Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya ...

Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya ... Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya ...

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APPENDICESAppendix 1. Globally threatened species in the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forestshotspot (The IUCN 2002 Red List of Threatened Species)IUCN STATUSDISTRIBUTIONCritically EndangeredEndangeredVulnerableTanzaniaKenyaScientific Name*Mammals 5 8 16 27 9Beamys hindei + x xCephalophus adersi + x xCephalophus spadix + xCrocidura desperata + xCrocidura elgonius + xCrocidura monax + xCrocidura tansaniana + xCrocidura telfordi + xCrocidura usambarae + xCrocidura xantippe + xDendrohyrax validus + xDiceros bicornis + xGalago rondoensis + xLoxodonta africana + x xLycaon pictus + xMyonycteris relicta + x xMyosorex geata + xOtomops martiensseni + xParaxerus palliatus + x xParaxerus vexillarius + xProcolobus gordonorum + xProcolobus kirkii + xProcolobus rufomitratus + xPteropus voeltzkowi + xRhynchocyon chrysopygus + xRhynchocyon cirnei + xRhynchocyon petersi + x xSylvisorex howelli + x71

Taphozous hildegardeae + x xBirds 3 10 15 24 10Anthreptes pallidigaster + x xAnthreptes rubritorques + xAnthus sokokensis + x xApalis chariessa + xApalis fuscigularis + xArdeola idae + xBathmocercus winifredae + xBubo vosseleri + xCinnyricinclus femoralis + x xHirundo atrocaerulea + xHyliota usambarae + xMalaconotus alius + xModulatrix orostruthus + xNectarinia rufipennis + xOrthotomus moreaui + xOtus ireneae + x xPloceus burnieri + xPloceus golandi + xPloceus nicolli + xSheppardia gunningi + x xSheppardia lowei + xSheppardia montana + xSwynnertonia swynnertoni + xTurdus helleri + xXenoperdix udzungwensis + xZoothera guttata + x xZosterops silvanus + xZosterops winifredae + xAmphibians 4 11 18 31 3Afrixalus sylvaticus + x xAfrixalus uluguruensis + xArthroleptides martiensseni + xArthroleptides yakusini + xArthroleptis tanneri + xBoulengerula taitana + xBufo brauni + xBufo udzungwensis + xChuramiti maridadi + xHoplophryne rogersi + xHoplophryne uluguruensis + x72

Taphozous hildegardeae + x xBirds 3 10 15 24 10Anthreptes pallidigaster + x xAnthreptes rubritorques + xAnthus sokokensis + x xApalis chariessa + xApalis fuscigularis + xArdeola idae + xBathmocercus winifredae + xBubo vosseleri + xCinnyricinclus femoralis + x xHirundo atrocaerulea + xHyliota usambarae + xMalaconotus alius + xModulatrix orostruthus + xNectarinia rufipennis + xOrthotomus moreaui + xOtus ireneae + x xPloceus burnieri + xPloceus gol<strong>and</strong>i + xPloceus nicolli + xSheppardia gunningi + x xSheppardia lowei + xSheppardia montana + xSwynnertonia swynnertoni + xTurdus helleri + xXenoperdix udzungwensis + xZoothera guttata + x xZosterops silvanus + xZosterops winifredae + xAmphibians 4 11 18 31 3Afrixalus sylvaticus + x xAfrixalus uluguruensis + xArthroleptides martiensseni + xArthroleptides yakusini + xArthroleptis tanneri + xBoulengerula taitana + xBufo brauni + xBufo udzungwensis + xChuramiti maridadi + xHoplophryne rogersi + xHoplophryne uluguruensis + x72

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