
Manitowoc Manitowoc
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FINAL ANALYSISThe column with the highest number of check marksidentifies the refrigeration problem.Column 1 – Hot Gas Valve LeakingA leaking hot gas valve must be replaced.Column 2 – Low Charge/TXV StarvingNormally, a starving expansion valve only affects thefreeze cycle pressures, not the harvest cyclepressures. A low refrigerant charge normally affectsboth pressures. Verify the ice machine is not low oncharge before replacing an expansion valve.Add refrigerant charge in 2 oz. increments as adiagnostic procedure to verify a low charge. (Do notadd more than the total charge of refrigerant). If theproblem is corrected, the ice machine is low oncharge. Find the refrigerant leak.The ice machine must operate with the nameplatecharge. If the leak cannot be found, proper refrigerantprocedures must still be followed. Change the liquidline drier, evacuate the system and weigh in the propercharge.If the problem is not corrected by adding charge, theexpansion valve is faulty.Column 3 – TXV FloodingA loose or improperly mounted expansion valve bulbcauses the expansion valve to flood. Check bulbmounting, insulation, etc., before changing the valve.Column 4 – CompressorReplace the compressor and start components. Toreceive warranty credit, the compressor ports must beproperly sealed by crimping and soldering themclosed. Old start components must be returned withthe faulty compressor.130 Part Number 80-01111-9 7/10

REFRIGERATION COMPONENT DIAGNOSTICCHARTQ130/Q170/Q210/Q270 Ice Machines OnlyOperationalAnalysisIce ProductionInstallation andWater systemIce FormationPattern1234Published 24 hour ice production ____________Calculated (actual) 24 hour ice production ____________Note: The ice machine is operating properly if the ice fill patterns is normal and iceproduction is within 10% of charted capacity.All installation and water related problems must be correctedbefore proceeding with chart.Ice formation isextremely thin ontop of evaporator-or-No ice formationon entireevaporatorIce formation isextremely thin ontop of evaporator-or-No ice formationon entireevaporatorIce formation isnormal-oriceformation isextremely thin onthe bottom of theevaporator orNo ice formationon evaporatorIce formation isnormal-or-No ice formationon entireevaporatorPart Number 80-01111-9 7/10 131

FINAL ANALYSISThe column with the highest number of check marksidentifies the refrigeration problem.Column 1 – Hot Gas Valve LeakingA leaking hot gas valve must be replaced.Column 2 – Low Charge/TXV StarvingNormally, a starving expansion valve only affects thefreeze cycle pressures, not the harvest cyclepressures. A low refrigerant charge normally affectsboth pressures. Verify the ice machine is not low oncharge before replacing an expansion valve.Add refrigerant charge in 2 oz. increments as adiagnostic procedure to verify a low charge. (Do notadd more than the total charge of refrigerant). If theproblem is corrected, the ice machine is low oncharge. Find the refrigerant leak.The ice machine must operate with the nameplatecharge. If the leak cannot be found, proper refrigerantprocedures must still be followed. Change the liquidline drier, evacuate the system and weigh in the propercharge.If the problem is not corrected by adding charge, theexpansion valve is faulty.Column 3 – TXV FloodingA loose or improperly mounted expansion valve bulbcauses the expansion valve to flood. Check bulbmounting, insulation, etc., before changing the valve.Column 4 – CompressorReplace the compressor and start components. Toreceive warranty credit, the compressor ports must beproperly sealed by crimping and soldering themclosed. Old start components must be returned withthe faulty compressor.130 Part Number 80-01111-9 7/10

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