Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC

Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC

Health & Safety Policy - NICEIC


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A R R A N G E M E N T S 1 1Accidents, first aid andw o rk - related ill health●●●●●●●<strong>Health</strong> surveillance is required for employees doingthe following jobs<strong>Health</strong> surveillance will be arranged by<strong>Health</strong> surveillance records will be kept by/atThe first aid box(es) is/are kept atThe appointed person(s)/first aider(s) is/areAll accidents and cases of work-related ill health areto be recorded in the accident book. The book iskept by/atis responsible for reporting accidents, diseases anddangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority.N o t eEmployees must receivehealth surveillance for cert a i nwork (eg work with flo u r,lead, chrome, asbestos,noise, isocyanates andsome chemicals.This will identify any healthp roblems early on so thataction can be taken before ane m p l o y e e ’s condition worsens.Your COSHH assessments(see page 8) should identify alla reas and the type of healths u rveillance needed.Your re c o rds should containdetails of the employees, thehealth surveillance pro c e d u re s ,dates and conclusions. Thehealth care professional doingthe surveillance will hold theactual medical re c o rds, asthese are confid e n t i a l .You can find more inform a t i o nin HSE’s <strong>Health</strong> Surveillance atw o r kHSG61 1999; U n d e r-standing health surveillanceat work: An introduction fore m p l o y e r sINDG304 1999 ( f re e )and in a number of free leafle t son specific substances.P roviding immediate first aidcan prevent minor injuriesbecoming major ones.As a minimum you must have afirst aid box and an appointedperson to take charge of fir s taid re q u i rements. You can fin dm o re information in HSE’s fre el e a flets First aid at work – yourquestions answere d I N D G 2 1 41 9 9 7and Basic advice on fir s taid at work INDG347 2002.R e c o rding accidents (evenminor ones) means you cansee whether you have ap roblem in a particular are a .You must re p o rt certain typesof accidents and ill health atwork, using Form 2508 orF o rm 2508A – see theR e p o rting of Injuries, Diseasesand Dangerous Occurre n c e sRegulations (RIDDOR) 1995.

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