Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC

Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC

Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC


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1 2A R R A N G E M E N T SMo n i t o r i n gNoteYou must be able to show thatyou are checking workingconditions and systems ofwork, ie that you aremonitoring health and safety.You can do this both activelyand re a c t i v e l y, ie before andafter something goes wro n g .A C T I V E LY :you or any other appointedperson can carry out inspections,have re p o rts submittedto you by managers, do spotcheck visits, safety re p re s e n -tative inspections, etc.Trade union safety repshave the right to carry outinspections and investigatea c c i d e n t s .R E A C T I V E LY :you can investigate anyaccidents or sicknessabsences that occur.Investigating accidents is auseful way of reviewing yoursafety systems – ask yourselfwhy the accident re a l l yhappened and what you can doto stop it happening again.S i m i l a r l y, if you have a numberof employees absent becauseof similar ailments, this mightmean there is a problem withtheir jobs causing ill health.When you find out what wentw rong – put it right.●●●●To check our working conditions, and ensure oursafe working practices are being followed, we willis responsible for investigating accidents.is responsible for investigating work-related causesof sickness absences.is responsible for acting on investigation findings toprevent a recurrence.

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