support of affected students will also be essential.3.1.4 Civil Society, Community-Based Organizations, <strong>and</strong> Faith-Based InstitutionsPrior to the AssaultCivil society organizations (CSO) have long had a strong presence in Palestine. CSOs have played a key role in service delivery –especially in the health sector.Impact of the AssaultFull details of the damages inflicted on the civil society in <strong>Gaza</strong> are not yet available, although an estimated 222 social protectionorganizations <strong>and</strong> charities were damaged.Places of worship were also damaged, including a number of historical significance. In total, 296 mosques were affected (with 73completely destroyed), three churches were damaged, <strong>and</strong> 10 cemeteries were damaged.

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