Welcome! Effective Briefing Skills

Welcome! Effective Briefing Skills

Welcome! Effective Briefing Skills

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<strong>Effective</strong> <strong>Briefing</strong> <strong>Skills</strong><strong>Welcome</strong>1

Today, you will enhance skills for:2

3 Key skills needed for better briefings1. PLANNING2. ORGANIZING3. DELIVERING3

1. PLANNING• Purpose• People• Content4

What’s my PURPOSE?• Inform?• Persuade?•Or Both?5

Purpose:what do you want to achieve?I want my audienceto:– know that…– believe that…–dothefollowing…6

Who are my People?• Analyze youraudience– Knowledgeable vs.Novice– Busy vs. ampletime7

What is my Content?• Technical Information• Understandable to lay person• Detail to support purpose8


2. ORGANIZING• Framework• Tools to Build framework10

What is a briefing “framework”?• Introduction (beginning)10-15%• Body (middle)75-80%• Conclusion (end)5-10%11

Impromptu <strong>Briefing</strong>• Introduction (beginning)• Body (middle)• Conclusion (end)12

Introduction (beginning)• Identify yourself, establish credibility• Grab audience attention• Introduce topic• State Purpose, Bottom line• Give preview (road map)• State timeframe• Explain handling of questions13

Body (middle)•Main points• Supporting data• Organized logically•Interesting14

Conclusion (end)• Recap major points• Reaffirm main message• Call for questions15

“How do I get there?”16

Road to filling a FrameworkOUTLINE:• Storyboarding• Easy as ABCD17

COMMON PITFALLS• Too Long• Not Interesting18

My briefing’s too long...Help!• What’s my purpose?• What 3-5 points are crucial?• What data can support bottom line?• Do I make my case?19

My briefing’s not interesting…Help!• Visuals, Graphics• Animation, Sound• Color, Text Styles• Readable, Not Crowded20

GSA Regional Headquarters• Auburn• San Francisco• Denver• Kansas City• Fort Worth• Chicago• Philadelphia• Boston• New York• Atlanta• Washington DC21

National Drug Expenditures byPayer Type29%2%1%17%MedicareOther PublicTotal Medicaid51%Private HealthInsuranceOut of pocketpayments236

Advantages of MatrixManagement• Matrix management brings a better focus to bothdivision/technical/issue area themes and theproduct being produced based on the customersneeds• It is more effective in highly complex, informationintensive environments that need project teamsinvolving divergent staffing strategies• Achieves more effective, efficient and costeffective use of human capital. This results infuller use of human resources and higher standardsof quality24


3. DELIVERING• Me, Myself, and I•Anxiety•Notes• Pace, Timing• Setting• Practice, Practice, Practice26

How can I manage Anxiety?• What happens whenyou are anxious?• How can youminimize situations?27

How can I Pace my <strong>Briefing</strong>?• What situations impactthe pace of yourbriefing?• What can you do tominimize thesesituations?28

Practice, Practice, Practice!Mentally rehearse flowRemember ideas, not wordsPractice out loud, with visualsKeep freshTime yourself29


WORKSHOP WRAP-UPSummary:Tell you want I told youQuestions:31

Did you enhance your skills for betterbriefings?PLANNINGORGANIZINGDELIVERING32

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