Montserrat Survey of Living Conditions (MSLC) Executive Summary

Montserrat Survey of Living Conditions (MSLC) Executive Summary

Montserrat Survey of Living Conditions (MSLC) Executive Summary


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<strong>Montserrat</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Living</strong> <strong>Conditions</strong><strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Summary</strong>government and other organisations stepping in to assist those who are alone or whose families are unableor unwilling to support them. Direct assistance from government is however negligible meaning that thosewithout family support have to resort to one or more <strong>of</strong> the coping strategies described previously.Figure ES6. Economic Causes <strong>of</strong> PovertyLack <strong>of</strong> investment Depressed local orWorld↓ ↓due to poor security / international markets formarketperceived corruption.goods.pricesNatural disasters/Resource depletion.No/ limited naturalresourcesLow demand for jobs and goods.No jobsExploitation.Pr<strong>of</strong>iteering. Lack <strong>of</strong>labour laws/ tradeunionsHoarding.Inequitable terms<strong>of</strong> trade. HightaxationLack <strong>of</strong> skills No Work Low pay High pricesINSUFFICIENT INCOMENB. Items in larger font are considered to be those that apply most to <strong>Montserrat</strong>.Yet poverty is not just a question <strong>of</strong> income. Members <strong>of</strong> these vulnerable groups are also moresusceptible to some <strong>of</strong> the non-income aspects <strong>of</strong> wellbeing – loneliness, depression, vulnerability due toirregular support and absence <strong>of</strong> family members, and problems <strong>of</strong> housing and health care. By the sametoken the loss <strong>of</strong> wellbeing and social fragmentation and resulting psycho-social pressures resulting fromthe eruption are a long way from being healed.But these issues are not confined to vulnerable groups. Many <strong>Montserrat</strong>ians had to relocate following theeruption. Several <strong>of</strong> these still live in poor housing and are struggling with both the economic situation anda general feeling <strong>of</strong> vulnerability arising from their loss <strong>of</strong> houses, assets, income and family membersoverseas – over a third <strong>of</strong> households are single person. The psychological impact <strong>of</strong> the eruption stillcontinues and is likely to do so for years to come. In many PPAs, respondents referred to a loss <strong>of</strong>community spirit, mutual self help, togetherness – in short a loss <strong>of</strong> social capital - which exacerbatesproblems <strong>of</strong> economic hardship. In several cases, there is resentment towards migrants who are seen astaking jobs that should go to <strong>Montserrat</strong>ians. Conversely, for migrants, economic difficulties arecompounded by the view that their general wellbeing is adversely affected by having to pay more forhealth treatment, not being eligible for social welfare, bureaucratic issues related to work permits andimmigration requirements.Yet, by and large, the <strong>Montserrat</strong>ian population has a high standard <strong>of</strong> living in terms <strong>of</strong> consumer goods,a near universal availability <strong>of</strong> basic infrastructure, generally good housing conditions, and a very lowincidence <strong>of</strong> severe (food) poverty. In most cases therefore poverty on the island is largely due to theinability <strong>of</strong> current household incomes to keep up with the expenditures required to sustain current livingstandards rather than the absence <strong>of</strong> basic needs or severe unemployment – as is evident from the large<strong>Montserrat</strong> Country Poverty Assessment, Final ReportHalcrow Group Limited, July 2012.ES15

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