National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL

National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL

National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL


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191.4 The Private Sector: A Key Role in Economic Revival<strong>Gaza</strong>’s businesses have previously been amongst the most productive in Palestine, <strong>and</strong> its residents have remained dynamic <strong>and</strong>resilient. Strong opportunities <strong>for</strong> medium- <strong>and</strong> long-term growth in <strong>Gaza</strong> exist in various areas, including the manufacturing,technology, agriculture, tourism, energy, <strong>and</strong> construction sectors. <strong>Gaza</strong> enjoys a number of assets <strong>and</strong> sources of strength,including a substantial young, highly literate, <strong>and</strong> entrepreneurial labor <strong>for</strong>ce, a strategic geographic location in a narrow l<strong>and</strong>corridor between North Africa <strong>and</strong> the Middle East, coastal assets that could be developed <strong>for</strong> year-round tourism, <strong>and</strong> significant,yet-to-be-developed energy resources. Under different conditions, <strong>Gaza</strong>-based businesses can trans<strong>for</strong>m the coastal region <strong>and</strong>Palestine into a hub <strong>for</strong> trade of goods <strong>and</strong> services, servicing markets in Europe <strong>and</strong> the Middle East.Palestinian companies will play a key role in the recovery <strong>and</strong> reconstruction ef<strong>for</strong>ts, both as ‘implementers’ of interventions <strong>and</strong>recipients of assistance if relevant. The Government will provide the proper enabling environment <strong>for</strong> the private sector to workefficiently. While implementing this <strong>Plan</strong>, priority will be given to creating favorable conditions <strong>for</strong> local economic developmentthrough the activation of the private sector. The Government will leverage the private sector via Public Private Partnerships (PPP)in infrastructure development. It will seek to put in place an enhanced range of financing <strong>and</strong> insurance mechanisms <strong>for</strong> thosewho invest in <strong>Gaza</strong>. In addition, it will harmonize West Bank <strong>and</strong> <strong>Gaza</strong> laws <strong>and</strong> provide incentives <strong>for</strong> investment in <strong>Gaza</strong> throughthe introduction of specific initiatives.While various interventions are planned <strong>for</strong> the revitalization of the private sector, this objective cannot be achieved withoutensuring the removal of the blockade <strong>and</strong> access <strong>and</strong> movement restrictions, allowing <strong>for</strong> normal trade between <strong>Gaza</strong> <strong>and</strong> theWest Bank, neighboring countries, <strong>and</strong> world markets.

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