
Manitowoc Manitowoc
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Other• Non-Manitowoc components in system• Improper water supply over evaporator refer to“Water System Checklist” on page 105.• Loss of heat transfer from tubing on back side ofevaporator• Restricted/plugged liquid line drier• Restricted/plugged tubing in suction side ofrefrigeration systemNOTE: Do not limit your diagnosis to only the itemslisted in the checklists.HOT GAS VALVEGeneralThe hot gas valve is an electrically operated valve thatopens when energized, and closes when deenergized.Normal OperationThe valve is de-energized (closed) during the freezecycle and energized (open) during the harvest cycle.The valve is positioned between the receiver and theevaporator and performs two functions:1. Prevents refrigerant from entering the evaporatorduring the freeze cycle.The hot gas valve is not used during the freezecycle. The hot gas valve is de-energized (closed)preventing refrigerant flow from the receiver intothe evaporator.2. Allows refrigerant vapor to enter the evaporator inthe harvest cycle.During the harvest cycle, the hot gas valve isenergized (open) allowing refrigerant gas from thedischarge line of the compressor to flow into theevaporator. The heat is absorbed by theevaporator and allows release of the ice slab.Exact pressures vary according to ambienttemperature. Harvest pressures can be found in the“Cycle Time/24 Hour Ice Production/RefrigerantPressure Charts” in this book.154 Part Number 80-01111-9 7/10

Hot Gas Valve AnalysisThe valve can fail in two positions:• Valve will not open in the harvest cycle.• Valve remains open during the freeze cycle.Valve Will Not Open in the Harvest CycleAlthough the circuit board has initiated a harvest cycle,the evaporator temperature remains unchanged fromthe freeze cycle.Valve Remains Open in the Freeze CycleSymptoms are dependent on the amount of leakage inthe freeze cycle. A small amount of leakage will causeincreased freeze cycle times. A large amount ofleakage will result in no ice produced.Use the following procedure and table to helpdetermine if a hot gas valve is remaining partially openduring the freeze cycle.1. Wait five minutes into the freeze cycle.2. Feel the inlet of the hot gas valve(s).ImportantFeeling the hot gas valve outlet or across the hotgas valve itself will not work for this comp arison.The h ot g as val ve o utlet i s on the suction sid e(cool refrigerant). It may be cool enough to toucheven if the valve is leaking.3. Feel the compressor discharge line.! WarningThe inlet of the hot gas valve and the compressordischarge line could be hot enough to burn yourhand. Just touch them momentarily.4. Compare the temperature of the inlet of the hotgas valves to the temperature of the compressordischarge line.Part Number 80-01111-9 7/10 155

Hot Gas Valve AnalysisThe valve can fail in two positions:• Valve will not open in the harvest cycle.• Valve remains open during the freeze cycle.Valve Will Not Open in the Harvest CycleAlthough the circuit board has initiated a harvest cycle,the evaporator temperature remains unchanged fromthe freeze cycle.Valve Remains Open in the Freeze CycleSymptoms are dependent on the amount of leakage inthe freeze cycle. A small amount of leakage will causeincreased freeze cycle times. A large amount ofleakage will result in no ice produced.Use the following procedure and table to helpdetermine if a hot gas valve is remaining partially openduring the freeze cycle.1. Wait five minutes into the freeze cycle.2. Feel the inlet of the hot gas valve(s).ImportantFeeling the hot gas valve outlet or across the hotgas valve itself will not work for this comp arison.The h ot g as val ve o utlet i s on the suction sid e(cool refrigerant). It may be cool enough to toucheven if the valve is leaking.3. Feel the compressor discharge line.! WarningThe inlet of the hot gas valve and the compressordischarge line could be hot enough to burn yourhand. Just touch them momentarily.4. Compare the temperature of the inlet of the hotgas valves to the temperature of the compressordischarge line.Part Number 80-01111-9 7/10 155

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