National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL

National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL

National Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan for Gaza 2014-2017_FINAL


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12The <strong>National</strong> <strong>Early</strong> <strong>Recovery</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Reconstruction</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Gaza</strong> <strong>2014</strong>SECTION1Setting the ContextThe recent assault on <strong>Gaza</strong> is a reminder of the destabilizing impact <strong>and</strong> the heavytoll that Israel’s decades long occupation exerts on Palestinians <strong>and</strong> will continueto exert, so long as the goal of an independent Palestinian state in fulfillment ofinternational law <strong>and</strong> consensus remains elusive. The status quo is unsustainable.A comprehensive <strong>and</strong> just peaceful settlement is essential to stopping thecontinuing, destructive conflict. Only an independent Palestinian state, free ofIsraeli occupation, can ensure peace, stability <strong>and</strong> security, side by side with Israelon the 1967 borders.Unifying all Palestinian territory under one effective government is an imperative<strong>for</strong> the Palestinian people <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> a viable <strong>and</strong> prosperous state. The <strong>for</strong>mation ofthe <strong>National</strong> Consensus Government is an essential first step in that direction <strong>and</strong>in ensuring national unity. The challenges facing the Government are numerous,spanning complex administrative, financial, legal, economic, <strong>and</strong> security issues.Added to those is the momentous task of reconstructing <strong>Gaza</strong> <strong>and</strong> economicrecovery across the whole Palestinian territory, all against the backdrop of adeteriorating economic situation, high unemployment, decreased financialsupport, <strong>and</strong> continued Israeli occupation <strong>and</strong> colonization.The success of the <strong>National</strong> Consensus Government in meeting these challengesis the success of national unity in ensuring the economic <strong>and</strong> institutionalfoundations of an independent Palestinian state. The challenges are grave but canbe met by the Government, provided that there is strong local <strong>and</strong> internationalpolitical support <strong>and</strong> generous financial <strong>and</strong> technical support from donorcountries, <strong>and</strong> provided that Israel upholds its obligations under international law<strong>and</strong> removes its destructive restrictions on Palestinian freedom.11.Counting the Losses22.The <strong>National</strong> Consensus Government: Priority Agenda33.The Vision <strong>for</strong> <strong>Gaza</strong>: Integration <strong>and</strong> Economic Development44.The Private Sector: A Key Role in Economic Revival

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