MAXQ Core Assembly Guide - Maxim

MAXQ Core Assembly Guide - Maxim

MAXQ Core Assembly Guide - Maxim


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<strong>MAXQ</strong> <strong>Core</strong> <strong>Assembly</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>#else DirectiveThis directive is optional in a conditional assembly block. If used, it must be the last conditional assembly directivein the block before the #endif directive. The syntax for this directive is as follows.elseor#elseThe behavior of this directive depends on the evaluation status of the previous #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, and #elseifdirectives in the conditional assembly block.• If none of the previous sections in the conditional assembly block have had their code included, all codefollowing this directive is included until the #endif directive is reached.• If any of the previous sections in the conditional assembly block have had their code included, all codefollowing this directive is excluded until the #endif directive is reached.#elseif DirectiveThis directive is optional in a conditional assembly block. If used, it must come before any #else directive in theblock. The syntax for this directive is as follows.elseif constantor#elseif constantIn either case, the value of must be a constant expression formed of constant values, equates, numericdefines and constant operators. This directive is only evaluated when no code has been previously included in thisconditional assembly block. If evaluated, the behavior of this directive depends on the value of the constantexpression, as follows.• If the constant expression evaluates to zero:o All code following the #elseif directive until the next #elseif, #else or #endif directive will be excluded.o If the next directive encountered is #endif, the conditional assembly block is complete.o If the next directive encountered is #elseif, that directive will be evaluated in the same manner.o If the next directive encountered is #else, all code following that directive will be included until the#endif directive is reached, at which point the conditional assembly block is complete.• If the constant expression evaluates to nonzero:o All code following the #if directive until the next #elseif, #else of #endif directive will be included.o If the next directive encountered is #endif, the conditional assembly block is complete.o If the next directive encountered is #else or #elseif, this directive and all following code statements anddirectives will be excluded and ignored until the next #endif directive is reached, at which point theconditional assembly block is complete.#endif DirectiveThis directive ends a conditional assembly block. The syntax for this directive is as follows.endif constantor#endif constantVersion 1.2 36 of 43 March 7, 2007

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