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Ranked in <strong>the</strong> world’s top100 universitiesAn education can give you <strong>the</strong> tools to effect change in<strong>the</strong> world, inspiring those around you to do <strong>the</strong> same.In 1908, <strong>the</strong> University of Alberta opened under <strong>the</strong>leadership of President Henry Marshall Tory, whopromised that <strong>the</strong> university would be for <strong>the</strong> “upliftingof <strong>the</strong> whole people.”This pledge holds true today.University of Alberta students live to inspire, uncoveringnew ideas and thought through <strong>the</strong>ir studies and using<strong>the</strong>ir education to make a difference in <strong>the</strong> world.You can be a part of it. UAlberta is one of Canada’sleading research and teaching institutions, with 200undergraduate and 170 graduate programs that rankamong <strong>the</strong> world’s finest.Live to Inspire.

Why chooseUALBERTA?10 grEAT thingsthat you can only find at UALBERTA10 cool thingsto see at UALBERTA1. CANAda’s NATIONAL INSTITUTE forNANOTECHNOLOGY (NINT).2. Western Canada’s largest teaching hospital.3. Canada’s second largest research library system.4. CANAda’sLEAdINGTHEATretrAININGFACILITY, <strong>the</strong>TIMMS CENTre.5. Canada’s only accredited School of Public Health.6. The most professors with 3M awards (Canada’s highestaward for undergraduate teaching excellence).7. Canadian undergraduate programs in paleontologyand land reclamation.8. Canada’s most powerful laser: <strong>the</strong> 800 MHz NMRspectrometer.9. The second-highest amount of external researchfunding in Canada.10. Canada’s only independent Faculty of Native Studies.NINT1. A great view of Edmonton from RATT (Room at <strong>the</strong> Top),<strong>the</strong> restaurant on <strong>the</strong> 7th floor of <strong>the</strong> Students’ UnionBuilding.2. Canada’s largest university-based meteorite collection.3. Hundreds of potential future employers, all in one placeto meet with UAlberta students! CAPS: Your U of ACareer Centre hosts several Career Fairs on campusthroughout <strong>the</strong> year.4. THE Rooftop ASTrONOMYObserVATOry, whereYOU can check outECLIPSES and more frOMTHE rOOF top of <strong>the</strong>CENTENNIAL CENTre forInterdISCIPLINAry SCIENCE.5. The Fine Arts Building Gallery, with fine arts exhibitsthat include student-produced artworks.6. The Paleontology Museum, with more than 2 millionfossils and dinosaur bones.7. The “Butterdome,” our bright yellow athletics building–an ice rink, climbing walls, dance studios, gyms, poolsand more, all under one roof.8. HUB Mall, a shopping centre with 50 shops and services,as well as student residences.9. The beautiful North Saskatchewan river valley thatsurrounds campus! You can go hiking, jogging, cycling,or take a walk along <strong>the</strong> river.10. 24 GOLdEN BEArs and PANdASVArSITY sporTS teamsIN action!Go cheerTHEM on!

10 ways toGET involvedand make new friends1. Volunteer for Bridges, a program where internationalstudents share <strong>the</strong>ir culture with local schools ando<strong>the</strong>r organizations.2. Run for student government. Our Students’ Union isactive and multicultural, representing <strong>the</strong> studentcommunity and providing student services.3. VISIT <strong>the</strong>INTErNATIONALCENTre! It’s agreat place toGET adVICE, takePArt in socialEVENTS, and meetNEW people.INTeRNATIoNAl HOUSE RETREAT4. Join in and support a cause that’s important to you! Thereare many student groups, events, and fundraisers tha<strong>the</strong>lp o<strong>the</strong>rs and do valuable work in <strong>the</strong> community.5. Work at a part time job—international students maywork on and off-campus during <strong>the</strong>ir studies. You can getCanadian work experience and make friends with yourco-workers.6. Join a campus recreation program! There are lots ofchoices like tennis, martial arts, soccer, yoga, and more—it’s a great way to stay active and make new friends.7. Enjoy life on campus in one of UAlberta’s studentresidences! You can make lifelong friends with yourroommates and o<strong>the</strong>rs who live <strong>the</strong>re.8. Volunteer for <strong>the</strong> Gateway student newspaper or CJSR,<strong>the</strong> student radio station. You can get journalismexperience and connect with all kinds of new people.9. Have a picnic outside in <strong>the</strong> summer. UAlberta is knownfor its beautiful campuses with trees, gardens, andponds—you might even meet a rabbit or two as yourelax out in <strong>the</strong> “quad.”10. Enjoy winter when it comes! Go skating, skiing,snowboarding, and more—if you haven’t tried <strong>the</strong>seactivities before, UAlberta has clubs and social events tohelp you learn!10 of <strong>the</strong> grEATACCOMPLISHMENTSby people in <strong>the</strong> UALBErTA community1. Canada’s first Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded toalumnus Richard Taylor in 1990.2. An ACAdEMY AWArdfor Art Directionon <strong>the</strong> movie AVATAr–alumnus ToddCHErniawsky wasa SUPErVISING ArtdIrector on <strong>the</strong>award-WINNING team.3. Canadian leadership — alumnus Joe Clarkis a former Prime Minister of Canada and was <strong>the</strong>youngest person ever to take on this role.4. THE CANAdIANMaple LEAFFLAG, dESIGNEdBY alumnusGeorge STANLEY!5. Discovering an asteroid and naming it after UAlberta!Alumnus Andrew Lowe named <strong>the</strong> asteroid he discovered“UofAlberta”— it’s located between Mars and Jupiter.6. The invention of early sonar in 1917 by faculty memberDr. Richard Boyle.7. Canada’s first successful open-heart surgery, performedin 1956 by faculty member Dr. John Callaghan.8. The life-saving Hepatitis B treatment, Heptovir, developedand administered for <strong>the</strong> first time in 1998 by facultymember Dr. Lorne Tyrrel.9. THE co-dISCOVEryOF insulin in 1922BY faculty memberDr. JAMES COLLIP,WHO worked withFrederick BANTING,CHArles BEST, andJOHN MACLEOd.Discovering insulin, 192210. Developing a new vaccine to combat Hepatitis C –UAlberta researcher Dr Michael Houghtondiscovered <strong>the</strong> vaccine, which could eventuallybe used to fight all strains of <strong>the</strong> disease.Photo credIT: WETA AND © 2009 TwentieTH Century FOXPicNIcs in qUAd

Alberta,CANADAAn inspiringblend ofnatural andurban spaces.Alberta’s Legislature Building, EdmontonWind mills in a canola field near pincher creek, Albertamore at www.travelalberta.com more at www.canada.travel more at www.canada.gc.ca

From coast to coast in Canada, you’ll findbreathtaking natural beauty and world-class,modern cities ready to welcome you. Canada is acelebration of different cultures coming toge<strong>the</strong>r toinspire one ano<strong>the</strong>r and be a part of “<strong>the</strong> true northstrong and free,” as it says in our national an<strong>the</strong>m.DRUMHelleR, ALBERTAAlberta is a province in Western Canada and ishome to <strong>the</strong> majestic Rocky Mountains, one of<strong>the</strong> most beautiful and scenic areas in <strong>the</strong> world.With an economy that remains strong in <strong>the</strong> globalmarketplace, Alberta offers a high quality lifestyle.It’s <strong>the</strong> perfect blend of bustling city life and <strong>the</strong>natural peace of <strong>the</strong> great outdoors.You can study hard all week and explore <strong>the</strong> Rockieson <strong>the</strong> weekend!Canada ranks 11th out of 186 countries on <strong>the</strong> UN’s 2013Human Development Index.oil pump near <strong>the</strong> town of leduc, albertasnowboarding in banff, Alberta2

EdmontonA city of greatinspirationEdmonton is Alberta’s capital city and <strong>the</strong> home ofone million people.Edmonton combines <strong>the</strong> best of an urban lifestylewith a peaceful, fresh outdoor environment. You canexperience <strong>the</strong> best of big-city life with Edmonton’smodern downtown and active business communityand enjoy <strong>the</strong> best of <strong>the</strong> outdoors, with fresh airand beautiful parks along <strong>the</strong> water’s edge.UAlberta’s main campus is in <strong>the</strong> centre of <strong>the</strong> city,so you can always feel like a part of <strong>the</strong> Edmontoncommunity. Edmonton represents and celebratescultures from all over <strong>the</strong> world. You can hearamazing stories from Edmontonians about where<strong>the</strong>y are from and what <strong>the</strong>y love about this city –just wait until you get here and <strong>the</strong>n you canshare yours!photo credIT Bill BURRIS• The North Saskatchewan River Valley stretches through <strong>the</strong>heart of <strong>the</strong> city, surrounding UAlberta’s main campus anddowntown. Edmonton is known for its vast urban parkland.You can hike, cycle, ski, swim, skate, and more, all in <strong>the</strong> city!• Check out 30+ festivals throughout <strong>the</strong> year — that’s whywe’re known as “Canada’s Festival City.”• The Edmonton Oilers hockey team and EdmontonEskimos football team offer exciting action for professionalsports fans.• Head to West Edmonton Mall, <strong>the</strong> world’s largest shoppingand entertainment complex!• Enjoy winter by heading out to Snow Valley for skiing andsnowboarding, all without leaving <strong>the</strong> city.photo credIT Bill BURRISEDMONTON folkfest• Visit <strong>the</strong> Muttart Conservatory which houses more than 700plant species in four beautiful glass pyramids.• Spend some time downtown at <strong>the</strong> Art Gallery of Alberta, aneye-catching building with a great collection of Canadian andinternational art.more at www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca /edmontonmore at www.edmonton.com

SUMMErJune to SeptemberHot days (up to 30ºC) full of sunshine.AVERAGEHIGH22°C72°FAVERAGELOW11°C52°FSprINGMarch to JuneAVERAGE17°C63°FPleasant, warm days with freshgreen grass.FALLSeptember to mid-novemberCool, crisp mornings with warmand sunny afternoons.AVERAGEHIGH9°C48°FAVERAGELOW-1°C32°FAVERAGE4°C39°FWINTErMid-november to marchRefreshing and invigorating dayswith sun and snow.AVERAGEHIGH10°C50°FAVERAGELOW-1°C32°FAVERAGE5°C41°FAVERAGEHIGH-4°C25°FAVERAGELOW-13°C9°FAVERAGE-8°C18°Fphoto credIT shelley coRNFIeldmontreal 764vancouver 1155AnnualRainfall(mm)toronto 710Edmonton 366AnnualEdmonton is a city to enjoy in all four seasons. There are so manygreat ways for you to enjoy Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer!You might think that life in Edmonton means facing cold winterwea<strong>the</strong>r year round, but that’s not true!vANcouver48 cmedmonton124 cmtoronto133 cmMontreal218 cmSnowfallSource: Environment Canada Climate Normals www.climate.wea<strong>the</strong>roffice.ec.gc.caEven when winter arrives and <strong>the</strong>re is snowon <strong>the</strong> ground, you can still see bright blue skyand sunshine. Edmonton is one of <strong>the</strong> sunniestplaces in Canada, with 17 hours of daylight in<strong>the</strong> summer and up to 10 hours in <strong>the</strong> winter.vancouver1928ToroNTo2038 2028MoNTRealEDMONTON2299Hours ofSunshineper year4

CampusesFind learning inspirationon five lively campuses5campusesCampus Saint-Jean,our French language campusoffering bilingual programsEnterprise Square,in downtown Edmonton,home of our English as aSecond Language programSouth Campus,<strong>the</strong> site of our newestathletic facilitiesAugustana Campus,located one hour south ofEdmonton in <strong>the</strong> city of CamroseNorth Campus, our main and largest campus,located in <strong>the</strong> heart of Edmontonmore at www.studYinCanada.ualBerta.CA/campuses

50+alumni branches worldwide18faculties6,008international studentsfrom 150 countriesfounded in190824languagestaught24varsity teams61national sport titles450student groups400research laboratoriesFASTFACTSnumber of bear2 mascots on campusnumber of real0 bears on campus1,000+students studying, working,researching abroad each year243,000+alumni worldwideschool colours:green& gold39,000studentsCanada’s 2ndlargest researchlibrary system200undergraduate graduateprograms programs170external research funding ofCAD $460 millionA member of <strong>the</strong> U15 Group ofCanadian Research UniversitiesMORE AT www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/facts6

inspiring Thingshappen in <strong>the</strong> UAlbeRTA commUNITy!Get involved,get inspired.<strong>International</strong> Week hosts 60+ guest speakers,cultural performances and special events thatfoster global citizenship and discussion of today’smost pressing global issues.www.iweek.ualberta.caPlay Around <strong>the</strong> Worldselects up to 12 UAlbertastudents for an annual threemonth placement in Thailandor Cambodia, to provideopportunities for play andrecreation to populations inneed, such as people withdisabilities, young offenders,and orphans.www.physedandrec.ualberta.ca/UndergraduatePrograms/<strong>International</strong>OpportunitiesMaybe you will be<strong>the</strong> next one tochange <strong>the</strong> world!Alumnus Jason Kapalka is a co-founderof PopCap Games, <strong>the</strong> company behindfavourite games such as Bejeweled andPlants Vs. Zombies.www.popcap.comAlumnus Michael Kaye is a worldfamousfashion designer, founder ofMichael Kaye Couture.www.michaelkayecouture.comNY1 anchorman Pat Kiernan is one of New York City’smost popular news personalities. He has coveredimportant events such as Hurricane Sandy and haseven appeared as himself in Hollywood movies, suchas <strong>the</strong> Avengers and Iron Man 3.www.patspapers.comHua Wei Chan, a UAlbertaalumnus from Malaysia,is now known as “TheHuman Calculator.”He placed second in<strong>the</strong> world at a mentalcalculations competitionheld in Germany.more at WWW.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/researCH

UAlberta physicistsplayed a major role inconfirming <strong>the</strong> existenceof <strong>the</strong> Higgs Bosonparticle, which has beencalled “The Discoveryof <strong>the</strong> Century.” Theirscientific expertiseaided in <strong>the</strong> creationof <strong>the</strong> ATLAS colliderfor <strong>the</strong> EuropeanOrganization for NuclearResearch (CERN).news.ualberta.caMaking a dIFFerenceTHRough reseARchANd innovATIonThe Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology at UAlberta is hometo some of <strong>the</strong> world’s best researchers, working to curevirus-based diseases.www.likashingvirology.med.ualberta.caCleankeys, created by alumnus Randy Marsden, is arevolutionary keyboard with advanced technology forrecognizing human touch. The keyboard can be wipedclean in seconds, and is preventing <strong>the</strong> spread of germsand infection in hospitals.www.cleankeys.co.ukThe School of Energy and <strong>the</strong> Environment is a unique,interdisciplinary school providing a virtual environmentfor research, education and discussion on critical issuessurrounding <strong>the</strong> environment, energy, and <strong>the</strong> economy.www.see.ualberta.caSupreme Court Chief Justice of Canada Beverly McLachlinis an alumna and <strong>the</strong> first woman to hold this role.www.scc-csc.gc.caAlumnus Joel Cohen is co-writer and co-executiveProducer of TV’s The Simpsons.www.imdb.com/name/nm1121389/BioWare, one of <strong>the</strong> best video game studios in <strong>the</strong>business, was founded in Edmonton by alumniRay Muzyka, Greg Zeschuk, and Augustine Yip.www.bioware.comThe Office of Sustainabilityunites <strong>the</strong> UAlbertacommunity with excellentprojects and programs thatpromote living in harmonywith our natural environment,including energy conservation,pollution prevention and wisewater use on campus.www.sustainability.ualberta.caActicoat, a life-saving bandage invented usingnanotechnology, was created by UAlberta engineerRobert Burell.www.cme.engineering.ualberta.ca/FacultyStaff/FacultyAcademicStaff/BurrellThe Edmonton Protocol, a revolutionary islettransplantation procedure for diabetes treatment,was developed by UAlberta researchers.www.islet.caWe are a step closer to worldwide solar energythrough <strong>the</strong> research of Dr. Jillian Buriak andDr. Michael Brett and <strong>the</strong>ir research team.whatsnext.ualberta.ca/affordable-solarenergy-coming-soon-to-everyone8

24 varsity teams — <strong>the</strong> “Golden Bears” & “Pandas”Art exhibits, concerts, <strong>the</strong>atres24-hour study spaces60+ special events during <strong>International</strong> Weekmore at www.Facebook.com/universityofalbertamore at www.Youtube.com/uofainsideout

The Gateway campus newspaperActive Students’ UnionCJSR campus radio station80 student services including health, academic,personal, financial, and employmentShops, restaurants, <strong>the</strong> Power Plant Lounge,Room at <strong>the</strong> Top LoungePools, courts, gyms, climbing walls, tracks, ice arenas, and more500 campus recreation activities, 28,000 participants per yearcredIT: <strong>the</strong> city of edMONTONMore than 450 clubs and associationsCampusFILL yourdAYS withINSPIrINGLifeACTIVITIESSee what students are saying about UAlberta on Facebook, YouTube and more! www.uofainsideout.ca10

ResidencesInspiring communitieswhere you’ll feel at homeLiving in a UAlberta residence is a great way tomake new friends and be a part of <strong>the</strong> campuscommunity.New international undergraduate students areguaranteed a space in residence if <strong>the</strong>y <strong>complete</strong><strong>the</strong> housing application by April 30th (somerestrictions apply).* IMPORTANT:You will need to <strong>complete</strong> a housing application in addition toyour application to study at UAlberta. Apply for housingat www.residence.ualberta.ca/ApplyForResidenceRestrictions to our housing guarantee are listed atwww.residence.ualberta.ca/ApplyForResidence/GuaranteedHousingBe sure to make arrangements for your accommodations early!Residence Rate EstimatesDormitory-style rooms: $600 – $1,208 per month,depending on room type and meal plan.Apartment-style units: $430 – $1,396 per month,depending on number of bedrooms.These residence rates are estimates effective May 1, 2013and are subject to change. For updated rates, please consultwww.residence.ualberta.ca/OurResidencesWhere to live for your first yearThere are eleven student residences at UAlberta, includingtwo new furnished apartment-style residences, PinecrestHouse and Tamarack House. Here are <strong>the</strong> residence optionsfor your first year at UAlberta:On North (main) campus:• Opened in September 2013, Pinecrest House is UAlberta’snewest international residence and houses undergraduatestudents in <strong>the</strong>ir first to third years. Located on <strong>the</strong> sceniceastern edge of campus, Pinecrest House is just steps fromclasses and libraries, <strong>the</strong> river valley and neighbourhoodamenities like grocery stores, banks and restaurants.Offers: Fully furnished four bedroom apartments• HUB Residence surrounds our campus shopping mall,which has many shops, restaurants, and services. 850residents live in HUB, representing nearly every nationalityin <strong>the</strong> world — you're surrounded by opportunities to meetnew people and make friends!Offers: unfurnished apartments of different sizes• Lister Centre is all about community! Residents haveaccess to great orientation programs with early moveindates, special events, an excellent academic supportsystem and <strong>the</strong> ability to customize <strong>the</strong>ir experience bychoosing quiet, alcohol-free or cohort floors. Lister hasmany great facilities like TV lounges, a convenience store,and more so that everything you need is right <strong>the</strong>re.Offers: furnished dormitory rooms and a meal planOn o<strong>the</strong>r campuses:Campus Saint-Jean and Augustana Campus students also enjoygreat residence life on <strong>the</strong>ir campuses. Residence Saint-Jeanand Augustana Residences are great environments to makenew friends and build your campus community.Lister Centre Common AreaCooking dinner in residencemore at www.residence.ualberta.ca

Meal plans and food optionsLister Centre offers a meal plan. This means that your mealfunds are loaded on to your ONEcard (your UAlberta studentID card), and you can use it like a bank card to pay for mealsat designated restaurants on campus, such as Lister Market,located in Lister Centre. Gluten-free, vegetarian and veganare among <strong>the</strong> many options available each day.international house<strong>International</strong> House (for students in 2nd year and above) offers Canadian andinternational students <strong>the</strong> chance to live, eat, and work toge<strong>the</strong>r, share interculturalunderstanding, and develop awareness of <strong>the</strong>mselves as global citizens.If you don’t have a meal plan through your residence, you canstill purchase food in your residence and around campus.There are numerous restaurants on and close to campusthat offer a variety of different cultural cuisines, includinghalal food.Off-Campus LivingUAlberta is located centrally in Edmonton, and <strong>the</strong>re aremany housing options available in this area and throughout<strong>the</strong> city. You can search for off-campus housing using <strong>the</strong>Students’ Union Housing Registry.www.su.ualberta.caLister centrePinecrestView 3-D Floor Plans atwww.residence.ualberta.ca/OurResidencesYou can explore UAlberta residenceson our YouTube channel!www.youtube.com/uofaresidenceshub mall12

INTERNATIONALCentREInspirING youTO succeedThe <strong>International</strong> Centre is a place whereinternational students at UAlberta go to get help,seek advice, and make new friends. You’re alwayswelcome to visit!The IC is located in HUB Mall, which is UAlberta’sshopping centre and a popular student residence.You will meet a group of friendly andknowledgeable staff that can help youadjust to life at UAlberta and, ultimately,have a great experience here.Here are just some of <strong>the</strong> ways that <strong>the</strong> ICcan help you:• A friendly airport greeting upon arrivalto Edmonton• UofA+: a 10 day academic orientationprogram designed to prepare studentsfor success in <strong>the</strong> Canadian classroom• The Transitions Orientation, a three-dayprogram that offers international studentsan overall introduction to UAlberta, aswell as <strong>the</strong> chance to meet staff, faculty,and new friends• Connection to senior students through <strong>the</strong> Peer program– a great way to partner with a domestic student to learnmore about Canada and get involved in social life on campus• General information on topics such as Alberta health care,social insurance numbers, taxes and immigration• Workshops and seminars on topics such asEnglish skills and workplace cultural differences• Social events, such as ski trips and movie nights• Volunteer and skill-building opportunities, such as Bridges,a program where international students go to schools topresent about <strong>the</strong>ir country and culturemore at www.Iss.ualberta.ca

STUdy, work,and rESEArCHabrOAdAS a UALBErTASTUdentINSPIrING opporTUNITIES toCONNECT with <strong>the</strong> worldExploring <strong>the</strong> world will inspire your mindas well as your future career options!At UAlberta, you’ll have a great Canadianexperience, but you can also have <strong>the</strong>chance to experience ano<strong>the</strong>r countryand culture through our EducationAbroad programs.• Travel to Ghana with placements related to nursing,education, and agriculture• Experience Germany, Brazil or China through <strong>the</strong> e3Summer Program, where you can study language, do aninternship, and <strong>complete</strong> academic coursework• Take part in Aga Khan University internships (teaching,service, or research) in Kenya, Tanzania, India, or Tajikistan• Spend a term or year studying in Scotland at <strong>the</strong>University of Edinburgh on a business exchangeHere are justsome of <strong>the</strong>possibilities:See a <strong>complete</strong> list of international opportunitiesand learn more at www.goabroad.ualberta.caUAlberta is connected to <strong>the</strong> world, withmajor partners around <strong>the</strong> globe includingIIT Bombay, <strong>the</strong> Smithsonian Institution,<strong>the</strong> China Scholarship Council, and more.As a student at UAlberta, you’ll have <strong>the</strong>chance to connect and gain experiencewith major companies, universities, ando<strong>the</strong>r organizations around <strong>the</strong> world.More than 1,000 UAlberta studentsgo abroad each year, choosing frommore than 40 destinations around <strong>the</strong>world. You’ll gain valuable internationalexperience that will inspire you, broadenyour perspectives, and impress yourfuture employers.Awards ranging from $750 to $3,750 areavailable for international, and Canadian,students to participate in <strong>the</strong>se programs!14

Worldof WorkWorking in Canada will give you valuableexperience that will help you build your futurecareer. You’ll learn new skills, meet new people,develop your language skills, earn extra income,and contribute to <strong>the</strong> community.Opportunities to work while you studyat UAlberta:• Work on Campus• Participate in <strong>the</strong> Off-Campus Work Program• Enroll in a Cooperative Work Program• Take part in Academic Internships and WorkExperience programswww.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/workingWork in Canada for three years afteryou graduate!After you graduate with a degree from <strong>the</strong> University ofAlberta, you are eligible to work for three years in Canadawith a post-graduation work permit.www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/work-postgrad.aspWhere do UAlberta students work while<strong>the</strong>y study?Here are some examples of jobs that students have during<strong>the</strong>ir studies. In addition to this list, <strong>the</strong>re are many moregreat opportunities in Edmonton, Alberta!• Research assistant or intern for a UAlberta office orlocal company• Bank teller• Barista in a coffee shop• Customer service representative in restaurants and shopsSee where real UAlberta studentsare working! Watch <strong>the</strong> video atwww.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/workingInspiring experiencesoutside <strong>the</strong> classroomAs a UAlbertastudent, I startedworking part-time (fulltimeduring <strong>the</strong> summer)as a research assistant.I helped LandmarkGroup Master Builderwith <strong>the</strong>ir BIM (buildinginformation model)development project. Themost important lessonI learned is to gain selfconfidence and to believemy role is very important to this company as wellas my co-workers. I BELONG to this company.This new mindset really helped me to gain lotsof confidence and has kept my future rollingtoward a healthy direction.I became a permanent employee shortly afterI finished my last exam in my final semester.ChinaCAPS: Your U of A Career Centre will help you through<strong>the</strong> job search process, give you valuable advice aboutresumes and interviews, and more.www.caps.ualberta.caIt’s important to note that working while you study is not asufficient way to finance your education at UAlberta and you mustnot rely on potential employment to meet your tuition and basic livingexpenses. You should ensure that you have adequate and securefunding for all years of your studies before beginning. Please notethat certain permits may be required in order to obtain employment.

Scholarships& AwardsRewardINGINSPIredLEArNINGAre you a leader in your high schoolcommunity? Have you excelledacademically in high school? If yes,<strong>the</strong>n you may be eligible for one ormore UAlberta scholarships. Last yearwe offered more than $25 million inundergraduate scholarships!UAlberta rewards excellentachievement by offeringundergraduate scholarships to topstudents. UAlberta is one of only afew universities in Canada with anumber of scholarships that areespecially for international students.You may be eligible for scholarshipsbased on your overall academicachievement, as well as your leadershipskills and extra-curricular activities.For more information on awards availability,application processes, and forms:www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/scholarshipsmore at www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/sCHolarsHIps16

What do youwant to studyHere is a sampling of your choices for undergraduate studies.There are many majors, minors, and specializations available.Augustana CampusBachelor of ArtsBachelor of Management inBusiness EconomicsBachelor of MusicBachelor of ScienceBachelor of Science /Bachelorof Education (Combined)Faculty of Agricultural,Life & EnvironmentalSciencesBSc Agriculture• Agricultural and ResourceEconomics• Animal Science• Crop Science• Sustainable Agriculture SystemsBSc Animal Health• Companion and PerformanceAnimals• Food Animals• Food Safety and QualityBSc Agricultural / Food BusinessManagement (Joint Programwith School of Business)• Agricultural BusinessManagement• Food Business ManagementBSc Environmental andConservation Sciences• Land Reclamation• Conservation Biology• Human Dimensions ofEnvironmental Management• Wildlife and RangelandResources Management• Environmental Economicsand PolicyBSc Sciences del’environnement et de laconservation (Bilingue)BSc Environmental andConservation Sciences /BA Native StudiesBA Environmental Studies (JointProgram with Faculty of Arts)BSc Forest BusinessManagementBSc ForestryBSc Human Ecology• Clothing, Textiles and MaterialCulture (minors include MaterialCulture and Design, TextileScience, Fashion Merchandisingand Interiors)• Family Ecology (minorsinclude Aging, Child and YouthStudies, Community Diversity,Community Ecology, CommunityNutrition, and <strong>International</strong>Development)BSc Human Ecology / Bachelorof EducationBSc Nutrition and Food Science• Food Science and Technology• Nutrition and Food• NutritionFaculty of ArtsBachelor of Arts• Ancient and Medieval History• Anthropology• Arts and Cultural Management(NEW) (minor only)• Art and Design• Central/East European Studies• Christian Theology (minor only)• Classical Languages (Greek andLatin)• Classics• Comparative Literature• Creative Writing• Criminology• Design (General, Business /Marketing, Computing Science,Engineering, Printmaking,Social Sciences)• Drama (General, Acting, Design,Technical Theatre)• East Asian Studies• Economics• English• Environmental Studies• Film Studies• History• History of Art, Design andVisual Culture• Human Geography• Individualized Studies• <strong>International</strong> Studies(minor only)• Latin American Studies• Linguistics• Ma<strong>the</strong>matics• Middle Eastern and AfricanStudies• Languages: American SignLanguage, Chinese, French,German, Greek and Latin,Hebrew (Biblical), Hungarian,Italian, Japanese, Korean,Persian, Portuguese, Polish,Punjabi, Russian, Scandinavian(Danish, Norwegian, andSwedish combined), Spanish,Swahili, Ukrainian• Native Studies• Music (General, Compositionand Theory, Music History,Performance, School Music,World Music)• Philosophy• Planning• Political Science• Psychology• Religious Studies• Science, Technology and Society• Sociology• Statistics• Women’s and Gender StudiesCertificates availablewith degrees• Certificate in Computer GameDevelopment (NEW)• Certificate in CommunityEngagement Service-Learning• Certificate in <strong>the</strong> Economicsand Management of NaturalResources, Energy and <strong>the</strong>Environment• Certificate in European Studies(NEW)• Certificate in Finance• Certificate in Globalization andGovernance• Certificate in <strong>International</strong>Learning (NEW)• Certificate in Middle Eastern andAfrican Studies• Certificate in Peace and Post-Conflict Studies• Certificate in Translation Studies• Certificate in World Sound ArtsFine Arts• Drama• Music• Visual ArtHumanities• English• Modern Languages• Philosophy and ReligionScience• Biology• Chemistry• Computing Science• Environmental Science• Environmental Studies – General• Environmental Studies – OutdoorEducation• Ma<strong>the</strong>matics and Physics• Physical Education – OutdoorEducation• Physical Education – Kinesiologyand Sport StudiesSocial Sciences• Economics• History• Interdisciplinary Studies (Globaland Development Studies)• Political Studies• Psychology• Physical Education – OutdoorEducation• Physical Education – Kinesiologyand Sport Studies• SociologySchool of BusinessBachelor of Commerce• Accounting• Business Economics and Law• Business Studies• East Asian Studies• Entrepreneurship and FamilyEnterprise• European Studies• Finance• Human Resource Management• <strong>International</strong> Business• Latin American Studies• Management Information Systemsmore at www.studyinCanada.ualbeRta.CA/programs

• Management and Organization• Marketing• Natural Resources, Energyand <strong>the</strong> Environment• Operations Management• Retailing and ServicesFaculty of EducATIonBachelor of Education –Elementary• Generalist MajorBachelor of Education –Secondary Education• Art• Biological Sciences• Career and Technology Studies• Chemistry• Drama• English Language Arts• General Sciences• Ma<strong>the</strong>matics• Music• Physical Education• Physical Sciences• Physics• Second Languages• Social StudiesFaculty of EngineeringBachelor of Science inEngineering• Chemical• Chemical (Computer ProcessControl)• Chemical (Biomedical)• Civil• Civil (Environmental)• Civil (Biomedical)• Computer• Computer (Software)• Computer (Nanoscale SystemDesign)• Electrical• Electrical (Biomedical)• Electrical (Nanoengineering)• Engineering Physics• Engineering Physics(Nanoengineering)• Materials• Materials (Biomedical)• Materials (Nano and FunctionalMaterials)• Mechanical• Mechanical (Biomedical)• Mining• PetroleumFaculty of LawJuris Doctor (JD)Master of BusinessAdministration and JurisDoctor (MBA/JD)Dual Juris Doctor (JD – with<strong>the</strong> University of Colorado)Faculty of Medicine &Dentistry• Dentistry• Dental Hygiene• Medical Laboratory ScienceFaculty of Native StudiesBachelor of Arts (NativeStudies)Bachelor of Arts (NativeStudies) / Bachelor ofEducation (Elementary,Secondary) Combined DegreeBachelor of Arts (NativeStudies) / Bachelor of Science(Environmental andConservation Sciences)Combined DegreeBachelor of Arts (NativeStudies) HonorsBachelor of Arts (NativeStudies) After DegreeCertificate in AboriginalGovernance and Partnership(university credit certificate orembedded within degree)Certificate in Aboriginal Sportand Recreation (offered jointlythrough <strong>the</strong> Faculty of PhysicalEducation and Recreation)Faculty of NursingNursing – 4-year BScN–Collaborative programNursing – 4-year BScN–Bilingual programNursing – 4-year BScN–Honors programNursing – 2-year BScN–After Degree programNursing – 2-year RPN toBScN programFaculty of Pharmacy &Pharmaceutical SciencesBachelor of Science inPharmacyDoctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)(NEW)Combined Masters of BusinessAdministration and Bachelor ofScience in Pharmacy (NEW)Faculty of PhysicalEducATIon & RecreationBachelor of Arts in Recreation,Sport, and TourismBachelor of Physical EducationBachelor of PhysicalEducation/ Bachelor ofEducation (combinedDegree in both Elementaryand Secondary routes)Bachelor of Science inKinesiologyCertificate in Aboriginal Sportand Recreation (offered Jointlywith <strong>the</strong> Faculty of NativeStudies) (NEW)Campus Saint-Jean(French-languageFaculty)Baccalauréat (1er cycle)• Humanités et sciences sociales/Humanités et sciences socialesavec spécialisation• Administration des affaires(bilingue)*• Éducation/Éducation et sciencescombinées/Éducation après unpremier diplôme• Sciences en génie (premièreannée)*• Sciences appliquées• Sciences de l’environnement etde la conservation (bilingue)*• Sciences infirmières (bilingue)**Ces programmes sont offerts encollaboration avec d’autres facultésde la University of AlbertaFaculty of scienceBachelor of Science• Animal Biology• Applied Ma<strong>the</strong>matics• Astrophysics• Atmospheric Sciences• Biochemistry• Bioinformatics (BiologicalSciences)• Bioinformatics (ComputingScience)• Biological Sciences• Cell Biology• Chemistry• Computing Science• Computing Science (BusinessMinor)• Computing ScienceSpecialization in SoftwarePractice• Computational Science(Ma<strong>the</strong>matics)• Earth and Atmospheric Sciences• Ecology• Environmental Earth Sciences• Evolutionary Biology• Geology• Geophysics• Immunology and Infection• Ma<strong>the</strong>matical Physics• Ma<strong>the</strong>matics• Ma<strong>the</strong>matics and Economics• Ma<strong>the</strong>matics and Finance• Microbiology• Molecular Genetics• Neuroscience• Paleontology• Pharmacology• Physical Sciences• Physics• Physiology• Physiology and DevelopmentalBiology• Planning (NEW)• Plant Biology• Psychology• StatisticsFaculty of GraduateStudies & ResearchThere are 110+ master’s and60+ PhD programs in morethan 300 research areas.www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/gradprograms18

What do youlike About yourUAlberta Faculty“Coming to UAlberta’sAugustana Campus inCamrose from a cityof 9 million was quite<strong>the</strong> change for me,but <strong>the</strong> experiencehas been highlyenjoyable.”Sandra GawadGad, EgyptBiologyAugustana Campus“I chose UAlbertabecause I heard greatthings about it when Iwas in grade 10 in AbuDhabi. It has been awonderful experienceattending UAlberta.I love working withstudents and reallyenjoy being in my fieldof Special Education.”Sara Al-Souqi,United ArabEmiratesBiological Sciences -Special EducationProgramFaculty of EducationSee Sara’s videowww.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/videos“One of <strong>the</strong> bestthings about<strong>the</strong> Faculty ofEngineering isthat you don’tneed to committo a specificfield in 1st year.”Rachita Bhatia,IndiaEngineeringFaculty ofEngineeringSee Rachita’svideowww.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/videos“I loved my classes from <strong>the</strong> beginning; <strong>the</strong>large variety of courses available and <strong>the</strong>multitude of choices were exciting and mademe really enthusiastic about my program.My favourite thingabout my programis that I have <strong>the</strong>freedom to choosemy courses. I wasable to take a lot ofreally interestingcourses that I neverthought I would beable to take.”LuizaDeaconescu,RomaniaPsychologyFaculty of Science“I chose UAlberta becauseit’s one of <strong>the</strong> topuniversities in Canada andaround <strong>the</strong> world. WhatI like most is that youhave <strong>the</strong> world withinone University. Ihave friends fromSaudi Arabia,China, Zimbabwe,Canada, Franceand many o<strong>the</strong>rcountries.”JoaquinBardallo,UruguayPolitical Scienceand LanguagesFaculty of Arts“I decided to join <strong>the</strong>Department of MechanicalEngineering as a PhDstudent because of <strong>the</strong>cultural diversity, prestigeand research quality of<strong>the</strong> university.”Pedro Mateo Villanueva,Dominican RepublicMechanical EngineeringFaculty of Graduate Studies & Research“Studying in this Facultyhas been mind-openingand inspiring. We areall are passionate aboutunderstanding <strong>the</strong>human body and <strong>the</strong>complex world that ishuman movementand health.”Maria Miranda,Costa RicaKinesiologyFaculty of PhysicalEducation & Recreation

“Les étudiants ici suiventdes cours en français.Cela me permet demaîtriser deux languesétrangères. La vie àl’Université de l’Albertaet au Campus Saint-Jean est vraimentune expériencemerveilleuse. Depuismon arrivée, je me suisdéjà intégrée, dans la vieet dans la communauté.”Yingxue Li, ChineFinanceCampus Saint-Jean“I am always attracted by <strong>the</strong> beautifulenvironment at <strong>the</strong> University of Alberta. Ienjoy crisp fresh air, snow, trees, and rabbitswhenever I take a walk around campus andnearby parks. The Faculty of Law has simplyan outstanding group of professors andstudents who are friendly, talented,dedicated and hard-working.”Sang Ho You, KoreaJuris DoctorFaculty of Law“The reason I chose pharmacyat UAlberta is because of itsunique curriculum and whereit’s heading by incorporating<strong>the</strong> PharmD program into<strong>the</strong> undergraduate courses.UAlberta is a great place to getyour degree... and have fun!”Mohamed Abdelrady,EgyptPharmacyFaculty of Pharmacy &Pharmaceutical Sciences“I was attracted to <strong>the</strong>university’s culturaldiversity and <strong>the</strong>opportunities to learnmore in a globallyfocused environment.I see UAlberta as aleading universityin agricultureresearch.”Aggar Frias,MexicoCrop ScienceFaculty of Agricultural,Life & EnvironmentalSciences“I chose UAlbertabecause it has<strong>the</strong> only Faculty ofNative Studies inCanada and thisdemonstrated tome that <strong>the</strong>y wereserious about myfield of study.”Jake Archie,CanadaNative StudiesFaculty ofNative Studies“The School of Business is knownfor its wonderful professors,venues for original research,and opportunities to apply whatis learned in <strong>the</strong> classroomin competitions and real lifesituations. In addition to workingtowards a Bachelor of Commerce,I continue to pursue my passionfor music and participate inmany volunteer efforts.”Olivia Ostrom, USA<strong>International</strong> BusinessSchool of Business“I have had an amazingexperience with <strong>the</strong>faculty, students,staff and <strong>the</strong> wholecommunity here at <strong>the</strong>University. I have alsothoroughly enjoyed<strong>the</strong> hospitality ofCanadians.”Geoffrey Maina,KenyaNursingFaculty of Nursing20

Faculty ofAgricultural, Life &Environmental SciencesChoose from over40 program optionsthat blend <strong>the</strong>orywith hands-onpractical learning,including fieldcourses, practicum placements, and paid workinternships. Our programs are directly related to keyemployment sectors, including <strong>the</strong> environment, foodand agriculture, human services,and animal care.Some career possibilities:• Food Scientist• Agrologist• Wildlife Biologist• Plant Biotechnologist• Soil Scientist• Foresterwww.ales.ualberta.ca• Land ReclamationManager• ManagementConsultant in <strong>the</strong>natural resourcesor food industries• FashionMerchandisingManager• Child and YouthProgrammer• EnvironmentalPolicy AnalystFaculty ofARTSWith over 100 years of success, we proudly offer some of<strong>the</strong> most diverse and acclaimed academic programs inCanada. Spanning across <strong>the</strong> social sciences, humanities,and fine arts, our graduates possess marketable degreeswith highly sought-after skills and knowledge.Some career possibilities:• Foreign Affairs Officer• Graphic and Industrial Designer• Economist• Politician• Public Relations and Communications• Policy and Financial Analyst• Humanitarian Aid Worker• Multinational Sales Representative• Investment Researcher• Business Owner• Social Entrepreneur• Administratorwww.arts.ualberta.caAugustana Campus(located in Camrose, Alberta)School ofBusinessAugustana Campus is located one hour south ofEdmonton in Camrose, Alberta. <strong>International</strong> studentsmake up 8% of our student population and represent25 different countries. Our close-knit communityintegrates international students with Canadianstudents in an active, friendly learning environment.Some careerpossibilities:• Artist• Business Manager• ComputerProgrammer• EnvironmentalPlanner• Entrepreneur• <strong>International</strong>Relations Specialist• Investment Banker• Journalist/Writerwww.augustana.ualberta.ca• Political Consultant• Research Scientist• Software Engineer• Teacher• Systems Analyst• Theatre Manager• TranslatorThe Alberta Schoolof Business providesBCom students with aworld-class education,leadership opportunities,and connections to<strong>the</strong> global community.Students connect to <strong>the</strong>business communityby studying businesscases, networking withbusiness leaders, andthrough active learningopportunities such asbusiness competitionsand conferences.www.business.ualberta.caSome careerpossibilities:• Accountant• Business Intelligence Analyst• Economic Policy Analyst• Financial Analyst• Human Resources Manager• Investment Banking Analyst• Information Systems OperationsManager• Marketing Coordinator• Public Relations Officer

Faculty ofEducationFaculty ofEngineeringWe are proud of a rich legacy as Canada’s first Facultyof Education. Our degree is recognized globally forits excellence, and our graduates teach in countriesthroughout <strong>the</strong> world, also pursuing numerous careersoutside of <strong>the</strong> classroom.Some career possibilities:• Professional Teacher• Educational Administrator• Educators / Trainers in <strong>the</strong> publicand private sectors• Educational Consultant• Educational Materials Publishing• Post-secondary employment(advisor, recruiter or administrator)• Childcare worker• Educational or vocational counselor<strong>International</strong> students: please consultwww.education.alberta.ca.certificationfor teacher certification requirements.www.education.ualberta.caThe Faculty of Engineeringoffers internationallyrespected undergraduateand graduate engineeringdegrees. Our degreesinclude cutting-edgeprogramming in areassuch as Biomedical, Nanotechnology, Energy, andNatural Resources Engineering.Some career possibilities:• Aero Space Engineer• Consulting Engineer• Field Engineer• Facilities Engineer• Operations Engineer• Process Engineer• Production Engineer• Project ManagementEngineerwww.engineering.ualberta.ca• Research &Development Engineer• Systems DesignEngineer• Video Game DesignerFaculty ofLawFaculty ofNative StudiesEstablished in 1912, <strong>the</strong>Faculty is one of Canada’sleading law schools,offering a wide range ofcourses covering legalfundamentals, practiceskills, and <strong>the</strong>oreticalinquiries.Some career possibilities:The Faculty of NativeStudies criticallyexamines <strong>the</strong> historicaland contemporaryrelations, identities, rightsand goals of Aboriginalpeoples, in Canadaand internationally.Native Studies combines Aboriginal knowledge with <strong>the</strong>scholarly standards and methods of <strong>the</strong> University to offera relevant, interdisciplinary education.• Law Firm Practice• Positions in Non-governmental• In-house CounselOrganizations• Positions in Government (e.g. • Positions in AcademiaProsecutions, JAG, Department ofForeign Affairs and <strong>International</strong>Some career possibilities:Trade, Policy Development) • Federal, Provincial, • Policy Analystwww.law.ualberta.caMunicipal, andAboriginal Governmentrepresentative• Aboriginal CommunityLiaison Officer• Health & WellnessCoordinator• EnvironmentalManagement:Consultant, ProjectManagerwww.ualberta.ca/nativestudies• Educational PolicyPlanning and Teaching• AboriginalConsultation Officer• Law22

Faculty ofNursingThe Faculty of Nursing is recognized nationally andinternationally for excellence in teaching and research,and offers a full range of undergraduate and graduatenursing programs.www.nursing.ualberta.caSome careerpossibilities:• Hospital-Based Nurse• Long-Term Care Nurse• Public Health Nurse• Occupational HealthNurse• Military Nurse• Home Care Nurse• Mental Health NurseFaculty ofPharmacy &Pharmaceutical SciencesQS World University Rankings by Subject rankedour Faculty 34th out of <strong>the</strong> top 200 universitiesworldwide. The Faculty celebrates 100 years in 2014.This milestone brings our students new opportunitiesduring an exciting period of growth.www.pharm.ualberta.caSome careerpossibilities:• Academic Researcher• Ambulatory clinics/Primary CareNetworks• Community Pharmacist• Government Positions• Hospital Pharmacist orPharmacist: health care settings• Industry-related positions:research, medical information, sales• Positions with insurance companies• Medical research/development• Medical salesFaculty ofPhysical Education &RecreationDiscover <strong>the</strong> art and science of human movement inCanada’s premier Faculty of Physical Education andRecreation. We offer outstanding programs in <strong>the</strong>fields of kinesiology, sport & exercise science, physicalactivity &health, leisure,recreation,and tourismleading to active,rewardingcareers!Some career possibilities:• Certified ExercisePhysiologist• Community Healthand WellnessPractitioner• Fitness Consultant• Pros<strong>the</strong>tist / Orthotist(graduate studiesrequired)• Recreational Therapist/ Adapted PhysicalActivity Specialistwww.physedandrec.ualberta.ca• Mental TrainingConsultant• Sport and RecreationFacilities / OperationsManagerCampus Saint-JeanLe Campus Saint-Jean(CSJ) est un joyaufrancophone au coeur del’Ouest canadien. Il s’agitd’un campus ouvert surle monde où l’on vit uneriche diversité culturelleet linguistique.Quelques caRRières potentielles:• Représentanten commerceinternational• Spécialistedes politiquesenvironnementaleswww.csj.ualberta.ca• Analyste financier• Ingénieur pétrolier• Chercheur en sciencesbiomédicales• Fonctionnaireinternational• Enseignant• Ingénieur biomédical• Spécialiste eninvestissementsbancaires

Faculty ofScienceWhat do a Nobel Laureate, Global Environmentalist,and Discovery Channel TV personality have in common?A UAlberta, Faculty of Science degree. We valuediscovery, critical thinking, and a passion for science,giving you <strong>the</strong> skills, confidence, and knowledge tobuild your career.Some careerpossibilities:• EnvironmentalConsultant (wea<strong>the</strong>rmodification andglobal change)• Water PurificationChemist• Geologist• Geophysicist(petroleum,environment, datacollection)www.science.ualberta.ca• Investment Analyst• Food & Drug Inspector• Network Architect• Environmental& RegulatorySpecialistFaculty ofGraduate Studies& ResearchThe Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research is hometo more than 7,500 graduate students – <strong>the</strong> largestcontingent of researchers on campus and <strong>the</strong> mostinternational in Canada. Our students, in partnershipwith award-winning faculty, play a fundamental rolein making groundbreaking discoveries. We offer morethan 110 master’s and60 doctoral degreesin more than 300research areas, as wellas great opportunitiesto conduct researchabroad through formalexchange agreements,internships, andfield work.www.gradstudies.ualberta.caFaculty ofMedicine &DentistryLimited enrolment forinternational students.School ofPublic HealthGraduate programs only.Faculty ofRehabilitationMedicineGraduate programs only.The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistrytrains physicians, researchers in <strong>the</strong>basic and clinical sciences, dentists,dental hygienists, and medicallaboratory scientists for Alberta,Canada, and <strong>the</strong> world. There is anoutstanding environment covering<strong>the</strong> spectrum of health research,with scientists who are highlysought after by research centresin North America and Europe.Admission to <strong>the</strong> DDS and Dental Hygieneprograms is limited. 85% of <strong>the</strong> places in <strong>the</strong>program are reserved for Alberta residents, fivepercent for international students and ten percentfor non-Albertan Canadians. Entrance to <strong>the</strong>Doctor of Medicine (MD) program is restricted tostudents who are Canadian citizens or permanentresidents of Canada (landed immigrants).www.med.ualberta.caUAlberta is home to Canada’sonly accredited school of publichealth. Its focus is protecting andpromoting <strong>the</strong> health of populations,as well as preventing disease andinjury. Graduate programs preparea new generation of skilled publichealth professionals to tackle<strong>the</strong> challenges facing our globalpopulation and improve <strong>the</strong>health of people.www.publichealth.ualberta.caThe Faculty of RehabilitationMedicine offers MSc programsin physical <strong>the</strong>rapy, occupational<strong>the</strong>rapy, and speech languagepathology, as well as MSc and PhDprograms in rehabilitation science.We are <strong>the</strong> only free-standingfaculty of rehabilitation in NorthAmerica and <strong>the</strong> destination ofchoice for rehab professionals.www.rehabmed.ualberta.ca24

How to applyfor undergraduate studiesCheck out program options, admission requirements, and deadlines.1Explore <strong>the</strong> impressive list of our program options (page 17)! • Check to find out what <strong>the</strong> admission subjectChoose a Faculty and program appropriate for you.requirements are for your program.www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/programs• Find out <strong>the</strong> application and document deadlines.You will need to:NOTE: Some programs can be entered directly from high• Check UAlberta’s English language proficiency school, while o<strong>the</strong>rs require pre-professional study whichrequirements. If you are applying to Campus Saint- can be <strong>complete</strong>d at UAlberta.Jean, you will need to check <strong>the</strong> French language You can choose a maximum of two different programs,proficiency requirements.in <strong>the</strong> order of your preference.2Submit your application online.Fill out <strong>the</strong> online application for admission atwww.registrar.ualberta.ca/applyYou can fill out <strong>the</strong> application now and send yourdocuments later.Tips:• Be sure to use your full legal name on <strong>the</strong> applicationform (as it appears in your passport).• Include your personal email address on yourapplication form (you will need to validate your emailas part of <strong>the</strong> application process).• You will be required to submit a CAD $115 applicationfee by credit card.• Make sure that you receive and save <strong>the</strong> electronicreceipt to confirm that your application was submittedsuccessfully.• If you are unable to submit <strong>the</strong> application form online,a paper application form can be downloaded in pdfformat at www.registrar.ualberta.ca/forms3Wait to receive your Ualberta email and I.D.sIf you apply online, you will receive important informationfrom UAlberta by e-mail within 48 hours of submittingyour application.You will receive:• Your 7-digit ID number (include this with anycorrespondence with <strong>the</strong> university).• Your Campus Computing ID (CCID) and password,which you will use to access Bear Tracks, where youcan track <strong>the</strong> status of your application for admissionat https://www.beartracks.ualberta.ca• Login information for your UAlberta webmail account.This is your personal e-mail account with <strong>the</strong>University. The University will be sending importantnotifications to you on this e-mail account. You arerequired to activate this e-mail account as soon aspossible and check it regularly.NOTE: See UAlberta’s Electronic Communications Policyat https://www.registrar.ualberta.ca/ecommunications4Submit interim documents for Early Admission consideration.Starting as early as November, your application willbe evaluated for Early Admission after we receive <strong>the</strong>necessary documents.With an Early Admission letter, you will be able tostart your study permit application and be eligible toregister in courses earlier than if you wait until <strong>the</strong>final document deadlines. Early Admission is not FinalAdmission. You will need to <strong>complete</strong> Step 8 and submitofficial and <strong>complete</strong> documents by <strong>the</strong> deadline.High school students: Submit a school transcript thatshows all of <strong>the</strong> courses you have already taken andgrades you have already received, as well as coursesstill in progress.Postsecondary transfer students: can also beconsidered for Early Admission to many programs.Submit transcripts for your entire academic record(high school and postsecondary). For <strong>the</strong> current year inprogress, you must submit all <strong>the</strong> transcripts up to and

567Explore sCHolarship opportunities.UAlberta rewards excellent achievement byoffering undergraduate scholarships to topstudents. You may be eligible for scholarshipsbased on your overall academic achievement,as well as your leadership skills and extracurricularactivities.www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/scholarshipsApply to live on-campus.All international students who apply for housingbefore April 30, 2014 are guaranteed a space in one ofour residences for <strong>the</strong>ir first year. This application isseparate from your application to study at UAlberta.If you have a preference for a particular residencecommunity (page 11), make sure you apply as earlyas possible, starting October 1, 2013.You can submit your housing application once youhave applied for admission and obtained your 7-digitUAlberta student ID number. You can apply onlineat www.ualberta.ca/residencesThere is a CAD $175 application fee for housing (apartial refund of $150 may be available if you are unableto attend and cancel before room offers are made).Apply for your study permit.In order to study in Canada, you will need a studypermit. Application processing time can take upto three months. We encourage you to apply foryour study permit well in advance of your programstart date.You can use your letter of Early Admission tostart your study permit application.For <strong>complete</strong> information on immigrationand application requirements, consult <strong>the</strong>Government of Canada website at www.cic.gc.ca8Send your offICIal and<strong>complete</strong> documents by<strong>the</strong> deadline.Your application will be processed for Final Admissiononce we have received all of <strong>the</strong> required documentsby <strong>the</strong> deadline.www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/documentsEven if you are offered Early Admission, you mustsend all required documents and meet all conditionslisted in your Early Admission letter in order tofinalize your admission.Documents must be sent to UAlberta’s Registrar’sOffice directly from <strong>the</strong> authorized issuing institutionby <strong>the</strong> posted deadlines.The typical documents you will be required toprovide are:• Proof of English language proficiency(eg. TOEFL, IELTS, etc).• If you are applying to Campus Saint-Jean, proofof French language proficiency is required.• High school grades and transcripts, certificates,and/ or diplomas.• Transcripts from any postsecondary institutionsyou have attended.• Detailed course descriptions for eachpostsecondary course <strong>complete</strong>d outsideof Canada.• Official English translation of all documentationnot issued originally in English or French.including: first semester results; second semester registrationfor <strong>the</strong> institution you are currently attending; official and finaltranscripts for any o<strong>the</strong>r institutions previously attended; anddetailed course descriptions of each course .All applicants must also submit evidence of English languageproficiency (score or scheduled test date). If you are applyingto Campus Saint-Jean, proof of French language proficiencyis required.Remember to include your UAlberta 7-digit ID number with alldocuments. Visit www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/documentsfor more information on what you will need to provide.Send your documents to:University of AlbertaOffice of <strong>the</strong> Registrar andStudent Awards201 Administration BuildingEdmonton, AB, CanadaT6G 2M7www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/apply26

You can get advanced standingor transfer credit if you successfully<strong>complete</strong> certain high school courses.UAlberta can offer you transfer credit, advancedplacement, or <strong>the</strong> opportunity for credit by specialassessment if you have demonstrated excellencein specific subject areas under <strong>the</strong> GCE A-Level, IB,and AP curricula.www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/advancedstandingYou can apply now and <strong>the</strong>n sendyour documents later.To start <strong>the</strong> application process, you just need to<strong>complete</strong> <strong>the</strong> Application for Undergraduate Studiesform and submit it. The application deadline for mostdirect entry programs is May 1, but <strong>the</strong>re are someexceptions. Documents have a later deadline, (June 15or August 1 for most programs) so you can send <strong>the</strong>mlater on, although you should try to send <strong>the</strong>m as soonas possible to get an admissions decision sooner.www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/documentsUAlberta accepts manydifferent international curricula.In addition to IB, AP, British, and US-basedcurricula, UAlberta accepts many local highschool curricula from around <strong>the</strong> world.Consult our website to see which curriculaare accepted from your country.www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/admissionsYou can track<strong>the</strong> progress of yourapplication online.When you submit your application to studyat UAlberta, you will receive an ID andlogin for Beartracks, our online systemwhere you can track your applicationstatus. Eventually, you can also use it toregister for your courses.https://www.beartracks.ualberta.caYou don’t have to make<strong>the</strong> final decision about your majorand minor right away.UAlberta offers 200+ undergraduate programs soyou have great flexibility to tailor your degree to yourinterests. In some programs, you can enroll in a Facultybut wait up to your third year to declare your major andminor areas of study.www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/admissionsknow?Did youThe Bridging Program isfor excellent students who meet allof UAlberta’s academic criteria but stillneed to improve <strong>the</strong>ir English skills inorder to enter a degree program.Students can take English language courses atualberta and earn academic credit at <strong>the</strong> sametime. After you <strong>complete</strong> <strong>the</strong> BP successfully,you can continue as a full-timeundergraduate student.www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/bridgingYou can <strong>complete</strong> your preprofessionalyear at UAlberta.Most undergraduate programscan be entered directly from highschool, but some require at leastone year of pre-professional studybefore you can apply. You cantake all of your pre-professionalcourses at UAlberta.more at www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca

UndergraduateAdmissionsAdmission is based on your <strong>complete</strong> academic history and achievement inthree main areas:• Completing anundergraduate program willgive you a Bachelor’s Degree.• An undergraduate programwill last four years onaverage. Some programsmay take longer to <strong>complete</strong>.1. Your English Language ProficiencySee page 29 for English language proficiency requirements.2. Your academic history, showingthat you have fulfilled <strong>the</strong> academicsubject requirementsFor example, students from high school must show that <strong>the</strong>y havesuccessfully <strong>complete</strong>d five admission subjects. The admissionsubjects you need to present will vary by program and Faculty.Find out which subjects you will need to present for your programof choice at:www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/admissionsSome programs may have postsecondary prerequisites.3. Your grades on <strong>the</strong> academicsubject requirements (as shownon your transcripts)The minimum admission average to be accepted to UAlbertavaries depending on <strong>the</strong> Faculty and program of your choice.The averages change each year.www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/gpaELP SubjectsGPA28

English language proficiency requirement (elp)• All undergraduate applicants toEnglish-speaking and bilingualprograms need an adequate levelof English language proficiencybefore admission, regardless of <strong>the</strong>ircitizenship status or country of origin.• The University of Alberta reserves <strong>the</strong> right to usediscretion in determining adequate levels of languageproficiency to ensure success in academic programs.In some cases, additional English language testing,conducted by <strong>the</strong> Faculty of Extension, may be requiredto confirm English language proficiency.How can I show that I’vemet <strong>the</strong> requirement?Completing a test ofEnglish LanguageProficiency andearning <strong>the</strong> minimumscore required byUAlberta.(See Note 4)UAlberta will accept one of <strong>the</strong> following:TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language).IELTS (Academic) (<strong>International</strong> English Language TestingSystem).CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language assessmentexam).Details and conditionsiBT: at least 86, with a minimum score of21 points in each section,or, Paper based: 580At least 6.5 with no band less than 5.0.At least 70CanTEST (Canadian Test of English for Scholars and Trainees). At least 4.5, with no part less than 4.0CAE (Certificate in Advanced English, also known asCambridge English: Advanced).At least BCPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English, also known asCambridge English: Proficiency).At least CCompleting certaincoursesthat have beenapproved byUAlberta, andachieving a certainminimum gradein that course.(See Note 4)Previous Educationin English(See Notes 1, 2, 3, 5)Completing UAlberta’sBridging ProgamSpoken Englishlanguage proficiency(required by some programs)If you select a program related to HealthSciences or Education, you will be requiredto meet <strong>the</strong> spoken English languageproficiency requirement. Please refer to<strong>the</strong> UAlberta Calendar for how to meetthis requirement (Section 13.3.2).MELAB (Michigan English Assessment Battery). At least 85PTE (Pearson Test of English) (Academic) At least 59English Language Arts 30-1 course(Alberta or BC High School)<strong>International</strong> Baccalaureate English A1, A2<strong>International</strong> Baccalaureate English B1, B2Advanced Placement English.O-level, GCSE, IGCSE, AS-level or A-level English Languageor Literature course6 credits of transferable university-level English Languageand Literature <strong>complete</strong>d at a postsecondary institutionwhere English is <strong>the</strong> language of instructionThe University of Alberta’s ESL 140/145Successful completion of three years of full-time educationin English in: Canada (including Grade 12 year), or ano<strong>the</strong>rcountry where English is recognized as <strong>the</strong> official languageof instruction, or in a recognized school/institution whereEnglish is <strong>the</strong> primary language of instruction.Successful completion of <strong>the</strong> equivalent of three years offull-time instruction in a school/institution in Canada in which<strong>the</strong> major language of instruction is o<strong>the</strong>r than English.Graduation from a degree program offered by an accreditedUniversity at which English is <strong>the</strong> primary language ofinstruction.Final blended grade of 75% or betterA grade of 5 or betterA grade of 6 or betterA grade of 4 or better on <strong>the</strong> AP EnglishCollege Board examinationA grade of B or better (See Note 6)A grade of B+ or betterSuccessful completionSuch education must include AlbertaGrade 12 or its equivalent level, andcan be a combination of secondary andpostsecondary education.The level of English proficiency required forgraduation is equivalent to that in Englishlanguage schools/institutions in Canada.The University must be located in a countrywhere English is <strong>the</strong> primary language.Academically qualified students who do not meet <strong>the</strong> English Language Proficiency requirements listedabove should consider UAlberta’s Bridging Program. www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/bridgingNote 1: Enrolment in English as a second language (ESL)courses or programs will not be included in <strong>the</strong> calculation ofthree years of full-time study. Enrolment must be in a regularhigh school or postsecondary for-credit program. Wherestudents are registered in both ESL and regular programs, <strong>the</strong>ESL hours will be deducted from <strong>the</strong> total educational hours.Note 2: Proof of three years of education must be submittedin <strong>the</strong> form of official transcripts (including details on courseenrolment and hours of instruction).Note 3: Failing grades/courses will not be counted whencalculating full-time attendance. Only courses withpassing grades will be considered.Note 4: Standardized test results must be issued directlyfrom <strong>the</strong> testing office. Photocopies will not be accepted.Test scores must be valid and verifiable.Note 5: For a list of countries and universities that are recognizedas having met UAlberta’s English language proficiencyrequirement, visit: www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/elpNote 6: In countries where alpha-grades are fur<strong>the</strong>r definedby numerical grades, a minimum grade of 3 is required tomeet ELP (For example: a grade of B3).more at www.studyincanada.ualberta.CA/elp

CommonequivalencycomparisonsEquivalency comparisons (commonly seen in <strong>the</strong> American System)Find <strong>the</strong> five subjects required for your UAlberta program at www.studyinCanada.UALBERTA.CA/ADMISSIONSConsult this table to see which high school courses you can present in order to meet <strong>the</strong> subject requirements.Meet <strong>the</strong> subject requirements for your program using <strong>the</strong> prerequisites listed here:Subject RequirementsWill Vary by ProgramEnglishUSA-curriculumHigh School CoursesAdvancedPlacementSAT Subject Test/Critical ReadingIB coursesFour years of English LanguageArts/Literature with a course at<strong>the</strong> senior levelEnglishSAT Critical Reading with a minimumscore of 550English A1, A2 HL or SL orB1, B2 HL or SLUSA-curriculum applicants: All required courses from Group A (Humanities/Social Sciences) and Group B (Fine Arts) must be met by presenting acceptedscores from ei<strong>the</strong>r IB, or AP, or SAT Subject Test (SAT ST) results, or High School Grade 12 (equivalent) course marks.If a high school course mark is to be used, <strong>the</strong> applicant must also meet <strong>the</strong> SAT Reasoning Test (SAT RT) or ACT requirement as follows:• SAT RT: minimum combined score of 1650 with a minimum of 550 on each section, or• ACT: minimum composite score of 24Group AsubjectsHumanities/Social SciencesIncludes:• English (Literature& Composition)• Languages o<strong>the</strong>rthan English• History• Cultural Geography• Social studies• EconomicsGroup BsubjectsFine ArtsIncludes:• Art• Drama• MusicThree years of high schoolcourses including <strong>the</strong> Grade 12year plus one of <strong>the</strong> followinga) SAT RT: minimum combinedscore of 1650 with aminimum of 550 on eachsection, orb) ACT: minimum compositescore of 24Three years of <strong>the</strong> same Fine Artssubject (e.g. 3 years of Music or3 years of Art, including <strong>the</strong> Grade12 year) plus one of <strong>the</strong> followinga) SAT RT: minimum combinedscore of 1650 with a minimumof 550 on each section, orb) ACT: minimum compositescore of 24Government andpolitics, HumanGeography,European History,World History, anyLanguage at <strong>the</strong>AP level, US History,Micro Economics,Macro Economics,PsychologyArt History, StudioArt, Music TheoryAmerican History: and SocialStudies (minimum score of 620)World History:(minimum score of 620)French: (minimum score of 580)German: (minimum score of 560)Latin: (minimum score of 600)Modern Hebrew:(minimum score of 600)Italian: (minimum score of 620)Spanish: (minimum score of 570)Korean: (minimum score of 600)Japanese: (minimum score of 620)Chinese: (minimum score of 750)N/A• Anthropology • Economics • Geography• History • History of <strong>the</strong> Americas •History of Europe • History of Africa •History of Asia & Middle East • Historyof Asia & Oceania • Islamic History• Philosophy • Psychology • Arabic• Bengali • Bosnian • Bulgarian •Cantonese • Chinese • Czech • Danish• Dutch • Finnish • French • German• Greek • Hindi • Indonesian • Italian •Japanese • Latin • Mandarin •Norwegian• Polish • Portuguese • Russian • Slovak• Spanish • Swahili • Swedish • TurkishInformation Technology in a GlobalSociety (HL)• Art & Design • Dance • Film • Music• Theatre (Drama Theatre Arts) •Visual ArtsUSA-curriculum applicants: All required courses from Group C (Ma<strong>the</strong>matics/Sciences) must be met by presenting an accepted score from ei<strong>the</strong>r<strong>International</strong> Baccalaureate (IB), or Advanced Placement (AP) or SAT Subject Test (SAT ST) results.Group CsubjectsMa<strong>the</strong>matics(Algebra, Geometry,Trigonometry)N/AThere is no APcourse that meetsthis requirementfor admissionCalculus N/A Calculus AB,Calculus BCMa<strong>the</strong>matics Level 2 or Ma<strong>the</strong>maticsIIC with a minimum score of 600There is no SAT Subject test inCalculusBiology N/A Biology Biology E or Biology M with aminimum score of 590Chemistry N/A Chemistry Chemistry with a minimum scoreof 600• Ma<strong>the</strong>matics • Math StudiesMa<strong>the</strong>maticsBiologyChemistryPhysics N/A Physics Physics with a minimum score of 600 PhysicsO<strong>the</strong>r Sciences N/A EnvironmentalSciences, Statistics,Computer Science A,Computer Science ABN/A• Computing Science • Design Technology• Environmental Systems/EnvironmentalSystems and SocietyNote: Advanced or Honors courses in <strong>the</strong> USA curriculum may meet <strong>the</strong> subject requirements for admission.UAlberta accepts many different international curricula in addition to those listed here.Learn more at www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/admissions30

Application DeadlinesDocument DeadlinesFall/Winter (September entry)Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences . . . . . . . . May 1ArtsBA (Criminology) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 1All o<strong>the</strong>r programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1Augustana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 1EducationBEd and BEd After Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1BEd (Adult Education Route) . . . . . . . Contact DepartmentEducation (Diploma) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 1Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 1Medicine & DentistryBSc (Dental Hygiene Specialization)Post-Diploma Degree Completion . . . . . . . . . November 1dental Hygiene Diploma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 1Dentistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 1Medical Laboratory Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 1Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 1Native Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences . . . . . . . . . . March 1BSc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 1doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) . . . . . . . . . . September 1Physical Education & Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1Campus Saint-JeanBA, BSc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1Bilingual BCom and BEd (Elementary, Secondary) . . March 1BSc Nursing (Bilingual) apply to Faculty of Nursing. February 1All o<strong>the</strong>r programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1Open Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 31Winter Term (January entry)Spring/Summer Terms (May entry)Summer Term (July entry)Refer to UAlberta Calendar at www.registrar.ualberta.ca/calendarThe academic year is divided into four terms.Fall Term September to DecemberWinter Term January to AprilSpring Term May to mid-JuneSummer Term July to mid-AugustThe majority of undergraduate programs accept applicationsfor <strong>the</strong> Fall Term only, but <strong>the</strong>re are several programsthat can admit in Winter or Spring. Complete details ondeadlines and application procedures can be found on ourwebsite at www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/admissionsFall/Winter (September entry)The document deadlines for most UAlberta programs are:High school applicants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 1Postsecondary/transfer applicants . . . . . . . . . . . . June 15The following programs have different deadlines or require additionaldocumentation:ArtsBA (Criminology) – references, résuméand written statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 1transcripts and interview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 1BFA (Art and Design) and BDesignportfolio submission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1BFA (Drama) in Acting – audition application . . . January 11BFA (Drama) in Theatre Designreferences, portfolio submission . . . . . . . . . . . April 1BFA (Technical Theatre)letter of intent, references, interview, and résumé . . April 1BMus and BMus/BEd – audition application . . . . . . . May 1AugustanaAll applicants – residency application . . . . . . . . . August 1BA (Music Major or Minor) – interview . . . . . . . . . April 15BSc (Music Minor) – interview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 15BMus – audition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 15Education (Diploma) – all documents . . . . . . . . . . . . June 1Law – all documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 1Medicine & Dentistrydentistry – Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) . . . . . . . January 15Medical Laboratory Science – letter of intent . . . . . . May 1dentistry and Diploma in Dental Hygiene –All previously <strong>complete</strong>d course work andcourse registration of current year. . . . . . . . November 1Fall term final grades and Winter Termregistration of current year . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 1Medicine – Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT),interview and letters of reference,all previously <strong>complete</strong>d course work,and course registration of current year . . . . . November 1Fall Term final grades and Winter Term registrationof current year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .February 1Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical SciencesBSc – letter of intent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 1PharmD – see UAlberta Calendar 15.12.3 . . . . September 15Open Studies Consult UAlberta Calendar §12.7Winter Term (January entry)Spring/Summer Terms (May entry)Summer Term (July entry)Refer to UAlberta Calendar at www.registrar.ualberta.ca/calendarDon’t wait until <strong>the</strong> deadline to send yourdocuments! The earlier we recieve your documents,<strong>the</strong> earlier we can consider you for admission.

Tuition&Cost of LivingEstimate$$Tuition & Fees $ 20,076Note: this estimate isbased on <strong>the</strong> 2013/14rates for undergraduatestudents in <strong>the</strong> Facultiesof Arts and Science.On-CampusAccommodation(shaRED) 1On-CampusAccommodation(PRIVATE APARTMent)8 monthsBased on 30 creditsin 8 months (CAD)$2,952 - $6,848$5,800 - $8,560NotesO<strong>the</strong>r Faculties may have a higherrate of tuition, for example:$23,866 Faculty of Engineering$25,982 School of BusinessVisit: www.studyincanada.ualberta.ca/tuitionfor current estimates for all Faculties.For student residences that rangefrom dormitory-style rooms tofour-bedroom, shared apartments.Food$2,160Clothing$400??Bus PassBooks and SuppliesO<strong>the</strong>r items$0$1,200$1,480A student bus pass for Septemberto April is included in UAlberta’snon-instructional fees.The miscellaneous category includesphone ($50/month), laundry($30/month), pharmacy ($15/month),Recreation & Entertainment ($50/month)and Dental ($20/month).total (CAD)total (usd)$28,258$28,1421 Canadian dollar = $0.9959 US dollars(average exchange rate from June2012 to June 2013 (www.oanda.com)Please note: The rates listed on this page are estimates and are subject to change.Consult <strong>the</strong> UAlberta website for additional information.

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