Nouns Plural Possessive - Naperville Community Unit School ...

Nouns Plural Possessive - Naperville Community Unit School ...

Nouns Plural Possessive - Naperville Community Unit School ...


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:;Ii..~caQ.E8~; .of'Jll¡; IC:J0 u~@1:CD~.8<strong>Nouns</strong> Used as SubjectsS V .Anita entered the room quietly.. (0"1.9'A noun may be used as the subject of a sentence. The subject of asentence tells who or what is being talked about.S VThousands filled the stadium.S VS. .VAnita always entered the room quietly.Sometimes the subject is notplaced next to the verb. Other words mayseparate them. Occasionally the subject is at the end of the sentence.S VBeyond the mountains lay only desert.Thousands of Lakers fans filled the stadium.Finding <strong>Nouns</strong> Used as Subjects Underline each of the nouns used.as subjects.1. My sister is my favorite singer.2. From behind the heavy red curtain stepped the radiant ballerina.3. The pen with the felt tip wrote well.4. Cinnamon is made froni the bark of trees native to the East Indies andSoutheast Asia.5. Into the clear blue pond waddled a large, quacking duck.6. The mem~ers of the debating team were satisfied with theirperformance.7. There were several players chosen for Saturday's racquetballtournament.8. Detective Richards followed the clues on the faded old. map.9. That woman just became the new school-district superintendent.10.' The scrimmage lasted one hour.11. There was only one solution to the puzzle.12. My cousin entered this year's Special Olympics.13. Out of the acacia tree flew a colorful bird.14. The bicycle in the garage has a flat tire.15. In southwestern Switzerland, on the French border, is Lake Geneva.16. Jackals are wild dogs thar hunt in packs./17. According to Greek legend, Priam was th"e last king of Troy.i18. Lindsay did fift sit-ups in class this morning.. Using NOuns

..~.Ql.CoE8'el.~~l~.~@1:.9.::...8"The.:<strong>Plural</strong>s of <strong>Nouns</strong>A singular noun names one person, place~ 'thing, or idea. Aplural noun names more than one person, place~ thing, or idea~Here are seven rules for forming.the plurals ofnourit¡:1. To form the plural of moStnouns, add -sostreets houses - . cousins" . bowls2. When the singular ends in s, sh, ch,x, or z, add -es.hisses brushes torches boxes3. When the singular ends in 0, add -sow TI..buzzesradios' stereos -sopranos"silos'Exceptions: For a few words ending in 0 preceded by.a consonant,add -es: tomatoes, heroes, potatoes, echoes.y to ; and add -es. . - .hobby-h.obbies' cry-cries part-parties.4. When a singular noun ends in. y preceded by a .consona nt, ch8lge the .If the y is preceded by a vowel, do not change the y to i. Just add -sto the singular.boy-boys . monkey-monkeys day-days . valley-:sl'eyshowever, change the f tov and add -es or -s~ .in f or fe,5. For most nouns ending in f, add ~s. For some nouns endingroof-roofs cuff-cuffs shelf-shelves knife-nìves6. Some nouns are spelled the same in the singular and the plural.moose deer sheep tuna7. The plurals of somenouns are formed in ways that are unusual or _unique.man-men foot-feet mouse-mice . woman-womenForming <strong>Plural</strong>s Write the plural of each of the following nouns. Use adictionary to check your work.1. bridge2. staff3. alley6. cello7. moose8. bench4. church9. century5. family10. life23-UsfngNbuns

<strong>Possessive</strong> <strong>Nouns</strong>". .:':.'. :,;i,A possessive noun shows who or what owns something. It shows thatsomething belongs to or is a part of someone or something.24,-Usjng<strong>Nouns</strong>~. ". :", '.~"::: :~1 l'ti~ .Judy's talent my father's hatTo form the possesive of a singular noun, add an apostophe and ~s.Judy-J.udýs father-fathets waitress-waitress'sTo form the possessive of a plural noun that ends in s, just add anapostrophe.ladies-ladies' runners-runners'To form the possesive of a plural noun that does not end in s, add anapostophe and -5.'-ciiildren--hildren's Women-women's'Writing 'Possesive Forms of <strong>Nouns</strong> "Onconcise form of the phrase, using a possessive noun.each fine write a more1. legs of a grasshopper2. father of Cindy3. alphabet of the Greeks~.,~lI!-4. asso.ciation of men5. pencils of a student6. secretary of a senator7. end of a year8. shoes of ladies9. stings of bees10. interests of women11. complaints of students..(Š !Il;¡-§& u~12. shoes of a man13. membership otchùrchès14. wing of a fly15. friend of Charles'.,:9i:'CD,-¡'Q.08t

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