qsu dialeqtologiis institutis - აკაკი წერეთლის სახელმწიფო ...

qsu dialeqtologiis institutis - აკაკი წერეთლის სახელმწიფო ... qsu dialeqtologiis institutis - აკაკი წერეთლის სახელმწიფო ...


2. The practical study of Meskhetian dialects (Master‟s degree, I c.)3. The syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis of phonemes of Georgian literary language (Master‟sdegree, I c.)4. Common Kartvelian model and Kartvelian dialect phonematic structure (Master‟s degree, I c.)5. The noun and verb formation of Georgian literary language (Master‟s degree, special course inGeorgian literary language, I c.)6. Common Kartvelian lexis (Master‟s degree, special course in Kartvelian lexocology, II c.)7. The Norm of the literary language and dialects (Master‟s degree, Kartvelian dialectology, II c.)2007-2008Akaki Tsereteli State UniversityPhD:1.The history of Georgian language (Introduction in Georgian philology), Humanitarian faculty, Ic.2.Kartvelian dialectology (general course), Georgian language-literature, special course, II c.)Master‟s degree program1. The paradigmatic analysis of Georgian literary language phonemes; I semester;2. The phonematic structure of common Kartvelian and Kartvelian dialects (systemic analysis); Isemester3. The syntagmatic analysis of the phonemnes of Georgian literary language, II semester4. The problematic course of Kartvelian (Georgian) dialects (divergent of dialects, morphology andlexis); II-II semester5. The form of literary language and dialectal norms (Master‟s degree, Kartvelian dialectology spec.II c.)6. The main problems in Kartvelology studies (linguistic, ethnological, archaeological, anthropological…literaturesurvey)Sokhumi University1. The phonematic structure of Georgian literary language (master‟s degree, special course inKartvelian linguistics, I c.)Akhaltsikhe University2. The history of Georgian language (PhD, II c.)2008-2009Akaki Tsereteli State UniversityPhD:1. Kartvelian dialectology (general course), Georgian language-literature, special course, II c.)Master‟s degree1. The paradigmatic analysis of Georgian literary language phonemes; I semester2. The phonematic structure of common Kartvelian and Kartvelian dialects (systemic analysis); I semester3. The syntagmatic analysis of the phonemes of Georgian literary language, II semester4. The problematic course of Kartvelian (Georgian) dialects (divergent of dialects, morphology andlexis); II-II semester5. Kartvelian onomastics, III semester6. Phonetics of Georgian divine language7. Georgian literary culture and educational centers8. The main problems in Kartvelology studies (linguistic, ethnological, archaelogical, anthropological…literaturesurvey)Doctor‟s degreeThe main problems in Kartvelian linguistics (humanitarian faculty students of doctor‟s degree), Kutaisi50

Sokhumi UniversityThe phonematic structure of Georgian literary language ( PhD, Kartvelian linguistics, spec. I,c.)Akhaltsikhe UniversityThe history of Georgian language (PhD, II c.)51

2. The practical study of Meskhetian dialects (Master‟s degree, I c.)3. The syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis of phonemes of Georgian literary language (Master‟sdegree, I c.)4. Common Kartvelian model and Kartvelian dialect phonematic structure (Master‟s degree, I c.)5. The noun and verb formation of Georgian literary language (Master‟s degree, special course inGeorgian literary language, I c.)6. Common Kartvelian lexis (Master‟s degree, special course in Kartvelian lexocology, II c.)7. The Norm of the literary language and dialects (Master‟s degree, Kartvelian dialectology, II c.)2007-2008Akaki Tsereteli State UniversityPhD:1.The history of Georgian language (Introduction in Georgian philology), Humanitarian faculty, Ic.2.Kartvelian dialectology (general course), Georgian language-literature, special course, II c.)Master‟s degree program1. The paradigmatic analysis of Georgian literary language phonemes; I semester;2. The phonematic structure of common Kartvelian and Kartvelian dialects (systemic analysis); Isemester3. The syntagmatic analysis of the phonemnes of Georgian literary language, II semester4. The problematic course of Kartvelian (Georgian) dialects (divergent of dialects, morphology andlexis); II-II semester5. The form of literary language and dialectal norms (Master‟s degree, Kartvelian dialectology spec.II c.)6. The main problems in Kartvelology studies (linguistic, ethnological, archaeological, anthropological…literaturesurvey)Sokhumi University1. The phonematic structure of Georgian literary language (master‟s degree, special course inKartvelian linguistics, I c.)Akhaltsikhe University2. The history of Georgian language (PhD, II c.)2008-2009Akaki Tsereteli State UniversityPhD:1. Kartvelian dialectology (general course), Georgian language-literature, special course, II c.)Master‟s degree1. The paradigmatic analysis of Georgian literary language phonemes; I semester2. The phonematic structure of common Kartvelian and Kartvelian dialects (systemic analysis); I semester3. The syntagmatic analysis of the phonemes of Georgian literary language, II semester4. The problematic course of Kartvelian (Georgian) dialects (divergent of dialects, morphology andlexis); II-II semester5. Kartvelian onomastics, III semester6. Phonetics of Georgian divine language7. Georgian literary culture and educational centers8. The main problems in Kartvelology studies (linguistic, ethnological, archaelogical, anthropological…literaturesurvey)Doctor‟s degreeThe main problems in Kartvelian linguistics (humanitarian faculty students of doctor‟s degree), Kutaisi50

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