Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC

Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC

Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC


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A R R A N G E M E N T S 9In f o rmation, instruction and superv i s i o n●●●●The <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Safety</strong> Law poster is displayed at/leaflets are issued by<strong>Health</strong> and safety advice is available fromSupervision of young workers/trainees will bearranged/undertaken/monitored byis responsible for ensuring that our employees workingat locations under the control of other employers, aregiven relevant health and safety inform a t i o n .N o t eThe <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Safety</strong>I n f o rmation for EmployeesRegulations 1989 re q u i reemployers to display a poster(or to provide leaflets) tellingemployees what they need toknow about health and safety.You are re q u i red to haveaccess to competent advice,either in-house or, if notavailable, external (egemployers’ organisations,trade associations, tradesunions, TECs, consultants).If you have young workersand/or take on trainees orstudents on work experience,you will need to ensure thatthey are properly instru c t e dand supervised.You must also do specific riskassessments for young people– you need to take accountof their inexperience, lackof awareness of risks andimmaturity (see the M a n a g e -ment of <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Safety</strong> atWork Regulations 1999) .If your employees go to workfor another employer on yourbehalf (eg if you are acontractor) you will need tocheck that they are givenrelevant health and safetyi n f o rmation for that location,by that employer/company.

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