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BONAFIDE CERTIFlCATECertified that this thesis titled "PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF SWARMINTELLIGENCE BASED POWER SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION STRATEGIES is thebonafide work <strong>of</strong> Mr. P. AJAY-D-VIMAL RAJ who canied out the research work undermy supervision. Certified further. that to the best <strong>of</strong> my knowledge, the work reported hereindoes not form part <strong>of</strong> any other thesis or dissertation on the basis <strong>of</strong> which a degree or awardwas conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.PrincipalPondicheny Engineering CollegePuducheny - 605 014INDIA.

DECLARATION1 hereby declare that the thesis titled "PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OFSWARM INTELLIGENCE BASED POWER SYSTEM OPTIMIZATIONSTRATEGIES" submitted to the Pondicheny University in fUlfillment <strong>of</strong> the reqiurementsfor the award <strong>of</strong> the degree <strong>of</strong> DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Electronics andCommunication Engineering, is a record <strong>of</strong> the original research work done by me under thesupervision <strong>of</strong> Dr.T.G.Palanivelu, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor. Department <strong>of</strong> Electronics and CommunicationEngineering, Pondicheny Engineering College and that the work has not been submittedeither in whole or in part for any other degree or at any other university.I+Signature(b?: T.G. Palanivelu)(P. Ajay-D-Vimal Raj)

ABSTRACTImplementation <strong>of</strong> Particle Swann Optimization (PSO) applications in solving theoptimization problems in the field <strong>of</strong> electric <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> is proposed. PSO is a <strong>power</strong>fultool for optimizing multidimensional discontinuous nonlinearities.The optimization problems in <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> like economic load dispatch, unitcommitment, real <strong>power</strong> loss minimization, <strong>power</strong> quality improvement using distributedgeneration and minimization <strong>of</strong> energy capacity <strong>of</strong> a dynamic voltage restorer are identifiedand analyzed.PSO algorithm is applied to determine the optimal <strong>power</strong> generation <strong>of</strong> each unit thatoperates for a specific period. This minimizes the total generation cost by considering thegenerator output as the control variable. The simulations are carried out for (i) a three-unitthermal plant <strong>system</strong> (ii) a six-unit thermal plant <strong>system</strong> and (iii) a three-unit thermal plant<strong>system</strong> in which one unit is a combined cycle co-generation plant.Due to strict regulations on environmental protection, the conventional operation atminimum fuel cost cannot be the only basis for dispatching electric <strong>power</strong>. Therefore, thecombination <strong>of</strong> economic and emission dispatch (CEED) is required which leads to a dualobjective problem. The purpose <strong>of</strong> combined economic and emission dispatch problem is toidentify the optimal amount <strong>of</strong> generated <strong>power</strong> for the generating units in the <strong>system</strong> byminimizing the fuel cost and emission level simultaneously subjected to various <strong>system</strong>constraints. The multi objective CEED problem that includes both generation cost andemission cost is solved by <strong>swarm</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong>. PSO is applied to the dual objective CEEDproblem by using a price penalty factor approach to form a single objective. The ParticleSwarm Optimization (PSO) <strong>based</strong> algorithm is developed for finding out the optimal <strong>power</strong>dispatch in CEED environment <strong>of</strong> thermal units while satisfying the constraints such asgenerator capacity limits, <strong>power</strong> balance and the line flow limits. Using this algorithm, theglobal optimal generation value is calculated for an IEEE - 30 bus <strong>system</strong>.

In practical <strong>system</strong>s, the operating range <strong>of</strong> all the on-line units is restricted by theirramp rate limits and prohibited operating zones due to physical operational constraints. Theprohibited operating zone <strong>of</strong> an unit divide the operating range between its minimum andmaximum generation limits into several disjoint convex sub regions. Hence conventionalmethods cannot be directly applied to solve economic load dispatch problem with prohibitedoperating zones. Therefore, a hybrid PSO algorithm is used to solve the economic loaddispatch problem <strong>of</strong> generating units with prohibited operating zones and ramp rate limits.The general <strong>system</strong> constraints such as <strong>system</strong> demand, balance <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> with network lossesand generating capacity limits are also incorporated. The hybrid method incorporates theGenetic Algorithm (GA) to explore the high <strong>performance</strong> region in solution space and PSOalgorithm to exploit the solution space for locating the optimal solution. Thus, the GA guidesPSO for better <strong>performance</strong> in the complex solution space. The proposed algorithm is used tosolve a 6, a 15 and a 40 unit test <strong>system</strong>.Unit commitment is the problem <strong>of</strong> determining the schedule <strong>of</strong> generating unitswithin a <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> subjected to operating constraints. A hybrid GA-PSO algorithm isdeveloped in this work for solving the unit commitment problem. The algorithm involves anexhaustive study <strong>of</strong> all the possible combinations <strong>of</strong> units to meet the load demand and thecombinations corresponding to minimum production cost. GA is used to obtain the ONIOFFstatus <strong>of</strong> various generators with an objective function to have generation greater than thedemand. The initial solution obtained from GA is applied to PSO <strong>based</strong> unit commitmentalgorithm to obtain minimum production cost. The hybrid genetic <strong>based</strong> unit commitmentalgorithm is tested on a 10-unit <strong>system</strong>.The losses that occur in a <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> have to be minimized m order to enhance itsoverall <strong>performance</strong>. Therefore, in this proposed work a PSO <strong>based</strong> algorithm is attempted tominimize the real <strong>power</strong> losses, with a view to improve the voltage stability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong>.The proposed PSO <strong>based</strong> algorithm aims at finding optimum settings <strong>of</strong> Automatic VoltageRegulator, On Load Tap Changer values and requires minimum number <strong>of</strong> Reactive PowerCompensation Equipments subject to equality and inequality constraints. The voltagestability assessment is performed using a line voltage stability index. The particle <strong>swarm</strong>optimization technique is used for different <strong>system</strong>s such as Standard-5, IEEE-14, IEEE-30.IEEE-57, IEEE-I 18 bus <strong>system</strong>s, Indian Utility <strong>system</strong>s such as Neyveli Thermal PowerStation bus <strong>system</strong> and Puducheny bus <strong>system</strong>.

The introduction <strong>of</strong> Distributed Genmtion @G) in a distribution <strong>system</strong> <strong>of</strong>fersseveral benefits to utilities, customers, and society. A general approach is applied to assessthe major technical benefits to improve <strong>power</strong> quality issues such as voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ileimprovement and line loss reduction. The proposed PSO <strong>based</strong> algorithm determines theoptimal value <strong>of</strong> the DG capacity to be connected with the existing <strong>system</strong> therebymaximizing the <strong>power</strong> quality by reducing the line losses and increasing the voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong>the various buses. The line voltage stability index obtained by performing a Newton-Raphson (NR) load flow solution is used to validate the significance <strong>of</strong> the PSO <strong>based</strong>approach. The line index finds out the increase in maximum loadability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> afterusing the proposed method.The growing interest in <strong>power</strong> quality has led to a variety <strong>of</strong> devices designed formitigating <strong>power</strong> disturbances. primarily voltage sags. Among several devices. a DynamicVoltage Restorer (DVR) is a novel custom <strong>power</strong> device proposed to compensate for voltagedisturbances in a distribution <strong>system</strong>. The compensation capability <strong>of</strong> DVR depends primarilyon the maximum voltage injection ability and the amount <strong>of</strong> stored energy available withinthe restorer. A novel PSO <strong>based</strong> phase advancement compensation strategy is proposed inthis work for optimizing the energy storage capacity <strong>of</strong> the DVR in order to enhance thevoltage restoration property <strong>of</strong> the device. The novel proposed algorithm is tested for asample three phase <strong>system</strong> for various levels <strong>of</strong> sag in a particular phase. The proposedalgorithm identifies the required value <strong>of</strong> phase advancement angle wmesponding to aminimum <strong>power</strong> injection from the energy storage element such as a capacitor or a battery.The results <strong>of</strong> <strong>swarm</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong> and its hybrid <strong>based</strong> optimization techniques forvarious <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> problems are compared with the conventional, GA and PSO <strong>based</strong>methods.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI express my deep sense <strong>of</strong> gratitude to my esteemed research supervisorDr.T.G. Palanivelu, Principal. Pondicheny Engineering College, Puducheny for his parentalcare and scholarly guidance. I also thank him for his constant encouragement, painstakingefforts and patience throughout the course <strong>of</strong> this work without which the successfulcompletion <strong>of</strong> this work would not have been possible. I am deeply indebted to him forgiving me this opportunity to pursue my research work under his esteemed gu~dance.I am indebted to Dr. P. Dananjayan, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Head, Department <strong>of</strong> Electronicsand Communication Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry forproviding me the help and facilities required to pursue my research.My sincere thanks to the doctoral committee members Dr. K. Manivannan.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Department <strong>of</strong> Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pondicherry EngineeringCollege, Puducheny, Dr. K.M. Tamizhmani, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Ramanujan School <strong>of</strong> Mathematicsand Computer Science, Pondicheny University, Puducherry for their valuahle suggestionsand help.With immense pleasure, I express my pr<strong>of</strong>ound sense <strong>of</strong> gratitude toShri. N. Kesavan, Founder and Chairman, Sbri. M. Dhanasekaran, Managing Director,Shri. S. V. Sugumaran, Vice-Chairman, Dr. V.S.K. Venkatachalapathy, Principal. SriManakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducheny for inducing me to embark on thisprogramme.I also place on record my deep sense <strong>of</strong> gratitude to Dr. R Gnanadass, AssistantPr<strong>of</strong>essor, Department <strong>of</strong> Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pondichemy EngineeringCollege, Dr. M. Sudhakaran, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Department <strong>of</strong> Electrical and ElectronicsEngineering, Pondicheny Engineering College, Dr. S. Jeevananthan, Senior Lecturer,Department <strong>of</strong> Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pondicheny Engineering College and

Er. S. Sentbil Kumar, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Department <strong>of</strong> Electrical and ElectronicsEngineering, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puduchemy, for extending moralsupport and the technical d~scussions as and when required during this work.My sincere thanks are also due to Dr. R Balasubramauian. NTPC Chair Pr<strong>of</strong>essor,Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology, New Delhi. Er.S.Ravicbandaran.Executive Engineer, Main Load Dispatch Centre, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board. Chennai,Er. S. Sbankar, Executive Engineer, Pondicheny Electricity Department, Puducherry fortheir valuable suggestions.1 wish to thank my student Mr. S. Prasadh Kannah for his timely help and supportduring the work. I am thankful to Mrs. K. Guejalatchoumy and S. Dbarmendra for doingthe grammatical correction in thls workI immensely thank the faculty members and the non-teaching staff <strong>of</strong> the Department<strong>of</strong> Electrical and Electronics Engineering for their valuable help.My special, sincere, heartfelt grat~tude and indebtness to my sister. brothers-in-law.brother, sisters-in-law for their sincere prayers, constant encouragement and blessings.Last, but not the least, 1 am extremely grateful to my parents Er. A. Perianayagamand Mrs. P. Honorine. I would never have got this far without their unlimited dedication.support and love throughout so many years. I would like to express my pr<strong>of</strong>ound gratitude tomy father-in-law Er. Marie Joseph Bala Baskar. I am also in debt to my wife.Mrs. Mary Josephine Cecilia Shobana and my loving son Master Sam Surya Ajay fortheir support and tolerance during many stressful periods along this enterprise.research.I bow my head and thank the Almighty for showering His blessings throughout my

CONTENTSCHAPTERTITLEPAGE No.ABSTRACTACKNOWLEDGEMENTCONTENTSLlST OF TABLESLlST OF FIGURESLlST OF ABBREVlATlONSLIST OF SYMBOLSivviiixxivxixxxixxii1. INTRODUCTION1 .I. PREAMBIE1.2. REVIEW OF TRADITIONAL STRATEGIES1.2.1. Linear and Quadratic Programming Methods1.2.2. Nonlinear Programming Methods1.2.3. Integer and Mixed-Integer Programming Methods1.2.4. Dynamic Programming Methods1.3. LITERATURE REVIEW1.3.1. Economic Load Dispatch Problems1.3.1 .I. Economic Load Dispatch1.3.1.2. CEEDI .3.1.3. ELD with POZ1.3.2. Unit Commitment1.3.3. Real Power Loss Minimization and VoltageStability Enhancement1.3.4. DG for Power Quality Improvement1.3.5. Energy Optimized DVR1.4. OBJECTIVES OF THE THESIS1.5. ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS

CHAPTER TITLE PAGE No.2. PSO BASED ECONOMIC LOAD DISPATCH 16PROBLEMS2.1. INTRODUCTION 162.2. ECONOMIC LOAD DISPATCH PROBLEM 172.2.1. Problem Description 172.2.2. Objective Function 172.2.3. Features <strong>of</strong> Particle Swarm Optimization 192.2.4. Implementation <strong>of</strong> PSO for ELD solution Representation <strong>of</strong> an individual string Evaluation Function 25, 2.2.5. Algorithm <strong>of</strong> the Proposed Method 262.2.6. Numerical Example. Simulation Resultsand Analysis Test Casel: Three-tinit Thermal System 302.2.6.2. Test Case2: Three-Unit System with CCCP 332.2.6.3. Test Case3: Six-llnit Thermal System 342.3. COMBlNED ECONOMIC EMlSSlON DISPATCHPROBLEM 352.3.1. Problem Description 352.3.2. Objective Function 362.3.3. Step-by-step algorithm 382.3.4. Simulation Results 402.4. ECONOMIC DISPATCH PROBLEM WITHPROHIBITED OPERATING ZONES 452.4.1. Problem Description 452.4.2. Objective Function 462.4.3. Features <strong>of</strong> Genetic Algorithms 492.4.3.1. Components <strong>of</strong> Genetic Algorithms 492.4.4. GA and PSO Combined Hybrid Method 512.4.4.1. Description <strong>of</strong> the Proposed Method 51

CHAPTER TITLE PAGE No. Evaluation Function2.4.4.3. Application <strong>of</strong> GA-PSO Algorithm2.4.5. Simulation Results2.4.5.1. Six-Unit System2.4.5.2. Fifteen-Unit System2.4.5.3. Forty-Unit System2.5. CONCLlJSlON3. INTEGRATED GA-PSO BASEDlJNlT COMMITMENT3.1. INTRODUCTION3.2. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION3.2.1. Objective Function3.3. PROPOSED GA-PSO BASED METHOD3.3.1. Implementation <strong>of</strong> GA for UC Solution3.3.1.1. Coding <strong>of</strong> Solu~ion3.3.1.2. Fitness Function3.3.1.3. Crossover3.3.1.4. Mutation3.3.2. Implementation PSO for ELI) Solution3.3.3. Step-by-step Algorithm3.4. SIMULATION RESULTS3.5. CONCLUSION4. PSO BASED REAL POWER LOSS MINIMIZATIONAND VOLTAGE STABILITY ENHANCEMENT4.1. n\lTRODUCTION4.2. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION4.2.1. Objective Function4.3. VOLTAGE STABILITY ASSESSMENT4.3.1. Line Voltage Stability Index

CHAPTER TITLE PAGE No.4.4. ALGORITHM OF THE PROPOSED MEMOD4.5. SIMULATION RESULTS4.5.1. Standard -5 Bus System4.5.2. Standard IEEE Systems4.5.3. Indian Utility Systems4.6. CONCLUSION5. SWARM INTELLIGENCE BASED OPTlMlZATlONOF DlSTRlBUTED GENERATIONCAPACITY FOR POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT5.1. INTRODUCTION5.2. APPROACH TO QUANTIFY THE BENEFITS OF DG5.2.1. Voltage Pn~file Improvement lndex5.2.2. Line Loss Reduction lndex5.2.3. Line Voltage Stability lndex5.3. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION5.3.1. Objective Function5.4. ALGORITHM OF THE PROPOSED METHOD5.5. SIMULATION RESII1,TS5.5.1. Results <strong>of</strong> Improvement in Voltage Pr<strong>of</strong>ile andLine Loss Reduction5.5.2. Comparison <strong>of</strong> Line Voltage Stability lndex <strong>of</strong>5.6. CONCLUSIONConventional and Proposed Methods6. PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION BASEDDYNAMIC VOLTAGE RESTORER6.1. INTRODUCTION6.2. OVERVIEW OF A DVR6.3. EXISTING DVR STRATEGIES6.3.1. In-Phase Voltage Injection Technique


TABLE No.LIST OF TABLESTITLEPAGE No.2.1.Parameters used in PSO method(3.6 and CCCP unit <strong>system</strong>s)Optimal scheduling <strong>of</strong> generators neglecting losses(3-unit <strong>system</strong>)Solution <strong>of</strong> different methods neglecting losses(3-unit <strong>system</strong>)Optimal scheduling <strong>of</strong> generators including losses(3-unit <strong>system</strong>)Solution <strong>of</strong> different methods including losses(3-unit <strong>system</strong>)Optimal scheduling <strong>of</strong> generators including CCCP(3-unit <strong>system</strong>)Solution <strong>of</strong> different methods including CCCP(3-unit <strong>system</strong>)Optimal scheduling <strong>of</strong> generators(6-unit <strong>system</strong>)Solution <strong>of</strong> different methods(6-unit <strong>system</strong>)Parameters used in PSO method(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)ELD results obtained by various methods(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)Minimum <strong>power</strong> dispatch results by various methods(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)Line flows with line flow constraints(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)CEED results(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)

TABLE No. used in GA-PSO method(6-unit, 15-unit and 40-unit <strong>system</strong>s)Optimal generator dispatch solution by various methods(6-unit <strong>system</strong>)Comparison <strong>of</strong> solution quality(6-unit <strong>system</strong>)Optimal generator dispatch solution by various methods(15-unit <strong>system</strong>)Comparison <strong>of</strong> solution quality(15-unit <strong>system</strong>)Test results <strong>of</strong> the proposed approach(40-unit <strong>system</strong>)Comparison <strong>of</strong> solution quality(40-unit <strong>system</strong>)Parameters used in GA-PSO method(10-unit <strong>system</strong>)Cost coeff~cients(10-unit <strong>system</strong>)Daily generation(I 0-unit <strong>system</strong>)UC schedule obtained using initial population(10-unit <strong>system</strong>)Simulation results <strong>of</strong> initial population(I 0-unit <strong>system</strong>)UC schedule obtained using final population(I 0-unit <strong>system</strong>)Simulation results <strong>of</strong> final population(10-unit <strong>system</strong>)Comparison <strong>of</strong> solution qualityParameters used in PSO method(Standard-5, IEEE-14, -30, -57, -118. Indian utility -23and -17 bus <strong>system</strong>s)xvPAGE No.

TABLE No. TITLE PAGE No.Comparison <strong>of</strong> real <strong>power</strong> losses with different methods 85Optimal control variables(IEEE-14 bus <strong>system</strong>)Optimal control variables(IEEE-30 and -57 bus <strong>system</strong>s)Optimal control variables(IU-NTPS-23 bus <strong>system</strong>)Solution <strong>of</strong> stability assessment using line voltage stability index(IEEE-14 bus and IU-NTPS-23 bus <strong>system</strong>s) 88Parameters used in PSO method(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>) 98Voltage pmfile improvement results for a DG rating 0.2 p.u. 99Voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile improvement results for a DG rating 0.3 p.u. 99Line loss reduction results for a DG rating 0.2 p.u. 100Line loss reduction results for a DG rating 0.3 p.u. 101Comparison <strong>of</strong> the conventional Newon-Raphson andProposed method in computing line voltage sstability index 102Detection <strong>of</strong> critical lines using different methods 102Solution <strong>of</strong> improvement in <strong>system</strong> loadability 103Parameters used in PSO method(single phase sag) 115Comparison <strong>of</strong> results with PAC and In-Phase injection scheme 116Line data(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)Bus data and load flow results(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)Generator cost and emission coefficients(IEEE -30 bus <strong>system</strong>)Transformer tap setting data(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)Shunt capacitor data(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)

xviiTABLE No.TITLEPAGE No.A.6.B.1.B.2.53.3.C.I.C.2.C.3.U.1.F.I.F.2.G.1.G.2.G.3.G.4.H.I.H.2.Generalized loss coeficients(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)Generating unit capacity and coefficients(6-unit <strong>system</strong>)Ramp rate limits and prohibited operating zones(6-unit <strong>system</strong>)Generalized loss coefficients(6-unit <strong>system</strong>)Generating unit coefftcients with ramp rate limits(15-unit <strong>system</strong>)Prohibited operating zones <strong>of</strong> generating units(15-unit <strong>system</strong>)Generalized loss coefficients(15-unit <strong>system</strong>)Generating unit coefficients with ramp rate limits(40-unit <strong>system</strong>)Line data(Standrad-5 bus <strong>system</strong>)Bus data(Standrad-5 bus <strong>system</strong>)Line data(IEEE-14 bus <strong>system</strong>)Bus data and load flow results(IEEE-14 bus <strong>system</strong>)Transformer tap setting data(IEEE-14 bus <strong>system</strong>)Shunt capacitor data(IEEE-14 bus <strong>system</strong>)Line data(IEEE-57 bus <strong>system</strong>)Bus data and load flow results(IEEE-57 bus <strong>system</strong>)

TABLE No.H.3.H.4.TITLETransformer tap setting data(IEEE-57 bus <strong>system</strong>)Shunt capacitor data(IEEE-57 bus <strong>system</strong>)Sites and location <strong>of</strong> different buses(IU-NTPS-23 bus <strong>system</strong>)Line data(IU-NTPS-23 bus <strong>system</strong>)Bus data(IU-NTPS-23 bus <strong>system</strong>)Line data(IU-Puducherry-17 bus <strong>system</strong>)Bus data(IU-Puducheny-17 bus <strong>system</strong>)xviiiPAGE No.

LIST OF FIGURESFIGURE No. TITLE PAGE No.Concept <strong>of</strong> modification <strong>of</strong> a searching point by PSOSearching concept with particles in a solution space by PSOFlowchart <strong>of</strong> PSO methodFuel cost characteristics <strong>of</strong> CCCP <strong>system</strong>PSO <strong>based</strong> ELD convergence characteristics(3-unit <strong>system</strong>)Reliability characteristics <strong>evaluation</strong>(3-unit <strong>system</strong>)PSO-<strong>based</strong> ELD convergence characteristics(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)Best generator settings <strong>of</strong> PSO-<strong>based</strong> CEED method(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)PSO-<strong>based</strong> CEED convergence characteristics(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)Three possible operating conditions <strong>of</strong>a generating unitGA-PSO convergence characteristics(15-unit <strong>system</strong>)Window crossoverGA-PSO convergence characteristics(I 0-unit <strong>system</strong>)Variation <strong>of</strong> voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile for different optimization methodsPSO <strong>based</strong> convergence characteristics(IEEE-I 18 bus <strong>system</strong>)Voltage prafile improvement results with different DG ratingsSchematic block diagram <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> distribution <strong>system</strong>compensated by a DVRPhasor diagram <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> distribution <strong>system</strong> during sag

XXFIGURE No.PAGE No.6.3. Convergence characteristics <strong>of</strong> PSO-PAC scheme(Single-phase sag)One line diagam(IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>)One line diagram <strong>of</strong> a typical transmission <strong>system</strong>One line diagram(Standard-5 bus <strong>system</strong>)One line diagram(IEEE-14 bus <strong>system</strong>)One line diagam(IU-NTPS-23 bus <strong>system</strong>)One line diagram(IU-Puducheny-17 bus <strong>system</strong>

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSPSOParticle Swarm OptimizationGenetic AlgorithmELDCCCPPOZCEEDG A-PSOOPFUCDGDVRNTPSVPllLLRlIUPACLPNLPIPDPQPSCBPS0RCPSOp.u.AVROLTCRPCELVSlGEconomic Load DispatchCombined Cycle Cogeneration PlantProhibited Operating ZoneCombined Economic Emission DispatchGenetic Algorithm--Particle Swarm OptimizationOptimal Power FlowUnit CommitmentDistributed GenerationDynamic Voltage RestorerNeyveli Thermal Power StationVoltage Pr<strong>of</strong>ile Improvement IndexLine Loss Reduction IndexIndian UtilityPhase Advance CompensationLinear ProgrammingNun Linear ProgrammingInterior PointDynamic ProgrammingQuadratic ProgrammingSynchronous CompensatorBinary Particle Swarm OptimimtionReal-coded Particle Swarm Optimizationper unitAutonlatic Voltage RegulatorOn Load Tap ChangerReactive Power Compensation EquipmentLine Voltage Stability IndexGenerator

LIST OF SYMBOLSCI. c2s,Lpbest,gbest))Cost coefficient <strong>of</strong> generator ($h4Wh2)Cost coefficient <strong>of</strong> generator (Sh4Wh)Cost coefficient <strong>of</strong> generatorEmission coefficient <strong>of</strong> generator ( kd~~h')Emission coefficient <strong>of</strong> generator (kgA4Wh)Emission coefficient <strong>of</strong> generatorTotal operating cost ($/h or Rsh)Price penalty factor ($/kg)Modified price penalty factor ($/kg)Total fuel cost <strong>of</strong> generation ($ih or Rsh)Fuel cost function <strong>of</strong> i' generator ($/h or Rsh)Real <strong>power</strong> generation <strong>of</strong> i" generator (MW)Number <strong>of</strong> generators connected in the networkDependent unit <strong>power</strong> output (MW)Total load <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> (MW)Transmission loss <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> (MW)Real <strong>power</strong> injections at m" and n" buses (MW)Generalized loss coefficients (MW ')Minimum value <strong>of</strong> real <strong>power</strong> allowed at generator i (MW)Maximum value <strong>of</strong> real <strong>power</strong> allowed at generator i (MW)Population sizeNumber <strong>of</strong> members in a particleVelocity <strong>of</strong> individual i at iteration kPointer <strong>of</strong> iterationsWeighing factorAcceleration coefficientsRandom numbers between 0 and 1Random numbers between 0 and 1Current position <strong>of</strong> individual i at iteration kBest position <strong>of</strong> individual iBest position <strong>of</strong> the group

Initial weightFinal weightMaximum iteration numberiterFFCECP,(23P,"='QY1Pc.sl.mp:;L",Ivl6Maximum velocity limitMinimum velocity limitCurrent iteration numberOptimal cost <strong>of</strong> generation (%/h or Rsh)Fuel wst ($h)Emission cost (kg/h)Calculated real <strong>power</strong> for PQ bus i (MW)Calculated reactive <strong>power</strong> for PQ bus i (MW)Specified real <strong>power</strong> for PQ bus i (MW)Specified reactive <strong>power</strong> for PQ bus i (MW)Calculated real <strong>power</strong> <strong>of</strong> PV bus m (MW)Specified real <strong>power</strong> <strong>of</strong> PV bus m (MW)Voltage magnitude <strong>of</strong> buses (per unit)Phase angle <strong>of</strong> buses (degrees)Minimum value <strong>of</strong> voltage at bus i (per unit)Maximum value <strong>of</strong> voltage at bus i (per unit)Numher <strong>of</strong> branches or transmission linesCalculated line flow <strong>of</strong> each transmission line (MVA)Rated line flow <strong>of</strong> each transmission line (MVA)Power generation <strong>of</strong> unit i at previous hour (MW)Ramp rate limit <strong>of</strong> unit i as <strong>power</strong> generation increases (MWlh)DR,-P,""-P,'-zy: 3 y:F,PPbCRamp rate limit <strong>of</strong> unit i as <strong>power</strong> generation decreases (MWlh)Effective lower limit <strong>of</strong> ith unit with ramp rate constraint (MW)Effective upper limit <strong>of</strong> i~ unit with ramp rate constraint (MW)number <strong>of</strong> prohibited zones <strong>of</strong> a unitLower and upper limits <strong>of</strong> z prohibited zones <strong>of</strong> unit i (MW)Generation cost function ($/h)Power balance constraint

1, (1)F,@'I(t)s, (t)NhPo(t)Pit)Tup.1Tm.8G,.,T,,n.,XYLoss,QmlnQmarI>S,pmQmVKv mv,vpwllx,vp wornL,K,NLLwmLLWOIDGhVZMaximum generation cost among the individuals in the initialpopulation (S/h)Minimum generation cost among the individuals in the initialpopulation (Sh)Commitment status <strong>of</strong> i" generator at how 1Fuel cost <strong>of</strong> i" generator at hour t (Sh)Start-up cost <strong>of</strong> i" unit at hour t (Oh)Total schedule time (24 h)Load demand at hour t (MW)Real <strong>power</strong> produced by i" generator at how t (MW)Minimum uptime i" generator (h)Time duration for which i" generator is continously ON (h)Minimum down time <strong>of</strong> generator i (h)Time duration for which i* generator is continously OFF (h)Continuous variables (AVR values)Discrete variables (OLTC and SC values)Power loss (PI) at branch i (MW)Minimum limit <strong>of</strong> reactive <strong>power</strong> at a node (MVAr)Maximum limit <strong>of</strong> reactive <strong>power</strong> at a node (MVAr)Line stability index at iIh line or branchReal <strong>power</strong> at the receiving end (per unit)Reactive <strong>power</strong> at the receiving end (per unit)Voltage magnitude at the sending end (per unit)Voltage magnitude at the receiving end (per unit)Voltage magnitude at bus i (per unit)Voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> with DG (per unit)Voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> without I)G (per unit)Load at bus i (per unit)Weighing factor for load at bus i (per unit)Total number <strong>of</strong> load busesTotal line losses in the <strong>system</strong> with DG (per unit)Total line losses in the <strong>system</strong> without DG (per unit)Penalty factor <strong>of</strong> bus voltagesBalaoced output voltage (per unit)

I0v ISubscript jpdWm*=Balanced load cumnt @er unit)Load <strong>power</strong> factor angleSource side voltage (per unit)j* phase (j = 1,2,3)Real <strong>power</strong> supplied by DVR using in-phase voltage injectiontechnique (KW)Reactive <strong>power</strong> supplied by DVR using in-phase voltageinjection technique (KVAr)Load voltage phase advancement angle (degrees)lnput <strong>power</strong> from the source (KW)Load <strong>power</strong> (KW)Real <strong>power</strong> supplied by DVR (KW)lnput reactive <strong>power</strong> from the source (KVAr)Load reactive <strong>power</strong> (KVAr)Reactive <strong>power</strong> supplied by DVR (KVAr)Optimum value <strong>of</strong> load voltage phase advancement angle forminimum <strong>power</strong> operation (degrees)Complex bus <strong>power</strong> at the sending end (per unit)Total real <strong>power</strong> at the sending end bus (per unit)Total reactive <strong>power</strong> at sending end bus (per unit)Total reactive <strong>power</strong> at receiving end bus (per unit)Total reactive <strong>power</strong> at receiving end bus (per unit)Voltage at the sending end (per unit)Voltage at the receiving end (per unit)Voltage angle (degree)Current at the receiving end (per unit)Transmission line constantsConstant angles <strong>of</strong> transmission linesSeries line impedance magnitude <strong>of</strong> transmission lines (ohms)Total line charging susceptance (mho)Propagation constantLength <strong>of</strong> a transmission line (km)Price penalty factor associated with the last unit ($kg)Price penalty factor associated with the current unit ($kg)

Maximum <strong>power</strong> associated with the last unit (MW)Maximum <strong>power</strong> associated with the current unit (MW)

programming, mixed integer pmgramming and dynamic programming (DP). Thissection attempts to review the basic concepts <strong>of</strong> these techniques.1.2.1. Linear and Quadratic Programming MethodsLinear programming (LP) methods have linear objective functions andconstraints 17-91. These methods basically fall into two categories: simplex andinteger programming (IP) [1&17]. The main advantage <strong>of</strong> simplex method is its highcomputational efficiency. But the disadvantage is that number <strong>of</strong> iterations growsexponentially with problem size. This disadvantage can be overcome by IP methods.IP methods do not step from one comer point to the next in the manner <strong>of</strong> simplexalgorithm, but rather stay within the interior <strong>of</strong> the constrained region andprogressively move to the optimal point. Both the simplex and IP methods can beextended to have a linear and quadratic objective function when the constraints arelinear. Such methods are called quadratic programming (QP) [IS-191. LP has beenused in various <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> applications such as optimal <strong>power</strong> flow [S], load flow191, reactive <strong>power</strong> planning [20], and active and reactive <strong>power</strong> dispatch [21- Nonlinear Programming MethodsIn most <strong>of</strong> the NLP methods, the approach is to start from initial conditionsand determine the 'descent direction' in which the value <strong>of</strong> objective functiondecreases for a minimization problem. A large number <strong>of</strong> NLP methods are availablethat are distinguishable by their definition and step length. Quasi-Newton method 1231that attempts to build up an approximation to Hessian matrix exhibits <strong>power</strong>fidconvergence. If the coefficients <strong>of</strong> Hessian matrix are available analytically, Newtonmethod [24] can be applied. Some <strong>of</strong> the most successful methods in use today are<strong>based</strong> on applying QP to solve a local optimization in a nonlinear problem. IPmethods originally developed for LP can be applied to QP and NLP problems. NLPhas been applied to solve optimal <strong>power</strong> flow 1251 and hydrothermal scheduling [26]problems.

1.23. Integer and Mixed-Integer Programming MetbodsIn cases where the independent variables can take only integer values, suchproblems are called integer programming. When some <strong>of</strong> the variables are continuous,the problem is called mixed integer programming. Mainly two approaches, namely'branch and bound' and 'cutting plane methods', have been used to solve integerproblems using mathematical programming techniques [23]. The size and complexity<strong>of</strong> integer and mixed-integer programmes that can be solved in practice depends onthe structure <strong>of</strong> the problem. Integerlmixed integer programming have been applied tovarious areas <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>s such as optimal reactive <strong>power</strong> planning [27], <strong>power</strong><strong>system</strong> planning [28-291, unit commitment [30] and generation scheduling [31].1.2.4. Dynamic Programming MethodsDynamic programming (DP) <strong>based</strong> on the principle <strong>of</strong> optimality states that asubpolicy <strong>of</strong> an optimal policy must in itself be an optimal subpolicy. DP is a very<strong>power</strong>ful technique, but it suffers from the curse <strong>of</strong> dimensionality [32]. DP has beenapplied to various areas <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>s such as reactive <strong>power</strong> control [33],transmission planning [34] and unit commitment (351.The main advantage <strong>of</strong> the <strong>intelligence</strong> <strong>based</strong> methods is that it avoids thecomplexities in the formulation <strong>of</strong> mathematical model for the <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>optimization. However, the shortcoming <strong>of</strong> these methods is generally associated withthe required excessive computational resources. With the advent <strong>of</strong> fast processorswith large memory, these methods appear to he promising in the future.1.3. LITERATURE REVIEWThey are reviewed in a <strong>system</strong>atic way in the following sections.

1.3.1. ECONOMIC LOAD DISPATCH PROBLEMS13.1.1. Economic Load DispatchThe classical lambda iteration method has been used to solve the ELDproblem. This method utilizes an equal incremental cost criterion for <strong>system</strong>s withouttransmission losses and the penalty factors using B, matrix for <strong>system</strong>s withtransmission losses. Other methods such as gradient, Newton, linear programmingand interior pint have also been applied to solve the ELD problems [41].Zwe-Lee Gaing [42] has proposed a particle swm optimization (PSO)method for solving the economic dispatch (ED) problem in <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>s. Thismethod made use <strong>of</strong> PSO for its global search capab~lity to allocate optimum loading<strong>of</strong> each generator. The test results <strong>of</strong> three different <strong>system</strong>s have been compared withthat <strong>of</strong> GA-<strong>based</strong> approach.Jayabarathi et al. [43] have adopted a particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization techniquefor solving the various types <strong>of</strong> economic dispatch problems. The test results <strong>of</strong> thesample <strong>system</strong>s have been compared with that <strong>of</strong> other evolutionary computingtechniques. Combined Economic Emission DispatchTalaq et al. [44] have formulated an optimal <strong>power</strong> flow problem withemission constraints where the main objective was to minimize the fuel cost and thetotal emission over a wide time period <strong>of</strong> different intervals and <strong>system</strong> demands. Thetest results <strong>of</strong> standard 5-bus and IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>s display a trade-<strong>of</strong>f relationshipbetween fuel cost and emission.Wong et al. [45] have developed an efficient and reliable evolutionaryprogramming-<strong>based</strong>algorithm for solving the environmentally constrained economicdispatch (ECED) problem. This method made use <strong>of</strong> acceleration techniques in orderto enhance the speed and robustness <strong>of</strong> the algorithm.

Venkatesh et al. [46] have built an EP algorithm to solve the CEED pmblemwith line flow constraints. The line flows in MVA have been computed directly fromthe Newto=Raphson method. A novel modified price penalty factor has beenintroduced to find the exact economic emission fuel cost with respect to the loaddemand. The test results <strong>of</strong> IEEE-14, -30 and -1 18 bus <strong>system</strong>s have been comparedwith that <strong>of</strong> other evolutionary computing techniques.Abido [47] has derived a Pareto-<strong>based</strong> multiobjective evolutionary algorithm(MOEA) for solving an environmental/economic electric <strong>power</strong> dispatch pmblem.This fuzzy-<strong>based</strong> hierarchical clustering technique has been implemented in order toobtain the best solution. The test results <strong>of</strong> an IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong> have beencompared with that <strong>of</strong> other traditional multiobjective optimization techniques. Economic Load Dispatch with Prohibited Operating ZonesWalters et al. 1481 have developed a genetic algorithm to solve the economicdispatch problem with valve-point effects. This algorithm has utilized pay<strong>of</strong>finformation <strong>of</strong> the candidate solutions to evaluate their optimality. The test results <strong>of</strong>three units <strong>system</strong> have been compared with that <strong>of</strong> dynamic programming method.Wong et al. [49] have built an incremental genetic algorithm <strong>based</strong> approachfor the determination <strong>of</strong> global or near-global optimum solution. Another techniquethat incorporates both incremental genetic theory and simulated annealing has servedto determine the economic loadings <strong>of</strong> 13 generators in a practical <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> withthe effects <strong>of</strong> valve-point loading and ramping characteristics. The test results havebeen found to yield better results when compared with that <strong>of</strong> simulated annealing<strong>based</strong> method.Chen et al. [50] have presented a GA-<strong>based</strong> method that uses the incrementalcost <strong>of</strong> encoded parameter <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> for solving the ED problem taking intoaccount the network losses, ramp rate limits, valve-point zone and prohibitedoperating zone. The numerical results <strong>of</strong> the method for a large scale 40-unit <strong>system</strong>have been compared with that <strong>of</strong> lambda-iteration method.

Fung et al. [51] have formulated an integrated parallel genetic algorithmincorporating tabu search (TS) and simulated annealing for solving the ED problem.The parallel computing platform has been <strong>based</strong> on a network <strong>of</strong> interconnectedpersonal computers (PCs) using TCPAP socket communication facilities. The testresults <strong>of</strong> a practical <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> have been obtained to compute the optimal loading<strong>of</strong> 13 generators.El-Gallad et al. [52] have adapted a PSO technique to solve the traditionaleconomic dispatch problem. The objective function has been formulated as acombination <strong>of</strong> piecewise quadratic cost functions with nondifferential regions,instead <strong>of</strong> adopting a single convex function for each generating unit. This innovationhas served to incorporate practical operating conditions, such as valve-point effectsand fuel types. The effectiveness <strong>of</strong> the algorithm has been tested on a three unit<strong>system</strong> and the results have been compared with that <strong>of</strong> a numerical method.El-Gallad et al. [53] have added new constraints to the problem by introducing<strong>system</strong> spinning reserve and generator prohibited operating zones. In this formulation,they have included the same constraints but considered a single convex cost function1521. The test results <strong>of</strong> a 15-unit <strong>system</strong> in which four units with prohibited operatingzones have been compared with for both conventional method and the Hopfield neuralnetwork.Lai et al. 1541 have applied PSO to solve economic dispatch (ED) <strong>of</strong> units withnonsmooth input-output characteristic functions. The test results <strong>of</strong> an IEEE-30 bus<strong>system</strong> with six generating units have been compared with that <strong>of</strong> evolutionaryprogramming (EP).Victoire et al. have extended Gaing's research by forming a hybrid optimizerto tackle the same problem [55]. They have used sequential quadratic programming t<strong>of</strong>ine-tune the PSO search in finding the optimal solution. The feasibility has beenillustrated by conducting case studies on a 10-unit <strong>system</strong> with valve-point effects forthree different load-demand patterns and the results have been compared with thatobtained using the EP-SQP method.

13.2. UNIT COMMITMENTSheble et al. [56] have presented a genetic-<strong>based</strong> unit commitment (UC)scheduling algorithm. It has made use <strong>of</strong> GA with domain specific mutation operatorsfor finding good unit commitment schedules. The test results <strong>of</strong> three different electricutilities have been compared with that <strong>of</strong> Lagrangian relaxation UC method.Bakirtzis et al. [57] have developed a genetic algorithm that uses differentquality function techniques to solve the unit commitment problem. The test results upto 100 generator units have been compared with that <strong>of</strong> dynamic programming andLagrangian relaxation methods.Swarup et al. [58] have employed a new solution methodology to the UCproblem using genetic algorithm. The strategy has been found to be efficient andserve to handle larger size UC problems.Zwe-Lee Gaing 1591 has built an integrated approach <strong>of</strong> discrete binaryparticle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization (BPSO) with the lambda-iteration method for solving theUC problem. It has been solved as two subproblems using BPS0 method forminimization <strong>of</strong> the transition cost. The economic dispatch problem has been solvedby lambda-iteration method for the minimization <strong>of</strong> the production cost. Thefeasibility <strong>of</strong> the method has been demonstrated on a 10- and a 26-unit <strong>system</strong>s, andthe test results have been compared with that <strong>of</strong> GA method.Zhao et al. [60] have presented an improved particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization(IPSO) algorithm for <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> UC problem. It has adopted an orthogonal designin order to generate the initial population that are scattered uniformly over a feasiblesolution space. The IPSO algorithm has been tested on a modeled 10-unit <strong>system</strong> andthe <strong>performance</strong> is compared with that <strong>of</strong> GA and EP methods.Ting et al. [61] have integrated a new approach <strong>of</strong> hybrid particle <strong>swarm</strong>optimization (HPSO) scheme, which is a blend <strong>of</strong> HPSO, BPSO and real-codedparticle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization (RCPSO), to solve the UC problem. The UC problem has

een handled by BPSO, whereas the economic load dispatch problem has been solvedby RCPSO.Funabashi et al. [62] have formulated a tw<strong>of</strong>old simulated annealing methodfor the optimization <strong>of</strong> fuzzy-<strong>based</strong> UC model. The method has served to <strong>of</strong>fer arobust solution for UC problem.Victoire et al. [63] have applied a hybrid PSO and sequential quadraticprogramming (SQP) technique, prelude to tabu search (TS) method for solving theUC problem. The combinational part <strong>of</strong> the UC problem has been solved using the TSmethod. The nonlinear optimization part <strong>of</strong> economic dispatch problem (EDP) hasbeen solved using a hybrid PSO-SQP technique. The effectiveness <strong>of</strong> hybridoptimization technique has been tested on a NTPS zone-11 7-unit <strong>system</strong>.1.3.3. REAL POWER LOSS MINIMIZATION AND VOLTAGE STABILITYENHANCEMENTYoshida et al. [64] have applied a PSO technique to reactive <strong>power</strong>optimization problem. The objective has been to find the optimal settings <strong>of</strong> somecontrol variables that served to minimize the total real <strong>power</strong> losses in a network. Theproblem has been classified as a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem sincesome variables are continuous whereas others are discrete. The test results <strong>of</strong> anIEEE-14 bus <strong>system</strong>, a practical 112 bus <strong>system</strong> and a large scale 1217 bus <strong>system</strong>have been compared with that <strong>of</strong> reactive tabu search (RTS) and enumerationmethods.Miranda et al. [65] have introduced a hybrid PSO approach to VoltageNArcontrol problem in <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>s. They have combined evolutionary strategies withPSO to improve the robustness <strong>of</strong> the classical PSO. The test results <strong>of</strong> an IEEE-24bus <strong>system</strong> have been compared with that <strong>of</strong> simulated annealing <strong>based</strong> approach.Mantawy et al. [66] have investigated the same problem using particle <strong>swarm</strong>optimization for an IEEE-6 bus <strong>system</strong>. The simulation results <strong>of</strong> the PSO algorithmhave been compared with that <strong>of</strong> previously reported works in the literature.

Ahmed A. Esmin et al. [67] have built a HPSO technique as a modemoptimization tool for real <strong>power</strong> loss minimization. The technique made use <strong>of</strong> PSOfor its global search capability to allocate the optimum amount <strong>of</strong> shunt compensatorsto be installed in each bus. The test results <strong>of</strong> an IEEE-I 18 bus <strong>system</strong> have beencompared with that <strong>of</strong> primal4ual interior point (IP) and genetic algorithms.Tripathy et al. [68] have detailed a novel work on bacteria foraging <strong>based</strong>solution for optimization <strong>of</strong> real <strong>power</strong> loss and voltage stability limit. Its mainobjectives are to optimize the transformer taps, UPFC location and its injectionvoltage for a single objective <strong>of</strong> real <strong>power</strong> loss minimization, and then for themultiple objectives <strong>of</strong> loss minimization and voltage stability limit maximization. Thetest results <strong>of</strong> a 39-bus New England <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> have been compared with that <strong>of</strong>interior point successive linearization program (IPSLP) technique.Yair Malachi et al. 1691 have presented a GA-<strong>based</strong> approach for the selection<strong>of</strong> corrective control actions for bus voltage and generator reactive <strong>power</strong> in a <strong>power</strong><strong>system</strong>. The technique has used GA for its heuristic selection <strong>of</strong> participating controls<strong>of</strong> a minimum number <strong>of</strong> control actions in a distributed load flow environment. Themethod has been successfully applied to a 220-bus model. The test results <strong>of</strong> GA havebeen compared with that <strong>of</strong> integer programming <strong>based</strong> solution method.Amgad A. EL-Dib et al. [70] have proposed a solution technique for findingthe optimum location and sizing <strong>of</strong> the shunt compensation devices in transmission<strong>system</strong>s with an objective to improve the voltage stability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> bymaintaining acceptable voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile. It has heen solved using newly developedevolutionary-technique PSO. The test results <strong>of</strong> the Ward-Hale 6 bus, IEEE-14 and -30 bus <strong>system</strong>s for the proposed method have been compared with that <strong>of</strong> geneticalgorithm.

13.4. DISTRIBUTED GENERATION @G) FOR POWER QUALITYIMPROVEMENTRamakumar et a]. [71] have proposed an approach to highlight the significance<strong>of</strong> voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile improvement through the use <strong>of</strong> various <strong>power</strong> quality indices. Theproposed indices have served to identify the best location and ratings <strong>of</strong> DG. It hasalso contributed in the line-loss and environmental impact reductions.Pathomtaht Chiradeja et al. [72] have developed an approach to quantify thetechnical benefits <strong>of</strong> DG, <strong>power</strong>ed by both conventional and renewable energysources. The benefits have been measured using voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile improvement index,line-loss reduction index, environmental impact reduction index and DG benefitindex. The test results <strong>of</strong> a simple 12 bus <strong>system</strong> and a radial <strong>system</strong> have beenillustrated to highlight its usefulness.Joss et al. [73] have demonstrated the potential <strong>of</strong> DG with <strong>power</strong> electronicinterface to provide ancillary services such as reactive <strong>power</strong>, voltage sagcompensation and harmonic filtering. It has proved the ability <strong>of</strong> DG to compensatevoltage sag resulting from faults in the <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>.Chiradeja et al. [74] have evaluated a probabilistic approach <strong>based</strong> onconvolution technique to quantify the benefit <strong>of</strong> voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile improvementinvolving wind turbine generation.Celli et al. [75] have proposed a GA <strong>based</strong> s<strong>of</strong>tware computing procedure toestablish optimum DG allocation on an existing distribution network considering theconstraints such as feeder capacity limits, feeder voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile and three-phase shortcircuit. The methodology has been tested on a real MV Italian distribution network.The test results have displayed that considerable savings is achieved by adding someDG units in the appropriate position.Greatbanks et al. [76] have formulated a methodology for locating the mostappropriate site and deciding the size <strong>of</strong> DGs. The solution algorithm has been testedon several distribution <strong>system</strong>s representing urban, mal and mixed using 11-kV

networks. The results have demonstrated that it has contributed to impmve both<strong>system</strong> security and reliability by improving feeder voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile, reducing losses,and increasing efficiency.13.5. ENERGY OPTIMIZED DYNAMIC VOLTAGE RESTORERChoi et al. [77] have developed various voltage control strategies for dynamicvoltage restoration with minimum energy injection. It has made use <strong>of</strong> instantaneousphase advance and progressive phase advance methods for voltage restoration,thereby reducing energy injection. The simulation results <strong>of</strong> a single phase examplehave revealed the efficacy <strong>of</strong> the proposed method for balanced and unbalancedvoltage sags.Alexander Domijan et al. 1781 have addressed the potential problems related to<strong>power</strong> quality devices (PQDs) such as an advanced static VAR compensator, adynamic voltage restorer and a high-speed transfer switch. Its <strong>performance</strong> has beenmodeled using ATP-EMPTP techniques. Comparison between simulation results andfield measurements <strong>of</strong> individual PQDs for different <strong>system</strong> conditions and faultshave been presented.Haque et al. [79] have proposed a method to determine the exact amount <strong>of</strong>voltage injection required to <strong>system</strong>atically correct a specific voltage drop withminimum active <strong>power</strong> injection. The technique <strong>of</strong> correcting the voltage drop or sagby a DVR with minimum active <strong>power</strong> injection has been tested for lower and highervoltage drops.Mahinda Vilanthgamuna et al. [SO] have built a new phase advancecompensation strategy for DVR in order to enhance the voltage restoration property <strong>of</strong>the device. Supply voltage amplitude and phase detection scheme as well as phaseadvance determination schemes have been included. The efficacy <strong>of</strong> the proposedmethod has been compared with conventional in-phase injection technique in terms <strong>of</strong>energy saving and dynamic <strong>performance</strong>.

A new topology <strong>based</strong> on 2-source inverter for the DVR has been proposed byMahinda Vilanthgamuna et al. [81]. It has served to enhance the capability <strong>of</strong> theDVR through better utilization <strong>of</strong> the stored energy. The simulation results haverevealed that the disturbance caused by sag has been effectively compensated utilizingbuck-boost capability <strong>of</strong> the 2-source inverter.1.4. OBJECTIVES OF THE THESISThe main objectives <strong>of</strong> the dissertation are:(a) To develop a particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization (PSO) algorithm for the economic loaddispatch (ELD) problem in order to minimize generation cost.(b) To generate a PSO-<strong>based</strong> algorithm for combined economic emission dispatch(CEED) environment for thermal units while satisfying the constraints such asgenerator capacity limits, <strong>power</strong> balance and line-flow limits.(c) To Integrate PSO method with genetic algorithm for solving ELD problem in a<strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> having generating units with prohibited operating zones.(d) To solve the unit commitment problem through a PSO-<strong>based</strong> genetic algorithm.(e) To build a global search technique using PSO with a view to identify optimumsettings <strong>of</strong> automatic voltage regulator (AVR) values, on-load tap changer(OLTC) positions and the number <strong>of</strong> reactive <strong>power</strong> compensation equipments(RPCE) to be connected In order to minimize the real <strong>power</strong> losses in a <strong>power</strong><strong>system</strong> thereby enhancing voltage stability.(f) To maximize the <strong>power</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> a <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> by proposing a PSO algorithmto obtain the optimum size and location <strong>of</strong> distributed generations.(g) To propose a novel PSO-<strong>based</strong> phase advancement compensation strategy forminimizing the energy storage capacity <strong>of</strong> the capacitor or battery in a dynamicvoltage restorer (DVR) in order to enhance the voltage restoration property <strong>of</strong> thedevice during voltage sag.

1.5. ORGANISATION OF THE THESISA general introduction to the problem <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> optimization ispresented here in Chapter 1. The need for <strong>intelligence</strong> <strong>based</strong> approaches is discussed,and a review <strong>of</strong> the traditional optimization strategies is traced. It includes a survey <strong>of</strong>the literature and the main objectives <strong>of</strong> the dissertation.A particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization algorithm is applied in Chapter 2 to solve thevarious types <strong>of</strong> economic load dispatch problems. The proposed work is tested on acombined cycle cogeneration plant <strong>system</strong>. The results obtained for a 3-, a 6-unitthermal <strong>system</strong>s and a 3-unit <strong>system</strong> including a CCCP <strong>system</strong> are compared withthose obtained using classical and GA-<strong>based</strong> approaches. The combined economicemission dispatch (CEED) is solved in the same chapter using <strong>swarm</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong><strong>based</strong> optimization technique. The efficiency <strong>of</strong> the PSO algorithm is demonstrated bycomparing the results <strong>of</strong> an IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong> with that obtained using classical andevolutionary computing techniques. The PSO algorithm is hence applied to a complexCEED problem to obtain minimum generation cost. The chapter also discusses anewly proposed hybrid genetic approach <strong>based</strong> particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization to solvethe economic load dispatch (ELD) problem <strong>of</strong> a 6-, 15- and 40-unit test cases withPOZ constraints and ramp rate limits.A hybrid genetic algorithm combined with PSO-<strong>based</strong> approach for obtainingoptimal production cost is suggested in Chapter 3. The algorithm is tested on a 10-unit <strong>system</strong>.An algorithm that attempts to minimize the real <strong>power</strong> losses, with a view toimprove the voltage stability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> is analyzed in Chapter 4. This PSO-<strong>based</strong>technique uses optimum settings <strong>of</strong> automatic voltage regulator (AVR). on-load tapchanger (OLTC) values and requires minimum number <strong>of</strong> reactive <strong>power</strong>compensation equipments (RPCE). The voltage stability assessment for IEEE-14, -30, -57, -1 18 bus, Neyveli Thermal Power Station bus and Puducherry bus <strong>system</strong>s isperformed using a line stability index.

A novel PSO-<strong>based</strong> approach to quantify the technical benefits <strong>of</strong> distributedgeneration is proposed in Chapter 5. The algorithm determines the optimal value <strong>of</strong>distributed generation (DG) that can maximize the <strong>power</strong> quality by reducing the linelosses and increasing the voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> various buses. It is tested on an IEEE-30bus <strong>system</strong>.A PSO-<strong>based</strong> phase advancement compensation strategy for a balanced faulttest case is presented in Chapter 6. The strategy aims to optimize the energy storagecapacity <strong>of</strong> the DVR in order to enhance the voltage restoration property <strong>of</strong> thedevice. The approach identifies the required value <strong>of</strong> phase advancement anglecorresponding to minimum <strong>power</strong> injection fiom the energy storage element such as acapacitor or a battery.The contributions <strong>of</strong> the dissertation along with the scope for future researchin this area find a place in Chapter 7.

CHAPTER 2PSO BASED ECONOMIC LOAD DISPATCH PROBLEMS2.1. INTRODUCTIONThe main aim <strong>of</strong> electric <strong>power</strong> utilities is to provide high-quality. reliable<strong>power</strong> supply to the consumers at the lowest possible cost while operating to meet thelimits and constraints imposed on the generating units. This formulates the economicload dispatch (ELD) problem for finding the optimal combination <strong>of</strong> the output <strong>power</strong><strong>of</strong> all the online generating units that minimizes the total fuel cost, while satisfying anequality constraint and a set <strong>of</strong> inequality constraints. As the cost <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> generationis exorbitant, an optimum dispatch results in economy.In recent years, with an increasing awareness <strong>of</strong> the environmental pollutioncaused by thermal <strong>power</strong> plants, limiting the emission <strong>of</strong> pollutants is becoming acrucial issue in economic <strong>power</strong> dispatch. The conventional economic <strong>power</strong> dispatchcannot meet the environmental protection requirements, since it only considersminimizing the total fuel cost. The multiobjective generation dispatch in electric<strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>s treats economic and emission impact as competing objectives, whichrequires some reasonable trade<strong>of</strong>f among objectives to reach an optimal solution. Thisformulates the combined economic emission dispatch (CEED) problem with anohjective to dispatch the electric <strong>power</strong> considering both economic and environmentalconcerns.Practically, the real world input4utput characteristics <strong>of</strong> the generating unitsare highly nonlinear, nonsmooth and discrete in nature owing to prohibited operatingzones, ramp rate limits and multifuel effects. Thus the resultant ELD is a challengingnonconvex optimization problem, which is difficult lo solve using the traditionalmethods.In this work, particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed tosolve the various t)ipes <strong>of</strong> economic load dispatch problems in <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>s such as

economic load dispatch (ELD) for combined cycle cogeneration plant (CCCP),combined economic emission dispatch (CEED) and the economic load dispatch(ELD) with prohibited operating zones considering ramp rate limits. The feasibility <strong>of</strong>the proposed method is demonstrated on six different <strong>system</strong>s and the numericalresults were compared with classical and other evolut~onary computing techniques.2.2. ECONOMIC LOAD DISPATCH PROBLEM2.2.1. Problem DescriptionEconomic load dispatch problem is the sub problem <strong>of</strong> optimal <strong>power</strong> flow(OPF). The main objective <strong>of</strong> ELD is to minimize the fuel cost while satisfying theload demand with transmission constraints.2.2.2. Objective FunctionThe classical ELD with <strong>power</strong> balance and generation limit constraints hasbeen formulated [82] as follows.dMinimize F, = IF, (P,)1-1where Ft is the total fuel cost <strong>of</strong> generation,F,(P,) is the fuel cost function <strong>of</strong> ith generator,a,, b,, c, are the cost coefficients <strong>of</strong> ith generator,P, is the real <strong>power</strong> generation <strong>of</strong> ith generator,d represents the number <strong>of</strong> generators connected in the networkThe minimum value <strong>of</strong> the above objective function has to be found by satisfytng thefollowing consh.aints.The <strong>power</strong> balance constraint [82]dCP, =Po +PL (2.3)i-I

where Po is the total load <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> andPL is the transmission losses <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong>.The total transmission loss [83]where P,,, and P,,, are the real <strong>power</strong> injections at mth and nth buses andB, are the B-coefficients <strong>of</strong> transmission loss formula.The inequality constraint on real <strong>power</strong> generation P, for each generator [82] isP,"" 5 P, 5 P,"" (2.5)where P,""hd PIm' are, respect~vely, mlnlmum and maxlmum values <strong>of</strong> real<strong>power</strong> allowed at generator I.A. Economic Load Dispatch Problem with CCCPCogeneration units play an increasingly important role in the utility industry.The mutual dependencies <strong>of</strong> the multiple demand and heat-<strong>power</strong> capacity <strong>of</strong> thecogeneration units introduce a complication <strong>of</strong> integrating the <strong>system</strong> for economic<strong>power</strong> dispatch. The cost characteristics <strong>of</strong> CCCP <strong>system</strong> (two 75 MW gas turbinesand one 50 MW steam turbine) [82] is obtained and hence can be found that they arenot differentiable. So the lambda-iterative method will fail in obtaining solution forthe ELD <strong>of</strong> the above problem. The solution for this problem is obtained byformulating the cost equations by curve fitting technique and implementing theproposed PSO algorithm for the optimal scheduling <strong>of</strong> generators.

B. Constraint Satisfaction TechniqueTo satisfy the equality constraint <strong>of</strong> equation (2.3). loading <strong>of</strong> any one <strong>of</strong> theunits is selected as the dependent loading Pdu, and its present value is replaced by thevalue calculated according to the following equation [83]:where, Pdu can be calculated directly from the equation (2.6) with the known <strong>power</strong>demand PD and the known values <strong>of</strong> remaining loading <strong>of</strong> the generators. Therefore,the dispatch solution always satisfies the <strong>power</strong> balance constraint provided that Pd.also satisfies the operation limit constraint as given in equation (2.5). An infeasiblesolution is omitted and above procedure is repeated until Pd. lies within its operationallimit. As PL also depends on Pdur an expression for Pl can be substituted in terms <strong>of</strong>PI. Pz ,..., Pdu ..... Pd and B, coefficients. After substituting PI in the equation (2.6).the independent and dependent generator terms are separated to obtain a quadraticequation for Pa.. The <strong>power</strong> balance equality condition is exactly met by solving thequadratic equation for I'd,,.2.2.3. Features <strong>of</strong> Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)Particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization was first introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart inthe year 1995 [5]. It is an exciting new methodology in evolutionary computation anda population-<strong>based</strong> optimization tool like GA. PSO is motivated from the simulation<strong>of</strong> the behaviour <strong>of</strong> social <strong>system</strong>s such as fish schooling and birds flocking [84]. ThePSO algorithm requires less computation time and less memory because <strong>of</strong> itsinherent simplicity. The basic assumption behind the PSO algorithm is that birds findfood by flocking and not individually. This leads to the assumption that information isowned jointly in the flocking. The <strong>swarm</strong> initially has a population <strong>of</strong> randomsolutions. Each potential solution, called a particle (agent), is given a random velocityand is flown through the problem space. All the particles have memory and eachparticle keeps track <strong>of</strong> its previous best position @best) and the corresponding fitnessvalue. The <strong>swarm</strong> has another value called gbest, which is the best value <strong>of</strong> all the

pbest. Particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization has been found to be extremely effectivein solving a wide range <strong>of</strong> eng~neering problems and solves them very quickly.In a PSO <strong>system</strong>, population <strong>of</strong> part~cles exists in the n-dimensional searchspace. Each particle has certain amount <strong>of</strong> knowledge and will move about the searchspace on the basis <strong>of</strong> this knowledge. The particle has some inertia attributed to it andhence will continue to have a component <strong>of</strong> motion in the direction it is moving. Theknows its location in the search space and will encounter with the bestsolution. The particle will then modify its d~rection such that it has additionalcomponents towards its own best position, pbest and towards the overall best position,gbest. The particle updates its velocity [64] and position [64] using the followingequations (2.7) and (2.8)where V:is the velocity <strong>of</strong> individual i at iterat~on kk is pointer <strong>of</strong> iterations,W is the weighing factor,cl, c2 are the acceleration coefficients,Randl( ), Rand2( ) are the random numbers between 0 and 1,S: is the current position <strong>of</strong> individual i at iteration k,pbest, is the best position <strong>of</strong> individual igbest is the best position <strong>of</strong> the groupIn equation (2.7), cl has a range (1.5,2), which is called self-confidence range;cz has a range (2, 2.5), which is called <strong>swarm</strong> range. The coefficients c, and cz pulleach particle towards pbest and gbest positions. Low values <strong>of</strong> accelerationcoefficients allow particles to roam far from the target regions, before being tuggedback. On the other hand, high values result in abrupt movement towards or past thetarget regions. Hence, the acceleration coefficients cl and CI are <strong>of</strong>ten set to be 2according to past experiences. The term c,Rand, () x (pbest, -Sf) is called particlememory influence or cognition part which represents the private thinking <strong>of</strong> the

itself and the term c,Rand,( ) x (gbest - S: ) is called <strong>swarm</strong> influence or thesocial part which represents the collaboration among the particles.In the procedure <strong>of</strong> the particle <strong>swarm</strong> paradigm, the value <strong>of</strong> maximumallowed particle velocity Vm determines the resolution, or fitness, with whichregions are to be searched between the present position and the target position. If Vm"is too high, particles may fly past good solutions. If V""" is too small, particles maynot explore sufficiently beyond local solutions. Thus, the <strong>system</strong> parameter VmX hasthe beneficial effect <strong>of</strong> preventing explosion and scales the exploration <strong>of</strong> the particlesearch. The choice <strong>of</strong> a value for V*" is <strong>of</strong>ten set at 10-20% <strong>of</strong> the dynamic range <strong>of</strong>the variable for each problem.Suitable selection <strong>of</strong> inertia weight W provides a balance between global andlocal explorations, thus requiring less iteration on an average to find a sufficientlyoptimal solution. Since W decreases linearly from about 0.9 to 0.4 quite <strong>of</strong>ten duringa run, the following weighing function [64] is used in (2.7):where W,is the initial weight,W,, is the final weight,iterm, is the maximum iteration number,iter is the current iteration number.Fig. 2.1 shows a concept <strong>of</strong> modification <strong>of</strong> a searching point by PSO [64] andFig. 2.2 shows a searching concept with agents in a solution space. Each particlechanges its current position using the integration <strong>of</strong> vectors [64] as shown in Fig. 2.2

sk : current searching pointski': modified searching pointV' : current velocityvk": modified velocityV,k,, : velocity <strong>based</strong> on pbestVgbelt : velocity <strong>based</strong> on gbestFig. 2.1. Concept <strong>of</strong> modification <strong>of</strong> a searching point by PSOFig. 2.2. Searching concept with particles in a solution space by PSOThe equation (2.7) is used to calculate the particle's new velocity according toits previous velocity and the distances <strong>of</strong> its current posltion from its own bestexperience (position) and the group's best experience. Then the particle flies towardsa new position according to (2.8). The <strong>performance</strong> <strong>of</strong> each particle is measuredaccording to a predefined fitness function, which is related to the problem to besolved.The step by step procedure <strong>of</strong> PSO algorithm is given as follows:I. initialize a population <strong>of</strong> particles with random values and velocities withinthe d-dimensional search space. Initialize the maximum allowable velocitymagnitude <strong>of</strong> any particle Vmax. Evaluate the fitness <strong>of</strong> each particle and assign

the particle's position to pbest position and fitness to pbest fitness. ldentify thebest among the pbest as gbest.2. Change the velocity and position <strong>of</strong> the particle according to equations (2.7)and (2.8). respectively.3. For each particle, evaluate the fitness, if all decisions variables are within thesearch ranges.4. Compare the particle's fitness <strong>evaluation</strong> with its previous pbest. If the currentvalue is better than the previous pbest, then set the pbest value equal to thecurrent value and the phest location equal to the current location in the d-dimensional search space.5. Compare the best current fitness <strong>evaluation</strong> with the population gbest. If thecurrent value is better than the population gbest, then reset the gbest to thecurrent best position and the fitness value to current fitness value.6. Repeat steps 2-5 until a stopping criterion, such as sufficiently good gbestfitness or a maximum number <strong>of</strong> iterationsifunction <strong>evaluation</strong>s is met.

The general flowchart <strong>of</strong> PSO is illustrated as follows:Fig. 2.3. Flowchart <strong>of</strong> PSO methodAdwantages <strong>of</strong> PSO:I'SO is a population-baaed ecolutionar) technique that has many advantagesover other optimization techniques. PSO is a derivati~e-frec algorithm unlike manyco~nentional techniques and is Iesc smsiti\,c lo the nature <strong>of</strong> the objective function.v~L.. convexity or continuity. I'hese <strong>swarm</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong> hased methods have fewparameters to adjust and escape local minima. I'he proposed method is easy toimplement and program with hasic mathematical and logical operation>. It can alsohandle objective functions with stochastic nature and does not require a good initialst)tution to start its iteration process.2.2.4. lmplementetion <strong>of</strong> PSO for ELD solutionThe main ohjectibe <strong>of</strong> ELD is to ohtain the amount <strong>of</strong> real <strong>power</strong> to begenerated by each cornmined generator, while achieving a minimum generation Cost

wlthln the constraints. The details <strong>of</strong> the implementat~on <strong>of</strong> PSO components aresummarized in the following subsections. Representation <strong>of</strong> an Individual StringFor an efficient evolutionary method, the representat~on <strong>of</strong> chromosomestrings <strong>of</strong> the problem parameter set is important [42]. Since the decision variables <strong>of</strong>the ELD problems are real <strong>power</strong> generations, the generation <strong>power</strong> output <strong>of</strong> eachunit IS represented as a gene, and many genes compnse an individual in the <strong>swarm</strong>.Each individual within the population represents a candidate solution for an ELDproblem. For example, if there are d units that must be operated to provide <strong>power</strong> toloads, then the ilh individual Pg, can be defined [42] as follows:Pg, =[P,,,P ,. ....... P,,], i=1,2 ..... n (2.10)where n means population size, d is the number <strong>of</strong> generator, Pbd is thegeneration <strong>power</strong> output <strong>of</strong> d'h unit at individual i. The dimension <strong>of</strong> a population is(n x d). These genes in each individual are represented as real values. The matrixrepresentation <strong>of</strong> a population is as follows:Individual p, I p12number2.2.4.2. Evaluation FunctionThe <strong>evaluation</strong> function for evaluating the minimum generation cost <strong>of</strong> eachindividual in the population is adopted [42] as follows:dMinimizeF, = CF,(P,) (2.11)I-)

2.2.5. Algorithm <strong>of</strong> the Proposed MethodThe search procedure for calculating the optimal generation quantity <strong>of</strong> eachunit is summarized as follows:1. In the ELD problems the number <strong>of</strong> online generating units is the 'dimension' <strong>of</strong>this problem. The particles are randomly generated between the maximum and theminimum operating limits <strong>of</strong> the generators and represented using equatlon (2.10).2 To each individual <strong>of</strong> the population calculate the dependent unlt output Pd. fmmthe <strong>power</strong> balance equation and employ the B-coefficient loss formula to calculatethe transmission loss P1,using constraint satisfact~on techn~que.3. Calculate the <strong>evaluation</strong> value <strong>of</strong> each individualp,, in the population uslng the<strong>evaluation</strong> function f, given by equation (2.1 1).4. Compare each individual's <strong>evaluation</strong> value with its pbest. The best <strong>evaluation</strong>value among the pbest is identified as gbest.5. Modify the member velocity V <strong>of</strong> each individual P8, accord~ng to the followingequation:V,:""=WV,"'+c, Rand,( )x( pbest,, -P,,,"')+c,~and,( )x(gbest, - P,~"')i=1,2 ,... n, d=1,2 ..... m (2.12)where n is the population size, m is the generator units.6. Check the velocity constraints <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> each individual from thefollowing conditions [42]:If v,''"' > Vdmi , then v,,""' = Vdm ,~f v,""' < V," . then v,'"" = V," ,

7. Modify the member position <strong>of</strong> each individual Pp, [42] accord~ng to the equationp,e''*'l = p; + v:,"') (2.14)P,~'""must satisfy the constraints, namely the generating limits, described byequation (2.5). If P~~'"" violates the constraints, then^^^"'" must be modifiedtowards the nearest margin <strong>of</strong> the feasible solution.8. If the <strong>evaluation</strong> value <strong>of</strong> each individual is better than previous pbest, the currentvalue is set to be pbest. If the best pbest is better than gbest, the best pbest is set tobe gbest.9. If the number <strong>of</strong> iterations reaches the maximum, then go to step 10. Otherwise, goto step 2.10. The individual that generates the latest gbest is the optimal generation <strong>power</strong> <strong>of</strong>each unit with the minimum total generation cost.2.2.6. Numerical Examples, Simulation Results and AnalysisThe study has been conducted on test cases with 3-unit thermal, 6-unit thermaland two thermal units with 1-unit as combined cycle cogeneration plant <strong>system</strong>. Thedescription <strong>of</strong> the test <strong>system</strong>s are described in the followmg sections.Test Case 1: Three-Unit Thermal SystemThe cost coefficients <strong>of</strong> 3-unit thermal <strong>system</strong> are taken from [82]. The costequations are given below in Rs/h:FI = 0.00156 PI' + 7.92 PI + 561 RdhF2 =0.00194 ~ 2 + ' 7.85 P2 + 310 RdhF3 = 0.00482 P: + 7.97 Pp + 78 Rsh

B, coefficient matrix:The unit operating ranges are100 MW 5 PI 5600 MW ;lOOMW5P25400MW ;50MW5P,5200MW;Test Case 2: Two Thermal Units and One CCCP SystemIn this case, the first two units are the same as 3-unit <strong>system</strong> and the third unitis replaced with a combined cycle cogeneration plant (CCCP). In CCCP. gas andsteam turbines are working in combination to generate electric <strong>power</strong>. CCCP has two75 MW gas turbine units and one 50 MW steam turbine unit [82]. The fuel costcharacteristics <strong>of</strong> this plant is shown in Fig. 2.4Generator Power (MW) --+Fig. 2.4. Fuel cost characteristics <strong>of</strong> CCCP <strong>system</strong>

By the method <strong>of</strong> curve fitting, the cost equation for third plant is formed asfollows.F, =8.517P3 +62.75Rs/h 50 MW 5 P, 5 63.75 MW;= 605.67 Rs/h 63.75 MW 5 P, < 82.875 MW;= 24.08 P, - 1390.04 Rsih 82.875 MW s P, 5 93.75 MW;=9.18P, +6.829&h93.75 MW 5 P, 5 157.5 MW;= 1452.84 Rsih 157.5 MW 5 P, < 176.625 MW;= 17.62P, -1660Rsih 176.625 MW 5 P, 5 200 MW;Test Case 3: Six-Unit Thermal SystemThe <strong>system</strong> tested consists <strong>of</strong> six-thermal units [83]. The cost coefficients <strong>of</strong>the <strong>system</strong> are given below in Rsih:F, = 0.15247~1*+ 38.53973 PI +756.79886 RshFZ = 0.10587~2~+ 46.15916 P2+451.32513 RsihF3 = 0.02803~3~ + 40.39655 P3+1049.9977 RsihF4 = 0.03546~4~+ 38.30553 P4+1243.5311 RsihF5 = 0.0211 1~2+ 36.32782 PS +1658.5596 RshF6 = 0.01799~2+ 38.27041 P6+1356.6592 RshThe unit operating ranges are10 MW 5 PI 5 125 MW; 10 MW 5 P2 5 150 MW;35 MW 5 P3 5225 MW; 35MWSPq5210MW;130MWiP~5325MW; I25 MW 5Pg 5315 MW;

B,. Coefficient matrix:To verify the feasibility <strong>of</strong> the proposed PSO method, three different <strong>power</strong><strong>system</strong>s were tested, under the same <strong>evaluation</strong> function and individual definition. 50trials were performed to observe the evolutionary process and to compare theirsolution quality, convergence characteristic, and computation efliciency. From theexperiences <strong>of</strong> many experiments the following parameters are selected for theparticle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization algorithm to solve the above test cases and are given inTable 2.1. For implementing the above algorithm, the simulation studies were carriedout on P-IV, 2.4 GHz, 512 MBDDR RAM <strong>system</strong> in MATLAB environment.Table 2.1. Parameters used in PSO method - 3.6 and CCCP unit <strong>system</strong>sParameterValuePopulation size10Wms0.9Acceleration Coefficients cl,cz2. Test Case 1: Three-Unit Thermal SystemThe economic load dispatch for the first test case with the corresponding loadsis given as 585 MW. 700 MW znd 800 MW, respectively. The proposed PSO methodis applied to obtain the minimum generation cost. Table 2.2. provides the results <strong>of</strong>optimal scheduling <strong>of</strong> generators obtained by proposed PSO method for three thermalunits <strong>system</strong> with losses neglected. Table 2.3. provides a comparison <strong>of</strong> economicload dispatch results obtained by various optimization methods for a three unitthermal <strong>system</strong> with losses neglected.

Table 2.2. Optimal scbeduliig <strong>of</strong> generators <strong>of</strong> 3-unit <strong>system</strong> neglecting lossesTable 2.3. Solution <strong>of</strong> different methods neglecting losses - 3-unit <strong>system</strong>Sl. No.1.Load DemandPo(MW)585Conventional MethodIS21(bh)5821.4000GAMethodls2'(Rsh)5827.5PSOMethod(Rsh)5821.42.7006838.40566877.26838.43.8007738.5 1897756.87738.5The above <strong>system</strong> is solved for a load demand <strong>of</strong> 585.33 MW using theproposed PSO method with the inclusion <strong>of</strong> transmission loss. The optimal scheduling<strong>of</strong> generators obtained by the PSO algorithm for a three-unit thermal <strong>system</strong> wasshoun in Table 2.4. By following the above procedure, the solution obtained by theproposed method for a three unit thermal unit <strong>system</strong> with losses included is given inTable 2.5.

Table 2.4. Optimal scheduliig <strong>of</strong> generators including losses - 3-unit <strong>system</strong>r,Table 2.5. Solution <strong>of</strong> different methods including losses - 3-unit <strong>system</strong>LoadConventional Method GA Method Proposed1821 1821 PSO Method(&h) (M)Deyd (MW)Fig. 2.5, shows the convergence characteristics <strong>of</strong> the proposed algorithm for aload demand (PD) <strong>of</strong> 585 MW with losses neglected. Fig. 2.6. shows the reliability <strong>of</strong>the proposed algorithm for different runs <strong>of</strong> the program. The figure shows that thealgorithm is capable <strong>of</strong> obtaining a faster convergence for the three unit thermal<strong>system</strong> in a very few generations and the solution is consistent.5865Convergenece PropertyLsr,--d=.51190.SIS.1105 LO IS 20 l5Number <strong>of</strong> GenerationsFig. 2.5. PSO <strong>based</strong> ELD convergence characteristics -3-unit <strong>system</strong>

5-5 1 0 1 5 m U m 3 5 . 0 U 5 0Nmnber <strong>of</strong> RunsFig. 2.6. Reliability characteristics <strong>evaluation</strong> - 3-Unit System2.2.6.2. Test Case 2: Three-Unit System with CCCPThe economic load dispatch is solved using a proposed PSO algorithm for athree unit <strong>system</strong> with CCCP having <strong>system</strong> load as 680 MW, 750 MW and 869 MW,respectively. Table 2.6. summarizes the optimal dispatch <strong>of</strong> load among the availablegenerating units. The simulation results were studied and the obtained values <strong>of</strong> cost<strong>of</strong> generation <strong>of</strong> different methods are given in Table 2.7. The cost was found to beminimum in the PSO <strong>based</strong> method.Table 2.6. Optimal scheduling <strong>of</strong> generators including CCCP - 3-unit <strong>system</strong>

Table 2.7. Solution <strong>of</strong> diierent metbods including CCCP - 3-unit <strong>system</strong>SI. No.Load Demand(MW)GA Method(Rs/b)1821ProposedPSO Method2.2.6.3. Test Case 3: Six-Unit Thermal SystemThe third case <strong>of</strong> a six unit thermal <strong>system</strong> is solved by the PSO method andthe optimal scheduling <strong>of</strong> generators for the load demands <strong>of</strong> 700 MW and 800 MWis tabulated in Table 2.8. The results obtained by the proposed algorithm arecompared with other evolutionary computing techniques and are given in Table2.9.Table 2.8. Optimal scheduling <strong>of</strong> generators - 6-unit <strong>system</strong>sl.Vc)laadI>cmand(MW)P,(MW)P,(MW)P,(MW)P,(MW)PI(MW)P,(MW)I;,(Rslh)h a sPL(MW)Excrulic~nl'lmr (Srr)1.70016.5624.73138.2116.6208.4214.23698718.81.1722.800251211618228720342114261.609

Table 2.9. Solution odiffereut methods - Cuoit <strong>system</strong>Fuel Cost 1LossPI. ..Execution Time1 tconventional method~331IReal-coded GAh d37l37:37288.70123.13426.570.2514.611 proposed PSO method 1 36987 1 18.84471 1.17Hybrid GA method[83137137.9623.124 1.21From the comparison <strong>of</strong> results for the test cases, it is demonstrated that theproposed algorithm performs better than the conventional, genetic algorithm andrcfined genetic <strong>based</strong> algorithm methods in the aspect <strong>of</strong> reduction <strong>of</strong> fuel cost as wellas real <strong>power</strong> loss.2.3. COMBINED ECONOMIC EMISSION DISPATCH PROBLEM2.3.1. Problem DescriptionThe optimum economic dispatch may not be the best in terms <strong>of</strong> theenvironmental criteria. Harmful ecological effects by the emission <strong>of</strong> gaseouspollutants from fossil fuel <strong>power</strong> plants can be reduced by proper load allocationamong the various generating units <strong>of</strong> the plants. But this load allocation may lead toincrease in the operating cost <strong>of</strong> the generating units. So, it is necessary to find out asolution which gives a balanced result between emission and cost. This is achieved bycombined economic emission dispatch problem. This dual-objective CEED problemis converted into a single objective function using a price penalty factor approach[461.

2.3.2. Objective FunctionOptimization <strong>of</strong> generat~on cost has been fomiulatrd <strong>based</strong> on classical E1.Dwith emission and line flow constraints. The deta~led problem is gluen 1161 asfollows.where F is the optimal cost <strong>of</strong>generat~on.FC and EC are total fuel cost and emission costs <strong>of</strong> generators, respect~vely.d represents the number <strong>of</strong> generators connected in thc networkThe minimum value <strong>of</strong> the above otyect~ve funct~on has to bc found oursubject to constraints given by Eqs (2.3) and (2.5)The <strong>power</strong> flow equatlon <strong>of</strong> the powcr network (461where P, and Q, are calculated real and reactive <strong>power</strong> for PQ bus i.respectively;P,"" and Q,"" are specified real and react~ve <strong>power</strong> for PQ bus i,respectively;P,.I,, and Pz,, arc calculated and specified real <strong>power</strong> for PV bus m,respectively;I v ~ and 6 are voltage magnitudes and phase angles <strong>of</strong> different buses.The inequality constraint on voltage <strong>of</strong> each PQ bus [46]V- (I) S V, S V- (I)

where V, (i) and VmX(1) are minimum and maxlmum voltage at bus I.respective1 yThe maximum <strong>power</strong> limit on transmrssion line 1461 IS given bywherenl represents number <strong>of</strong> lines,~f d"MVA 1s the calculated l~ne flow <strong>of</strong> each transmlsslon line.~f,,"~""* is the rated llnc flow <strong>of</strong> each transmission line.Total fuel cost <strong>of</strong> generation FC In terms <strong>of</strong> control variables generator powcrscan be expressed [46] as follows.where P, is the real <strong>power</strong> output <strong>of</strong> an iU' generator inMWi represents the corresponding generator.a,, b, ,c, are the fuel cost coefficients <strong>of</strong> generators.The total emission release can be expressed [46] aswhere a, ,p,,y, are emission coefficients <strong>of</strong> generatorsThe dual-objective combined monomic emission dispatch problem isconverted into single optimization problem by introducing a price penalty factor h[92] as follows.Minimize 0, = FC + h x EC $/h (2.22)

subjectad to the <strong>power</strong> flow constraints <strong>of</strong> equation (2.3, 2.5, 2.17. 2.18 and 2.19).The price penalty factor h blends the emission with fuel cog and a, is the totaloperating wst in $h.The price penalty factor h, is the ratio between the maximum fuel cost andmaximum emission <strong>of</strong> corresponding generator.The following steps are used to find the price penalty factor for a particularload demand:1. Find the ratio between maximum fuel cost and maximum emission <strong>of</strong> eachgenerator2. Arrange the values <strong>of</strong> price penalty factor in ascending order.3. Add the maximum capacity <strong>of</strong> each unit (P,'"lu) one at a time. starting from thesmallest h, until Po"" > P,, .4. At this stage, h, associated with the last unit in the process is the price penaltyfactor h for the given load.The above procedure gives the approximate value <strong>of</strong> price penalty factorcomputation for the corresponding load demand. Hence a modified price penaltyfactor (h,) is used to give the exact value for the particular load demand. The first twosteps <strong>of</strong> h computation remain the same for the calculation <strong>of</strong> modified price penaltyfactor. Then it is calculated by interpolating the values <strong>of</strong> h, corresponding to theirload demand values.2.3.3. Step-by-step algorithmThe step-by-step algorithm for the proposed method is explained as follows:1. Specify the maximum and minimum limits <strong>of</strong> generation <strong>power</strong> <strong>of</strong> eachgenerating unit, maximum number <strong>of</strong> iterations to be performed and fuel costcoefficient <strong>of</strong> each unit.

2. Initialize randomly the individuals <strong>of</strong> the population according to the limit <strong>of</strong>each unit including individual dimensions, searching points, and velocities.These initial individuals must be feasible candidate solutions that satisfy thepractical operation constraints.3 To each chromosome <strong>of</strong> the population the dependent unit output Pd will becalculated from the <strong>power</strong> balance equation and B-coeficient loss formula isemployed to calculate the transmission loss Pi.4. Calculate the <strong>evaluation</strong> value <strong>of</strong> each population P,, using the <strong>evaluation</strong>equations (2.20) and (2.21).5. Calculate the price penalty factor using the equation (2.24).6. Compute the new <strong>evaluation</strong> function using the equation (2.22).7. Compare each population's <strong>evaluation</strong> value with its pbest. The best<strong>evaluation</strong> value among the pbest is denoted as gbest.8. Modify the member velocity V <strong>of</strong> each individual P,, according to thcequation (2.1 2).9. Check the velocity components constraint occurring in the limits using theconditions (2.1 3).10. Modify the member position <strong>of</strong> each Individual P,, according to the equation(2.14). If P,,d'"'l must satisfy the constraints, namely the generating limits.described by (2.5). If Pgdl''" violates the constraints, then P,~"'" must bemodified towards the near margin <strong>of</strong>the feasible solution.I I. If the <strong>evaluation</strong> value <strong>of</strong> each population is better than the previous pbest thecurrent value is set to be pbest. If the best pbest is better than the gbest thevalue is set to be gbest.12. If the number <strong>of</strong> iterations reaches the maximum then go to step 13, otherwisego to step 3.13. The individ-d that generates the latest gbest is the optimal generation <strong>power</strong><strong>of</strong> each unit.14. After obtaining the global optimum solution, <strong>power</strong> flow is computed usingNewton-Raphson method and the calculated MVA <strong>of</strong> line flow is comparedwith the rated MVA <strong>of</strong> line flow.

IS. If the line is found to be overloaded previous gbcst value is chosen as theglobal optimum solution.16. Stop2.3.4. Simulation ResultsThe proposed algorithm is applied to an IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>. The total <strong>system</strong>load demand is 283.4 MW whose data has been given in Appendix-A. In the proposedapproach minimum generation cost <strong>of</strong> the generating units was obtained using PSO<strong>based</strong> ELD in CEED environment. The line flows in the <strong>system</strong> was compared usingNewton-Raphson method. The simulation studies were carried out using a P-IV 2.4(;Hz. 512 MB DDR RAM <strong>system</strong> in MATL.AB environment. Tahle 2.10. provides thesimulation parameters <strong>of</strong> the proposed PSO algorithm. The execution time for thePSO <strong>based</strong> method is obtained as 79.9220 seconds. Fig. 2.7. shows the convergencecharacteristics <strong>of</strong> PSO <strong>based</strong> ELD algorithm. The maximum. average and minimumcost <strong>of</strong> generation are presented for an IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>. Tahle 2.1 1. summarizesthe minimum solution obtained by particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization <strong>based</strong> economic loaddispatch with line flow constraints for the bus <strong>system</strong>. The minimum solution includesoptimum generations, total loss. total fuel cost for IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>. Table 2.12.shows the comparison <strong>of</strong> optimal generation schedule obtained by the PSO <strong>based</strong>method with other evolutionary techniques. The best generation <strong>of</strong> IEEE-30 busgenerating units obtained from PSO-CEED algorithm and is presented in the Fig. 2.8.Table 2.10. Parameters used in PSO method - IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>7 ParameterPopulation sizeINumber <strong>of</strong> iterationsWmWmmAcceleration coefficients, c~,czValue501000.90.42.0,2.0

Table 2.1 1. ELD results obtained h? various methods - IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>Method1.u-1~~ 1x51O\erall cost (SIh)805 4500Loss (MW)I I o~oo1rphlc 2.12. Minimum <strong>power</strong> dispatch results h? \nriou\ methods - IF:EI

Gansrnror N-bsrFig. 2.8. Best generator settings <strong>of</strong> PSO-<strong>based</strong>

The computational procedure <strong>of</strong> price penalty factor for IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>is explained as follows. The ratio between the maximum fuel cost and minimumemission <strong>of</strong> six generating units are found and arranged in ascending order.h,= [h, hq h6b3 h~ hllh, = [I .7707 1.7916 2.0534 2.2198 2.3310 2.34361

The corresponding maximum limits <strong>of</strong> generating units are given byp,- = [30 35 40 50 80 2001For a load <strong>of</strong> Po MW starting from the lowest h, value, the maximum capacity<strong>of</strong> the units is added one by one (m) and when this total equals or exceeds the load. h,associated with the last unit in the process is price penalty factor [92].rn = [30 65 105 155 235 4351For PD = 283.4 MW, (30+65+105+155+235+435) MW>283.4MW.Hence price penalty factor (h) is determined as 2.3436 for IEEE-30 bus<strong>system</strong>. Even though the price penalty factor was computed for 283.4 MW but it givesthe value up to a load demand <strong>of</strong>435 MW. So the modified price penalty factor 1461IS computed by interpolating the values <strong>of</strong> h, for the last two units by satisfying thecorresponding load demand.where h, is the modified price penalty factor in $/kg,h,, is the price penalty factor associated with the last unit in $/kg.h,2 is the price penalty factor associated with the current unit in $/kg.P,,, is the Maximum <strong>power</strong> associated with the last unit in MW,PmaS is the Maximum <strong>power</strong> associated with the current unit in MWBy following the above procedure, the minimum solution was obtained by theproposed PSO method for IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong> as given in Table 2.14. Byincorporating modified price penalty factor approach, the total operating cost <strong>of</strong>1624 $/h was obtained. The convergence characteristics for the PSO method areshown in Fig. 2.9.

Table 2.14. CEED raub - IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>PriceEmissionPenaltyFactorFCPSO2.3340835.5655 377.2407 1624 5.664Number orCanadonrFig. 2.9. PSO-<strong>based</strong> CEED convergence characteristics -IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>2.1. ECONOMIC DISPATCH PROBLEM WITH PROHIBITEDOPERATING ZONES2.4.1. Problem DescriptionEconomic dispatch is an important daily optimization task in the <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>operation. Large modem generating units with multivalve steam turbines exhibit alarge variation in the input-output characteristic functions. Thus, the practical EDplanning must perform optimal generation dispatch among the generating units to

sat~sfy the <strong>system</strong> load demand and practical operation constraints <strong>of</strong> generators thatlnclude the ramp rate limits and the proh~bited operating zones.2.4.2. Objective FunctionThe objective <strong>of</strong> ED problem IS to minlmlze the total fuel cost <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> plantssubjected to the operating constraints <strong>of</strong> a <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>. Generally. ~t can heformulated with an objective function. subject to the practical operation constraints <strong>of</strong>generator [42].dMinimize F, = F, (P, ) (2.25)1-1where F, is the total generation cost,F,(P,) is the cost function <strong>of</strong> I ' ~ generator.a,,b,,c, are thc cost coefficients <strong>of</strong> iIh generator.P, is the real <strong>power</strong> generation <strong>of</strong> iIh generator,d represents the number <strong>of</strong> generators connected in the network.The minimum value <strong>of</strong> the above objective function has to be found out bysat~sfying the following constraints.Power balance Constra~nt, in whichThe cost is optimized with the following <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> constraint [42]where PD is the total load <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> andPL is the transmission <strong>power</strong> loss <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong>Ramp rate limit constraintIn ELD research, a number <strong>of</strong> studies have focused upon the economicalaspeas <strong>of</strong> the problem under the assumption that unit generation output can be

adjusted instantaneously. Even though this assumpt~on s~mplifies the problem. it doesnot reflect the actual operating processes <strong>of</strong> the generating un~t. The operating range<strong>of</strong> all on-line units is restricted by their ramp rate l~mits [SO]. Fig.2.10. shows threesituations when a unit is on-line from hour 1-1 to hour I. Fig 2.1qa) showsthat the unit is in a steady operating status. F I 2.1qb) ~ shows that the unit is in an~ncreasing <strong>power</strong> generation status. Fig. 2.1qc) shows that the unit is in a decreasing<strong>power</strong> generation status.P' 'I' --(a) @) (c)Fig. 2.10. Three possible operating conditions <strong>of</strong> a generating unit(i) as generation increases [42]P, -pan S UR,(ii) as generation decreases [42]P," - P, < DR,where P, is the <strong>power</strong> generation <strong>of</strong> unit I,P,' is the <strong>power</strong> generation <strong>of</strong>unit i at previous hour,UR, is the ramp rate limit <strong>of</strong> unit i as <strong>power</strong> generation increases andDR, is the ramp rate limit <strong>of</strong> unit i as <strong>power</strong> generation decreasesThe ramp rate constraints restrict the operating range <strong>of</strong> the physical lower andupper limit to the effective lower limit P,m' and effectwe upperrespectively [42].limit^,'"",Hence the ramp rate constraint is stated [42] asProhibited Opaating Zone Constraint, in which references [42] have shownthe input-output <strong>performance</strong> curve for a typical thermal unit with many valve

points. These valve points generate many prohtblted zones. For a unit withprohibited operating zones, the zones dlvlde the opcratlng region between theminimum generation limit (P"") and the maximum generation limil (PMU).These prohibited operating zones are due to phystcal limitations <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong>plant components such as vibrations In a shatt heanng which amplified in acertain operating region. For a prohlblted zone. the unit can only operateabove or below the zone [42].where z is the number <strong>of</strong> prohibited zones <strong>of</strong> a unlt,P,L,P,'> are the Lower and Upper llmlts <strong>of</strong> z proh~h~ted zones <strong>of</strong> unit i(MW).11 is the lower limlt <strong>of</strong> the prohibited operating zone <strong>of</strong> unit i,ul is the upper limit <strong>of</strong> the prohibited operating zone <strong>of</strong> untt i,d is the number <strong>of</strong> generating units,P,"" is the effective lower limit <strong>of</strong> iCh unit with ramp rate constraint,P,"" is the effective upper limit <strong>of</strong> iIh unit with ramp rate constraint.The total transmission network losses is a function <strong>of</strong> unit <strong>power</strong> outputs thatcan be represented using B coefficients [42]:where P, and PJ are the real <strong>power</strong> injections at i* and j" buses,respective1 y,B, are the B-coefficients <strong>of</strong> transmission loss formula,B, is the vector <strong>of</strong> same length as generators,Boo is a constant.

2.43. Futures <strong>of</strong> Genetic AlgorithmsA global optimization technique known as genetic algorithm (GA). aprobabilistic and heuristic approach is used to solve <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> optimizationproblems. Genetic algorithm. unlike strict mathematical methods. has the apparentability to adapt to nonlinearities and discontinuities commonly found in theoptimization problems. Genetic algorithms are attractive and serve as an alternativetool for solving combinational optimization problems and they are found to hcsuperior in their parallel search ability that climbs many peaks in parallel.Genetic algorithms are adaptive heuristic search algorithms premised on theevolutionary ideas <strong>of</strong> natural selection and genetics (41. The basic concepts <strong>of</strong> GASare designed to simulate processes in natural <strong>system</strong>. necessary for evolution.specifically those that follow the principles first laid down by Charles Darwin <strong>of</strong>survival <strong>of</strong> the fittest. As such they represent an intelligent exploitation <strong>of</strong> a randomsearch within a defined search space to solve a problem.First pioneered by John Holland in 1960. Genetic algorithms have been widelystudied. experimented and applied in many fields in engineering world. Not only doesCiAs provide alternate methods for solving problems but it consistently outperformsother traditional methods in most <strong>of</strong> the problem links. Many <strong>of</strong> the real worldproblems involved in finding optimal parameters. which might prove difficult fortraditional methods are ideal for GA's 1491. They can solve problems that do not havea precisely defined solving methods. or if they do. when following the exact solvingmethod would take far too much time. The genetic algorithm on the other hand, worksonly with the objective function information in a search space for an optimalparameter set.2.43.1 Components <strong>of</strong> Genetic AlgorithmsGAS are derived from a simple model <strong>of</strong> population genetics. They have thefollowing five components (861:(i)String representation <strong>of</strong> the control variables

(ii) An initial population <strong>of</strong> strings.(iii) An <strong>evaluation</strong> function that plays the role <strong>of</strong> the envimnment. rating thestrings in terms <strong>of</strong> their fitness i.e., their ability IO survive.(iv) Genetic operators determine the composition <strong>of</strong> a new populationgenerated from the previous one by reproduction. crossover and mutation.(v) Value <strong>of</strong> the parameters that the GAS use.Since GAS are <strong>based</strong> on nahd genetics, there exists strong analogies betweengenetic algorithm and natural genetics. The strings are similar to chromosomes inbiological <strong>system</strong>s, where the chromosomes are composed <strong>of</strong> genes, which may takeany <strong>of</strong> several forms called "alleles" 1871. If the control variables are represented inbinary bits and concatenated to form a string, then it is called as binary coded GA andif the control variables are represented in real numbers. then it is called as real codedGA. GAS do not work with a single string but with a population <strong>of</strong> strings. whichevolves iteratively by generating new strings taking the place <strong>of</strong> their parents. GAStreat the problem, as a black box in which the input is the strings and the output istheir fitness.Three basic operators comprise a GA. They are reproduction, crossover andmutation. Reproduction is the mechanism by which the most highly fit members in apopulation are selected to pass on information lo the next population <strong>of</strong> members. Iteffectively selects the finest <strong>of</strong> the strings in the current population to be used ingenerating the next population. In this way. relevant information concerning thefitness <strong>of</strong> a string is passed along to successive generations. It can be shown that GASactually allocate exponentially increasing trials to the most fit <strong>of</strong> these strings.Crossover serves as a mechanism by which strings can exchange information.possibly creating more highly fit swings in the process and allowing the exploration <strong>of</strong>new regions <strong>of</strong> the search space 1871. Many types <strong>of</strong> crossovers are available likesingle point crossover, multipoint crossover, uniform crossover and windowcrossover. The last <strong>of</strong> the GA operators is mutation, and is generally considered as asecondary operator. Mutation ensures that a string position will never be fixed at acertain value for all time. Like other stochastic methods, GAS require a number <strong>of</strong>parameters, which are population size, probability <strong>of</strong> crossover, probability <strong>of</strong>mutation. Usually small population size, high crossover probability and low mutationprobability are recommended [88].

Tbe GA's can be distinguished hrn other optimization methods in fourdifferent ways as follows:(i) GA's use objective function information to guide the search, not thederivatives or other auxiliary information.(ii) GA's use a coding <strong>of</strong> the parameters used to calculate the objectivefunction in guiding the search, not the parameter themselves.(iii) GA's search through many points in the solution space at one time. not asingle point.(iv) GA's use probabilistic rules, not deterministic rules, in moving from oneset <strong>of</strong> solutions (a population) to the next.The s<strong>of</strong>i computing techniques for optimization are mainly hased on GA.Though the GA methods have been employed successfully to solve complexoptimization prohlems, recent research has identified some deficiencies in GA<strong>performance</strong>. This degradation in efficiency is apparent in applications with highlyep~.s/a/ic objective functions (i.~.. whcre the parameters being optimiied are highlycorrelated) [the crossover and mutation operations cannot ensure betier fitness <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>fspring because chromosomes in the population have similar suuctures and theiraverage fitness is high towards the end <strong>of</strong> the evolutionary process] 1891. 1901.Moreover. the premature convergence <strong>of</strong> CiA degrades its <strong>performance</strong> and reduces itsaearch capability that leads to a higher prohahility toward obtaining a local optimum1x91.2.4.4. CA and PSO Combined Hybrid Method2.4.4.1. Deseription <strong>of</strong> the proposed methodIn this work, a hybrid genetic-PSO search (hybrid GA-PSO) algorithm isproposed dich utilizes Genetic algorithm to explore the high <strong>performance</strong> region insolution space and PSO algorithm to exploit the solution space for locating theoptimal solution. Thus, the GA guides PSO for better <strong>performance</strong> in the complexsolution space. In this work, the constrained economic dispatch problem is solved bythe integrated GA-PSO algorithm and a high quality solution is obtained for apractical <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> opemtion. The GA-PSO algorithm is utilized to determine the

optimal generation <strong>power</strong> <strong>of</strong> each unit that was usad in operation at the spacificperiod, thus minimizing the total generation wst. Evaluation FunctionThe <strong>evaluation</strong> function f (it is called fitness in GA) must be defined forevaluating the fitness <strong>of</strong> each individual in the population. For emphasizing the bestchromosome and faster convergence <strong>of</strong> the iteration process, the <strong>evaluation</strong> value isnormalized in the range between 0 and 1. The <strong>evaluation</strong> function f is given inequation (2.34) which is the reciprocal <strong>of</strong> the summation <strong>of</strong> generation cost functionF,,,, and <strong>power</strong> balance constraint P*L 1421.1f=-F,,,, + p,,whereFC", = I + abs(F~." - F,"," )F,,and F,,,, are the maximum and minimum generation cost among he~ndividuals in the initial population. Application <strong>of</strong> GA-PSO AlgorithmThe sequential steps <strong>of</strong> the proposed hybrid GA-PSO algorithm are shown asbelow:1. Initialize randomly the individuals <strong>of</strong> the population according to the limit <strong>of</strong>each unit including individual dimensions, searching points, and velocities.These initial individuals must be feasible candidate solutions that satisfy theoperation constraints.

2. To each chromosome <strong>of</strong> the population the dependent unit output Pd will becalculated fmm the <strong>power</strong> balance equation and B coefficient matrix.3. Calculate the <strong>evaluation</strong> value <strong>of</strong> each individual P, in the population usingthe <strong>evaluation</strong> function f given by equation (2.34).4. Compare each individual's <strong>evaluation</strong> value with its pbest. The best <strong>evaluation</strong>value among the pbest's is denoted as gbest.5. Modify the member velocity V <strong>of</strong> each individual PK according to the equation(2.12).6. Check the velocity components constraint occurring in the limits using theconditions (2.13).7. Modify the member position <strong>of</strong> each individual P,, using (2.14). if P,~"*"violates the constraints, then \d"*"must be modified toward the near margin<strong>of</strong> the feasible solution.8. Apply the genetic operators selection. crossover and mutation to the abovepopulation and generate <strong>of</strong>fspring. Now compare the parents and <strong>of</strong>fspring toselect the fittest chromosomes for the next step.9. If the <strong>evaluation</strong> value <strong>of</strong> each individual is better than previous pbest. thecurrent value is set to be pbest. If the best pbest is better than gbest. the valueis set to be gbest.10. If the number <strong>of</strong> iterations reaches the maximum. then go to step 11.Otherwise. go to step 2.11. The individual that generates the latest gbest is the optimal generation <strong>power</strong><strong>of</strong> each unit with the minimum total generation cost.2.4.5. Simulation ResultsTo verify the feasibility <strong>of</strong> the proposed hybrid algorithm, the 6-, 15- and 40-unit <strong>system</strong>s are tested. The ramp rate limits and prohibited operating zones <strong>of</strong> theunits were taken into consideration. The proposed hybrid GA-PSO algorithm iscompared with the GA and the PSO methods. Under each sample <strong>system</strong>, 50 trialswere performed using the same <strong>evaluation</strong> function with the proposed algorithm. Thisgives a fair comparison <strong>of</strong> the proposed GA-PSO method with the aspects <strong>of</strong>Computational efficiency and a qualitative solution. An optimal range <strong>of</strong> inertia

weight and acceleration factors for the PSO algorithm is estimated for 6, 15- and 40-unit test cases in this research. On comparison <strong>of</strong> the results. it has been demonstratedthat the proposed algorithm is capable <strong>of</strong> obtaining higher quality <strong>of</strong> solutionefficiently for economic dispatch problem covering prohibited operating zones.AAer many experiments. the following parameters have been selected for theproposed hybrid GA-PSO algorithm.I-.Table 2.15. Parameters used in GA-PSO method - Cunit, 15-unit, 40-unitParameterGenerationsWmmWmsn<strong>system</strong>sAcceleration coefticients ~ 1 . ~ 2Crossover probabilityMutation probabilityValuePo~ulation size I 501000. Six-Unit SystemThe <strong>system</strong> contains six thermal units. 26 buses and 46 transmission lines andthe data were taken from [42]. The cost coeficients, generating unit capacity limits.ramp rate. prohibited operating zones and loss coeflicients are provided inAppendix-B.The load demand is 1263 MW. To simulate this <strong>system</strong>, each individual P, containssix generator <strong>power</strong> outputs. Since one unit is considered as a dependent unit. eachindividual in the population contains five generator <strong>power</strong> outputs. The dimension <strong>of</strong>the population is equal to 50x5. Table 2.16 shows the best solution obtained by theproposed algorithm and its comparison with the GA and PSO methods. Table 2.17shows the comparison <strong>of</strong> average generation cost and average CPU time <strong>of</strong> differentmethods.

Table 2.16. Optimal generator dispatch solution by various methods - bunit<strong>system</strong>HybridGA Method PSO MethodOutput Power (MW)CA-PSO(421 1421MethodTable 2.17. Comparison <strong>of</strong> solution quality - 6-unit <strong>system</strong>MethodGA method [42]PSO method[421Hybrid GA-PSO1 method---Minimum15,45915,45015.444Generation Cost (Sh)Maximum15,52415.49215,488-Average15.46915.45415.45 1AverageCPll Time(see)41.5814.8912.72The comparison <strong>of</strong> the <strong>performance</strong> <strong>of</strong> proposed algorithm with other methodsdemonstrates that the solution quality and computation efficiency is good for thehybrid algorithm. Fifteen-Unit SystemThis <strong>system</strong> contains 15 thermal generating units whose characteristics andtransmission loss (B loss) coefficients are Inken from [42] and are provided inAppendix

MethodGA method[421PSO method1421Hybnd GA-PSOmethodTable 2.19. Comparison <strong>of</strong> solution quality - 1Sunit <strong>system</strong>Minimum33,11332,85832.724---Generation Cost (yb)- -..Maximum Average33.337 13.228- -33,331 73,039.- - -- -. --77,188 72,984-Averageexecutiontime (Sec)49 3126 5927 52--For a <strong>power</strong> demand <strong>of</strong> 2630 MW, the total transmlsslon losses are 31.75 MWthe optimal dispatch is obtained by the proposed algorithm. Since the total <strong>power</strong>output from all the 15 units are 2661.75 MW. the <strong>power</strong> balance equatron is exactlysat~sfied. The total generation cost as well the <strong>power</strong> losses are less for Ihe proposedalgorithm compared with GA and PSO methods By comparing the results obtainedhy various methods, it is found that the proposed algorithm is capable <strong>of</strong> providingoptimal solution.- Forty-Unit SystemThe <strong>system</strong> consists <strong>of</strong> 40 units ~n the realistic Tai<strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> which is alarge-scale and mixed-generating <strong>system</strong> with coal-fired, oil-fired, gas-fired, dieseland combined cycle cogeneration units [50]. The cost coeficients <strong>of</strong> Tai<strong>power</strong> 40-unit are shown in Appendix-D. The <strong>system</strong> load demand is 8550 MW. Since one unit1s considered as a dependent unit, each individual in the population contains 39generating unlt outputs. The dimension <strong>of</strong> the population is 50 x 39. The simulationresults and a comparison <strong>of</strong> <strong>performance</strong> are given in Tables 2.20 and 2.21.

Table 2.20. Tat results <strong>of</strong> the proposed approacb- 40-unit <strong>system</strong>- -J I.ICA Method I M , r o d 1Output Power (MW)1 ,421Total <strong>power</strong> output (MW)Power loss (MW)8641.0889.768637.2687.248636.58286.58Total generation cost ($/h)135,070130.380130,255Table 2.21. Comparison <strong>of</strong> solution quality - 40-unit <strong>system</strong>1 1421MethodGA methodGeneration Cost (Sth)Minimum Maximum Average135.070 1 137,980 1 137.760 181.80AverageCPU Time(a=)I GA-PSO 130,255( method 1 1 I I ISolution QualityThe developed s<strong>of</strong>tware package has ken executed 50 different runs Ibr theproposed hybrid GA-PSO algorithm and the results are given in Tables 2.16 to 2.20.From the comparison <strong>of</strong> results shown in the tables. it is evident that the proposedhybrid GA-PSO algorithm for three <strong>system</strong>s has obtained low generation cost incomparison to the PSO and GA methods. Fig. 2.1 1 shows the plot <strong>of</strong> convergence <strong>of</strong>best solution obtained by the proposed algorithm for a 15-unit <strong>system</strong>. There is anindication <strong>of</strong> a better quality <strong>of</strong> solution obtained by the proposed method whencompared to other methods.

Fig. 2.1 1 (;A-IDSO contergence charncteristicc - 15-unit r?rteml.rom the cornp;lrlson 01' l ahler 2 17. 2 1') and 2.21. II can he li>und th;~t thep~opo\ed h>brid (;.A-I30 ha\ Icswr a\eragc e\ccution time compred with (;A illid1'50 nictliods. I lence. the cc~niputation ~.flicicno <strong>of</strong>' the proposed algorithm I\ruccesslull! dcmonbtrated. Prom the ah~be \tud! ~t IS fi~und that. even thoughc\ccution time li)r one iteration ia more hecaube <strong>of</strong> the presence <strong>of</strong> CiA operators.crosso\.er and mutation. the identilication <strong>of</strong>'the high perl'bnnance region and locatingthe optimal solution is pc>ssihle mithin less numher 01. ~terations tlerse it finds theoplirnal solution within lesser average euccutlcm time.

2.5. CONCLUSIONThis work adapts the particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization algorithm and geneticapproach <strong>based</strong> particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization algorithm to different types <strong>of</strong> economicdispatch problems. The test results for the lEEE and the various test <strong>system</strong>s bring outthe advantage <strong>of</strong> the proposed method. The convergence abilities <strong>of</strong> the PSO methodare better than the classical evolutionary programming method. The PSO methodconverges to the global or near-global pint, irrespective <strong>of</strong> the shape <strong>of</strong> the costfunction. for example, discontinuities in the cost functions. The better computationefficiency and convergence property <strong>of</strong> the proposed PSO approach shows that it canhe applied to a wide range <strong>of</strong> optimization problems.

CHAPTER 3INTEGRATED GA-PSO BASED UNIT COMMITMENT3.1. INTRODUCTIONUnit commitment plays an important role in the economic operation <strong>of</strong> a<strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>. The generator scheduling problem involves the determination <strong>of</strong> thestart up 1 shut down times and the <strong>power</strong> output levels OF all the generating units atcach time step over a specified scheduling period T. so that the total stRI-c up, shutdown and running costs are minimized. The standard unit commitment problem issubjected to several constraints that include minimum uptime and down-time, crewconstraints. ramp rate limits, generation constraints. load balances. must-run units andspinning reserve constraints 193-941.A number <strong>of</strong> conventional methods such as priority list method 1481. linearprogramming method 1951, branch and bound technique [48], lagrangian relaxation1971, dynamic programming [95] and simulated annealing 1981 methods have beenproposed previously for solving unit commitment. 'The ideal method <strong>of</strong> solving theunit commitment problem involves an exhaustive study <strong>of</strong> all the possiblecombinations <strong>of</strong> units to meet the load demand and the combinations corresponding tominimum generation cost and then choosing the best. This straightfoward methodwould test all combinations <strong>of</strong> units that can supply the load and reserve requirements.The combination that has the least operating cost is taken as the optimal schedule.Given enough time, this enumerative process is guaranteed to find the optimalsolution but the solution must be obtained within a stipulated time that makes it usefulfor the intended purpose. When the problem is highly constrained, the efficiency <strong>of</strong>the solution is poor except for the simplest cases.Extensive works have been done in the unit commitment field for the past twodecades. N.P. Padhy has summarized the previous researches for solving the UCproblem [99]. All the conventional methods only provide near global optimal

solutions and the quality <strong>of</strong> each solution is affected by either the solution timelimitation, or the feasibility <strong>of</strong> the final solution. Computer storage requirement is themajor limiting factor but this is fast becoming a thing <strong>of</strong> the past as the cost <strong>of</strong>computer memory continues to drop. Recently, there is an upsurge in the use <strong>of</strong>methods such as genetic algorithms. simulated annealing. evolutionary programmingand particle swann optimization that mimic natural processes to solve complexoptimization problems. The above said methods are very efficient for solving highlynonlinear and combinatorial optimization pmblems. When the size <strong>of</strong> the problem~ncreases, these evolutionary methods will locate the high <strong>performance</strong> region <strong>of</strong> thesolution space at quick execution time but they face difficulty in locating the exactoptimal solution.In this research work, a hybrid algorithm which integrates genetic algorithmand PSO method has heen proposed for the solution <strong>of</strong> unit commitment problem. Thegenetic algorithm is applied to find the ON-OFF status <strong>of</strong> all the avnilable generatingunits while PSO method solves the economic load dispatch among the committedunits in each and every hour.This chapter presents the application <strong>of</strong> the prnposcd Integrated Genetic-PSOhascd unit commitment algorithm fc)r a 10-unit <strong>system</strong> and the results are presented.I'he production cost obtained using proposed GA-PSO method is considerably lesscompared to that <strong>of</strong> genetic algorithm and BPS0 <strong>based</strong> unit commitment problems. Acomprehensive unit commitment s<strong>of</strong>tware package is developed using MATLAR.3.2. PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONUnit Commitment is a combinatorial optimization prohlem which is used in<strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>s to properly schedule the generating units such that both the forecastedload demand and operational constraints <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> are satisfied at minimumoperating cost. The operating cost <strong>of</strong> thennal <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> wnsists <strong>of</strong> fuelexpenditure for operating a unit startup and shutdown costs. The fuel wst <strong>of</strong> thermalunits exhibits quadratic characteristics. Thermal units may he started up from one <strong>of</strong>the two possible states namely wld start or hot start. Hence, stari up cost depends

upon any one <strong>of</strong> the two possible states. The operating cost also depends upon thevanous operat~onal constraints <strong>of</strong> the thermal <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> wh~ch makes ~t nonlinear.3.2.1. Objective FunctionThe objective <strong>of</strong> unlt commitment is to devclop the most cconom~cal stari uparid shut down schedule for all the available generating unlts In the <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> thatsatisfies the forecasted load demand and the unit's operating requirements over thescheduling period [loo]. The objective function <strong>of</strong> the thermal UC problem iscomposed <strong>of</strong> the fuel and starl-up cost for the generating unlts and can bc expressed[59] asdNhPC = 11 [I, (t) F, ( P, (0) + S, (t)] (3.1)1.1 ,-I'Thc cost <strong>of</strong> each unit is given [59] as followswhere 1, (1) is the commitment status <strong>of</strong> ith generator at hour 1,F, (P,(1)) is the fuel cost <strong>of</strong> ilh generator at hour t ($/h),P, (1) is the <strong>power</strong> generated in ith unit at eh hour (MW).S, (1) is the start-up cost <strong>of</strong> iIh unit at hour t ($/h),d is the number <strong>of</strong> generating units,Nh is the total schedule time (24 h),c,, b,, a, are the cost coefficients <strong>of</strong> unit i ($/h, S/MWh. SIMW~')Depending on the nature <strong>of</strong> the <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> under study, the unitcommitment problem is subjected to many constraints [101]. The main wnstraintsinclude load balance, generation limits, thermal, time, fuel and economic constraints.

Subject to the following constraints(i) Power demand constraint in order to satisfy the forecasted load demand.the sum <strong>of</strong> all the generating units on line must be equal to the <strong>system</strong> loadover the time concerned. It is given [59] by,where Pu(t) is the load demand at hour t (MW).P,(t) is the real <strong>power</strong> produced by the ith generator athour't'(MW)(~i) Capacity limit constraints in which the real <strong>power</strong> generated hy the unitmust bc within the maximum and minimum generation limlt <strong>of</strong> the unlt forachieving economic operation 1591where P,'"" and P,"" are mlnimum and maxlmum <strong>power</strong> l~m~ts <strong>of</strong> I"'unit, t=1,2 ....... Nh(iii)Minimum Up Time (MUT) in which once the unit is started up. it shouldnot be shut down before a minimum up-time [59]where T., , is the minimum uptime <strong>of</strong> i~ generator (h),T,. , is the time duration for which ith generator is continously ON01)-(iv)Minimum Down Time (MDT) in which once the unit is shutdown, itshouldnot be Medup before a minimum down-time [59]

where Tdom, is the minimum down time <strong>of</strong> generator i (h),Tor., is the duration for which i" generator is continously OFF01).(v) Cold Start HoursIn thermal units the boiler gets cooled to normal temperature graduallyafter it is being turned OFF. Again the unit should he heated up to theoperating temperature required for the scheduled turn ON. It is from thisoperating temperature that energy is expended further to hring the unit online. The time required to tum ON the unit and bring it on line if it wasinitially turned OFF or at a temperature equal to the normal value is calledcold start hours.(vi)Fuel ConstraintsA <strong>system</strong> in which some units have limited fuel or else have theconstraints that require them to bum a specified amount <strong>of</strong> f'uel in a giventime, presents the most challenging prohlem to unit commitment problem asfuel constraints.(vii) Economic ConstraintsThe temperature and pressure <strong>of</strong> a thermal unit need to he variedgradually. So a certain amount <strong>of</strong> energy is expended to bring the unit online or to shut down the unit. This energy does not affect the MW generation<strong>of</strong> the unit and is brought into unit commitment problem as stm up andshutdown costs, respectively.

Hot Start-Up Cost,It is the start-up cost involved to bring the unit on line if it is initially atoperating temperature required for scheduled turn on.Cold Start-Up Cost.It is the start-up cost involved to bring the unit on line if it is initiallyturned OFF or at a temperature close to normal value.3.3. PROPOSED GA-PSO BASED METHODThe UC problem can be considered as two linked optimization subproblems.namely the unit-scheduling problem. and the economic load dispatch problem. Thischapter proposes a method to integrate genetic algorithm with the particle swamoptimi~ation method to solve the UC problem. 'lhe GA algorithm is used to solve theunit commitment problem for obtaining the ON-OFF status <strong>of</strong> the generating unitsand the PSO method is used to solve the ELD pmhlem for obtaining the minimumproduction cost. The generating unit's combination with the lowest associatedgeneration cost will be an optimal solution.3.3.1. lmplementation <strong>of</strong> GA for LIC Solutionfirllows:The details <strong>of</strong> the implementation <strong>of</strong> GA components are summarized here as3.3.1.1. Coding <strong>of</strong> SolutionThe solution in the unit commitment problem is represented by a binary matrix(IJ) <strong>of</strong> dimension t x n. The proposed method for coding is a mix <strong>of</strong> binary anddecimal numbers. Fach column vector in the solution matrix (which is the operationschedule <strong>of</strong> one unit) <strong>of</strong> length T is converted to its equivalent decimal number. Thesolution matrix is then converted into one row vector (chromosome) <strong>of</strong> N decimalnumbers (Ul, U2 ..Un), each represents the schedule <strong>of</strong> one unit. The numbers U1,

2. ... lln are integers ranging h m 0 to 2" - I. Accordingl?. a plpulation <strong>of</strong> siteYI'OP is randoml) generated in a matrix nPOP . n. Fitness functionAs me arr aIma!s generating ti.ahihle aolutirmrdh~,t\\ecn LO chro1~iso1iic~1 in then h111a1q litrni Appl! ing mindom crosso\c.r operatorI,) parcnts X and Y. and (rhtalning olllprillg /. ~ orLs ah \I~oMI~ in I ig, 3 ICROSSOVERIFig. 3.1. Window crossover(i)(li)(iii)Set parent X to have fitness (X);- fitness (Y)Sample I from uniform (0.T). u from uniform (0.N). u from uniform(1.N-n). and h from uniform ( 1 .-1--I ) distributions.Define a uindom W,. <strong>of</strong> dimension lu. with left upper comer lu,l] andright lower comer [u+w.h+l].

(iv) Define a same window W2 in the TI Y.(v)Now, swap the entire bits <strong>of</strong> windows WI and W2 and generate two<strong>of</strong>ffsprings. MutationMutation operation is performed by randomly selecting a chromosome with aspecified probability. The selected chromosome is decoded to its binary equivalent.l'hen the unit number and time period are randomly selected and the rule <strong>of</strong> mutationis applied to reverse the status <strong>of</strong> units keeping the feasibility <strong>of</strong> the constraints [loo].3.3.2. Implementation PSO for ELD SolutionIn this approach. a quick solution to solve a constrained ELD problem usingI'SO is developed as in section 2.2 to obtain a high quality solution. Ihe PSOalgorithm is utilired mainly to determine the optimal allocation <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> among thegenerating units. which arc scheduled to operate at the specific period. thusminimizing the total production cost.3.3.3. Step-by-step AlgorithmThe searching procedures <strong>of</strong> the proposed GA-PSO method are as show below.1. Initialize randomly the individuals <strong>of</strong> the population according to the limit <strong>of</strong>each unit including dimensions, searching points and velocities. This includesthe initial schedule <strong>of</strong> binary bits 0 and 1 analogous to the chromosomes <strong>of</strong> therandomly generated population.2. These schedules are tested for solution feasibility (generation >load) usingfitness value function where infeasible strings are eliminated and new randomschedules are generated.

3. For each chromosome economic load dispatch is performal using panicle<strong>swarm</strong> optimization method for each hour so that total load demand issatisfied. This represents the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> equality constraint (3.3)4. Genetic operation which involves selection, window crossover and mutation isthen performed on the population <strong>of</strong> chromosomes.5. The above population is checked for the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the feasibility such asminimum up time, minimum down time and equality constraints for anyviolation in the above population. The hit positions are corrected and thesolution will be converted into feasible solution.6. If the maximum iteration number is reached. the process is stopped. Otherwisego to step 3.The procedure may be terminated once the maximum iteration count isreached or when there is no improvement in the hest solution ohtained so far in thewhole run. In this approach. the procedure is terminated when there is noimprovement in the best solution for a prespecified number <strong>of</strong> iterations.3.4. SIMULATION RESULTSThe efficiency <strong>of</strong> the proposed algorithm has been demonstrated by solvingthe unit commitment problem using a 24-hour scheduling horizon for a bench-test unitcommitment problem consisting <strong>of</strong> 10 units. For simplicity, the shutdown cost <strong>of</strong> thegenerators has been taken as zero for every unit.The PSO method is sensitive to the tuning <strong>of</strong> weights and parameters..4ccording to the experience <strong>of</strong> many experiments, the simulation parameters areshown in Table 3.1. The generators and demand data for this test <strong>system</strong> 1971 areshown in Tables 3.2 and 3.3, respectively.Table 3.4 shows the best combination <strong>of</strong> the scheduled units in the initialpopulation. Table 3.5 gives the details <strong>of</strong> generalors output <strong>power</strong> for each hour after

performing economic load dispatch for the initial population. The total productioncost during the scheduling period is $596,864.81The final commitment schedule <strong>of</strong> the GA-PSO <strong>based</strong> technique is shown inTable 3.6. The results show that the final production cost using the proposedtechnique is $ 564,620.29 a. shown in Table 3.7. The final production cost obtainedusing the GA-PSO technique is compared with the production cost <strong>of</strong> $565.804oblained using BPSO technique. Fig. 3.2 shows the convergence characteristics <strong>of</strong> a10-unit <strong>system</strong> for 10,000 iterations during GA-PSO processing. The comparison <strong>of</strong>the total production cost is shown in Table 3.8 for the 10-unit <strong>system</strong>. From thecomparison. it is found that the GA-PSO method has less production cost whencompared with the conventional and BPSO search methodsTable 3.1. Parameters used in GA-PSO method - 10-unit <strong>system</strong>-- -ParametervalueINumber <strong>of</strong> chromosomesChromosome s~zeNumber <strong>of</strong> generationsInertia weight factor (W)-Mutation probab~l~ty10-.24 (hours) x Number <strong>of</strong> generators ( I 0)10000Wm,=09and W,,,=04cl= 2 0 and c2= 2 0-- a0 650 001--- --.

Tnhle 3.2. C'ocl coefficients - IO-unit <strong>system</strong>Table 3.3. Daily generation - 10-unit <strong>system</strong>

GenerationsFig. 3.2. GA-PSO convergence characteristics - 10-unit <strong>system</strong>Table 3.8. Comparison <strong>of</strong> solution qualityMethodIProposed GA-PSO564.620.29

3.5. CONCLUSIONIn this approach a hybrid GA-PSO <strong>based</strong> algorithm solves the unitcommitment problem. The proposed algorithm integrates the main features <strong>of</strong> themost commonly used <strong>swarm</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong> methods such as GA and PSO for solvingcombinational optimization problems. The algorithm is <strong>based</strong> mainly on the PSOwhereas the GA method is used to generate new members in the population to guidethe search towards the optimal solution. The use <strong>of</strong> genetic scheme improves the<strong>performance</strong> <strong>of</strong> coding the combination <strong>of</strong> units and to arrange the ON I OFF status <strong>of</strong>the units. PSO is used for <strong>power</strong> output estimation and to locate the global optimalsolution by fine tuning the search process. The implementation <strong>of</strong> the proposedmethod is demonstrated using a test <strong>system</strong> <strong>of</strong> 10 units. The results proved theeffectiveness <strong>of</strong> the algorithm in solving the UC problem with a reduced productioncost.

CHAPTER 4PSO BASED REAL POWER LOSS MINIMIZATION ANDVOLTAGE STABILITY ENHANCEMENT1.1. INTRODUCTIONOne <strong>of</strong> the important operating requirements <strong>of</strong>'a reliable <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> is tomaintain the voltage within the permissible ranges to ensure a high quality <strong>of</strong>'customer service. The control <strong>of</strong> reactive <strong>power</strong> and voltage control problems hasgained importance to ensure a reliable quality <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> supply with minimum lossesin the <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>. Conventional search routines to solve the optimal reactive <strong>power</strong>control have the common defect <strong>of</strong> being caught at local minima. Therefore. a newmethod <strong>of</strong> achieving a reasonahle voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile for economic and stable operation <strong>of</strong>a <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> is the need <strong>of</strong> the hour.An analysis <strong>of</strong> MW and MVAR management for the improvement <strong>of</strong>economical dispatch by using panicipation factors has ken derived from the criticalclgenvectors <strong>of</strong> the jacohian matrix 11021. A new model Ibr optimal reactive pnwerllow has been designed by the predictor corrector primal dual interior point methcd11031. A bacteria foraging technique ha? been implemented for minimizing loss.taking voltage stahility into account [68]. A recent work on the stability index hasheen carried out by the use <strong>of</strong> tellegen's theorem 110.51. Other works on the stahilityindex have included preventive control <strong>of</strong> voltage stability using a new voltagestability index [106]. Many novel methods have been employed for this voltagestability control such as the effect <strong>of</strong> load tap changers in emergency and preventivevoltage stability control [107]. Nonlinear optimization techniques have been used forvoltage stability analysis by fast computation <strong>of</strong> voltage stability security margins11081. Other applications <strong>of</strong> the nonlinear programming have included congestionmanagement problem ensuring voltage stability [109]. Recent research works on thereal <strong>power</strong> loss minimization have been carried out by the use <strong>of</strong> various evolutionarytechniques. The real <strong>power</strong> loss minimization has been mainly carried out to meet outthe improvement <strong>of</strong> the voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile by GA technique [I 101. The application <strong>of</strong> GA

to the corrective control <strong>of</strong> voltage and reactive <strong>power</strong> has been ~nvest~gatcd 1691.Other works on voltage control have included the application <strong>of</strong> pseudo gradlentevolutionary programming to the optimal voltage control for <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> stabll~ty[112], voltage and reactive <strong>power</strong> estimation for contingency analys~s usingscns~tivities [I 131 and hence global nonlinear control has been implemented.This PSO <strong>based</strong> algorithm uses optimum settings <strong>of</strong> Automatic VoltageRegulator (AVR), On Load Tap Changer (OLTC) and hence finds the mlnltnumnumber <strong>of</strong> Reactlve Power Compensation Equipments (RPCE) to hc connected In the<strong>system</strong>. This <strong>swarm</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong> technique differs in the sense that 11 ~dcnl~lics theglobal appropriate values in its bid to <strong>of</strong>fer the best possible voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile. The IdeaIS to search the global optimum settlngs <strong>of</strong> AVR values, OLTC tap posltlons and thenumher <strong>of</strong> RPCE's to be connected in order to minimize the real <strong>power</strong> losses therehy~mproving the voltage stability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>. The voltage stabil~ty assessment1s performed using a line voltage stability index. The particle <strong>swarm</strong> opt~mizat~ontechn~que using MATLAB for d~fferent <strong>system</strong>s such as Standard-5, IEEE-14. IEEE-30. IEEE-57, IEEE-I18 bus <strong>system</strong>s, an lnd~an util~ly <strong>system</strong> such as Ncyvel~Thermal Power-Station (NTPS) <strong>system</strong> and Puducherry bus <strong>system</strong> have been caniedout and the <strong>performance</strong> <strong>evaluation</strong> is presented. Thc results ohtained uslng PSO 1sfound to provide mlnimum real <strong>power</strong> loss when compared to Newton-Raphson <strong>based</strong>load flow method and genetic algonthm approach, thus improving the voltagestability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>.4.2. PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONThe losses that occur in a <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> have to be minimized in order toenhance its overall <strong>performance</strong>. In the proposed work, a new algorithm that attcmptsto minimize the real <strong>power</strong> losses, with a view to improve the voltage stability <strong>of</strong> the<strong>system</strong> has been developed.4.2.1. Objective FunctionThe objective function is given 1641 as follows

Minimize f,(x, y) = loss, (4 I)5-1The above function 1s an equality function, where is the control funct~ongoverning both the control parameters x and y to minimize the real <strong>power</strong> loss.wherenl is the number <strong>of</strong> branches.x is the cont~nuous variables. (AVR values),y is the dlscrete vanables. (OLTC and SC values).Loss, 1s the <strong>power</strong> loss (PI) at branch i.Subject to the following constraints(i) Voltage constraint in whlch voltagc magn~tude at each node should he w~th~ntheir permissible range [64] (V,,,, and V,,,)v,,, (b) 5 V(b) 5 VnUz (b)(4.2)where V,,.(b), V,,(b) are the minimum and maximum limits for the voltagcmagnitude, V(b) at each nodc, b.(ii) Reactive <strong>power</strong> constraint In whlch reactive <strong>power</strong> at each nodc must hewithin their permissible ranges [MI (Q,,, and Q,)Q,. (b) Q(h) 5- Q,,(b) (4.3)where Q,,,(b), Q,,(b) are the rn~nimum and maximum llmits for rcactlve(iii) Voltage stability,<strong>power</strong>, Q(b) at each node, b.A strategy should be provided to keep track <strong>of</strong> the condition <strong>of</strong> thelines in the target <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> within an acceptable limit. It is achieved by thecomputation <strong>of</strong> the line stability index [115].LS. 5 1 (4.4)where LS, is the line stability index at i~ line or branch.The wntmt variables in this problem are:a) AVR operating values (continuous variable)

) OLTC tap position (discrete variable)c) The number <strong>of</strong> RPCE (discrete variable)The above variables are treated in load flow calculation as follows: AVRoperating values are formulated from the voltage specification values, OLTC tapposition are generated with the help <strong>of</strong> tap ratio to each tap position and the number <strong>of</strong>reactive <strong>power</strong> compensation equipment to be connected is calculated homcorresponding susceptance values.4.3. VOLTAGE STABILITY ASSESSMENTThe voltage collapse prediction [114] methodology has been presented hasedon line voltage stability index [115]. It is predicted hy estimating the load flowsolution and then calculating the line voltage stability index. Ilence. the I~nes whichare in stressed conditions can be easily identified. This information can he used as abasic tool for security monitoring [I 161 <strong>of</strong>the <strong>system</strong>.4.3.1. Line Voltage stability indexMost <strong>of</strong> the indices developed are <strong>system</strong>-<strong>based</strong>-or <strong>based</strong> on bus orientation.'There has not been much research in case <strong>of</strong> static voltage stability [I 171 1 l lR]assessment via line <strong>based</strong> voltage stability index.In this method, an effective procedure for voltage stability assessment(nearness <strong>of</strong> the operating point to voltage collapse point) using the exact line voltagestahility index is developed [l IS]. The developed index incorporates correctly theeffect <strong>of</strong> real and reactive <strong>power</strong> increase scenario in any direction. The mathematicalformulation has been given in Appendix-E. The line stability index values arecomputed by incorporating the following equation.

2B JmLS, =V: B -- - B2~p,cos(f4-%)-2 --Qin(fj,-q)A5 Iwhere LS, is termed as voltage stability index <strong>of</strong> the i" line,P,. Q, are the real and reactive <strong>power</strong> at receiving end. respectively. in p.uVK is the voltage magnitude at sending end in p.u.A La1 and B LPI are transmission line constants.As long as the above index is less than unity, the <strong>system</strong> is stable. L.S, istermed as voltage stability index oithe line. At collapse point. the value <strong>of</strong> LS, will heunity. Based on voltage stability indices, voltage collapse can be accurately predicted.'l'he lines having high value <strong>of</strong> the index can he predicted as the critical lines. whichcontribute to voltage collapse.4.4. ALGORITHM OF THE PROPOSED METHOD1. Initial search points and velocities are randomly generated for each <strong>of</strong> thethree variables between their upper and lower hounds.2. Pl. for each set (one value <strong>of</strong> AVK, OLI'C and SC') <strong>of</strong> particles is evaluated<strong>based</strong> on the fitness function. If the constraints are violated. penalty is added.3. Assign the particle's position to pbest position and fitness to pbest fitness.Identify the best among the pbest's as the gbest.4. New velocities and new search points (directions) are formulated using theabove equations (2.7) and (2.8). respectively.If V2Vm" then V = VM"If V

4.5. SIMULATION RESULTSThe proposed algorithm is applied to Sample 5 bus <strong>system</strong>s. lEEE -14 bus. 30bus, 57 bus 118 bus <strong>system</strong>s [147], Indian Utility-23 bus <strong>system</strong>s and lndian Utility-17 bus <strong>system</strong>s whose data have been given in Appendix-F. 4. -A, -H, -I. -J. Thesimulation parameters considered for the above test cases are shown in Table 4.1.Table 4.1. Parameters used in PSO method - Standard-5, IEEE-14, -30. -57.-118, Indian utility -23 and -17 bus <strong>system</strong>sParameterPopulat~on sizeNumber <strong>of</strong> iterationsChosen ValueInertia weight factor W,, = 0.9 and W,,. = 0.4Velocity limitsvma'= I and vmIn = - 1Acceleration coefficients 1 c, = c2 = 2 . 0 ~ - 14.5.1. Standard -5 bus <strong>system</strong>A standard-5 bus <strong>system</strong> has 7 branches. 2 generator buses and the rest are theload buses.a. Continuous AVK operating values <strong>of</strong> generators and synchronouscompensators (SCs) are connected at node 2. The upper and lower bounds<strong>of</strong> AVR are set to 0.9 and 1 .I [p.u].b. Discrete tap positions <strong>of</strong> transformer are assumed between nodes 4 and 5.The transformer is assumed to have 20 tap positions.c. A discrete synchronous compensator (SC) is installed at node 5. The nodeis assumed to have value between 0.954 and 1.038 [p.u] SC.4.5.2. Standard lEEE <strong>system</strong>sIn case <strong>of</strong> standard <strong>system</strong>s, to forecast the advantages <strong>of</strong> PSO on them, theapproach presents an analysis <strong>of</strong> a set <strong>of</strong> IEEE <strong>system</strong>s - IEEE-14, -30, -57 and -1 18

us <strong>system</strong>s as numerical examples. which enumerate the favorable effects <strong>of</strong> PSO onthem. The programming conditions for IEEE-14, -30 end -57 bus <strong>system</strong>s arc asfollows:IEEE-14 bus <strong>system</strong>Continuous AVR operating value is given at node 2. Discrete tap position <strong>of</strong>transformers is provided at end nodes 6. 7 and 9. Node 9 is assumed to have threenumbers <strong>of</strong> 0.19 [p.u] SC.IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>Discrete lap positions <strong>of</strong> transformers are provided at end nodes 9. 10. 12 and27. Discrete Synchronous Compensator (SCs) are inscalled at nodes 10 and 21. Node10 is assumed to have three numbers <strong>of</strong> 0.19 [pa) SC and node 24 has three numbers<strong>of</strong> 0.043 [p.u] SC.IEEE-57 bus <strong>system</strong>Discrete tap positions <strong>of</strong> transformers are provided at end nodes 18. 26, 29, 32. 41, 43. 45, 46, 49, 51, 55, 56 and 57. Node 18 is assumed to have threenumbers <strong>of</strong> 0.10 [p.u] SC, node 25 has three numbers <strong>of</strong> 0.059 Ip.u] SC' and node 53has three 0.063 [p.u] SC. The analysis is camed out on P-IV. 700 MI-lz <strong>system</strong> in aMATLAB environment.4.5.3. lndian utility <strong>system</strong>sThe PSO method has been applied to two real time <strong>system</strong>s such as the lndianlltility (IUFNeyveli Thermal Power Slation (N'I 1's)- 23 bus <strong>system</strong> and lndian utility(IU) Pondicherry-17 bus <strong>system</strong>.lndiau Utility nu)-Neyveli Thermal Power Station (NTPS)-23 bus<strong>system</strong>The programming conditions for this real time <strong>system</strong> are as follows. TheNLC bus <strong>system</strong> consists <strong>of</strong> 23 buses and 22 lines. There are three generator buses,one slack bus and the remaining are load buses.

The continuous AVR operating values are given at nodes I. 2, 3 and 4.Discrete tap positions <strong>of</strong> transformers are provided at end nodes 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10. 11.12, 13. 14, 15, 16. 17, 18, 19,20,21,22, 23.Indian Utility (IU) Puducherry-I7 bus <strong>system</strong>Puducheny bus <strong>system</strong> consists <strong>of</strong> 17 buses and 21 lines. It includes agenerator bus and the rest <strong>of</strong> them are load buses.The real <strong>power</strong> losses. PI ohtained for the test <strong>system</strong>s using conventionalN-R. GA and proposed PSO <strong>based</strong> approach are given in Table 4.2. lhe optimalsettings <strong>of</strong> the control variables for varioug <strong>system</strong>s are also given in 'l'ahles 4.3. 4.4and 4.5.Table 4.2. Comparison <strong>of</strong> real <strong>power</strong> losses with different methodsStandard-5 bus.-IEEE-14 bus 12.0392 1 1.7971-- 9.6277-IEEE-30 bus 17.3790 17.2215 16.8264IEEE-57 bus 27.60 13 27.5595 27.5345IU-17 bus j 2.3674 44TTTTTm-~~1.99IU-23 bus 14.8417 34.5928 6.6593Table 4.3. Optimal control variables - IEEE-14 bus <strong>system</strong>/ Bus/ No.IEEE-14 Bus SystemAVR 1p.u.j OLTC 1p.u.j I = Ip.u.1

* 1 : 0.19 Lp.u] 1 number <strong>of</strong> SC is connected for an IEEE-14 bus <strong>system</strong>Tabk 4.4. Optimal control variabla - IEEE-30 and -57 bus <strong>system</strong>s560.9971 -570.9958 -*3: 0.19 Lp.u] x 3 numhers <strong>of</strong> SCs are connected and 0.043 [p.u] x 3 numbers <strong>of</strong>SCs are connected for IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>.'2: 0.10 [p.u] ': 2 numbers <strong>of</strong> SCs are connected, 0.059 [p.u] x 2 numbers <strong>of</strong> SCsand0.063 Lp.u] x 2 numbers <strong>of</strong> SCs are connected for IEEE-57 bus <strong>system</strong>.

Table 4.5. Optimal control variables - IU- NTPSU bus <strong>system</strong>Bus No.IU-23 Bus SystemAVR 1p.u.jOLTC 1p.u.l10.9798 -The above analysis proves that PSO-<strong>based</strong> strategy is better than the earlierconventional techniques.

-System with Bus LocationFig. 4.1. Variation <strong>of</strong> 8oltnge pr<strong>of</strong>ile for diffirrnt optimkntion methodsAn anallhi5 <strong>of</strong> the \~llagc prolilc ohtilined using thc thrcc niclhoda li~r 11.1 1.-31. -57 and -1 I X huh .;>\tern\ 15 \ho\rn in I I; 4.1 Sincr \oll:~gr prolilc :II the huwsf 11"' hw in I1 I I -30. 53" h~15 ill 11.1 I -i7 i111d (31"h115 III I1 I I -I IN) \IIo\\ a great\.lrlatlon :many the thrcc methods. the) \\ere \pcc~licallq selected li~r the plc~t. lh~i~aphtghlights the s~gnificancc 01. I'SO ha\cd ilpproach in the sense. thc htratcg)ollcrh a hiyhcr ~oltayr. pn~lile compared to the other I\\() rncth~dbTnhle 4.6. Solution <strong>of</strong> stnhilib assessment using line voltnge stability index- IEKE-I4 hus nnd It!-NTPS-23 hus <strong>system</strong>s

As discussed earlier, if the index value IS less than unity, the <strong>system</strong> is said tohe stable. From the above Table 4.6. there are 20 lines in case <strong>of</strong> 1EEI'-14 hus and 22lines in case <strong>of</strong> IU-NTPS-23 bus <strong>system</strong> and each <strong>of</strong> their index values does notexceed 1 which indicates that all the lines are secure and thus both the <strong>system</strong> remainin stable conditionFig. 4.2 shows the typical convergence characteristic <strong>of</strong> IEEE-I 18 bus <strong>system</strong>.Here the problem converges at about 7oLh iteration. in which the best PI value isobtained.

Fig. 4.2. PSO-<strong>based</strong> conveqence chnrncteristics - IEEE-118 bus <strong>system</strong>1.6. CONCLUSIONThe application <strong>of</strong> the PSO technique for the problem <strong>of</strong> minimization <strong>of</strong> real<strong>power</strong> loss taking voltage stability into account has been detailed. The proposcdmethod also determines a control strategy with continuous and discrete variables suchas AVR operating values. OL'I'C tap positions and the number <strong>of</strong> RI'CE. The features<strong>of</strong>this technique are summarized as follows:i) The <strong>power</strong> loss is reduced drastically.ii) The feasibility <strong>of</strong> the proposed PSO method for the prohlem is demonstratedfor standard IEEE <strong>system</strong>s and IU real time <strong>system</strong>s with promising results.iii) The algorithm has paved the way for realizing an acceptable voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile,by reducing the real <strong>power</strong> losses.iv) The technique is fairly simple, in thc sense, that it does not involve anycomplicated procedures.

CHAPTER 5SWARM INTELLIGENCE BASED OPTIMIZATlON OFDISTRIBUTED GENERATION CAPACITY FOR POWERQUALITY IMPROVEMENT5.1. INTRODUCTIONDistributed <strong>power</strong> generation is a small-scale <strong>power</strong> generation technologythat provides electric <strong>power</strong> at a site closer to the customers than the centralgenerating stations. Distributed generation provides a multitude <strong>of</strong> services to utilitiesand consumers, including standby generation, peak chopping capability. base loadgmeration. Investments in distributed generation enhance onsite efficiency andprovide environmental benefits, particularly in combined heat and <strong>power</strong> applications.A multitude <strong>of</strong> events have created a new environment for the electric <strong>power</strong>inkstructure. The key element <strong>of</strong> this new environment is to build and operatese\eral DG units near load centers instead <strong>of</strong> expanding the central-station <strong>power</strong>plants located far away from customers to meet increasing load demand. Distributedgeneration technologies can enhance the eff~ciency, reliability, and operationalhenetits <strong>of</strong> the distribution <strong>system</strong>. A distributed <strong>power</strong> unit can he connected directlyto the consumer or to a utility's transmission or distribution <strong>system</strong> to provide peakingsen ices.DG can be <strong>power</strong>ed by both conventional and renewable energy sources (711.Several DG options are fast becoming economically viable [I 19-1271. Technologiesthat utilize conventional energy sources includes gas turbines. micro twbines and ICengines. Currently, the ones that show promises for DG applications are wind electricconversion <strong>system</strong>s (WECS), geothermal <strong>system</strong>s, solar-thermalkelectric <strong>system</strong>s,photovoltaic <strong>system</strong>s (PV) and fuel cells. T. H<strong>of</strong>f et al. [I281 have discussed thebenefits <strong>of</strong> DG by evaluating and quantifying in terms <strong>of</strong> capacity credit, energy valueand energy cost saving. The effects <strong>of</strong> improvement in voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile and lossreduction were not wnsidered in the method. Y.Z. Hegazy et al. [I 291 have presenteda Monte Carldased method for the adequacy assessment <strong>of</strong> distributed generation

<strong>system</strong>s. K0enJ.P. Macken et al. 11301 have presented solutions to prevent sensitiveequations from disruptive operation by making use <strong>of</strong> DG in the presence <strong>of</strong> voltagedips. Aleksander Pregelj et al. [I311 have demonstrated a combination <strong>of</strong> clusteringtechniques and convex hull algorithm for analysis <strong>of</strong> large sets in renewabledistributed generation. Caisheng Wang et al. [I321 have presented noniterativeanalytical approaches to determine the optimal location for placing DG in both radialand networked <strong>system</strong>s to minimize <strong>power</strong> losses. All the above methods [74.129-1321 are mathematically modeled and hence are found to be complex in its approach.DG. Victor H. Mendez Quezada et al. [I331 have presented an approach tocompute annual energy losses when different penetration and concentration levels <strong>of</strong>DG are connected to a distributed network. The method also identifies that when DGunits are more dispersed along the network feeders, the expected higher losses can bereduced upto a particular DG capacity beyond which the loss increases. This idea isused in the proposed method for optimizing the DG capacity corresponding tom~nimwn <strong>power</strong> loss and P. Chiradeja [I 341 has quantified the benefit <strong>of</strong> reduced lineloss in a radial distribution feeder with concentrated load. R. Ramakumar et a]. 1711have proposed an approach to enumerate the various <strong>power</strong> quality indices in terms <strong>of</strong>\joltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile. line-loss reduction and environment impact reduction.The proposed work finds out the optimal value <strong>of</strong> the DG capacity to beconnected to the existing <strong>system</strong> using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) techniquethereby maximizing the <strong>power</strong> quality. Benefits <strong>of</strong> employing DG are analysed usingVoltage Pr<strong>of</strong>ile Improvement lndex (VPII) and Line Loss Reduction lndex (LLRI).rhe Line Voltage Stability lndex (LVSI) obtained by performing a conventionalNwton-Raphson load flow method calculates accurately the proximity <strong>of</strong> theoperating point to the voltage collapse point. The calculated Line Voltage Stabilityindex using the proposed PSO <strong>based</strong> method exactly finds out the critical lines as that<strong>of</strong> the conventional method and hence validates the significance <strong>of</strong> the proposedmethod. The optimum value <strong>of</strong> the DG obtained increases the maximum loadability <strong>of</strong>the <strong>system</strong>. The proposed method is tested on a standard IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>. Themethod has a potential to be a tool for identifying the best location and rating <strong>of</strong> a DGto be installed for maximizing <strong>power</strong> quality in an electrical <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>.

5.2. APPROACH TO QUANTIFY THE BENEFITS OF DCA set <strong>of</strong> indices is proposed to quantlfy some <strong>of</strong> the technical benefits <strong>of</strong> 1Xi.They are VPII. LLRl and LVSl5.2.1. Voltage Pr<strong>of</strong>ile lmprovement IndexThe inclusion <strong>of</strong> distributed generatron results In Improved voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile at\anous buses <strong>of</strong> the <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> and to malntaln the voltage at the customer sltewlthtn the operating range. As the current flows through the distnbutlon Ilne. voltagcdrop occurs at the customer tcrmlnals. Adopt~ng DG Into the exlsting <strong>power</strong> systcnlcan provide a portlon <strong>of</strong> the real and reactlve <strong>power</strong> to the load This helps 811decreasing the current along the portlon <strong>of</strong> the distnbut~on hne. Hence the systcmvoltagc pr<strong>of</strong>ile can be improved. The voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile lmprovement tndex quantifiesthe lmprovement In the Voltage Pr<strong>of</strong>ile (VP) with the inclus~on <strong>of</strong> DC; 171). The\.oltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile improvement 1ndex is defined as the ratlo <strong>of</strong> voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the loadhuses In the <strong>system</strong> w~th DG to that <strong>of</strong> voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the load buses <strong>of</strong>the <strong>system</strong>w~thout DG [71].where, VP wDc, VP W~IX, are the measures <strong>of</strong> the voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong>with DG and without DG, respectively. The general expression for VP (711 1s givenas.

%here. V,, is the voltage magnitude at bus I In p.u.. L, IS the load rcpmented as,,,mplex bus <strong>power</strong> at bus i in p.u.. K, 1s the weighing factor for bus i. and N 1s thctotal number <strong>of</strong> load buses in the dlstnbutton <strong>system</strong>.The weighting factors are chosen <strong>based</strong> on the importance and cnt~eality <strong>of</strong>dtfferent loads. As defined, the expression for VP provldes an opportunity to quanttfy:md aggregate the importance. amounts, and the voltage levels at which loads arebang supplied at the vanous load buses In the <strong>system</strong>. It allows the posstbil~ty <strong>of</strong> slow-load bus with important load to have a strong Impact This expression should beused only aAer making sure that the vc~ltages at all the load buses are withln allowablemlntrnum and maximum lim~ts, typically between 0.95 p.u, and 1.05 p.u. Theuclght~ng factors are chosen <strong>based</strong> on the nnportance and crtt~cal~ty <strong>of</strong> the d~flcrentIoclds Starting with a set <strong>of</strong> equal wcightlng factors, rnodlfications can he made and.h;lsrd on an analysis <strong>of</strong> the results, the set that will lead to the most acceptable voltagpr<strong>of</strong>ile on a systm-wide basis can be selected It should he noted that IF all the loadhuscs arc equally weighted. the value <strong>of</strong> K, 1s 1721 given asIn this case all the load buses are given equal irnporlancc. In realtty, DG canhc tnstalled almost anywhere in the <strong>system</strong>. In general, the htghest value <strong>of</strong> VPll~rnpl~es the best location for installing DG in terms <strong>of</strong> improving voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile.Therefore, VPIl can be used to select the best location for DG.Rased on this definition, the following attributes are,i) VPll c 1; DG has not been beneficial.ii) VPIl = 1; DG has no Impact on the <strong>system</strong> voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile.iii) VPU >I; DG has improved the voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong>.

5.2.2. Line loss redoction indexAnother major benefit <strong>of</strong>fered hy tnstallatton <strong>of</strong> DG is the reduction inclectncal line losses [71]. Electncal ltne losses occur when current flows throughtransmission and distribution <strong>system</strong>s. The loss can he significant under heavy loadc~ndtttons. The magnitude <strong>of</strong> loss depends on the amount <strong>of</strong> current flow and linercs~stance. Therefore. electrical line losses can be decreased by reducing etther thel111current or line resistance or both. By installtng DG, ltne currents can he reduced.thu5 helping to reduce electrical ltne losses The line loss reduction Index (LLRI) isilcfined as the ratio <strong>of</strong> total line losses in the <strong>system</strong> wtth I)G to the total line losses InIIK <strong>system</strong> without DG and it IS expressed 1711 as,where, LLwmj is the total Itne losses in the <strong>system</strong> with the employment <strong>of</strong>I)(; and LLwdrx; is the total line losses In the syst~m wlthout DG and 11 can bedeterrnlned hy summing all the bus <strong>power</strong>s ohtained aner periormlng Newton-Kaphson load flow solut~ons.f3ascd on this definition, the following attributes are,i) LLRl c 1, DG has reduced electncal llne losses,ii) LLRl = I; DG has no Impact on <strong>system</strong> llne losses.iii) LLRl > 1; DG has caused more electrical line losses.This index can be used to identify the best location to tnstall ffi to maximlzcthe line loss reduction. The minimum value <strong>of</strong> LLRl corresponds to the best DGlocatton scenano in terms <strong>of</strong> line loss reduction.5.2.3. Line Voltage Stmbility Index (LVSI)To assess whether a normal operating state is secure or not the owline loadflow calculation and the stability constraints are evaluated. Basal on these stability

,muring wnshaints the security assessment is canicd out. The method utilizes linestability index to monitor the <strong>system</strong> stability. Based on IIK stability indices <strong>of</strong> lines.voltage collapse can be accurately predicted. As long as the stability index L, remainsless than 1. the <strong>system</strong> is stable. When this index exceeds the value I. the whole<strong>system</strong> loses its stability and voltage collapse occurs. Using this technique <strong>of</strong>calculating line stability index. the status <strong>of</strong> all the connected lines <strong>of</strong> the network ismonitored and identification <strong>of</strong> the lines which are in stressed condition is performed1115).The line stability index is elaborately discussed in Appendix E and is given by.where.I.S, is termed as voltage stability index <strong>of</strong> the i" line.P.,, Q, are the receiving end real and reactive <strong>power</strong>, respccti\,ely. inP.U.,VI. is the sending end voltage magnitude in p.u...4 Lu, and H LP, are transmission line constants.5.3. PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONIn order to evaluate and quantify the henefits <strong>of</strong> distributed gencration,\uitahle mathematical models must be employed along with distribution <strong>system</strong>models and <strong>power</strong> flow calculations are carried out to arrive at indices <strong>of</strong> henefits.among the many benefits three major ones arc considered: voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ileImprovement index, line loss reduction index and line voltage stability index.

53.1. Objective FunctionThc proposed work aims at minimizing the combined objective functiondesigned to reduce <strong>power</strong> loss and also improve <strong>system</strong> voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile for various\dues <strong>of</strong> distributed generations. The main objective function is definedHminf = P, +xkp(l-~n)'. (5.7)where. & is the penalty factor <strong>of</strong> bus voltages and is heuristically taken as 1.PI,,, is the real <strong>power</strong> loss ohtained from the load flow solution at the basecase andVp is the voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the huses.The values <strong>of</strong> the I>G are taken as the particles to he optimiz.cd for obtaining arn~nimum value <strong>of</strong> ohjective function. The upper and lower values <strong>of</strong> I>(; ure fixedhased on the availability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>power</strong> generation at the site.5.4. ALGORITHM OF THE PROPOSED METHODI hc sequential steps arc as follows:I. Randomly generate the panicles value between upper and lower limits ol I)(;capacity.2 Assign the initial particle value as the pbest values.X Compute the objective function <strong>of</strong> each particle with its phest and the hestamong the pbest is gbest.4. Change the velocity and position <strong>of</strong>the panicle using (2.7) and (2.8).If V>Vmu then V = VmIf V

6. Compare the best current fitness <strong>evaluation</strong> with the population's gbest. If thecuma value is bmer than the gbesL then rem gbest to cumnt besi positionand fitness value.7. Repeat Step 4 to Step 6 until the convergence criterion <strong>of</strong> maximum number<strong>of</strong> <strong>evaluation</strong>s are met.8. Corresponding to optimal DG. calculate line suability index values.5.5. SIMULATION RESULTSThe study has been conducted on an IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong> whose data havehrrn given in Appendix-A. The buses having less voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile are identified aReryrforrning NeWon-Raphsnn load flow analysis and are chosen as the locations for~hc L)Gs to be installed. tlere the bus numbers 30. 26. 7 and 29 have less voltagepr<strong>of</strong>iles at the base case and hence were chosen as locations for DG installations.lehlc 5.1.Case 1 : I>G located at Bus 30.Case 2: DO located at Bus 26.Case 3: Dti located at Bus 7.Case 4: 50 % <strong>of</strong> DG located at Bus 30 and Bus 26.Case 5: 50% <strong>of</strong> DC; located at Bus 7 and I3us 29.The simulation parameters consid~~ed for the ahove test cases arc shown inTable 5.1. Parameters used in PSO metbod - IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>.--ParameterValue-Population sire 20- --Number <strong>of</strong> iterations100-- - P . . ~Inertia weight factorW,, = 0.9 and W, = 0.4--Velocity limitsVm" = 0.5 and Vmm= 0.05--Acceleration coefficientsc, = c2 =2.0-5.5.1. Results <strong>of</strong> lmprovemeot in Voltage Pr<strong>of</strong>ile and Line h s ReductionTables 5.2 and 5.3 indicate ha^ for the various cases considered the values <strong>of</strong>the voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> have improved considerably by connecting a DG <strong>of</strong>

various capacities. The voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the base case was calculated to be?.9441 p.u. When a DG rating <strong>of</strong> 0.2 p.u. and 0.3 p.u. were connected for cases 1 to 5.the voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> has improved which clearly indicates the need <strong>of</strong> aDG. It should be noted that the voltages at every bus before employing a W (basecase) was maintained within 5% <strong>of</strong> the reference voltage (1 pa.). Therefore animprovement <strong>of</strong> about 1-1.8 % indicates a significant impact on the voltage prolile <strong>of</strong>the load buses. Fig. 5.1 shows variation <strong>of</strong> improvement in voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile at bus 30for different DG ratings.Table 5.2. Voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile improvement results for a DC rating 0.2 p.u.r- . - - -Rase case 2 9441*----Case 1 2.95 10 1.0135 1.35Case 2 2.9492 1.0129~1.29I Case 3 1 2.9458 1 1.0117 1 1.17 1Case 4 7 9509 1 01151Case 5 2.9479 1.0124-FITable 5.3. Voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile improvement results for a DG rating 0.3 p.u.CasesBase caseCase 1Case 2Case 3Case 4I Case 5VP (P.u.)291172 95312 95032 94662 95342 9495M; rating 0.3 p.u.VPll Improvemen1 %-- --- .101421 42I 01331 33101201.20101431 43101301 30

Dc (MW)Fig. 5.1. Voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile improvement results with different I>ti ratinps]-he reduction in line losses is evident after connecting IXi as shown in l'ahlesi 4 and 5.5. It indicates the reduction in line losses with the installation <strong>of</strong> I)(; for(anous cases. lhe line loss Ibr the hase case without I)(; installation is calculated byload flow solutions and is found to he 0.2836 p.u. for DCis <strong>of</strong>0.2 p.u. and 0.3 p.u. The\alucs <strong>of</strong> line loss considerably reduce as indicated in Tables 5.4 and 5.5. 'Ihewrccntage <strong>of</strong> line-loss reduction is indicated hy means <strong>of</strong> IdL.RI and a maximumreduction <strong>of</strong> 30.93% is obtained in Case 1 for a I>G <strong>of</strong> 0.2 p.u and a reduction <strong>of</strong>41.94 % for a DG <strong>of</strong> 0.3 p.u., respectively.I-Table 5.4. Line loss reduction results for a LK rating 0.2 p.u.DC rating <strong>of</strong> 03 p.u.CasesLine Loss (p.u) LLRl Reduction %Base case0.2836 - -Case l0 1958 0 690730 93-

~ .-0.2072 0.7309 26.910.2039 0.7193C---------Case 4 0.2007 0.6780 32.2Case 5 0.1983 0.6935 30.65i-Table 5.5. Line-loss reduction results forD(; rating 0.3 P.U.Case l 0.1750 0.6170. -Case 2 0.1932 0.6812 31.88e---- -care 3 T ~ r 7 i i - 7 6 - i ~ I ~ 7966 1-Case 45.5.2. Comparison <strong>of</strong> Line Voltage Stability Index <strong>of</strong> Conventional andProposed MethodsWhen the DG capacity was randomly generated hetween 0.05 p.u and 0.5 p.u..the optimum value <strong>of</strong> a DCi to be connected for maximizing <strong>power</strong> quality was hundto he 0.45 p.u. using the proposed PSO method. The line volwe stahility index <strong>of</strong> themost critical line. 7" line, was found to be 0.7764 using conventional Newon-Kaphson load flow method at a DG value <strong>of</strong> 0.45 p.u. and was found to be exactly them e fur the proposed PSO-<strong>based</strong> line voltage stability index. The line voltagestahility index values for various lines using the conventional load flow method andthe proposed PSO-<strong>based</strong> method for the optimum DG capacity <strong>of</strong> 0.45 p.u. are foundto be almost identical and are shown in Table 5.6.

Table 5.6. Comparison <strong>of</strong>the conventional Newton-Raphaon and proposcdmethods in cnrpnting line volbge sbhility indexConventional MethodProp04 PSO MetbodLine Numher Line Index I Line Number / Line IndexThe effectiveness <strong>of</strong> the proposed method is evident liom the correctness inthe determination <strong>of</strong> the critical lines at various loading conditions ahove the hasccase for an IEEE-30 hus <strong>system</strong> as that <strong>of</strong> the conventional method as indicated inl ahle 5.7. For different loading conditions up to a critical loading <strong>of</strong> 273.942%. the7Ih and 13* lines were consistently critical as calculated by conventional Ne\r?on--Kaphson load flow method as well as the proposed PSO method. This validates theaccuracy <strong>of</strong> the proposed methodTable 5.7. Detection <strong>of</strong> critical lines using different methods% <strong>of</strong> Base Case Conventional Newton-Proposed PSO Methodn i h s o n Method 1 -‘:~---1 273.9420.8057 1 7m-iine -a7rLpe----\ ---ip

ITable 5.8. Solution <strong>of</strong> improvement in <strong>system</strong> loadabilityMaximum After Including% <strong>of</strong> lncmasc inDG at Bus Loadability a DG <strong>of</strong> 03Loadability(in p.u.)p. IL5.6. CONCLUSIONIhe proposed work has presented a <strong>swarm</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong> <strong>based</strong> approach toquantify some <strong>of</strong> the benefits <strong>of</strong> installing a IXi. nanlely. voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile~mprovement. line loss reduction and improvement <strong>of</strong> <strong>system</strong> loadah~lity. lheproposed method is applied to an IEFE-30 hus <strong>system</strong> and it clearlj indicutes that theI)(;can improve the voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile and rcducc electrical line losses cmd improve thel~ne \ohage stability. Both ratings and locations <strong>of</strong> DCi have to he considered together\er! carefully to capture the maximum henefits <strong>of</strong> Mi. lhc capability <strong>of</strong> I'SO is tomaximize the <strong>power</strong> quality hj optimizing the DG capacity.

CHAPTER 6PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION BASED DYNAMICVOLTAGE RESTORER6.1. INTRODUCTIONThe recent grouzh in the use <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> electronics has cauxd a greaterdHareness on <strong>power</strong> quality. Voltage sags. swells and harmonics can cause ancqulpment to fail or shut down. and also create huge current imhalanccs ujhich couldblow fuses or trip the breakers. These etyects can he vey expensive fbr the customer.ranging from minor quality variations to production downtime and equipmentdamage. Utilities are interested in keeping their customers satisfied and also keepingthem on-line and drawing kilowatts. creating more revenue for the utility. All <strong>of</strong> thisInterest ha? resulted in a variety <strong>of</strong>' devices designed for mitigating <strong>power</strong> disturbances\uch as voltage sags. One class ol.the device is the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (INK).I. Jauch et al. 11351 have demonstrated the in-phase voltage ~njectiontechnique where the load voltage is assumed to be in-phase with the presag voltageti~r the DVR control. N.A Samara et al. 11361 have incorporated the INK into adlstrihution network and analyzed the perfkrmance <strong>of</strong> DVK for highly sensitivetndustrial loads hased on reactive <strong>power</strong> compensation. Alexander Kara el al. 11 371have presented the technical aspects <strong>of</strong> designing a dynamic voltage restorer to meettile stringent requirements <strong>of</strong> voltage dips mitigation with respect to the magnitude <strong>of</strong>\oltage dip, fault duration. permissible line voltage deviations and response time.S W. Middle Kauff et al. [I381 have proposed that almost dl voltage disturbances are%\socialed with some degree <strong>of</strong> phase shifi for .wries custom <strong>power</strong> devices. Poh('hlang Loh et al. 11391 have presented the implementation and control <strong>of</strong> a highrollage dynamic voltage restorer for compensation <strong>of</strong> utility voltages using amultilevel inverter topology. John Godsk Nielsen el al. (1401 have proposed differentDVR control methods to reduce voltage disturbances caused by voltage sap withphase jump technique for very sensitive loads. Hyosung Kim et al. 11411 haveexploited various operation modes and boundaries such as inductive operation.

capacitive operation and minimum <strong>power</strong> operation as an effective and economicsolution to overcome voltage sags. Chris fitm a al. [I421 have proposed a novelstate-space matrix method for computation <strong>of</strong> the phase shift and voltage reduction <strong>of</strong>the supply voltage much quicker than the fourier transform or a phase locked loop(PLL). F. Jurado et al. [I431 have proposed a neural network control strategy forprotection <strong>of</strong> sensitive loads from the effects <strong>of</strong> voltage sags.In this chapter, PSO <strong>based</strong> approach identifies the required value <strong>of</strong> phaseadvancement angle corresponding to minimum energy injection from the energystorage element <strong>of</strong> the DVR such as a capacitor or a banery. The proposed PSO <strong>based</strong>energy optimization method is tested using a case study for a balanced 3-phase<strong>system</strong>. The energy stored in the DVR after implementing PSO technique is lesserthan that <strong>of</strong> conventional in-phase voltage injection and phase advance compensationmethods.6.2. OVERVIEW OF A DYNAMIC VOLTAGE RESTORERl'he dynamic voltage restorer is a custom <strong>power</strong> device for series connectionInto a distribution line. When connected in xries between a source and a load. theDVK can control the voltage applied to the load by injecting a voltage <strong>of</strong> arbitraryamplitude. phase and harmonic content into the line. This enables the voltage seen bythe load to be compensated to a desired magnitude in the face <strong>of</strong> upstreamd~sturbances.The DVR is capable <strong>of</strong> supplying and absorbing both real and reactive <strong>power</strong>.In many cases, small disturbances can be restored through the exchange <strong>of</strong> reactive<strong>power</strong> only. For larger disturbances, it is necessary for the DVR to supply real <strong>power</strong>to the load. The reactive <strong>power</strong> exchanged is generated by the inverter without anyenergy storage devices. The real <strong>power</strong> exchange requires energy storage. Therefore,the DVR should be provided with a storage device in the form <strong>of</strong> a battery or acapacitor bank. When the line returns to normal following a disturbance, the storedenergy is replenished from the distribution <strong>system</strong> by the DVR.

Fig. 6.1. Scbemntie block dingrnm <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> distribution <strong>system</strong>compensated by a DVRA schematic diagram <strong>of</strong> the DVR incorporated into a distribution network isshown in the Fig. 6.1. V, is the supply voltage, VI is the incoming supply voltagehefore compensation. VZ is the load voltage after compensation, Vdvr is the series~njected voltage <strong>of</strong> the DVR and 1 is the line current. Dynamic voltage restorerconsists <strong>of</strong> an injection transformer in which the secondary winding <strong>of</strong> the transformerIS connected in series with the distribution line. Also a voltage-source pulse widthmodulation inverter bridge is connected to the primary <strong>of</strong> the injection transformerand the energy storage device is connected at the dc-link <strong>of</strong> the inverter bridge. Theinverter bridge output is filtered in order to mitigate the switching frequencyharmonics generated in the inverter. The series injected voltage <strong>of</strong> the DVR, Vdvr. issynthesized by modulating pulse width <strong>of</strong> the inverter-hridge switches. The injection<strong>of</strong>-an appropriate Vdvr. in the face <strong>of</strong> upstream voltage disturbances demands a certainamount <strong>of</strong> real and reactive pwer requirement from the DVR.6.3. EXISTING DVR STRATEGIESAs was recognized by many researchers. the compensation correctioncapability <strong>of</strong> the restorer concentrates to improve the voltage quality by adjusting theboltage magnitude. wave shape, and phase shift during the occurrence <strong>of</strong> voltage sag.

~xtensively used in present DVR control is the w called in-phase voltage inject~ontechnique and phase advance compensation techn~quc.6.3.1. In-Phase Voltage Injection techniqueIn this technique the load voltage is assumed to be in-phase with the presagboltage by injecting AC voltage in series with the incoming three phase network [I 351and [144]. This strategy is applied to both halanced and unbalanced voltage sags.Ilowever, this method does not take into account the phase shifl <strong>of</strong> the voltaged~sturbances. Therefore the <strong>power</strong> needed to inject from the DVR energy storage unltInto the distribution <strong>system</strong> was maximum. Hence this technique does not take intoaccount the minimization <strong>of</strong> the energy required to achieve a required voltagerestoration. For sags <strong>of</strong> long duration, this could result In poor load ride-throughcapability.The steady state active <strong>power</strong> injection from the DVR when using the in-phaseboltage injection technique is given [77] as follows.where V2 IS the balanced output voltage,I is the balanced load current,0 is the load <strong>power</strong> factor angle,V, is the source side voltage,6 is the supply voltage phase angle,the subscript j represents j" phase and j =I, 2.3.Similarly, the steady state reactive <strong>power</strong> injection from the DVR when usingthe in-phase voltage injection is given [77] as follows,

63.2. Phase Advance Compensation (PAC) techniqueThe function <strong>of</strong> the DVR shown in Fig. 6.1 is to ensure that any load voltagedisturbances can be compensated effectively and the disturbance is transparent to theload. The corresponding phasor diagram describing the electrical conditions duringthe voltage sag compensated by PAC scheme is depicted in Fig. 6.2 wherr only theaffected phase is shown for clarity. Let I. @. 6 and a represent the load current, load<strong>power</strong> factor angle, supply voltage phase angle, and load voltage advance angle.respectively. Unlike the in-phase voltage injection technique considered in 11351 and11441, the phase advance compensation (PAC) technique 1801 is realized hy theadjustment in load voltage advance angle a. One major advantage <strong>of</strong> the proposedscheme is that less real <strong>power</strong> needs to be injected from DVR energy storqe unit intothe distribution <strong>system</strong>. Compared to the conventional in-phase injection method, thephase advance compensation scheme permits the DVR to help the load ride throughmore severe voltage .sags. However. the advancement <strong>of</strong> load voltage advance angle uat the beginning <strong>of</strong> compensation as well as the restoration <strong>of</strong> phase angle at the end<strong>of</strong> sag must he carried out gradually in order not to disturb or interrupt the operation<strong>of</strong> sensitive loads.Fig. 6.2. Phrser diagram <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> distribution <strong>system</strong> during sag DVR Power FlowThe <strong>power</strong> flow calculation <strong>of</strong> the DVR under the phase advancecompensation technique [SO] is considered as follows.I. DVR Power FlowIf P,, and P ,respectively [SO]. thenare the input <strong>power</strong> from the source and the load <strong>power</strong>.Assume a balanced Load(IJ = 1) and a balanced output voltage (VZ, = Vl)Po, = 3 v, I Cos (Q)Let Pd, be the real <strong>power</strong> supplied by the DVR, then from (6.3) and (6.5)Pdvr = Pout - P,npdvr = 3v21c= (e) C v,, I, cm (0- m + sl) (6.6)Similarly ifQ, and Q,respectively [80], thenVIbe the input reactive <strong>power</strong> from the source and loadQ,, = x~,,l,~in(@-a+G,) (6.7)VJReactive <strong>power</strong> supplied by DVR will beQ,=Q,-Q.

From (6.6) and (6.10) it is obvious that the control <strong>of</strong> real <strong>power</strong> and reactivep)wer exchange between DVR and distribution <strong>system</strong> IS possible only with theadlustmen1 <strong>of</strong>the phase angle n for a given value <strong>of</strong> 6. a, V,. V2.11. Minimum Power OperationThe real <strong>power</strong> and reactive <strong>power</strong>s suppl~ed by the DVR depends on thenature <strong>of</strong> voltage disturbance expenenced as well as the dlrmt~on <strong>of</strong> the DVR injected\.oltage with reference to the presag voltage. Pdvr depends on the advance angle a for agven 6 and VI, as shown in Fig. 6.2. Based on the values <strong>of</strong> n used, the minimum~alue <strong>of</strong> P,jw can be negative. This impl~es that the real <strong>power</strong> 1s bang absorbed byL)VR However, there is no technical and economical advantage hy operating this wayduring the sag period, the DVR should be exporting energy to support the load insteadcf drawing more <strong>power</strong> from the source A negatlve Pd,, may cvcn aggravate the sagsltuatlon. A larger energy storage facility will be requ~rcd to cater for the absorbed<strong>power</strong> for no obvlous technical advantageThe possibil~ty <strong>of</strong> operating at Pdw = 0 during sag 1s an Interesting proposition.The following analysis is therefore carried out to explore thls possibility bydetermining the corresponding value <strong>of</strong> load voltage advance angle a for such anoperation [80].Case A. Operation at Pdn= 0, h m equation (6.6)3V,ICos(O)- V,, 1, Cos (O -a + 8,) = 0 (6.1 1)v,Let X=CV,,COS(S,), Y=CV,,SI~(S,), then, following some simplemanipulations, the phase advance angle cr that corresponds to Pdvr = 0 is given by~v,Icos@)-Cv,V,, I, Cos(Q, - a + 6,)=0

(X'+Y:l0' =[i.. 1; ! ., I;]"IV,,COS(&,) + x~,,~in(fi,)Hence.where p= tan-'(y/x), it can be seen from the expressions already shown thatfor balanced sags. p = 8 and G,, is the optimum value <strong>of</strong> phaw advancement angle forminimum <strong>power</strong> operation.The necessary condition for the existence <strong>of</strong> a , is given by(X2 + Y2)O' 2 3v2cos(@) (6.22)Thus, voltage correction with zero <strong>power</strong> injection is possible only if thecondition imposed by the above equation is satisfied.

If the voltage :eg is so severe that equation (6.22) cannot he sat~sfied, then theoptimum value <strong>of</strong> load voltage advance angle a can he calculated bysettlng dPd, /d a = 0 . At this operating point, the DVR suppl~cs m~n~mum real <strong>power</strong> tothe external <strong>system</strong> to keep VI = 1 P.U.Case B. Optimal operation when Pd, > 0 [80]:Asll f 0, use equatlon (6.6)and sct dPd,lda = 0. This means thatZV,,SI~(O-~+~,) =0IThe corresponding DVR ~njection real <strong>power</strong> requirement under a,,, controlstrategy is given aspz : ~v,Icos(@)- ~V,,ICOS(Q, - a,, + 6,)6.4. PROBLEM FORMUI.ATIONA <strong>power</strong>ful PSO <strong>based</strong> phase advancement compensatlon strategy 1sdeveloped for optimizing the energy storage capacity <strong>of</strong> the DVR in order to enhancethe voltage restoration property <strong>of</strong> the device6.4.1. Objective FunctionThe proposed work aims at minimizing the objective function designed toopt~mize the energy injection from the energy storage element <strong>of</strong> the DVR such as acapacitor or a battery. The mathematical model is changed to the followinggeneralized objective function which is [80] given as,M~nrrnrze Pdvr = Pout - P, (6.25)where Pdvr is the real <strong>power</strong> supplied by the DVR,respectively.P, and P, are the input <strong>power</strong> from the source and the load <strong>power</strong>.

Subject toL,oad voltage advance angle constraint, in whichhad voltage advance angle (a) during each compensation strategy should bewlthin the permissible range6.5. A1,GORITHM OF THE PROPOSED METHOD1. Input the parameters <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> such as three phase voltage magnitudcand angles, supply side voltage angle (6). tlme durat~on <strong>of</strong> voltage sag,load side <strong>power</strong> factor angle (0) and number <strong>of</strong> iterations.2. Specify the lower and upper boundaries <strong>of</strong> load voltage advance angle (a).3. Init~alize iteration loop, particle position and the particle velocity.4. Calculate the input <strong>power</strong> flow <strong>of</strong> each phase (P,.,. Pln2, P,,,,). the total<strong>power</strong> flow (Tp,,) and the <strong>power</strong> from DVR (P,,,,) for each particle.5. Compare each particles <strong>evaluation</strong> value. Pdvr, with its pbest. The best<strong>evaluation</strong> value among the pbest is denoted as gbest.6. Update the inertia weight W as given by (2.9).7. Modify the velocity V <strong>of</strong> each particle according to (2.7).If V>Vm" then V = V"""If VcVm'" then V= Vm'"8. Modify the position <strong>of</strong> each particle according to (2.8). If a particleviolates its position limits in any dimension, set ~ ts position at the properlimit.9. Each particle is evaluated according to its updated position. If the<strong>evaluation</strong> value <strong>of</strong> each particle is better than the previous pbest, thecurrent value is set to be pbest. If the best pbest is bmer than gbest, thevalue is set to be gbest.10. If the stopping criteria is satisfied then go to Step 12.1 I. Othmrise, go to Step 4.12. lkparticle that generates the latest gbcst is the optimal value.

6.6 SIMULATION RESULTSThe result <strong>of</strong> the analysis for the proposed PSO <strong>based</strong> phase advancementcompensation (PSO-PAC) strategy is illustrated with the following case. Under theproposed PSO-PAC method, DVR uses the <strong>power</strong> h m the source-side healthyphases to minimize active <strong>power</strong> supply h m the stored energy source. As anillustration, consider a single-phase sag occuning in a balanced three phase <strong>system</strong>where the post-sag voltages are (lLO0,lL- 12O0.0.4L - 240" ). respectively. Assumea 2-MVA, 0.85 (lag) <strong>power</strong> factor load at 22 KV. The load <strong>power</strong> factor angle can bereadily evaluated and is found to be 31.78". Under presag conditions. each phasesupplies 566.7 KW. During in-phase injection technique. <strong>power</strong> supplied from thephases is 566.7 KW. 566.7 KW, and 226.6 KW, respectively, while the LWR willsupply the balance <strong>power</strong> <strong>of</strong> 340 KW. The source-side input <strong>power</strong> for the threephases with the phase advancement compensation is 666.6 KW. 666.6 KW. and 266.6KW. respectively. and hence the remaining 100 KW is supplied from the DVRstorage device. The reactive <strong>power</strong> obtained from the DVR is 210.671 KVAr al theload voltage advance angle a value <strong>of</strong> 151.7833'. Therefore. from the above results itis clear that with the PAC method. the healthy phases <strong>of</strong> the source provide moreenergy thus reducing the energy storage burden on the DVR storage device. However.there is a significant increase in reactive <strong>power</strong> supplied by the IIVR. A reactive<strong>power</strong> <strong>of</strong> 1054 KVAr is supplied by the DVR with the PAC scheme while 210 KVAris supplied with in-phase injection technique.The results <strong>of</strong> the analysis shown above are considered for the typicalarrangement as shown in Fig. 6.1 where the sensitive load is assumed to have a <strong>power</strong>factor <strong>of</strong> 0.85 lag and the presag load volIage and current are at 1 p.u. The volIage sagis considered as 60% sag on any one phase <strong>of</strong> the three phase <strong>system</strong>. The simulationpameters considered for the above test case are shown in Table 6.1Using the proposed PSO <strong>based</strong> PAC scheme. it can be seen that the DVR canrestore the voltage sag by reduced real <strong>power</strong>. Here the real <strong>power</strong> supplied from

DVR is 99.906 KW for a balanced sag level <strong>of</strong> 60 %. It is observed that the amount <strong>of</strong>real <strong>power</strong> obtained in three phases are 666.71 KW. 666.71 KW. 266.68 KW.respectively, and the total <strong>power</strong> supplied to the load is 1600.1 KW. Thecorresponding value <strong>of</strong> optimized energy is 832.5511 Wan-hours. The optimum phaseadvance angle obtained using the proposed method is 151.7883'. The reactive <strong>power</strong>from DVR is 1053.6 KVAr and the line current is 52.48638 A. Hence the proposedPSO <strong>based</strong> PAC scheme finds the optimum phase advancement angle which is almostclose to that <strong>of</strong> the angle found by the conventional PAC scheme. This indicates thecorrectness <strong>of</strong> the proposed method.Table 6.1. Parameters used in PSO method -Single phase sapParametersValuesPopulation Size-.-. - -Vm'" -1801 Acceleration coefficients c, and C) 1 2.0, 2.0

Table 6.2. Comparison <strong>of</strong> results with PAC and In-Phase injection schemePhase-Advance Proposed PSO <strong>based</strong> PhaseInjectionCompensation Advance CompensationSchemeScheme (PAC) Scheme(PS0-PAC)1 P ~ I 566.699KW 666.705 KW1 666.71 KW226.679 KW 266.682 KW 266.68 KW1600.1 KW1 EnergyI2811491Watt-h 833.375 Wan-h I--832.5511700.099 WattsI Wan-hFrom the above comparison it is clear that PSO <strong>based</strong> PAC scheme requiresminimum <strong>power</strong> for a 60 % voltage sag in any one phase lasting for 30 ms for a inputboltape <strong>of</strong> 22 KV and saves around 94 W. Based on the ahove analysis. it can he seenthat the amount <strong>of</strong> storage energy can he reduced. thus resulting in a more economicalrestorer in terms <strong>of</strong> a more compact design. It is evident that the energy saving fromthe proposed method is significantly better than other conventional methods.

GenerationsFig. 6.3.

i. More reasonable <strong>performance</strong> measure compared to conventional in-phasevoltage injection and PAC scheme.ii. Energy supplied from the DVR to correct a given voltage sag is reducedwhen compared to conventional techniques.

CHAPTER 7CONCLUSIONThe thesis has investigated the behavior <strong>of</strong> various particle <strong>swarm</strong>optimization algorithms for the management <strong>of</strong> inherent issues <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>s.Here economic load dispatch. unit commitment. real <strong>power</strong> loss minimizationensuring voltage stability. <strong>power</strong> quality improvement using distributed generationand minimization <strong>of</strong> energy capacity <strong>of</strong> a dynamic voltage restorer have kenconsidered. The PSO method converges to the global or near global point. irrespective<strong>of</strong> the shape <strong>of</strong>the objective function, like discontinuities. and not smooth functions.The proposed approach is intended for the determination <strong>of</strong> the global minimasolution and may be implemented as a decision suppon tool for the <strong>power</strong>management <strong>system</strong>.The test results <strong>of</strong> various problems hring out the advantages <strong>of</strong> the PSOmethod. In the particle <strong>swarm</strong> optimi~ation method. there is only one population ineach iteration that moves towards the global optimal point. This is unlike classicalevolutionary programming method, which has to deal with two populations. theparents and the children. in each iteration. This makes the PSO methodcomputationally faster. The better computation efficiency and convergence property<strong>of</strong> the proposed PSO approach shows that it can he applied to a wide range <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong><strong>system</strong> optimization problems.7.1. RESULTSThe main results <strong>of</strong> this work are summarized as follows(i) The conventional lambda iterative technique cannot be applied to theeconomic load dispatch problem (ELD) <strong>of</strong> a <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> with combinedcycle cogeneration plants (CCCP) due to the nonsmooth andnondifferentiable nature <strong>of</strong> fuel cost characteristics. Therefore thecomputationally intelligent algorithms like the proposed approach will be

(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)an efficient way for solving it. The proposed algorithm is demonstratedwith a CCCP <strong>system</strong>, a 3 bus and a 6 bus <strong>system</strong>.Economic load dispatch problem has been solved using PSO algorithm.The developed algorithm has been successfully validated with classicaland intelligent techniques <strong>of</strong> economic load dispatch and hence hasreduced total fuel cost and <strong>power</strong> loss. The proposed algorithm is appliedin a combined economic emission dispatch environment. The advantage <strong>of</strong>proposed algorithm is demonstrated on an IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong>.An efficient and reliable genetic algorithm <strong>based</strong> particle <strong>swarm</strong>optimization technique has been used for economic dispatch pmhlemconsidering prohibited operating zones and ramp rate limits <strong>of</strong> generatingunits. The integrated GA-PSO combines the conventional PSO frameworkwith the genetic algorithm. The method discourages prematureconvergence to local optimum and also explores and exploits thepromising regions in the search space dTectively. The effectiveness <strong>of</strong> theproposed algorithm has been tested on a 6. a 15 generating unit <strong>system</strong>sand also for a large-scale test <strong>system</strong> consisting <strong>of</strong> 40 generating units. Ihesimulation results clearly show that the proposed GA-PSO method can beused as an optimizer providing satisfactory solutions compared to the PSOand GA methods.In the proposed approach. an integrated genetic algorithm method with theparticle <strong>swarm</strong> optimization technique has been used to solve the unitcommitment problem. The feasibility <strong>of</strong> the proposed method wasdemonstrated on a 10 unit <strong>system</strong> and the test results were compared interms <strong>of</strong> production cost with those obtained by the GA and PSO methods.The real <strong>power</strong> loss minimization and voltage stability enhancement isanalyzed using a novel PSO <strong>based</strong> approach for various test <strong>system</strong>s. Thesw- <strong>intelligence</strong> technique identifies the best possible voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile foran optimum settings <strong>of</strong> AVR values. OLTC tap positions and for a givennumber <strong>of</strong> RPCE's to be connected in the <strong>system</strong>. The improved results <strong>of</strong>the <strong>system</strong> voltage stability are validated using a line stability index. Theeffectiveness <strong>of</strong> the algorithm is tested on a Standard-5, IEEE-14, IEEE-30. IEEE-57, IEEE-118 bus <strong>system</strong>s and for practicaI Indian utility<strong>system</strong>s such a NTPS <strong>system</strong> and Puducherry bus <strong>system</strong>. The results

(vi)(vii)obtained using PSO <strong>based</strong> method is found to provide minimum real<strong>power</strong> loss when compared to Newton-Raphson <strong>based</strong> load flow methodand genetic algorithm approach. The method identifies that PSO algorithmimproves the voltage stability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> considerably.The amount <strong>of</strong> DG capacity to be installed and identification <strong>of</strong> itsinstalling location is obtained using the <strong>swarm</strong> <strong>intelligence</strong> technique. Thetechnique improves the <strong>power</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> in terms <strong>of</strong> reducedtransmission losses and improved <strong>system</strong> voltage pr<strong>of</strong>ile. Theimprovements in implementing PSO in the existing <strong>system</strong> are brought outby means <strong>of</strong> the various <strong>power</strong> quality indices. The new proposedalgorithm is applied to a standard IEEE -30 bus <strong>system</strong> and the results arefound to be highly encouraging. The results indicate the reduction in lineloss and a significant improvement in voltage prnfile by using theproposed method when compared with the calculations <strong>based</strong> on theNewton-Raphson method.DVR is a series compensation device connected to the distrihution lines toovercome voltage sags. The amount <strong>of</strong> energy injection from the cnergystorage device <strong>of</strong> the DVR is obtained using various compensationstrategies. The proposed PSO <strong>based</strong> PAC energy injection technique helpsin optimizing the amount <strong>of</strong> real <strong>power</strong> to be injected for a given voltagesag. This in turn reduces the amount <strong>of</strong> storage capacity required and alsocan improve the ride through capability <strong>of</strong> the DVR. This methodminimizes the amount <strong>of</strong> energy injection from the storage device <strong>of</strong> aDVR to correct a given voltage sag.7.2. FUTURE WORKBased upon the results and discussions <strong>of</strong> the proposed work, the <strong>swarm</strong><strong>intelligence</strong> <strong>based</strong> techniques can be applied to test various <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>operation and control problems by implementing the following extensions:1. Phase shifting transformers are used in controlling the direction and magnitude<strong>of</strong> active <strong>power</strong> flow at inter-tie buses. The various contingencies likely tooccur in a <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong> have to be studied in order to provide a reliable

<strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>. Therefore, in a multicomhained economic load dispatchproblem, the optimum <strong>power</strong> flow can be performed by having phase shifterangle limits and security limits as the constraints. In addition. it may henoticed that valve-point effects in the case <strong>of</strong> stream turbines cannot hemathematically modeled easily. However it can be considered as a typicalnonsmooth optimization pmblem. Hence hybrid optimization can be adoptedto solve these issues.2. Ramp rate is a limitation for the amount <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> generated per hour. Securitylimits and voltage constraints limit at various buses has to he checked toprovide a secured <strong>power</strong> <strong>system</strong>. Therefore GA-PSO method can he tested fora unit commitment problem having ramp rate limits. voltage constraints andsecurity limits.3. The proposed method should be used for real pwer loss minimirationensuring voltage stability for various <strong>system</strong>s having numerous nodes. Thisensures the applicability <strong>of</strong> method under deregulated environment. Thecontingency analysis can also be performed for simulating various faults. The<strong>performance</strong> analysis can clearly indicate the stability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> undersuch conditions.4. The optimum DG capacity obtained using the proposed method can alsoincorporate the reduction in environmental pollution due to NO, and C

APPENDICESAPPENDIX - ADATA FOR IEEE-30 BUS TEST SYSTEMThe one line diagram <strong>of</strong> an IEEE-30 bus <strong>system</strong> is shown in Fig. A.I. 'TheSystem data is taken from references [I471 (1491. The line data. bus data and loadflow results are given in Tables A.land A.2, respectively. The generator cost andemission coefficients, transformer tap setting, shunt capacitor data are provided inTable A.3, A.4 and A.5, respectively. The B-loss coefficients mauix <strong>of</strong> the <strong>system</strong> isgiven in Table .4.6. The data is on I00 MVA base.Fig. A.1. One line diagrnrn

Table A.2. Bus data and Load tlow multsi Bus1 No.--134567Bus VoltageMagnitude(P.U')1.061,0451,0001.0601.0101.0""1,000PhaseAngle(degrees)O.OoO0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000GenerationRealPower(p.u.)0.0000.0000.0000.0000.000ReactivePower(p.u.)1.3848 -0.02790.4 0.50.0000.0000.370.0000.000- .-.0.228 0.109 ---ReactiveLoad PowerLimitsReal ReactiveQlimPower PowerQN,(p.u.) (p.~.) (P-U-) (p.~.)-- -0.000 0.000-.0.217 0.127 4.2 0.60.024 0.012-0.076 0.016----0.942-0.19 4.15 0.6250.000 0.000 - -8 11 - -0I1 112!1131,0101 .0001,0001.0821 .0001,0710.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.00"0.0000.0000.0000.0000.3730.0000.0000.1620.000-0.30.0000.0580.0000.1 120.30.000-.0.020.0000.075-0.1.5 0.50@I06 0.000 - 0.000 4.15 0.45--0.000 0.062 0.016 - ---4.10-0.40-

Table A.3. Generator cost and Eminsion coe~cients

Table A4. Transformer tap setting dataTable A.5. Shunt capacitor dataTable A.6. Generalized loss coeff~cientsB,", = [0.000014]

APPENDIX - BDATA FOR 6 UNIT TEST SYSTEMThe <strong>system</strong> contains six thermal units. 26 buses, and 46 trimmission lines1421. The load demand is 1263 MW. The cost coefficients <strong>of</strong> 6 unit test <strong>system</strong> arcgiven in Tables B.1. The ramp rate limits <strong>of</strong> corresponding generating units are givenin Table B.2. The generalized B loss coeficients for the <strong>system</strong> are shown Table A.3.The <strong>system</strong> data is on 100 MVA base.Table B.I. Generating Unit Capacity and CoemcienbUnitp,rnln pim.= a((MW) (MW) (SIMW~~)Table B.Z. Ramp Rate Limits and Prohibited Operating Zones

Table B.3. Generalized loss cocflicienta

APPENDIX - CDATA FOR lIUNlT TEST SYSTEMThe 15-unit test <strong>system</strong> contains 15 thermal units whose characleristics aregiven in Tables C.1, C.2, respectively. The generalized loss cmfiicients an givenTable C.3. The <strong>system</strong> data is taken from reference 1421.Table C.1. Generating unit with ramp rate limits

Table C.2. Prohibited operating zones <strong>of</strong> generating unitsUnitProhibited Zones (MW)1Table C.3. Generalized loss coeflicientsI1 (1114 01K112 OM01 4 INX>I 41XX13 4 WL)I 41 OX111 4 IKYII 41 WX13 0 LXXI5 4IKYl1 -llIlKJZ (I IYKU 0 (XU3 4 INKI?0 W112 0iKl13 OlXII1 (I INXNI -11 -0 WW2 11 IXINI II IXXII 4llXN13 41 (XXU -0 IXXM -0 11KXi 11 IIXY IIIXIIII 4IIIXI200(1(11 OWMl 000104 IMII 41NJ13 4lIXXN 4IlYXII IIIKXW U W I H 4IX112 II1X)Il IIIXXXI 4 MI35 0111 11 4lX12Y4 iKKll 4 UXl5 4) W11l 0 1x134 -1, lXW 4 M I 4 ll 1x11 I II(UX0 0 0029 00032 -(I IN11 I -0 (11XI IILXIII 0 INXI1 41 IN126-11 1x11) .IX>~ -11 (mil I w i 7 I~(X~I (1 in114 I (XNI~ II IXII~ n INIU a I~II~ o1m11 -1) Irxc 41 INXC u l x l n 41 (urn4 MII UIXKKI 4 IXIN 41 IXKM o(1114 (I 1~110 I IYYUI -(I INXK a rm5 4 nnlw ~IXIII 41 ( r w n 1~x1: 41 rx,11 elxnl4 MXII 111KK11 -0 (XKII 11 IN11 1 41 (XKl3 41 (KKK1 (I 1X)I 5 11 lXl17 11 IXIlh IIIXXW -11 (XXh 11 11N17 4, 11XXl 4lIXNl? 41 IN118.I, *XI) 11 IXHI o am^ a IX~SI~ 41 IXI? .ii II all1 0016~ o msl IIIXI~V 41 IXI:I 1 IXII~ IIIXYII o IXUK 41 (~1781 4 iKX13 -0 M I 2 -11 WXIX 11 1112'4 -1, IKllll 4 IXXIS 0 (XI15 0 WIX: OOIW 1101 Ih 41Xi21 4, IN125 0 IXU11 -0 IN111 41 (1172-1, lXX13 -11 (KYN -11 W113 I1 11132 -0 (XI13 -0 IXXIX I! IXHIV 0 1Nl7V 0 111 10 OIIZIKI 41 IN127 4) 11114 I,lXNW 4 IXII I 4IlXIWI-0lKKl3 -0WXN -00017 4IINlI I I)IM17 1liX)II 4 IKXIS -0(1123 -00021 41X121 III1141 IIIXXII IIINXU 4IlY138 OlllhX, n NXI? -11 WXI -OIKNX~ 41 IKXN> 4 1 ~ ~ 4 : WXII (I [run 411s% 4 1 ~ 2 11rn14 s OIXXII IIINW atxx)l 1 cwrv 111rn8IIMM O(KH)I .0(1125 (IYUI -1111~12-O~KUI: i ~ ( x ~ m(INNI i IIIYLI~ oixnr, ~IMKU -iiirxit 1,111 111 ~IIIIIII OIKIZXUIXK13 11(Kl1

APPENDIX - DDATA FOR TAIPOWER 40-UNIT SYSTEMThe <strong>system</strong> data 1s taken from reference [50] whose characteristics am glvenIn Table D.1. The data is on 100 MVA base.Table D.1. Generating units coeff~cients with ramp rate limits

APPENDIX - ELINE VOLTAGE STABILITY INDEXThe important aspect <strong>of</strong> voltage stability assessment is lo find the distance(MW/MVAR/MVA) to maxlmum loadabtllty point from the present operating point[115]. Line voltage stahil~ty index 1s used to get accurately the proximity <strong>of</strong> theoperating point to voltage collapse point by the mdcx glven as follows. Let usconsider a single line <strong>of</strong> an lnterconnccted network. where the lines are connectedthrough a grid network. Any <strong>of</strong> the lines from that network can be considered to havethe following parameters as shown In Fig. E. 1. Utlliz~ng the concept <strong>of</strong> <strong>power</strong> flow Inthe line and analyzing with '11' model representation, the real and reactlve <strong>power</strong> llowequations in terms <strong>of</strong> transmiss~on llne constants are formulatedFig. E.1. One line diagram <strong>of</strong> a typical transmission <strong>system</strong>Loads are more <strong>of</strong>ten expressed In terms <strong>of</strong> real (WattsIKW) and reactlve(VArsKVAr) <strong>power</strong>. Therefore, 11 1s convenient to deal with transmission llneequation in the form <strong>of</strong> send~ng and receiving end complex <strong>power</strong> and voltage.Let us treat receiving end voltage as a reference phasor (VR = IVRILO) and letthe sending end voltage lead it by an angle S(Vs = IVslL6). Transrnlssion lines arenormally operated with a balanced 3 phase load. The analysis can be thereforeperformed on per phase basis.The complex <strong>power</strong> leaving the sending- end and entering the receiving end <strong>of</strong>the transmission line can be expressed on per phase basis [154], as

A transmission llne on a per phase basis, can be regarded as a two-ponnetwork, where in the sendlng end voltage, Vs and current. IS are related to thereceiving end voltage, VK and current. IR through ABCD constants [I541 asReceiving and sending end currents can hc expressed In terms <strong>of</strong>receivlng andscndlng end voltagcs [I 54) as1 =Iv .AVB S B Y(E 3)Let A, B, D the transmission l~ne constants [I 541 he wrltten asA = IAlial. R - IBILPI. 1) - ID1 LUI (Since A =D)Therefore we can write,Substituting for In in equation (E.1) we get,

If equation (E.8) is expressed In real and rlnaglnarv parts, we can write the real andreactive <strong>power</strong>s at the receiving end [I 541 as.where A La 1 and B LP I are the transnilsston l~ne constantsFor the usual n-model, the transmlsslon l~ne constants may be written as follows(E. 12)If the length <strong>of</strong> the line is medium, thenZ is the total series impedance <strong>of</strong> ltne,Y is the total line charging susceptance.If it is a long transmission line, thenZ'Y'A=]+-- 2(E. 13)whereB = Z'

y IS propagation constant and 1 is the length <strong>of</strong>~ansrn~ss~on llneThe formulae for the receiving end real and reactive <strong>power</strong>s can he formulated asfollows [I 541These can be rewritten as,(E. I 8)E IEIQ, E~'AISln(p, -a,)= L-Ls~n(p, -8)+--- (E. 19)IBIIBIThen by el~rninatlng 6. by squanng and adding the two equations, we obtainthe locus <strong>of</strong> PH against QR to be a c~rcle with given values <strong>of</strong>A and B and for assumedvalues <strong>of</strong> ER and jEs/ to be [I 541 as follows.If kth bus is the sending end and m" bus is the receiving end and expanding theabove equation we get as follows,

The above equation should have the real roots for V,,, for the <strong>system</strong> to bestable. Hence the following condition should bc satisfied[ 1541where, LS, is termed as voltage stability index <strong>of</strong> the line P, and Q, are the real andreactive <strong>power</strong> rece~ved at the receiving end rn, ALal and BLP are the transmission11ne constants, Vk and V, are the voltages at the sending end bus k and receiving endbus m.At or near the collapse point, voltage stabil~ty index <strong>of</strong> one or more lineapproach to unity. This method is used to assess the voltage stability.

APPENDIX - FSTANDARD - 5 BUS SYSTEMThe Standard 5 bus <strong>system</strong> is shown in Fig. F.I. The System data is takenfrom reference [154]. The line data and bus data are given in Tables F.1. F.2,respectively. The data is on I00 MVA base.Fig. F.I. One line diagrnmTable F.1. Line dnta

Table F.2. Bus Data

APPENDM - GDATA FOR IEEE-14 BUS TEST SYSTEMThe one line diagram <strong>of</strong> an IEEE-14 bus <strong>system</strong> is shown in Fig. G.1. TheSystem data is taken from reference [147]. The line data, bus data and load flowresults are given in Tables G.1. and G.2, respectively. The data is on 100 MVA base.C Spchrmxnn Comnprm*orsG Gcnt~atorsheThree Wmdi. Transformer Equivalent-r9Fig. G.1. One line diagram

Table G.1. Line data1 I I I Line lmocdanec I Half Line1ILineTOBusResistance Reactance@-u) (P.u) (P.u.)1 2 0.01938 0.05917 0.02640F~~~BusChargings~~~~~~~~~

Tabk G.2. Bus data and load flow resultsBusNo.123456789-10111213-14Bus VoltageMa'nitude(P.U)1.0601.0451.0101 .OW1.0001.0701.0001.0901.0001.0001.0001.0001.0001.000Generation1:;:(degrees)O.O0OO.OoOO.OOOO.OoOO.OOOO.OoO0.000O.OOO~O.OOOO.OOOO-OoOO.OoOO.OO0RealPower(p.u)2.3240.4000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000Reactive<strong>power</strong>(p.~)-0.1690.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000LoadRulPower(p.u)0.0000.2170.9420.4780.0760.1 12O.O(H)0.0000.2950.0900.0350.0610.1350.149ReactivePowerReactive<strong>power</strong>(p.u)0.0000.1270.1910.0390.0160.075. .0.0000.0000.1660.0580.0180.0160.0580.050Qm,m(Pu)-----0.06~.-.--4.0h-----LimitsQmm,(Ku)-0.500.40-KT'--0.24-----

Table G3. Transformer tap ~niag dataFromBus445ToBus796TapSctting 'Value (p.u.)0.9780.9690.932Table G.4. Shunt capacitor data

APPENDIX - HDATA FOR AN IEEE-57 BUS TEST SYSTEMThe System data is taken h m reference [147]. The line data bus data andload flow results for an 1EEE-57 bus <strong>system</strong> given in Tables H.1 and H.2.respectively. The transformer tap setting and shunt capacitor data are provided inTable H.3 and H.4, respectively. The data is on 100 MVA base.Table H.1. Line data

Table H.Z. Bus data and load flow results

Table H3. Transformer tap setting dataFromBusToTap SettingValue (P.u.)Bus4 I 18 1 0.97Table H.4. Shunt capacitor data

APPENDIX - IDATA FOR INDIAN UTILITY-NTPS23 BUS SYSTEMThe Indian utility Neyveli Thermal Power Station (NTPS)-23 bus test <strong>system</strong>is shown in Figure J.1 .The sites <strong>of</strong> buses, line data, bus data, me given in Tables and 1.3. respectively. A 100 MVA. 400 KV base is chosen.Fig. 1.1. One line diagram

Tabk 1.1. Sitar and location <strong>of</strong> different busesI ITV MALAl (230 KV)Thiruvannamalai12CUDDALORE (230 KV)Cuddalore13MDS (400 KV)Madras14151617SLMI (400 KV)SLlvI2 (400 KV)TRY 1 (400 KV)TRY2 (400 KV)Salem 1- . - .Salem2. .-. -- -.'I'richy I.- --- --1-richy218ST1 -ST3 (110KV)Station ~uxillarie;1920D.KURUCH1 ( I I0 KV)VPM 1 &2(110KV)Deva Kuruchi- -Villupuram2 1VDU (1 10 KV)Vadakuthu22P-PDY (1 10 KV)Pondicherry23TVR (I 10 KV)IThiruvarur

Table 13. Line data

Tabk 1.3. Bus data

APPENDIX - JDATA FOR INDIAN UTILITY-PUDUCHERRY- 17 BUS SYSTEMThe Indian utility-Pondicherry-I7 bus test <strong>system</strong> is shown in Fig. J.1. Theline data bus data, are given in Tables J.l.and J.2.. respectively. A11 0 KV base is chosen.100 MVA.Fig. J.1. One line diagramTable J.1. Line DataHalf Line ChargingL I I I I I

Table J.2. Bus data- - ---- -- -L.oaJ-- - - - --IReactivePower 1

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LIST OF PUBLICATIONSlnternational Journals1. "Particle Swarm 0ptimii.ation Based Optimal Power Flow Solution forCombined Economic Emission Dispatch Problem". lnternational Journal <strong>of</strong>Electrical Systems. Vo1.3, No.1, pp.13-25. March 2007.2. "GA and PSO Culled Hyhrid Technique for Economic Dispatch Problem withProhibited Operating zone". An lnternational Applied Physics endEngineering Journal. Journal <strong>of</strong> Zbejiang University Scienee A. Springer.Vo1.8. No.6, pp. 896-903. June 2007.3. "Swarm Intelligence for Voltage-Var Compensation Pn)hlem", lnternationalJournal <strong>of</strong> Computational Intelligence: Theow and Practice, Vol.2. No.'.pp.135-140.2007.4. "Swarm Intelligence for Voltage Stability Analysis Cnnsidering Voltage-VARCompensation Problem", Journal <strong>of</strong> Electrical Engineering, Elektrika, (Inpress: Manuscript no. JE2007-43).5. "Integrated GA-PSO <strong>based</strong> Unit Commitment", International Journal <strong>of</strong>Engineering Research and Industrial Applications, Vol.1. No.4, July 2008.(In press: Manuscript no. EN 191).National Maenzine1. "Swarm Intelligence Based Real Power Loss Minimiation", Electrical India,Vo1.48, No.4, pp.118-123, April 2008.lnternational Conferences I National Confemnces1. "Investigations on Combined Economic Emission Dispatch Problems byEvolutionary Computing Techniques", Proceedings <strong>of</strong> lnternationalConference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering (CERA2005). Indian Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology, Roorkec. India. pp. 120-123.September 29th -I st October. 2005.2. .'Particle Swarm Optimization Based Optimal Power Flow Solution forCombined Economic Emission Dispatch Problem", Prdings <strong>of</strong> 14"

National Power System Confmnce (NPSC 2006). Indian Institute <strong>of</strong>Technology. Roorkee. India, pp 44, C3- 4, December 27th -29th. 2006.3. "Application <strong>of</strong> Particle Swarm Optimization for Economic Load DispatchProblems", Proceedings <strong>of</strong> 14m International Confcrence on IntelligentSystem Applications to Power Systems (ISAP 2007). Taiwan. pp.668-674.November 4th - 8th. 2007.4. "Swarm Intelligence <strong>based</strong> Optimization <strong>of</strong> Distributed Generation Capacityfor Power Quality Improvement", Proceedings <strong>of</strong> lnternational Confcrenceon Advances in Energy Research, IIT. Mumbai, India pp.513-519. kcember12th -14th. 2007.5. "Particle Swarm Optimization bawd Energy Optimized Dynamic VoltagcRestorer", Proceedings <strong>of</strong> International Conference on Power SystemAnalysis, Control and Optimization (PSACO 2008). Andhra liniversit).Visakhapatnam, India. pp.764-771. March 13th - 15th. 2008.Communicated:1. "Swarm lntelligcnce <strong>based</strong> Optimization <strong>of</strong> L)istributod Generation Capacityfor Power Quality Improvement" IET Renewable I'ower Generation -(Manuscript no.: KPG-2008-0041).2. "Integrated Genetic Algorithm and I'article Swarm Optimiration for solvingllnit Commitment Problem". IEEE PCS, International conference on Power<strong>system</strong> technology. Powercon 2008 -(Manuscript no.: 0047).3 "Swarm Intelligence <strong>based</strong> Energy Optimized Dynamic Voltage Restorer".Journal <strong>of</strong> Electrical Engineering. Romania - (Manuscript no.: 88).

VITAEP.Ajay-D-Vimal Raj born in Karaikal. India in 1976. He received his R.Edegree in Electrical and Electmnics Engineering from Madras University. Chennai inthe year 1998 and subsequently obtained his M.E degree in Power Systems fmmAnnamalai University, Chidamharam in 1999. He is presently working as a Lecturerin the Department <strong>of</strong> Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pondicherry tngineeringCollege. Pondicherry and hw nearly eight years <strong>of</strong> teaching experience. Hr is a lifemember <strong>of</strong> the Institution <strong>of</strong> Engineer (India). Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE) and Society <strong>of</strong> Power Engineer (India). He has to his credit over twenty livepapers in nationallinternational conferences and journals. His area <strong>of</strong> interest includesApplicution <strong>of</strong> Intelli~enr 7Pchnique.s to I'o~,c,r S~:stc~m.s opcJrution und controlproblems undpou,er syvrcvn oprirnizurion trc.hniyui~.\

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