EBSILON®Professional - STEAG

EBSILON®Professional - STEAG

EBSILON®Professional - STEAG


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EBSILON ® ProfessionalThe Planning Tool for the Power Plant Processwww.steag-energyservices.com

EBSILON ® Professional –The Planning Tool for thePower Plant ProcessEBSILON ® Professional is a simulation system for thermodynamic cycle processes that is used for plantplanning, design and optimization. Maximize the benefits of repowering and retrofitting measures bysimulating them in EBSILON ® Professional. Design a performance-optimized plant for your applicationscenario by introducing specific parameters into the model. Calculate the effects of component degradation,various load cases and changes in environmental conditions. Simulate the operation of newlydeveloped components in a cycle.2

Solution Algorithm – Fast & PowerfulEBSILON ® Professional highly efficient calculation kernelallows the detailed simulation of complex applications, likee.g. the district heating system of a city. The exceptionalspeed and convergence reliability of the algorithm ensure acorrect calculation of the cycle in the steady state. Release10 and higher offer the possibility of transient calculations.Convergence and controller diagrams as well as statisticalcharacteristics help to quantify and improve the convergencebehavior.● Fast simulation result: calculate a model with 1,100 componentsand 1,400 lines in only 2.5 seconds● Convergence analysis tools like convergence and controllerdiagrams● Twenty years of successful application and further development7

Gas turbineMSF Stage (Desalination)Steam turbineExtended coal gasifierForced draft cooling towerKernel scripting(EbsScript)Reaction zone (EbsBoiler)Solar fieldIndirect storage(EbsSolar)The Component Library –Simulation of your PlantThe component library of EBSILON ® Professional containscomponents both for all typical power plant processes andfor specific applications like desalination plants, solar powerplants, chiller or fuel cell applications.The components are adjusted to the actual performancebehavior by means of parameters and characteristics.The modeling options can be expanded as required with thehelp of programmable components.Continuous maintenance and further development of thecomponent library ensure that at all times the latest technicalapplications can be modeled in EBSILON ® Professional.Physical components:● pumps● turbines● steam generators● condensers● heat exchangers● cooling towers● filters● etc.Logic components:● controllers● signal transformers● calculation modules● efficiency meters● etc.Individual components:● Kernel scripting● DLL-programmable component8

Processes in T,s-DiagramDisplay and Analysisof ResultsReport in MS ExcelEBSILON ® Professional offers numerous ways to display theresults of the simulations. These include text fields and valuecrosses for displaying the results in the model as well as therepresentation of the processes in state diagrams.Export to MS Excel allows to further process the simulationresults easily.Value crosses and text fields in model● Value crosses, text and alarm fields in the model● Simulation reports in MS Excel● State diagrams: q,T; h,s; h, x i ; T,s; log(p),h● Convergence and controller diagrams● user defined diagrams in MS ExcelError Analysis andOnline HelpIntelligent error analysisDuring the simulation, modeling errors are localized by theintegrated error analysis, and the user is informed about theircauses.Online helpThe online help provides detailed information on the featuresof EBSILON ® Professional and the add-on modules. Thedesign and physical mode of operation of components areexplained to the user, and sample models are supplied.9

The Material Data Library –Working Fluids and FuelsThe material data library contains typical working fluidsand fuels of power plant and energy technology. Userspecificfluids can easily be defined by their chemicalcomposition. For coal, a detailed database for calorificvalues distinguished according to the extraction sites isintegrated.10

Fluids:● Water and steam● Brine● Humid air● REFPROP library (NIST): Ninety fluids from acetoneto xenon (two-phase)● Thermal oils and molten salts● Binary mixes:ammonia/water, lithium bromide/water● Ideal and real gases● Two-phase fluids● User-defined fluidsFuels:● Coal● Oil● Gas● user defined by composition11

EbsBoiler –the Boiler in DetailEbsBoiler contains components for the detailed modeling ofboiler geometry and heat transfer. Thus you map the boilerclose to reality, model specific boiler types, and determinethe degree of fouling of individual heating surfaces.Components of EbsBoiler:● Flue gas zone● Reaction zone● Main heating surface● Auxiliary heating surfaceEbsSolar –We Make the SunCalculableEbsSolar, developed in cooperation with the German AerospaceCenter (DLR), contains components for the detaileddimensioning of a solar field. It is suited for investigationsconcerning site and technology as well as for annual returncalculation.Regarding the simulation of the storage system, direct andindirect storage components are available. The indirect storagecalculates the temporally variable temperature field ofthe storage material. The direct storage allows the modellinge.g. of a two-tank liquid salt storage. Typical heat transferfluids like thermal oil, liquid salt, and water/steam are storedin the material data library.Components of EbsSolar:● Solar collector (parabolic trough/linear Fresnel type)● Distributing header● Collecting header● Heliostatfield● Solar tower (Receiver)12

OEM-GTLib –the Gas Turbine LibraryEbsOptimize –Plant OptimizationOEM-GTLib, developed in cooperation with and distributedby VTU Energy GmbH, contains a large number of gas turbinemodels. These are adjusted to the actual performancebehavior and are based on official manufacturer data. Thusyou select the optimal gas turbine for your power plant.Contains gas turbines from● Siemens● Alstom● General Electric● Rolls Royce● MAN● Solar Turbines● Hitachi● CentraxEbsOptimize optimizes a target value by varying severalinfluencing quantities. Thus the often laborious search for theoptimal performance parameters of the plant is automated.Optimize the efficiency or fuel consumption of the plant whilecomplying with all general technical requirements.● The target value and influencing quantities can be freelyformulated● Genetic algorithm● Available as an EbsScript function13

EbsValidate –Data ValidationEbsValidate adjusts the partially error-prone measured valuesof the numerous measuring points of your plant in such away that all component equations are complied with. At thesame time the error sum of squares is minimized. Theresult is the statistically most likely plant condition. Here theuse of redundant measured data increases the statisticalreliability of the validation result. Besides a quick validation,validation according to VDI 2048 is available, too.The offline validation with EbsValidate is suited● for supporting acceptance tests, and● for identifying malfunctions in the measuring system andthe components.EbsHTML –Plant Model in theWeb BrowserEbsHTML allows the output of the model including thesimulation results in HTML format. The results for componentsand lines are displayed in a tool tip when the cursor ismoved over them. Concerning the output you are free todecide which simulation results are to be displayed in theHTML file.● Will display in all common internet browsers● Various load cases and macros accessible● Suitable for presenting the plant model withoutEBSILON ® Professional license14

Add-On Modules – Solutionsfrom Power Plant ExpertsAdd-on modules expand the functionality ofEBSILON ® Professional and support your planningwith the know-how of our experts.EbsScript –Script Language forEBSILON ® ProfessionalEbsOpen –COM Class LibraryEbsScript is a PASCAL-based script language fully integratedin EBSILON ® Professional. With EbsScript, all processesin EBSILON ® Professional can be automated and individualcomponents can be programmed. In the course of this,there is full access to all data of the model, but also toexternal text and MS Excel files as well as the interfaces ofEBSILON ® Professional.● Comfortable editor with browser-supported input● Compiler with syntax check● Integrated script management● Console window for sequence monitoring and output● User-specific components programmable (component: kernelscripting)● Usable for the automatic execution of case studies,optimizations, etc.EbsOpen is a comprehensive COM class library that offersaccess to all application, model, and component data. Itthus represents a powerful tool that permits the execution ofsimulation, validation, and what-if calculations, parameterstudies as well as automated recalculations in power plantoperation.● More than 200 classes and 3,500 methods and properties● Can be integrated into all common automation andprogramming environments like Visual Studio.net or theVBA environment of the MS Office products15

Open Software Architecture& Powerful InterfacesDue to numerous interfaces, the software architecture ofEBSILON ® Professional allows easy integration into theexisting software infrastructure and expansion by individualprograms.DLL interfacesBy means of Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL), data can beexchanged between other programs and EBSILON ® -Professional, and the calculation kernel can be expandedby individual components.MS Excel interfacesSimulation results as well as parameters and characteristicsof individual components and lines can be exported andimported. It is possible to run simulations directly from theExcel worksheet using the MS Excel add-in for EBSILON ® -Professional.COM interface EbsOpenEbsOpen can be integrated into all common automation andprogramming environments like e.g. Visual Studio.net fordirect programming with Visual Basic or C++ as well as theVBA environments of the MS Office products.16

USER.DLLDLL-InterfacesEBSILON ® ProfessionalGraficalUser InterfaceMS Excel-InterfacesMS ExcelProgrammableDLLKernelUser2phaseDLLMaterial Value DatabaseCOM-InterfacesUser Applications17

User's conference at the Lufthansa-Training center Seeheim-JugenheimServicesKnow How for Your CompanyImprove your modeling expertise. We offer training coursesfor EBSILON ® Professional and its add-on modules frombeginner to expert level; these are run by experiencedproject engineers.WorkshopsTogether with you, our engineers compile your individualplant model and answer all questions that may come up inthe process of modeling.Training at the company site in Zwingenberg (Bergstraße)18

About UsExpertise and Customer Servicesince 1990With more than 150 customers,EBSILON ® Professional is representedworldwide. Among them are internationalgroups, medium-sized engineeringoffices as well as research and teachinginstitutions, which emphasizesthe varied range of application as wellas the flexibility and easy handling ofEBSILON ® Professional. The dialog withour customers and the expertise of ourdevelopers and cooperation partnersfrom industry and top level research willcontinue to ensure our common success.We will gladly advise you personallyand provide you with a trial version ofEBSILON ® Professional.Peter KrügerHead of EnergyManagement SystemsRenate KunertAssistanceDr. Reiner PawellekR&D ManagementDetlef GünzelSales19

●References woldwideABBAlstomAreva RenouvelablesBMWBWSC DenmarkColenco Power EngineeringE.ONEnBWEnertechEnvi Con & Plant EngineeringFISIA BABCOCK EnvironmentGeneral Electricgtz China IndiaHitachi Power EuropeInfracorJ-Power JapanKraftanlagen MünchenMainovaMANMitsubishi TurkeyMVV EnergyNEMPöyryRMD ConsultRWESEPCO III20

●● ●● ●● ●●●● ●●●● ●●●●●●●●StandardkesselTÜV NordVattenfallVA Tech HydroWärtsilä FinnlandVTU EnergyPublic utilities● Chemnitz● Kassel● Halle● München● HannoverDLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und RaumfahrtCentral Power Research Institute IndiaChalmers University of Technology GoteborgUniversity Zittau/GörlitzInstitute of technology KarlsruheRWTH AachenTU DarmstadtTU BerlinTU MünchenTU WienUniversity Duisburg-EssenUniversity Stuttgart21

<strong>STEAG</strong> Energy Services GmbHWetzbach 3564673 ZwingenbergTelefon: +49 6251 1059-0Telefax: +49 6251 1059-29info@ebsilon.comwww.ebsilon.comwww.steag-energyservices.com

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