qsu dialeqtologiis institutis - აკაკი წერეთლის სახელმწიფო ...

qsu dialeqtologiis institutis - აკაკი წერეთლის სახელმწიფო ... qsu dialeqtologiis institutis - აკაკი წერეთლის სახელმწიფო ...


DialectologyLinguistic-cultural history of (Kartvelians) GeorgiansCulture studiesLiterature studiesEDUCATION BACKGROUND1978-1983 Academic degree in Philology (Georgian language and literature), Ivane JavakhishviliState University, Tbilisi, Georgia.1987 Candidate of Philological Sciences in Georgian Language. Institute of Linguistics, GeorgianAcademic of Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia.1998 Doctor of Philological Sciences in Kartvelian Language. Institute ofLinguistics, Georgian Academic of Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia. (Dissertation topic: Vowelsystem of modern Georgian language, pg. 45-90, Tb., 1998)PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE2008-present, Head of the Doctorate program “Kartvelian Linguistics”1995-present, Director of Kartvelology Research Institute of Akaki Tsereteli State University2006-present, Professor of the Department of Georgian Language and General Linguistics, AkakiTsereteli State University, Kutaisi2005-present, Author of Master‟s Degree program in “Georgian literary language and Kartvelian linguistics”2004-present, Founder of the Patriarchate of Georgia based scientific center “Kaldea”2004-2006, Head of the program of radio “Iveria”: “Kartvelian Language and Culture”, the Patriarchateof Georgia2004-present, Founder of”Iberian-Caucasian international scientific educational center”, Georgia.2004-present, Founder of the educational center „Georgian boards of trustees association”, Georgia2001-present, founder of the non-governmental organization “Kartvelian (Georgian) language and culturewithout borders”2000 -present, Professor of Ivane Javakhishvili State University, Tbilisi, Georgia1998-2001, Editor of scientific-popular newspaper “Kudgy”1998-2004, Founder and editor of scientific-popular newspaper “Kartuli”1998-2006, Leader of regional and international scientific projects1996, Founder of “Georgian state language council”1996-present, Editor in Chief of Kartvelology Research Institute periodical “Kartvelian Heritage”.1995-present, Organizer of dialectological, ethnological and folkloric international annual symposia „KutaisiDiscussions‟.1991- Prefect of city Batumi, Georgia.1990- Member of Supreme Council of Georgia1990, Founder of Tbilisi Iv. Javajkhishvili State University Akhaltsikhe Branch.1990, Head of Georgian language department of Tbilisi Iv. Javakhishvili State University AkhaltsikheBranchPARTICIPATION IN SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS1997-1998 “Collection of Georgian dialectology texts with dialectological Phraseology”, Instituteof Linguistics named after Arn. Chikobava2000-2002 “Armazi” (Svan and Megrelian dialect published texts (electronic database), FrankfurtGoethe Institute of Comparative Linguistics2005-2006 “Developing of the electronic bank of folkloric and ethnographic materials”,Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia48

2008-2009 “Studying and promoting of Georgian polyphonic folk songs of MachakheliValley”, Association of United Languages, National Commission of Education,Science and Cultural Affairs of Georgia2008 “Paradigms of verbs in Kartvelian dialects”, Kutaisi Akaki Tsereteli Statepresent UniversityTEACHING COURSES (2000-2008)2000-20011. Special course (PhD – Georgian language and literature III-IV c. Georgian language II-IV c.)2. Dialectology (PhD – Georgian language and literature, II c.)3. Basics of general phonetics (Master‟s degree, I c.)4. Kartvelian dialectology (Master‟s degree, I c.)5. Practical study of Zan dialects (Master‟s degree, II c.)6. Practical study of Svan dialects (Master‟s degree, II c.)2001-20021. Dialectology (PhD – Georgian language and literature, II c. Georgian language-literature-easternlanguages II c., Language-literature II c.)2. Special course in Georgian dialectology (Master‟s degree, I c.)3. Basics of general phonetics (Master‟s degree, I c.)4. Kartvelian dialectology (master‟s degree, II c.)2002-20031. Dialectology (PhD – Georgian language and literature, II c. Georgian language-literature-easternlanguages II c., Language-literature II c.)2. Basics of general phonetics (Master‟s degree, I c.)3. Kartvelian dialectology (master‟s degree, II c.)2003-20041. Dialectology (PhD – Georgian language and literature, II c. Georgian language-literature-easternlanguages II c., Language-literature II c.)2. Kartvelian dialectology (master‟s degree, I-II c.)3. General principles of Georgian phonematic structure (Master‟s degree, I c.)2004-20051. Special course in Georgian language (PhD, Georgian language-literature IV c.)2. Kartvelian dialectology (master‟s degree, II c.)2005-20061. The phonematic structure of the Georgian literary language (Master‟s degree, special course inGeorgian literary language, I c.)2. Problems in Kartvelian (Georgian) dialectology (Master‟s degree, special course in Kartveliandialectology, I c.)3. The phonematic structure of the Kartvelian language (Master‟s degree, special course in Kartveliandialectology, I c.)4. Georgian subjective and verbal paradigms (Master‟s degree, special course in Kartvelian dialectology,I c.)5. Kartvelian dialectal lexis (Master‟s degree, special course in Kartvelian dialectology, I c.)2006-20071. The history of the Georgian literary language (PhD, I c.)49

DialectologyLinguistic-cultural history of (Kartvelians) GeorgiansCulture studiesLiterature studiesEDUCATION BACKGROUND1978-1983 Academic degree in Philology (Georgian language and literature), Ivane JavakhishviliState University, Tbilisi, Georgia.1987 Candidate of Philological Sciences in Georgian Language. Institute of Linguistics, GeorgianAcademic of Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia.1998 Doctor of Philological Sciences in Kartvelian Language. Institute ofLinguistics, Georgian Academic of Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia. (Dissertation topic: Vowelsystem of modern Georgian language, pg. 45-90, Tb., 1998)PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE2008-present, Head of the Doctorate program “Kartvelian Linguistics”1995-present, Director of Kartvelology Research Institute of Akaki Tsereteli State University2006-present, Professor of the Department of Georgian Language and General Linguistics, AkakiTsereteli State University, Kutaisi2005-present, Author of Master‟s Degree program in “Georgian literary language and Kartvelian linguistics”2004-present, Founder of the Patriarchate of Georgia based scientific center “Kaldea”2004-2006, Head of the program of radio “Iveria”: “Kartvelian Language and Culture”, the Patriarchateof Georgia2004-present, Founder of”Iberian-Caucasian international scientific educational center”, Georgia.2004-present, Founder of the educational center „Georgian boards of trustees association”, Georgia2001-present, founder of the non-governmental organization “Kartvelian (Georgian) language and culturewithout borders”2000 -present, Professor of Ivane Javakhishvili State University, Tbilisi, Georgia1998-2001, Editor of scientific-popular newspaper “Kudgy”1998-2004, Founder and editor of scientific-popular newspaper “Kartuli”1998-2006, Leader of regional and international scientific projects1996, Founder of “Georgian state language council”1996-present, Editor in Chief of Kartvelology Research Institute periodical “Kartvelian Heritage”.1995-present, Organizer of dialectological, ethnological and folkloric international annual symposia „KutaisiDiscussions‟.1991- Prefect of city Batumi, Georgia.1990- Member of Supreme Council of Georgia1990, Founder of Tbilisi Iv. Javajkhishvili State University Akhaltsikhe Branch.1990, Head of Georgian language department of Tbilisi Iv. Javakhishvili State University AkhaltsikheBranchPARTICIPATION IN SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS1997-1998 “Collection of Georgian dialectology texts with dialectological Phraseology”, Instituteof Linguistics named after Arn. Chikobava2000-2002 “Armazi” (Svan and Megrelian dialect published texts (electronic database), FrankfurtGoethe Institute of Comparative Linguistics2005-2006 “Developing of the electronic bank of folkloric and ethnographic materials”,Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia48

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