Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy


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February 2012Department of the <strong>Navy</strong>: 2013 and BeyondPROJECT POWER DESPITE ANTI-ACCESS/AREA DENIAL CHALLENGESThreats to the United States go well beyond our borders and into areas in whichaccess is a challenge. The <strong>Navy</strong> will continue to project power in these areasthrough the positioning of carrier and amphibious strike groups and the use ofunmanned vehicles. The expeditionary ability of the Marine Corps to get to anyarea in the world quickly and with lethal force will further deter adversaries onland. While the growing number of nations operating submarines presents achallenge, we will continue to exercise sea control with an advanced fleet ofsubmarines and an investment in other anti-submarine warfare technologies.Despite the growing number of counterinsurgency operations compared toconventional warfare, we will retain the ability to fight a traditional war. Our futureweapons and systems will be able to handle irregular situations. Our force willremain in a state of warfighting readiness with the best training, quarters, andhealthcare available. We will continue to properly balance the amount of activemilitary with that of reserves to ensure that the mission is completed whilemotivation and retention remain high.COUNTER WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTIONThe Department will continue to play an active role inpreventing the proliferation and use of nuclear, biological, andchemical weapons. Further, investments will continue toensure the capability exists to detect, protect against, andrespond to the use of these weapons, should preventivemeasures fail. Our investments in unmanned vehicles willallow us even more access to all the corners of the world, toprevent our adversaries from finding “safe havens” to conductoperations.OPERATE EFFECTIVELY IN CYBERSPACE and SPACEReliable information, communication networks, and access to cyberspace and spaceare required to maintain a modern <strong>Navy</strong> and Marine Corps. The <strong>Navy</strong> created FleetCyber Command/Tenth Fleet to directly confront these challenges. We will invest intechnology to pace threats. The Department will continue to work with allies andinvest in additional capabilities to defend its networks, operational capability, andresiliency.FY 2013 Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>Budget</strong> 1-5

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