Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya ...

Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya ... Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya ...

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Tanzania Seizes 157 Containers of Timber in Porthttp://www.cepf.net/xp/cepf/news/newsletter/2004/september_topstory.xmlPage 1 of 34/18/2005TEXT ONLY CONTACT FAQ SEARCHABOUT CEPFOUR STRATEGYCEPF NEWSPress ReleasesE-News Top StoriesIn Focus FeaturesWHERE WE WORKRECENT GRANTSAPPLY FOR GRANTSTanzania Seizes 157 Containersof Timber in PortSeptember 2004The Tanzanian government has imposed a ban on theexport of timber and seized 157 containers of logs, many ofwhich were harvested illegally from the coastal forests ofRufiji, Kilwa and Lindi districts in the southeast of thecountry.The shipping containers holding hundreds of roundwoodtimber logs are being held in Dar es Salaam port. The banon logging for export became effective July 1, following agazette notice by Minister of Natural Resources andTourism Zakia Hamdani Meghji.TRAFFIC, WWF and local groups including the TanzaniaForest Conservation Group and Wildlife ConservationSociety of Tanzania are hailing the government’scommitment to halting illegal logging in the Eastern ArcMountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenyabiodiversity hotspot."Just as the people of southeast Tanzania, among thepoorest in the country, were rapidly becoming disenchantedby highly organized and largely illegal timber harvesting, thishigh level of government support comes at a welcome timeand is highly commendable,” said Simon Milledge, seniorprogram officer for TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa based inTanzania.© TRAFFIC, photo bMilledgeDozens of logs set foNovember just northSoutheast Tanzania.CEPF and fourorganizations reannounced a $7investment stratconserve the ricresources of theMountains andForests of TanzKenya hotspot.Visit the news aarchive for this hNeil Burgess of WWF-US, who is the chief technical advisorin Tanzania for the GEF-financed Conservation andManagement of the Eastern Arc Mountains Forest Projectimplemented by the World Bank, agreed. “It’s great to seeTanzania taking the conservation of these forests soseriously, and addressing this issue with the full force of thelaw,” he said.The coastal forests of Rufiji, Kilwa and Lindi districts ofsoutheast Tanzania are not only priority sites in terms ofbiological importance but are amongst the least studied inthe hotspot.They are rapidly becoming the most vulnerable coastalforests due to uncontrolled extraction of timber and otherforest resources following the completion of Mkapa Bridgeover Rufiji River, the largest bridge of its kind in east and

Tanzania Seizes 157 Containers of Timber in Porthttp://www.cepf.net/xp/cepf/news/newsletter/2004/september_topstory.xmlPage 2 of 34/18/2005southern Africa.At the opening of the bridge in August 2003, PresidentBenjamin Mkapa warned against uncontrolled charcoalproduction and timber harvesting with disregard to laws andprinciples of sustainable utilization.A recently awarded Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund(CEPF) grant to TRAFFIC aims to address these issuesthrough field research to compare current timber trade levelswith historical transect data and baseline data collected byTRAFFIC with support from the Rufford Maurice LaingFoundation and WWF before completion of the bridge.Previously, seasonal flooding of the Rufiji River delta duringmonsoons resulted in serious isolation south of the river.However, improved transport infrastructure is opening upthe entire southeast portion of Tanzania to much-neededdevelopment, which inadvertently exposes the coastalforests to the growing demands of urban and foreign timbermarkets.“We envisage that the additional information on the status ofkey forests and levels of harvesting—building on baselineinformation we collected before completion of the Mkapabridge—will add more solid facts to justify the kind ofmanagement actions that are starting to emerge now,”Milledge said.The results will assist the government in ensuring thatnegative environmental and associated livelihood impactsare minimized during the forthcoming period of developmentfollowing creation of a permanent link between southeastTanzania and Dar es Salaam.The containers were locked out by the ban deadline beforethey could be loaded onto ships. Other hundreds of logsmay be stockpiled in forests or on the way to the port fromlogging sites inland.Four private companies had threatened legal action,including demands of $1.6 million in compensation forstorage loss. However, the Ministry of Natural Resourcesand Tourism recently confirmed that all 157 containersinspected contained tree species not authorized for export.”In terms of raising awareness and law enforcement action,the last month has been really positive but harvesting andexports continue in some areas and concerted efforts shouldcontinue,” Milledge said. “In particular, the export of logs andsawn wood from small ports along the southeast coastlineneed more attention.“It is also hoped that any legal proceedings consider theeconomic impact of declines in some species that could take20 to 30 years to recover, huge revenue losses bymisclassification and under-payment of royalties, and mostimportantly, degradation of landscapes that support so manylivelihoods.”Subscribe to the Newsletter or View more E-News top stories

<strong>Tanzania</strong> Seizes 157 Containers <strong>of</strong> Timber in Porthttp://www.cepf.net/xp/cepf/news/newsletter/2004/september_topstory.xmlPage 1 <strong>of</strong> 34/18/2005TEXT ONLY CONTACT FAQ SEARCHABOUT CEPFOUR STRATEGYCEPF NEWSPress ReleasesE-News Top StoriesIn Focus FeaturesWHERE WE WORKRECENT GRANTSAPPLY FOR GRANTS<strong>Tanzania</strong> Seizes 157 Containers<strong>of</strong> Timber in PortSeptember 2004The <strong>Tanzania</strong>n government has imposed a ban on theexport <strong>of</strong> timber <strong>and</strong> seized 157 containers <strong>of</strong> logs, many <strong>of</strong>which were harvested illegally from the coastal forests <strong>of</strong>Rufiji, Kilwa <strong>and</strong> Lindi districts in the southeast <strong>of</strong> thecountry.The shipping containers holding hundreds <strong>of</strong> roundwoodtimber logs are being held in Dar es Salaam port. The banon logging for export became effective July 1, following agazette notice by Minister <strong>of</strong> Natural Resources <strong>and</strong>Tourism Zakia Hamdani Meghji.TRAFFIC, WWF <strong>and</strong> local groups including the <strong>Tanzania</strong>Forest Conservation Group <strong>and</strong> Wildlife ConservationSociety <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tanzania</strong> are hailing the government’scommitment to halting illegal logging in the <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Arc</strong><strong>Mountains</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Coastal</strong> <strong>Forests</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tanzania</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Kenya</strong>biodiversity hotspot."Just as the people <strong>of</strong> southeast <strong>Tanzania</strong>, among thepoorest in the country, were rapidly becoming disenchantedby highly organized <strong>and</strong> largely illegal timber harvesting, thishigh level <strong>of</strong> government support comes at a welcome time<strong>and</strong> is highly commendable,” said Simon Milledge, seniorprogram <strong>of</strong>ficer for TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa based in<strong>Tanzania</strong>.© TRAFFIC, photo bMilledgeDozens <strong>of</strong> logs set foNovember just northSoutheast <strong>Tanzania</strong>.CEPF <strong>and</strong> fourorganizations reannounced a $7investment stratconserve the ricresources <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Mountains</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Forests</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tanz<strong>Kenya</strong> hotspot.Visit the news aarchive for this hNeil Burgess <strong>of</strong> WWF-US, who is the chief technical advisorin <strong>Tanzania</strong> for the GEF-financed Conservation <strong>and</strong>Management <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Arc</strong> <strong>Mountains</strong> Forest Projectimplemented by the World Bank, agreed. “It’s great to see<strong>Tanzania</strong> taking the conservation <strong>of</strong> these forests soseriously, <strong>and</strong> addressing this issue with the full force <strong>of</strong> thelaw,” he said.The coastal forests <strong>of</strong> Rufiji, Kilwa <strong>and</strong> Lindi districts <strong>of</strong>southeast <strong>Tanzania</strong> are not only priority sites in terms <strong>of</strong>biological importance but are amongst the least studied inthe hotspot.They are rapidly becoming the most vulnerable coastalforests due to uncontrolled extraction <strong>of</strong> timber <strong>and</strong> otherforest resources following the completion <strong>of</strong> Mkapa Bridgeover Rufiji River, the largest bridge <strong>of</strong> its kind in east <strong>and</strong>

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